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Jo Cigare

(Title is Albanian and means “No cigarette”, it is a working title)

Somewhere in North Macedonia, in a small and poor Albanian village, 15 year old
Medina and her bigger brother Fuat sit in front of their house. The street in front of
them seems pretty empty. They are talking and while they talk, they share a cigarette.
Medina hands the cigarette to Fuat, after 1 or 2 pulls he is handing it back to Medina. A
car is passing by, but they don’t notice it, due to their conversation. While Medina takes
another pull we suddenly hear a person shout to them. Fuat and Medina look frightened
to the direction of the shout. Its coming from the car and it is their uncle Qenan, and he
is complaining very loud about the cigarette. Fuat starts to act like he doesn’t have
anything to do with the cigarette and is humiliating Medina. First only with words and
then he slaps her face. The cigarette falls to the ground and Medina seems petrified.
Fuat speaks and apologises to Qenan for his sister. Qenan who still is looking out of the
car window, seemed satisfied with the action Fuat took. He nods briefly and then drives
of. The street is empty again and both do not react for a few seconds. Fuat then searches
in his pocket. He puts out a packet of cigarettes and hands it over to Medina. She does
not react for a few seconds, but eventually she takes another cigarette. (240 words)

When brother and sister get caught smoking, only the girl gets humiliated.

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