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Vehicle fleet manager

User guide

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Table of Contents
Vehicle fleet manager................................................................................................................................ 4
Main window............................................................................................................................................ 5
Vehicles menu....................................................................................................................................... 7
Expenses menu.....................................................................................................................................9
Options menu...................................................................................................................................... 10
Vehicles.................................................................................................................................................. 12
General tab..........................................................................................................................................13
Fuel transactions tab...........................................................................................................................17
Oil changes transactions tab...............................................................................................................19
Repair transactions tab....................................................................................................................... 21
Tire purchase transactions tab............................................................................................................23
Other fee transactions tab.................................................................................................................. 25
Rental transactions tab....................................................................................................................... 27
Odometer reading tab......................................................................................................................... 29
Images tab...........................................................................................................................................31
Service schedule tab...........................................................................................................................32
Drivers.................................................................................................................................................... 34
Accidents tab....................................................................................................................................... 36
Drivers tab........................................................................................................................................... 37
Odometer statements............................................................................................................................ 38
Add/edit odometer statements............................................................................................................ 41
Fuel log.................................................................................................................................................. 42
Add/edit fuel statement....................................................................................................................... 44
Repairs................................................................................................................................................... 47
Add/edit repairs................................................................................................................................... 49
Details of repair.................................................................................................................................52
Add/edit repair fee.......................................................................................................................... 54
Part selection................................................................................................................................ 56
Oil changes............................................................................................................................................58
Add/edit oil changes............................................................................................................................60
Tire purchases....................................................................................................................................... 62
Add/edit tire purchases....................................................................................................................... 64
Other fees.............................................................................................................................................. 67
Add/edit other fees.............................................................................................................................. 69
Groups of vehicles.................................................................................................................................71
Add/edit groups of vehicles ............................................................................................................... 73
Master list of services............................................................................................................................75
Add/edit service item...........................................................................................................................77
Master list of parts.................................................................................................................................78
Add/edit parts...................................................................................................................................... 80
Vendors.................................................................................................................................................. 82
Add/edit vendors..................................................................................................................................84
Cost/distance tab.................................................................................................................................86
Expenses and fuel efficiency report..................................................................................................89
Expenses tab.......................................................................................................................................90
Expenses by vehicle detailed report.................................................................................................92
Expenses by vehicle simple report...................................................................................................93
Graph tab.............................................................................................................................................94
Expenses by vehicle graph...............................................................................................................96
Expenses graph................................................................................................................................ 97
Monthly expenses graph...................................................................................................................98
Fuel efficiency graph.........................................................................................................................99
Others tab..........................................................................................................................................100
Maintenance report......................................................................................................................... 102
Vehicle detail report........................................................................................................................ 103
Odometer statements report........................................................................................................... 104
Drivers report...................................................................................................................................105
Export database tables to excel..........................................................................................................106
Others tab..........................................................................................................................................108
Personalize.......................................................................................................................................... 109
Security options................................................................................................................................... 113
Login.................................................................................................................................................. 115
Modification of "Admin" password.....................................................................................................116
Access levels....................................................................................................................................... 117
Add/edit access level........................................................................................................................ 119
Users.................................................................................................................................................... 121
Add/edit user..................................................................................................................................... 123
Backup/Restore Database...................................................................................................................125
Network Edition Setup......................................................................................................................... 126
Vehicle fleet manager
Vehicle fleet manager allow you to gather and track data, create service schedule and generate detailed reports and graphs
regarding your vehicle fleet. It is suitable for service and commercial enterprise as well as for big transportation corporation.

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Main window

Vehicles list

Access button to the Vehicles list.

Drivers list

Access button to the Drivers list.

Master list of services

Access button to the master list of services.

Master list of parts

Access button to the master list of parts window


Access button to the reports window

Export to excel

Access button to the excel exportation window

Odometer statements

Access button to the odometer statements list.

Fuel statements

Access button to the fuel statements list.

Oil changes

Access button to the oil changes list.


Access button to the repairs list.

Vehicles menu

Vehicles menu

Expenses menu


Options menu


Tire purchases

Access button to the tire purchase list.

Other fees

Access button to the other fees list.

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Vehicles menu

Vehicles menu.

Vehicles list

Allow access to the vehicles list.

Manage groups of vehicles

Allow access to the "Groups of vehicles" window.

Odometer statements

Allow access to the odometer readings

Master list of services

Allow access to the "Master list of services" window.

Master list of parts

Allow access to the "Master list of parts" window.


Allow access to the "Vendors list".


Allow access to the "Drivers" window.


Allow access to the reports window.

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Expenses menu

Expenses menu.


Allow access to the fuel statements list.

Oil changes

Allow access to the oil changes list.


Allow access to the repairs list.

Tire purchases

Allow access to the tire purchases list.

Other fees

Allow access to the other fees list.

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Options menu

Options menu.


Allow access to the personalization window


Allow access to the global parameters configuration window.

Backup database

Backuping the database

Use this menu to select the path and file name of the database backup copy you want to create. The copy will be
saved with the ".gbk" extension.

Restoring a database
To restore the database you just have to replace the file "GESTIONFLOTTE.FDB" in the application directory (most
of the time "C:\Program files\Vehicle Fleet Manager\") by one of the existing backup file (.gbk) and rename it that
way "GESTIONFLOTTE.FDB". Vehicle Fleet Manager must be closed to perform this operation.

Security options

Allow access to the security options window


Allow access to the Users window

Access levels

Allow access to the Access levels window

Lock the program

When the security is active, it allows the user to lock the program. The login window will then appear.
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This section is about adding, editing and consulting vehicles data.

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General tab

You can access this window through the menu Vehicles -> Vehicles list.

This window allows you to create, configure and consult your vehicles data.

Vehicles list

The list of your existing vehicles. Click the list to select one.

For the vehicles colors meaning, please refer to Service schedule tab

Vehicles data
This frame contains general informations regarding the selected vehicle.

Number : A number allowing you to easily identify you vehicles.

VIN# : The vehicle identification number.
Class : Ex.:Truck, van, mini, etc.
Make : The maker of the vehicle
Model : Vehicle's model
Fuel : Gas, Diesel, Hybrid, Petrol, Biodiesel, Ethanol or others.
Construction year : The year of manufacturing.
Registration : Registration of the vehicle.
Odometer type : Miles (or kilometers) or hours
Note : Any general notes about this vehicle

Insurances data

This frame contains insurances informations about the selected vehicle.

- Insurer
- Insurance company
- Date of insurance
- Expiration date of insurance
- Notes on coverage

When insurance is almost expired, the field "Expires on" will appear in yellow as well as the line of the vehicle. If it
is already expired, they will appear in red.


Allow an easy and quick search by restricting the number of records to show. The generic character (*) is allowed.

Purchase data
This frame contains purchase or rental informations about the selected vehicle.

- Purchase/Rental date
- Purchase cost
- Odometer at purchase/rental
- Vendor
- Notes on purchase/rental


Click here to add a new vehicle.


Delete the selected vehicle(s).


Edit the selected vehicle. You can also double click the vehicle's list at the left to edit a vehicle.


Close this window.

Depreciation matrix

This section allows you to calculate the annual depreciation of your vehicles. Just enter the required info
and the Dpn field will show the annual depreciation.
Rental specifications

This frame contains informations about the rent of this vehicle.

It's possible to configure automatic rental transactions every X days. To change the automatic rental
transaction parameters, click on "Edit" button.


Actual driver of the selected vehicle

To see all the drivers who drove vehicles, please refer to Drivers report
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Fuel transactions tab

This tab allow you to add and edit any fuel transactions for the selected vehicle.

Add a fuel transaction

Click this button to add a new fuel transaction for the selected vehicle.

Delete the selected(s) transaction(s)

Click this button to delete the selected(s) fuel transaction(s).

Fuel transactions list

This list contains all fuel transactions for the selected vehicle.
Edit the selected transaction

Click here to edit the selected fuel transaction. You can also double click on the transaction directly from
the list.
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Oil changes transactions tab

This tab allow you to add and edit any oil change transactions for the selected vehicle.

Add an oil change transaction

Click this button to add a new oil change transaction for the selected vehicle.

Delete the selected(s) transaction(s)

Oil change transactions list

This list contains all oil change transactions for the selected vehicle.

Edit the selected transaction

Click here to edit the selected oil change transaction. You can also double click on the transaction
directly from the list.
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Repair transactions tab

This tab allow you to add and edit any repair transactions for the selected vehicle.

Add a repair transaction

Click this button to add a new repair transaction for the selected vehicle.

Delete the selected(s) transaction(s)

Repair transactions list

This list contains all repair transactions for the selected vehicle.
Edit the selected transaction

Click here to edit the selected repair transaction. You can also double click on the transaction directly
from the list.
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Tire purchase transactions tab

This tab allow you to add and edit any tire purchase transactions for the selected vehicle.

Tire purchase transactions list

This list contains all tire purchase transactions for the selected vehicle.

Delete the selected(s) transaction(s)

Add a tire purchase transaction

Click this button to add a new tire purchase transaction for the selected vehicle.

Edit the selected transaction

Click here to edit the selected tire purchase transaction. You can also double click on the transaction
directly from the list.
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Other fee transactions tab

This tab allow you to add and edit any other fee transactions for the selected vehicle.

Add an other fee transaction

Click this button to add a new other fee transaction for the selected vehicle.

Delete the selected(s) transaction(s)

Other fee transactions list

This list contains all other fee transactions for the selected vehicle.

Edit the selected transaction

Click here to edit the selected other fee transaction. You can also double click on the transaction directly
from the list.
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Rental transactions tab

This tab allow you to add and edit any rental transactions for the selected vehicle. You can manually add and
edit rental transactions but you can also configure them to be created automatically. Click the "Edit" button of the
vehicle to configure those parameters.

Add a rental transaction

Click this button to add a new rental transaction for the selected vehicle.

Delete the selected(s) transaction(s)

Rental transactions list

This list contains all rental transactions for the selected vehicle.

Edit the selected transaction

Click here to edit the selected rental transaction. You can also double click on the transaction directly
from the list.
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Odometer reading tab

This tab allow you to add and edit any odometer reading for the selected vehicle.

Add an odometer reading

Click this button to add a new odometer reading transaction for the selected vehicle.

Delete the selected(s) transaction(s)

Odometer reading transactions list

This list contains all odometer reading transactions for the selected vehicle.

Edit the selected transaction

Click here to edit the selected odometer reading transaction. You can also double click on the transaction
directly from the list.
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Images tab

Here you can look at images. You can add up to 10 images by vehicle. To add, edit or delete images, click on the
"Edit" button.

Image selection button

Click one of these ten buttons to select an image.

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Service schedule tab

This list contains the service schedule for the selected vehicle. Service appearing in yellow are almost due and
services appearing in red are due. The state of these services determines the color of the vehicle's record in the
vehicle's list at the left.

Add a service

Click this button to add a new service to the schedule of the selected vehicle.

Delete service

Click this button to delete the selected(s) service(s) from the service schedule.


Click this button to edit the selected service.

Service item
The description of the service to do.

Last performed

When was this service last performed.


The frequency of this service.

Next due date

The date when the service will be due.

Next due odometer

The odometer when the service will be due.

Service complete

Use this button to indicates that the service(s) is done. You can complete more than one services at the same time
by selecting every services you wish to mark as completed.

When you click on this button you will be asked for the date and the odometer reading when the service was done.
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You can access this window through the menu Vehicles -> Drivers.

This window allows you to create, configure and consult your drivers data.

Drivers list

The list of your existing drivers. Click the list to select one.

Add button

Click here to add a new driver.

Delete button
Delete the selected driver(s).

Edit button

Edit the selected driver. You can also double click the driver's list at the left to edit a driver.

Exit button

Close this window.


Allow an easy and quick search by restricting the number of records to show. The generic character (*) is allowed.
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Accidents tab

This tab contains accidents relative to the selected driver.

Accidents list

The list of all accidents for the selected driver.

Edit accident

Click this button to edit the selected accident.

Delete accident(s)

Click this button to delete the selected(s) accident(s).

Add an accident

Click this button to add a new accident for the selected driver.
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Drivers tab

The list of all vehicles driven by the selected driver.

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Odometer statements

You can access this window through the menu Vehicles -> Odometer statements.

This window allows you to create, edit and track your odometer statements.

It's important to take odometer reading frequently if you want to get detailed and precise reports.

The list of your existing odometer statements. Just click the one you want to select. A double click on an odometer
statement will pop up the odometer statements editing window.


To add new odometer statements through the add/edit odometer_statements window.


Delete the selected record(s).


Allow an easy and quick search by restricting the number of record to show. The generic character (*) is allowed.


Edit the selected record.

Close this window.

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Add/edit odometer statements

This window allow you to fill the data concerning a new odometer statement or to edit data from an existing one.

Vehicles list

Choose the vehicle for wich you want to edit or create an odometer statement. You will not be able to select
another vehicle than the selected one if you come from the vehicles window.


The date of the odometer statement.


Odometer value.


To save the new record or modifications.


Cancel the add or edit.

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Fuel log

You can access this window through the menu Expenses -> Fuel.

This window allows you to create, edit and track your fuel statements.


The list of your existing fuel statements. Just click the one you want to select. A double click on a fuel statement
will pop up the Add/edit fuel statements window


Allow an easy and quick search by restricting the number of record to show. The generic character (*) is allowed.

To add new fuel statements through the add/edit fuel statements window.


Delete the selected record(s).


Edit the selected record.


Close this window.


A note regarding the current record.

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Add/edit fuel statement

This window allow you to fill the data concerning a new fuel statement or to edit data from an existing one.

Vehicles list

Choose the vehicle for wich you want to edit or create a fuel statement. You will not be able to select
another vehicle than the selected one if you come from the vehicles window.

Suppliers list

Select the supplier.


The date of the fuel statement.

Date #2

You can use this field as a second reference, if needed.


You can choose to enter the total cost of the invoice or the cost/l, the result will be the same.

Ref. #

The invoice, or reference number.


Some companies needs these infos to create tax reports...


Odometer reading.

Optional. When you enter a value here, an odometer statement is automatically created.


A note about the current record.


To save the new record or modifications.


Cancel the add or edit.


The total fuel quantity purchased.

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You can access this window through the menu Expenses -> Repairs.

This window allows you to create, edit and track your repair.


The list of your existing repairs. Just click the one you want to select. A double click on a repair will pop up the
Add/edit repairs window


Allow an easy and quick search by restricting the number of record to show. The generic character (*) is allowed.

To add new repairs through the add/edit repairs window.

Detailed repair print

These buttons allow you to print the details of the selected repair. See the details of repair window for
more details.


Delete the selected record(s).


Edit the selected record.


Close this window.


A note regarding the current record.

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Add/edit repairs

This window allow you to fill the data concerning a new repair or to edit data from an existing one.

Vehicles list

Choose the vehicle for wich you want to edit or create a repair. You will not be able to select another vehicle than
the selected one if you come from the vehicles window.

Suppliers list

Select the supplier.


The date of the repair.

Date #2

You can use this field as a second date reference, if needed.


The price paid!

Ref. #

The invoice, or reference number.

Piece(s) under warranty

Check this box if pieces are under warranty for this repair.


Odometer reading.

Optional. When you enter a value here, an odometer statement is automatically created.


Description of the repair.

Warranty ref.

Reference # of the warranty.

Warranty description

A descritpion of the warranty.

A note about the current record.


To save the new record or modifications.


Cancel the add or edit.

<TODO: Control Name>

<TODO> Insert description text here... And don't forget to add keyword for this topic
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Details of repair

This window is the list of items and labour of a selected repair.


The list of items of a repair. Just click the one you want to select. A double click on an item will pop up the Add/edit
repair fee window

To add new details through the add/edit repair fee window.


Delete the selected record(s).


Edit the selected record.


Close this window.

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Add/edit repair fee

This window allow you to fill the data concerning a new item of a repair or to edit data from an existing one.


Enter the quantity according to the type of item you are editing :
• For a part : the quantity
• For labour : the hours
• For others : the quantity


To save the new record or modifications.


Cancel the add or edit.

Part option

To create a new part in the detailed repair. You will have to select a part from the part selection list by
clicking on the "Select a part" button. You can see below, the part number, the description and the cost/
unit of the current selected part.

Labour option

To create a labour item in the detailed repair. You have to enter the cost/hour.

Other option

To create any other fees in the detailed repair. You can enter a description and a cost/unit.
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Part selection

<TODO> Insert description text here... And don't forget to add keyword for this topic

The list of parts in the system.

OK button

To validate your selection.

Cancel button

To cancel the selection.

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Oil changes

You can access this window through the menu Expenses -> Oil changes.

This window allows you to create, edit and track your oil changes.


The list of your existing oil changes. Just click the one you want to select. A double click on an oil changes will pop
up the Add/edit oil changes window

Allow an easy and quick search by restricting the number of record to show. The generic character (*) is allowed.


To add new oil changes through the add/edit oil changes window.


Delete the selected record(s).


Edit the selected record.


Close this window.


A note regarding the current record.

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Add/edit oil changes

This window allow you to fill the data concerning a new oil changes or to edit data from an existing one.


The date of the oil change.


The price paid!

Oil type

Choose the oil type used for the oil changes (standard or synthetic).


Odometer reading.
Optional. When you enter a value here, an odometer statement is automatically created. If there is an oil change
service in the schedule of the current vehicle, a message will prompt you if you want to update this service with the
data of the current oil change.

Vehicles list

Choose the vehicle for wich you want to edit or create an oil change. You will not be able to select another vehicle
than the selected one if you come from the vehicles window.

Suppliers list

Select the supplier.

Ref. #

The invoice, or reference number.


A note about the current record.


To save the new record or modifications.


Cancel the add or edit.

Date #2

You can use this field as a second date reference, if needed.

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Tire purchases

You can access this window through the menu Expenses -> Tire purchases.

This window allows you to create, edit and track your tire purchases.


The list of your existing tire purchases. Just click the one you want to select. A double click on a tire purchases will
pop up the Add/edit tire purchases window


Allow an easy and quick search by restricting the number of record to show. The generic character (*) is allowed.

To add new tire purchases through the add/edit tire purchases window.


Delete the selected record(s).


Edit the selected record.


Close this window.


A note regarding the current record.

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Add/edit tire purchases

This window allow you to fill the data concerning a new tire purchase or to edit data from an existing one.

Vehicles list

Choose the vehicle for wich you want to edit or create tire purchases. You will not be able to select another vehicle
than the selected one if you come from the vehicles window.

Suppliers list

Select the supplier.


The date of the tire purchase.


The brand.


The model.

Tire type

The type (winter, summer, 4 season)


The quantity of tires purchased.

Total cost

The total price paid!

Ref. #

The invoice, or reference number.

Approx. end of life

The approximative end of life of the tires.


Where are they stocked?


A note about the current record.


To save the new record or modifications.


Cancel the add or edit.

Date #2

You can use this field as a second date reference, if needed.

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Other fees

You can access this window through the menu Expenses -> Other fees.

This window allows you to create, edit and track your other fees.


The list of your existing other fees. Just click the one you want to select. A double click on an other fee will pop
up the Add/edit other fees window

Allow an easy and quick search by restricting the number of record to show. The generic character (*) is allowed.


To add new other fees through the add/edit other fees window.


Delete the selected record(s).


Edit the selected record.


Close this window.


A note regarding the current record.

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Add/edit other fees

This window allow you to fill the data concerning a new other fees or to edit data from an existing one.

Vehicles list

Choose the vehicle for wich you want to edit or create an other fee. You will not be able to select another vehicle
than the selected one if you come from the vehicles window.

Suppliers list

Select the supplier.


The date of the other fee.


The price!
Ref. #

The invoice, or reference number.


A description of the other fee.


Odometer reading.

Optional. When you enter a value here, an odometer statement is automatically created.


A note about the current record.


To save the new record or modifications.


Cancel the add or edit.

Date #2

You can use this field as a second date reference, if needed.

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Groups of vehicles

You can access this window through the menu Vehicles -> Manage groups of vehicles.

This window allows you to create and edit groups of vehicles.

Groups of vehicles list

This is the list of all existing groups.

Vehicles of the selected group list

This is the list of vehicles of the selected group.

Add button

To add new groups through the Groups of vehicles add/edit window.

Delete button

Delete the selected record(s).

Edit button

Edit the selected record.

Add a vehicle to this group button

To add a vehicle to the selected group.

Remove vehicle(s) from this group button

To remove vehicle(s) from the selected group.

Exit button

Close this window.

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Add/edit groups of vehicles

This window allow you to fill the data concerning a new group of vehicles or to edit data from an existing one.


The code of the group.


A short description of the group.


A note about the group.

Users button

This button is visible only if the security feature is activated. It allows you to select which users will have
access to the current group. Only these users will be able to see and edit the vehicles of this group.

Save button

To save the new record or modifications.

Cancel button

Cancel the add or edit.

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Master list of services

You can access this window through the menu Vehicles -> Master list of services.

This window allows you to create and edit service items.

First step before creating a service schedule for your vehicles is to create your "Master list of services". This list will be used
for the creation of the schedule of each vehicle in the "Service schedule tab" of the "Vehicles" window. It's your template.

Master list of service items

This is the list of all existing service items.

Delete button

Delete the selected record(s).

Add button

To add new services through the Services add/edit window.

Edit button

Edit the selected record.

Exit button

Close this window

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Add/edit service item

This window allow you to fill the data concerning a new service item or to edit data from an existing one.


Enter the frequency at which the service should be done. You can enter a time value or an odometer
value. Service will be marked as due when one of the two conditions is reached.


Type here the description of the service item.

Save button

To save the new record or modifications.

Cancel button

Cancel the add or edit.

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Master list of parts

You can access this window through the menu Vehicles -> Master list of parts.

This window allows you to create and edit parts.

Parts are used to create detailed repairs.

Parts list

This is the list of all existing parts.

Add button

To add new parts through the Parts add/edit window.

Delete button

Delete the selected record(s).

Edit button

Edit the selected record.

Exit button

Close this window.

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Add/edit parts

This window allow you to fill the data concerning a new part or to edit data from an existing one.


The price of the part.


The supplier of the part


The manufacturer of the part


The description of the part

Part number

The number of the part

Save button
To save the new record or modifications.


A note about the part

Cancel button

Cancel the add or edit.

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You can access this window through the menu Vehicles -> Suppliers.

This window allows you to create, edit and track your suppliers.


The list of your existing suppliers. Just click the one you want to select. A double click on a supplier will pop up
the suppliers editing window.

Allow an easy and quick search by restricting the number of record to show. The generic character (*) is allowed.


To add new suppliers through the add/edit suppliers window.


Delete the selected record(s).


Edit the selected record.


Close this window.

Supplier data

Data about the selected supplier.

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Add/edit vendors

This window allow you to fill the data concerning a new supplier or to edit data from an existing one.


To save the new record or modifications.


Cancel the add or edit.

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This section is about reports and graphs you can create.

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Cost/distance tab

You can access this window through the menu Vehicles -> Reports.

This tab allows you to show and print reports about expenses/distance covered and fuel efficiency of your vehicles. The data
in the tab cost/km at the right are calculated in function of the "Expenses to include", the period and the selected vehicle(s).


The list of your existing vehicles. Just click the one you want to select. You can select more than one vehicle at
the same time.

Expenses to include

Choose wich expenses you want to include in the reports.

Select the period of data you want to include in your report(s). Although, reports will be created according to the
nearest existing odometer statements of the selected dates and for the selected vehicle(s).

For example : If you choose 2005-01-01 as the starting date, and the nearest odometer statement before the
chosen date (if there is no odo. stat. before the chosen date, then, the nearest odo. stat. after the chosen date will
be used) is 2004-11-29, then, this date will be used to create the report. Data from 2004-11-29 will be used, not
from 2005-01-01.


Show before printing.


Print the report.

First odometer statements

The date of the first odometer statement found according to the selected period. See the "period" section for more

Last odometer statements

The date of the last odometer statement found according to the selected period. See the "period" section for more


Data about expenses and cost in function of the distance covered of the selected vehicle (according to the selected

Fuel efficiency

Data about fuel efficiency of the selected vehicle and period.


Allow an easy and quick search by restricting the number of record to show. The generic character (*) is allowed.

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Expenses and fuel efficiency report

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Expenses tab

You can access this window through the menu Vehicles -> Reports -> Expenses tab.

This tab allows you to show and print reports about expenses concerning your vehicles. The data in the tab "Expenses" at
the right are calculated in function of the "Expenses to include", period and selected vehicle(s).


The list of your existing vehicles. Just click the one you want to select. You can select more than one vehicle at
the same time.

Expenses to include

Choose wich expenses you want to include in the reports.

Select the period of data you want to include in your report(s). Although, reports will be created according to the
nearest existing odometer statements of the selected dates and for the selected vehicle(s).

For example : If you choose 2005-01-01 as the starting date, and the nearest odometer statement before the
chosen date (if there is no odo. stat. before the chosen date, then, the nearest odo. stat. after the chosen date will
be used) is 2004-11-29, then, this date will be used to create the report. Data from 2004-11-29 will be used, not
from 2005-01-01.

Do not show details

Check this box if you dont want to show the detailed transactions in the report. You will only see the total cost for
each selected expenses.


Export to excel

Use this button to export the current report to Microsoft Excel. Please note that you must have MS Excel
installed on your computer to perform this operation. You can generate more excel report by using the
Export database tables to excel window.

List of detailed repairs

If there is detailed repairs created for the selected vehicles, you can print them using this button.
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Expenses by vehicle detailed report

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Expenses by vehicle simple report

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Graph tab

You can access this window through the menu Vehicles -> Reports -> Graph tab.

This tab allows you to show and print graphs concerning your vehicles.


The list of your existing vehicles. Just click the one you want to select. You can select more than one vehicle at
the same time.

Expenses to include

Choose wich expenses you want to include in the reports.


Select the period of data you want to include in your report(s). Although, reports will be created according to the
nearest existing odometer statements of the selected dates and for the selected vehicle(s).

For example : If you choose 2005-01-01 as the starting date, and the nearest odometer statement before the
chosen date (if there is no odo. stat. before the chosen date, then, the nearest odo. stat. after the chosen date will
be used) is 2004-11-29, then, this date will be used to create the report. Data from 2004-11-29 will be used, not
from 2005-01-01.

Fuel efficiency

Show the fuel efficiency graph.

X axis

Select wich information you would like to show in the X axis (vehicles, month, type of expense).

Expenses graph

Show the expenses graph.

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Expenses by vehicle graph

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Expenses graph

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Monthly expenses graph

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Fuel efficiency graph

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Others tab

You can access this window through the menu Vehicles -> Reports -> Others tab.

This tab allows you to show and print maintenance, vehicle data and odometer statements reports concerning your vehicles.


The list of your existing vehicles. Just click the one you want to select. You can select more than one vehicle at
the same time.

Vehicle's data report

This section allow you to print a report containing detailed data about your vehicle (registration, VIN, insurance info,

If you want, you can print only one vehicle by page by checking the appropriate box.

Vehicle's data report

Maintenance report

This section allow you to print a maintenance report. By checking the box "Print only maintenance to do", the report
will contain only the service item that should be done immediately.

If you want, you can print only one vehicle by page by checking the appropriate box.

Maintenance report

Expenses to include

Choose wich expenses you want to include in the reports.


Select the period of data you want to include in your report(s). Although, reports will be created according to the
nearest existing odometer statements of the selected dates and for the selected vehicle(s).

For example : If you choose 2005-01-01 as the starting date, and the nearest odometer statement before the
chosen date (if there is no odo. stat. before the chosen date, then, the nearest odo. stat. after the chosen date will
be used) is 2004-11-29, then, this date will be used to create the report. Data from 2004-11-29 will be used, not
from 2005-01-01.

Odometer statements report

This section allow you to print a report containing odometer statements.

By checking the appropriate box, you will print only the most recent odometer statement for each vehicle.

Odometer statements report

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Maintenance report

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Vehicle detail report

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Odometer statements report

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Drivers report

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Export database tables to excel

This window allows you to export database tables to Microsoft Excel. You will then be able to create your own


The list of your existing vehicles. Just click the one you want to select. You can select more than one vehicle at the
same time for the report creation.

Incl. explicit id. of vehicle

Checking this box will include the number, Class, Brand, Model, Year of the vehicle for each record. If
this box is not checked then, only the unique number of the vehicle will be included in the report.

Incl. explicit id. of suppliers

Checking this box will include the name and type of the supplier for each record. If this box is not
checked then, only the unique number of the supplier will be included in the report.
Include unique key of the table

If this box is checked, the unique number (key) of the record will be included in the report.
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Others tab

This tab allows you to export the vehicle database table.

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You can access this window through the menu Options -> Personalize

This window allows you to personalize the software parameters for this computer only.


Choose the language of the application.

Print dialog

It determines if the print dialog appear before printing a report.

Save your modifications.

Database server

Here you must enter the name of the database server (the name of the computer where the database is installed).
It's applicable only with the Network Edition. See Network Edition setup section for more details. If you are not
using the network edition, this field must be filled with "(local)".


Cancel your modifications.

Path of the database file

You can type the path of the database file on the database server. The default path for the database file
is "C:\Program Files\Vehicle Fleet Manager Data".

Service reminder

Type here how many days before a service is due you want to be reminded that it will be due soon. The
service and the vehicle will appear in yellow when it is almost due.
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You can access this window through the menu Options -> Parameters

This window allows you to configure the global parameters of the software. Modifications will be effective on every computer
in the network (if applicable).

Distance unit

Select the distance unit.

Volume unit

Select the currency.

Select the volume unit.


Save your modifications.


Cancel your modifications.

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Security options

You can access this window through the menu Options -> Security options

This window allows you to configure options regarding the security of the software. It let you activate the security and
change other security parameters.

Activate security login

Select wether or not the security logins are active. If this options is selected, users will have to enter a
username and a password to access the program. See the Users and Access levels sections for more
details on how to configure users and access levels.

After option

Selecting this options allows you to determine a period of inactivity time after which the program will be
locked. The login window will then appear and user will have to enter his username and password again.

Never option

By selecting this option, the program will never get locked until you close it or manually lock it with the
CTRL-L key or by clicking on the menu "Options - Security - Lock the program"

Modify "Admin" password button

This button let you get to the window Modification of 'admin' password. By default, this password is
empty. The 'admin' login give the user a full access to every feature of the software including security
options. It is strongly recommended that the person who will be in charge of setting the security features
change this password for a stronger one and keep it in a safe place.
Save button

Save modifications.

Cancel button

Cancel the add or edit.

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This is the login window. It let users access the software with their own access level.


Enter your username here.


Enter your password here.

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Modification of "Admin" password

This window allows you to modify the 'admin' password. By default, this password is empty. The 'admin' login give
the user a full access to every feature of the software including the security options. It is strongly recommended
that the person who will be in charge of setting the security features change this password for a stronger one and
keep it in a safe place.

Old password

You have to enter the old password before you can modify it.

New password

Here you can enter the new password.


Here you must re-enter the new password to confirm you have made no mistakes.

Save button

Save modifications.

Cancel button

Cancel the add or edit.

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Access levels

You can access this window through the menu Options -> Security -> Access levels.

This window allows you to create and configure access levels. Access levels are used for limiting access to certain
features of the software to users. See the Users window for more details about how to configure users.

The list of existing access level. Just click the one you want to select. A double click on an access level will pop up
the Add/edit access level window.

Add button

To add new access levels through the Add/edit access level window.

Delete button

Delete the selected record(s).

Edit button

Edit the selected record.

Exit button

Close this window.

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Add/edit access level

This window allow you to fill the data concerning a new access level or to edit data from an existing one.

There is 7 main features of the software that can be given a restricted access :
1 - Vehicles data. Creation of vehicles and editing of existing ones can be limited by checking the appropriates boxes.
2 - Expenses. It includes repairs, oil changes, odometer statements (I know, it's not really an expense...), tires purchase,
other fees and even suppliers.
3 - Security features. This options restrict access to the "Security options" windows only.
4 - Parts. Creation of parts and editing of existing ones can be limited by checking the appropriates boxes.
5 - Services. Creation of services in the master list of services and in the vehicles window, and editing of existing ones can
be limited by checking the appropriates boxes.
6 - Groups of vehicles. Creation of groups of vehicles, and editing of existing ones can be limited by checking the
appropriates boxes.
7 - Suppliers. Creation of Suppliers, and editing of existing ones can be limited by checking the appropriates boxes.

Save button

To save the new record or modifications.

Access level

Type in the name of the access level.

Cancel button

Cancel the add or edit.

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You can access this window through the menu Security-> Users.

This window allows you to create, configure and consult users. Users are used for limiting access to certain features of
the software to certain people.

This function works the same way as the microsoft windows login. You have to enter a username and a password in the login
window to identify you. This login will let you have access to the features you need to access only.

The list of existing users. Just click the one you want to select. A double click on a user will pop up the Add/edit
user window.


Allow an easy and quick search by restricting the number of record to show. The generic character (*) is allowed.

Add button

To add new users through the Add/edit user window.

Delete button

Delete the selected record(s).

Edit button

Edit the selected record.

Exit button

Close this window.

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Add/edit user

This window allow you to fill the data concerning a new user or to edit data from an existing one.

First name

Type in the first name of the user

Last name

Type in the last name of the user


Type in the username of the user


Type in the password of the user

Access level

Select the access level you want to give to this user

Save button

To save the new record or modifications.

Cancel button

Cancel the add or edit.

Access to groups of vehicles

You can specify if this user can access all groups of vehicles or only the one he is allowed to. See the
Goups of vehicles section for more details.
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Backup/Restore Database

Backup database
Use this menu to select the file name and the path of the database copy you want to make. Database copy will be saved
with ".gbk" extension.

Restoring the database

Replace the database file "GESTIONFLOTTE.FDB" in "C:\Program files\Vehicle Fleet Manager Data\" with one of the
backup file you have previously created (*.gbk) and rename it to "GESTIONFLOTTE.FDB". To perform this operation you
will have to close Vehicle Fleet Manager.
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Network Edition Setup

Network Edition Setup

Please follow those instructions carefully :

1. Install the Vehicle Fleet Manager programme (

on the computer which will be your database server. The database server can be any
computer on your local network.
2. Install the Firebird component on your database server (
NetworkVFM.exe). IMPORTANT!: the installer programme will ask you where you want
to install the Firebird programme and will then ask you where you want to install the
database. The Firebird programme needs to be installed on the same drive as the
database itself.
3. Activate your server. To do this send us your server identification code and we will send
you the corresponding activation code. To obtain your identification code you need to click
on "Activate now" in the Vehicle Fleet Manager (trial version) start up window.
4. Make sure that the GESTIONFLOTTE.FDB database file is in your server’s "C:
\Program Files\Vehicle Fleet Manager Data" folder (or the folder specified during database
installation). If the "Program Files" folder on your server is not on the C drive then search
for it on the appropriate drive (for example: "M:\Program Files\Vehicle Fleet Manager
Data"). This path will be the one that you will need to set up on your client workstation at
the next stage.
5. Open Vehicle Fleet Manager on your server and go to menu "Options - Personnalize".
Replace the name of the database server for the server name. If you do not know the
name of the database server then, right-click on “Workstation”, choose "Properties" and
select the “Computer name” tab.
6. Go to a client workstation. Install Vehicle Fleet Manager (
VFM22.exe), launch the application and click on the "Options - Database connection
information” menu and enter your server name in the appropriate box. If you do not
know the name of the database server then go to your server, right-click on “Workstation”,
choose "Properties" and select the “Computer name” tab.
7. On the workstation enter the server database path at the appropriate place (for
example: "C:\Program Files\Vehicle Fleet Manager Data").
8. Close the Vehicle Fleet Manager application on your client workstation and restart
it. The programme should automatically connect to the database. If it doesn’t work
it is probably because the database path is incorrect. If these parameters are correct
your server probably has a firewall. Most computers have a firewall. If so, you need to
deactivate it or set up a firewall exception. You need to set up a firewall exception for the
following programme file: "C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_0\fbserver.exe". To add a
firewall exception (with Windows XP), go to "Start - Control Panel - Firewall". Click on
add programme in the "Exceptions" tab, click on browse and choose the following file: "C:
\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_0\Bin\fbserver.exe"

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