EIA Introduction

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Presented by
Engr. Fatima Ashfaq
Environmental Impact Analysis/Assessment
• EIA is a widely accepted tool in environmental
• It has been adopted in many countries with
different degrees of enthusiasm.
• It has evolved to varying levels of
• The assessment of all potential
environmental, social and health effects that
would result on account of location,
construction, design and operation of the
proposed development is termed as EIA.
• The results of assessment are assembled in a
document which is called “Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS).
• Environmental Impact:
• The change in environmental parameter, over
a specified
• period and within a defined area, resulting
from a particular
• activity compared with the situation which
would have
• occurred had the activity not been initiated
1. Screening:
• “Screening” is a process of determining whether
an EIA is required for a project
2. Scoping:
• “Scoping” is a process for determining what
environmental issues to be covered, assessed and
addressed in an EIA Report.
• It includes consultation with relevant agencies,
stakeholders, local representatives and experts.
3. Baseline Data Collection:
• It includes the collection of information on the
characteristics of the existing environment
(physical, biological) and socio-economic
conditions in the study area.
• The baseline studies also, include a detailed
description of the proposed project activities
and assess various pollutants that would be
resulting from the activity.
4. Identification of Significant Environmental
• Significant environmental impacts are identified
• the basis of their magnitude and significance.
• This step includes;
• Impact prediction, and
• Impact evaluation.
5. Analysis of Alternatives:
• Different alternatives of the project are analyzed
on a both economic and environmental basis.
7. Mitigation Measures:
• Appropriate mitigation measures are proposed for
• identified significant environmental impacts.
8. Environmental Monitoring/Management Plan:
• EMP provides a framework for mitigating
environmental impacts for the life of the project.
• It also make provision for auditing the
effectiveness of proposed environmental
protection measures and procedures.

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