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To the faculty of
El Salvador City

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements to the course
In Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship



1.1 Background of the study

Consumers perceive organic foods as more nutritious, natural, and environmentally

friendly than non-organic or conventional foods. Since organic foods developed, studies on
consumer behavior and organic foods have contributed significantly to its development
(Raghava R. Gundala, Anupam Singh Published: September 10, 2021 According to Dr.Saurabh of Auriga Research
and Director at Arbro Pharmaceuticals, organic foods have gained popularity because people
have become aware of their benefits. They contain no chemical pesticides and fertilizers and
are grown naturally with manure or compost and only natural pesticides and insecticides are
used. Consumers also associate organic food with natural process, care for the environment
and animal welfare and the non-use of pesticides and fertilizers. Premium price continues to
suppress organic food consumption. Understanding the grounds of increasing level of organic
food consumption such as motivation are most critical in understanding the potential of the
organic food to become a genuinely mainstream market (Farah Ayuni Shafie and Denise
Rennie, 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of
Centre for Environment-Behaviour

Studies (cE-Bs), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi

MARA, Malaysia). In the last decades, there has been a progressive increase in environmental
consciousness of consumers, and the concern about the environment moved from a fringe to a
mainstream issue (Alberto Pastore and Camilla Parbaross, Reseach Tittle; Why people do not
buy environmentally friendly products. An exploratory approach) . Ethical consumers have
emerged and their main concerns are buying products that is not harmful to environment and
society, as well as strong emphasize on nutritional value, health and quality of food.
Consumers have become dissatisfied with conventional food products that are produced by
adopting intensive agriculture (Song Bee Lian, Liew Chee Yong, Assessing the Young
Consumer’s Motives and Purchase Behavior for Organic Food: An Empirical Evidence from
a Developing Nation, published January 29, 2019).
Despite market proliferation, consumers are confused about the meaning of foods that
are marketed as natural or organic. For example, many American costumers do not know the
requirements that must be meet in order to label a product organic or the difference between
organic and local. Furthermore, as stories percolating in the media have challenged the
positive nutritional and ecological benefits of organic foods, consumers find it difficult to
verify the value of their purchases (Zachary Schrank; Individualist and Collectivist Consumer
motivations in local organic food markets. Even if organic products are perceived as difficult
to find and expensive, most consumers judge them positively. All consumers associate
organic products with health at different levels of abstraction and want good, tasty and
nourishing products, because pleasure and wellbeing are their most important values. Results
show that differences exist between groups of consumers with respect to their frequency of
use (experience) of organic products and level of information (expertise). Reports and
discusses results on consumer cognitive structures at different level of experience.

Past literature on organic food have generated extensive insights into motives of
consumers purchase behavior of organic food products. However, little attempt of past
research studies that have investigated consumers purchasing behavior of organic food. Some
of the prominent motivating factors to purchase organic foods include environmental concern,
health concern and lifestyle, product quality and subjective norms. Consumer behavior has
grown in importance and popularity as a topic of various scientific studies. Understanding
consumer buying behavior toward organic foods is essential to pursuing better marketing and
management of the market. This can help us learn about the consumers attitudes and beliefs
impact their consumption patterns. This study is to assess the impact of consumer's
motivation in purchasing decisions about organic food. Although many factors can affect
consumer buying behavior, we chose health concerns, higher nutritional value, better, and
environmental sustainability. As a result, we will be able to know the impact of motivations
in the perspective of consumers toward organic food. The market size for organic food
products remained meagre due to supply and demand side constraints.
1.1 Theoretical Framework
This current study will be anchored on these supporting theory;

Theory of Health Consciousness

The theory of health consciousness is the most commonly stated motivations in purchasing
organic food by consumers (Pham, T.H. 2018). Consumers believed that organically grown foods
are safer, better nutritional value and contribute to greater health benefits than conventional foods.
In a study conducted in Taiwan, Hsu (2016) found that health consciousness towards organic food
had a significantly positive effect on purchase intentions. In contrast, Wee, C.S. reported that young
consumers in Malaysia have lower purchase intention on organic food products being compared to
older consumers. They concluded older consumers prioritised on health related reasons when
purchasing organic food.

Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC)

The theory in perceived behavioral control must occur before the intention is formed. Together
with the perceived difficulties and eases in purchasing organic food products, past experiences are
factors that determine behavioral intent and behavior. In many studies, it has been suggested that
there is a positive relationship between the ability to control consumer behavior individually and
the intention to purchase as stated by Savita & Verma (2018).

This study focused on which consumers motivate in purchasing decisions. In determining this,
there are variables of the study. The first independent variable, is the socio-economic profile of
respondents in terms of age, gender, education, occupation, and family size. The second one is the
Dependent variable, on what consumers are motivated in purchasing organic foods.
1.2 Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable

1. The socio-demographic Profile of the

respondents includes:

1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3 Income
1.4 Civil status
1.5 Occupation

Dependent variable

Consumers motivation in purchasing

organic food in terms of :

 Comorbidity
 Health condition
 Nutrition value

1.3 Statement of the Problem

The principle aim of the study is to assess the impact of consumers' motivation in purchasing
decisions about organic food.
1. socio-economic profile of the consumers in terms of;
a) Age
b) Sex
c) Income
d) Occupation
e) Civil status

2. What is the consumers drive in purchasing organic foods?

a) Comorbidity
b) Health condition
c) Nutritional value

3. Is there a significant effect between the profile of respondents aid the consumers drive in
purchasing organic foods?

1.4 Significance of the study

Consumer or Customer - Help reduce public health risks mounting evidence shows that food
grown organically is rich in nutrients.

Future researchers - Can also benefit from this study by using it as a reference point in their
discussions on consumers motivation in purchasing organic food.

Vegetarians – Will get each and every type of protein and vitamin in vegetables. Being vegetarian
is good as they will be fit as there is less fat in vegetable food than non-vegetable food.

Vegetable vendors – To help vendors like part-time to sell their vegetables at a profit. Vegetable
vendors coming from different localities are assigned to different locations and it quickly became a
popular marketplace.
Fruit vendors – Helps to enhance customer relations, as they are more profitable, deliver equally
or more nutritious fruits that less pesticide residues.

1.5 Scope and Limitations

This study focused the Motivation of Consumers to purchase organic food. Recent studies
and research will be used as a reference and the research focuses on the overall motivation of
Consumers. Respondents participating in this study will randomly select current residence in El
Salvador City.

1.6 Definition of terms:

The following terms are operationally defined:

Agriculture - Provides most of the world's food and fabrics.

Comorbidity - Someone has more than one illness or disorder at the same time, these can be
physical or mental.

Comsumer – A person who purchases goods and services for personal use.

Customer – A person or organization that buys goods or services from a store or business.
Growth - The process of increasing in physical size.

Health condition - Means a physical or mental illness, injury, impairment or condition.

Marketing - Activities a company undertakes to promote by buying and selling of a product or


Motivation - Involves the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that activate behavior.

Nutrition value - The measure of a well- balanced ratio of the essential nutrients.

Organic food - It means that food was grown or produced without synthetic pesticides.

Vegetarians – A person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish fowl, or in some
cases, any food derived from animals, as eggs and cheese but subsists of vegetables, fruits, nuts,
grain and etc.

Vegetables – Usually herbaceous plant (such as the cabbage, bean, or potato) grown for an edible
part that is usually eaten as part of a meal also such an edible part.

Fruits – A mature, ripened ovary, along with the contents of the ovary.
Chapter 2

Review of Related literature

This chapter presents the related studies and literature that discussed a consumer’s
motivation in purchasing organic food. The Organic food industry in most developing
countries is slowly moving from the niche market to high potential growth industry. Organic
foods production processes do not use synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, in legal definition
as includes all agricultural systems that promote the environmentally, socially and
economically sound production of food and fibers. The most common organic produce in the
Philippines include organic vegetable, rice, fresh banana, asparagus, vinegar, coconut oil,
banana chips, yellow corn muscovado, sugar, mango, papaya, poultry products and processed
products. While the consumer’s motive in the purchase of organic goods is for its healthy
benefits, producers would simply produce organic goods which are demanded otherwise
organic production will be enough for own consumption. This is better known as “ survival
farming ” where the farm will produce of a volume enough for subsistence.
In Philippines, there are 35,000 organic farms on 14,140 hectares of land under
organic management, with a share of total agricultural land of 0.12%. Althrough organic
agriculture in the Philippines is still in its emergent or incipient phase, the discourse or
organic agriculture is fast gaining ground in the country. The growth of organic food industry
is linked to the increasing demand by consumers on the product. Among the reasons for
increasing demand of organic food products are food safety concern, health consciousness
and environment concern.

Motivational reasons in purchase


In the 21st century, obesity has emerged as one of the most serious public health
concerns worldwide attested by Afshin A. (2017) & Inoue Y. (2018). Recent estimates have
suggested that more than 500 million adults are obese worldwide, and nearly four million
individuals die annually due to a high body mass index (BMI) stated by Afshin A. (2017). As
a result, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes have also become the leading causes of
mortality in general and in association with high BMI that is stated by Afshin A. (2017) &
Inoue Y. (2018). In additional to premature mortality, obesity is also associated with various
comorbidities and chronic diseases ranging from physical to mental health issues and
considerable loss of quality of life and disabilities that is attested by Afshin A. (2017) &
Bleich S.N (2018). Given the high burden of obesity and associated morbidity and mortality,
several studies and inventions have been conducted to address the rising epidemic of obesity.
Most of these interventions and recommendations are designed to reduce calorie
consumption, increase fruit and vegetable consumption, and improve physical activity and
exercise that are stated by Bluher M. (2019) & Webb F.J. (2022). Given the overwhelming
strategies and interventions to improve health and manage body weight, there has been much
interest recently in new dietary habits, supplements, alternate diets. A prominent entity in this
regard is “Touted as one of the biggest consumer trends over the past few decades, the
organic movement has gained particular popularity in western countries attested by Katt F.

Health concerns
Health consciousness strongly motivates consumers to purchase organic food, while
quality and taste are significant considerations. While Paul & Rana (2012), stated that health
consciousness necessitates the inclusion of good nutritional food in a consumers' diet, and
thus, it is linked with the purchase of organic food. Spangler (2012) stated that the evidence
from clinical studies that overall no clinically significant in biomarkers related to health or
nutritional status between participants consuming organic food compared to controls
consuming conventional food. Kesse-Guyot (2013), a specific challenge is the fact that
consumers who regularly buy organic food tend to choose more vegetables, fruit, whole grain
products, and less meat, and tend to have overall healthier dietary patterns. However, organic
food consumption is part of a broader lifestyle in most of these studies and is associated with
other lifestyle factors.

However, consumers whose purchase intentions were self-driven by food safety and
environmental concerns tended to purchase green products at premium prices attested by Liu
& Yan (2017). Knowledge of organic foods, health consciousness, and food safety concerns
influenced consumers' organic food purchase intentions stated by Hsu (2016). Lagiano (2012)
revealed similar findings in Cassino, Italy, where consumer who were married, homemakers,
or consumers living with children, the elderly, or pregnant women tended to be more
concerned about food borne diseases and pathogens for food safety reasons.

Therefore, food safety attitudes are notable factors that directly influence consumers'
organic food purchase behaviours. Consequently, this study employed food safety attitudes as
a mediating variable to assess their influence on the relationship between green product
awareness and organic food purchase intention. Specifically, after the 2008 milk formula
scandal, Chinese consumers have intense apprehensions about food, and their demands for
safe foods have become a priority as Jenkins (2014) study.

Nutritional value

According to Gopalakrishnan (2019), organic food provides a variety of advantages

and nutritional value for human health. Some studies show the organic foods have more
beneficial nutrients, such as antioxidants than their conventionally grown counterparts, in
addition, people with allergies to food, chemicals, or preservations often find their symptoms
lessons or go away when they eat only organic foods. In observational studies, a specific
challenge is the fact that consumers who regularly buy organic food tend to choose more
vegetables, fruit, wholegrain products and less meat, and tend to have overall healthier dietary
patterns that Kesse-Guyot & Torjusen (2017). Consumers who regularly buy organic food are
also more physically active and less likely to smoke stated among Kesse-Guyot E, Eisinger-
Watzi M, & Bradbury KE(2017). Depending on the outcome of interest, associations between
organic vs. conventional food consumption and health outcome therefore need to be carefully
adjusted for differences in dietary quality and lifestyle factors, and the likely presence of
residual confounding needs to be considered.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design, research setting/locale, data gathering procedure,
respondents and sampling procedures, research instrument, and treatment of data that was used in
this study.

a) Research Design
This study focuses on descripted research design in analyzing data. The researchers will
utilize a simple random sampling in gathering data. The following respondents involve being
interviewed first and followed by giving survey questionnaires. It is limited to El Salvador City,
where 50 respondents were selected.
b) Research Setting/Locale
This study will be conducted in El Salvador City out of randomly selected current
residences will be the respondents.

3.3 Data Gathering Procedure

The first step before proceeding to the survey questionnaire to the respondents is to make a
request letter to the adviser and the school president. In the survey, the researcher must prepare a
questionnaire for the respondents and survey at the given time and date scheduled.

Selection of Research Instruments

Implementation of the Study

1. Asking Permission

2. Orientation

3. Conducting the Survey

4. Collection of the Survey Questionnaire

El Salvador City Residents

3.4 Sampling Design

A simple random sampling is used in the research. Considering, simple random sampling is
being used by researchers for selecting 50 respondents to be surveyed based on their awareness and
experience that will help to select information that abundance of source as distinguished. Besides,
their willingness to participate is important. The respondents involved are current residences in El
Salvador City.

3.5 Research instrumental

The current study used survey questionnaire as an instrument of the study. The
questionnaire are divided into two parts that is socio-demographic profile of the respondents. The
research respondents should be current residences in El Salvador City.
Letter of Consent

Hi Ma’am/Sir,

Good day!

In behalf of my group, we are the student taking up Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship

at the City College of El Salvador. We are presently writing our Research Paper as a course

requirement, entitled “El Salvador City Consumer's Motivation in Purchasing Organic

Foods”. The study aims to assess the impact of consumer's motivation in purchasing organic

This study shall provide structured survey questionnaire to gather primary data regarding the

above mentioned topic. The respondents of this study are those who resides in El Salvador


The information obtained from the interview shall be coded to ensure confidentiality of

identity and responses. The information shall be summarized, presented, and validated among

respondents before results is published.

For details, please check the box in the table that corresponds to your answer.

Areas of Consent I consent I do not consent

1 The participation as a respondent to

this study is voluntary.

2 The information about the purpose of

this study is truthfully provided the
lead proponent.

3. There is no any harm or risk during

the conduct of the procedure.

4. A personal information was observed

with utmost confidentially.

5 It was addressed by the lead

proponent about my queries of the
6 My thoughts and opinion during the
survey will never harmed or hurt to

If there are areas of consent that you do not confirm, please let me know before we proceed.

Thank you very much for your time and stay safe.


Signature or thumb mark of the respondent certifying his/her consent of the conduct of the
interview and all in-formation obtained will be used in the report.

Date of Interview: ______________

Place of Interview: ______________


DIRECTIONS: For the part I of the test questionnaire, put a check mark [√] before the option that
corresponds to the needed information.
Part I. Profile of the Respondents
1. Age: [ ] 16 - 25 years old
[ ] 26 - 35 years old
[ ] 36 years old above
2. Sex: [ ] Male [ ] Female
3. Civil Status:
[ ] Single [ ] Widowed
[ ] Married [ ] Separated
4. Occupation:___________________
5. Income:
[ ] 5k – 10k
[ ] 11k – 15k
[ ] 16k – 20k

Part II. Survey to the respondents about consumers in motivate purchasing

The following are the meaning of the abbreviated words: Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree
(DA), and Strongly Disagree (SD).

COMORBIDITY Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

1. Aging is not a comorbidity.

2. I am aware of comorbities that I have.

3. Risk of comorbidity is overweight


4. Comorbities can cause anxiety.

5. People with multiple conditions have
worse health, a lower quality of life,
and a higher risk of death.

HEALTH CONDITION Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

1. Organic food can harm human


2. Bitter melon can reduce sugar level.

3. Pesticides for organic farming are

toxic to humans, that’s why people
can get diseases.

4. Consuming more fresh produce

organic fruits and vegetables will
help to lose weight.

5. Healthy food makes you feel good.

NUTRITIONAL VALUE Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

1. King of vitamin C is pineapple.

2. Red cabbage raise levels of beta-

carotene, lutein, and other hearth
protective antioxidants.

3. Moringa or “ malunggay ” is poor in


4. Spinach is one of the least nutrinient-

dense vegetable.

5. Nutritional value will further benefit

anyone by eating organic food.

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