Iot Based Air and Sound Pollution Monitoring

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International Conference on Robotic Automation System 2021 (ICORAS 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2319 (2022) 012013 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2319/1/012013

IoT Base on Air and Sound Pollution Monitoring System

Afidatul Nadia Mok Hat1, W.M. Wan Syahidah1, C.W.Y.C.W. Zuhelmi1, F. Atan1,
S. Khadijah1
Faculty of Engineering Technology, UC TATI, 24000, Kemaman, Terengganu, Malaysia,

Corresponding Author Email:,,

Keyword air pollution, sound pollution, IoT, ESP 8266, Arduino

Abstract. Air and sound are major constituents for having adverse and harmful effects on
environment as well on human being. However, to monitor this pollution is a difficult task
because authorities need to visit the site to collect the data. This paper present IoT base on air
and sound pollution monitoring system. A prototype of this system is developed to monitor the
condition of the air and sound by using the online software which is the Thinger IO platform.
ESP 8266 LoLin is used as the microcontroller which is connected to the Wi-Fi module by using
the Arduino programming. This system allows user to monitor condition of the air and sound
through a simple web application or by LCD display. Therefore, the user can analyse and
compare the air and sound pollution between two company. By further modification, in future
work, monitoring pollution with larger data will be accomplished.

1. Introduction
Pollution is the beginning of hazardous substances into the surroundings. The substance that harms a
natural resource is called pollutants. The cause of pollutants can be natural or created by human
behaviour. There are various types of pollution including air, noise or sound, water, and land. Air and
sound pollution are a growing issue now not only in Malaysia [1][2]. The air and sound pollution become
the global issue where many countries have the same problem especially in the urban area.
Air pollution is necessary to monitor and overcame because it can give the health issue. Air
pollution can be visible and invisible, both can make the living difficulty to breath and make the eyes
burn. It also can increase the possibility to have the lung cancer. Figure 1 shown the air pollution produce
by the factory. In 1984, there was an accident which is more than 40 tons of toxic gas leaked from a
plant in Bhopal, India [3]. The accident cause at least 3,800 people dead and many thousands more were
permanently injured [3]. The World Health Organization (WHO) state that 4.2 million deaths every year
occurs because of the outdoor air pollution [4].
There are many sources can cause sound pollution such as people, machines, building activities
and construction, music performances, transportation system, industrial, animal, traffic etc. The sound
pollution is most occurring at the urban area where there has traffic noise such as the horn from vehicles
shown in Figure 2. This pollution also found in the workplace [5]. It became common occupational
hazard because of high sound level from the variety of equipment and activity especially in the food
factory [6]. Not all noise or sound becomes pollution, there are some conditions that will turn noise into

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International Conference on Robotic Automation System 2021 (ICORAS 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2319 (2022) 012013 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2319/1/012013

pollution. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines noise above 65 decibels (dB) as noise
pollution [4]. Thus, the monitoring system of air quality and levels of sound is necessary. Bavani
Nadaraja et. al. [7] revealed that only 5% of respondents said the traffic flow at night was light, another
95% said that the traffic flow at night was heavy in Serdang Raya, Selangor. That is because on 2010,
there is the one of the famous issues in Malaysia.
In the previous research, monitoring system such as air monitoring systems, health monitoring
systems are developed by using Bluetooth, GPS and GPRS wireless technologies. The proposed system
is costly, and data is messy to recorded. It also become difficult in the remote area to record the data
needed. The most preferred technique is cloud based monitoring system was proposed [8]. The
monitoring system by using IoT become efficient to develop because the increasing usage of sensor and
smart phones [9][10].
The IoT Base on Air and Sound Pollution Monitoring System has been proposed to overcome the
problem. This system allows us to monitor and check live air quality and sound level in an area through
IoT. The addition of Internet of Things (IoT) to the system gives the benefits to the data loggers to
analyse the air quality and sound level at certain area without visit the site every time they wanted the
data. The data from the remote areas can be access and save in the database by using the IoT. IoT is
become popular day by day due to the flexibility and low cost,

Figure 1. Air Pollution Figure 2. Sound Pollution

2. Methodology
This system was developed based on the block diagram in Figure 3. The inputs are air sensor, sound
sensor, and power supply. The sound sensor detects the sound intensity levels in that area in the unit of
decibel (dB). The air sensor will record the quality of air in that area in the unit of parts per million
(ppm). An electrical signal will send it to the ESP 8266 which is connected to the Wi-Fi module by
using the Arduino programming. These sensors will interact with Arduino and processes this data to
transmit it over the application. The LCD display in the IoT platform displayed the quality of the air and
level of the sound at that area.

Figure 3. The system block diagram

The flowchart of this system prototype shown in Figure 4. The system is run when the power supply is
On. The gas and sound sensor will detect the air quality and noise in that area. The data processed and
upload to the cloud by Arduino and transmitted it to the IoT platform. Admin can view and analysis the
data displayed.

International Conference on Robotic Automation System 2021 (ICORAS 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2319 (2022) 012013 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2319/1/012013

Figure 4. Flowchart of the system.

There are five modes for the reading parameter of air pollution shown in Table 1. People will experience
serious health effects and should avoid all outdoor physical activity while the air quality index (AQI) in
between 301 to 500. During this mode, people will retain indoors and keep activity levels low. The air
in very unhealthy when the value is 201 to 300. People with critical health condition such as heart and
lung disease, older adults and children should avoid all outdoor physical activity. The healthy people
should avoid prolonged or heavy outdoor activity. Unhealthy is 151 to 200 which is everyone may
begin to experience some adverse health effects. People critical health condition, older adults and
children are at a greater risk and should limit prolonged or heavy outdoor activity in the unhealthy for
Sensitive Groups modes which is 101 to 150. The Moderate is 51 to 100. People who have a rare
sensitivity to air pollution should consider limiting prolonged or heavy outdoor exertion. There is no
health impacts are expected when air quality is in good mode between 0 to 50..

Table 1. Reading parameter of air pollution

Mode AQI CO2
Hazardous 301-500 5001-15000
Very unhealthy 201-300 2501-5000
Unhealthy 151-200 2001-2500
Unhealthy for Sensitivity Group 101-150 1501-2000
Moderate 51-100 651-1500
Good 0-50 400-650

International Conference on Robotic Automation System 2021 (ICORAS 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2319 (2022) 012013 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2319/1/012013

The reading parameter of sound pollution is group by seven modes shown in Table 2. The lowest hearing
decibel level is 0 dB, which its indicates nearly total silence and the softest sound that the human ear
can hear. The normal conversation is in the range of 40 dB to 60 dB. Sound above 85 dB is become very
noise and people will get hearing loss. This loss is from both factor which are the intensity of the noise
and the length of exposure to the noise. Eight hours of exposure to higher levels at 90 dB can cause
damage to your ears. Sound above 140 dB results in immediate, permanent damage and intense pain.

Table 2. Reading parameter of sound pollution

Mode Reading (dB)
Hearing Impairment Above 140
Very Noise 70-90
Noise 60-70
Normal 40-60
Whispering 20-40
Quiet 15-20
Silence 0-15

3. Results and discussions

The IoT Base on Air and Sound Pollution Monitoring System tested at working place area Eastern Steel
Sdn Bhd and Optimistic Organic Sdn Bhd which is in the Teluk Kalong industrial area, Kemaman,
Terengganu. Duration of this system run is in one day, the data collected and recorded for every 2 hours
from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm.
Table 3 summarise the sound and air data taken at Oxygen Plant, Eastern Steel Sdn Bhd in one
day from 8.00 am to 6.00 am.

Table 3. Data recorded at Eastern Steel Sdn Bhd

Time Sound level CO Concentration
(dB) (ppm)
8.00 am 45 78
10.00 am 60 80
12.00 am 93 77
2.00 pm 94 77
4.00 pm 72 79
6.00 pm 43 76

International Conference on Robotic Automation System 2021 (ICORAS 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2319 (2022) 012013 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2319/1/012013

Sound Pollution at Eastern Steel Sdn. Bhd.


Sound level (dB)




8am 10am 12am 2pm 4pm 6pm

Figure 5. Graph of Sound Pollution at Eastern Steel Sdn Bhd

Figure 5 shows the graph of sound pollution at Eastern Steel is increase from 8.00 am to 12.00 am. The
sound level is almost steady during 12.00 am to 2.00 pm with the highest value. That because a lot of
activities were running at that time, especially for Oxygen Plant. Hence, it was found there are 3 pumps
were running at that time in Oxygen Plant. Naturally, the pump can produce the sound very loudly. Then
the sound is decrease from 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm. For the lower reading for sound pollution at 6pm that
because the pump was shutting down by operator of Oxygen Plant. The pump only useful while
dispersion an oxygen while needed.

Air Pollution at Eastern Steel Sdn. Bhd.

CO concentration (ppm)





8am 10am 12am 2pm 4pm 6pm

Figure 6. Graph of Air Pollution at Eastern Steel Sdn Bhd

Figure 6 shows the graph for air pollution in Eastern Steel Sdn. Bhd. Based on the graph, air pollution
is increase from 8.00 am to 10.00 am with the highest. At 10 am this plant has run some combustion for
re-do and shaping the material from metal. During this process of combustion there are a lot of dust,
CO2 and NO2 were produced. Then decrease from 8.00 am to 12.00 am. During 12.00 am to 2.00 pm
air pollution is maintained 77 ppm which is lunch hour, then slightly increase to 4.00 pm after lunch
hour then decrease at 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm. The air is lowest at 6.00 pm because the process of combustion
stopped for shift changing.

International Conference on Robotic Automation System 2021 (ICORAS 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2319 (2022) 012013 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2319/1/012013

Meanwhile, the Data recorded at Optimistic Organic Sdn Bhd is summarised in Table 4. The data of
sound and air pollution is taken at Utility Plant area and Malaeic Anhydride (MA) Plant area.

Table 4. Data recorded at Optimistic Organic Sdn Bhd

Time Sound level CO Concentration
(dB) (ppm)
8.00 am 43 153
10.00 am 52 351
12.00 am 51 461
2.00 pm 53 465
4.00 pm 51 441
6.00 pm 42 254

Sound Pollution at Optimistic Organic Sdn Bhd

Sound level (dB)

8am 10am 12am 2pm 4pm 6pm

Figure 7. Graph of Sound Pollution at Optimistic Organic Sdn Bhd

Figure 7 shows the graph for sound pollution at Optimistic Organic Sdn Bhd is stable from 8.00 am to
6.00 pm. This plant was run by 24 hours but at the area of Utility plant there are a turbine had supported
the electricity power was disperse a loudly sound. Its turbine was started generated at 2.00 pm. Hence,
it was also found there is one pump were running at that time. This company had handling of imports
service. At the same, there are a lot of tank had loading into this company by using lorry, it also can
provide sound pollution.

International Conference on Robotic Automation System 2021 (ICORAS 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2319 (2022) 012013 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2319/1/012013

Air Pollution at Optimistic Organic Sdn Bhd

CO concentration (ppm)




8am 10am 12am 2pm 4pm 6pm

Figure 8. Graph of Air Pollution at Optimistic Organic Sdn Bhd

Figure 8 show graph for air pollution at Optimistic Organic Sdn Bhd. Based on graph, air pollution is
increase from 8.00 am to 2.00 pm and decrease from 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm. At 2.00 pm, the reading is
highest because around that time the plant has receive a lot of loading from lorry. The tank lorry
disperses more CO2. Meanwhile, MA Plant also produce high acidic contaminant while in processing
such as xylene and butane. In this plant also had a incineration to burn all the waste came from this plant
that can produce SO2, CO2 and NO2. It can be caused of highest reading of air pollution. The air
pollution is increase during working hour. Based on observations, there is no combustion were happened
in incineration at 6pm. Hence, the loading of tank also had been stopped at 5pm.

Comparison of Sound Pollution

Sound level (dB)





8am 10am 12am 2pm 4pm 6pm

Eastern Steel Sdn Bhd Optimistic Organic Sdn Bhd

Figure 9. Comparison of sound pollution at Eastern Steel Sdn Bhd and Optimistic Organic Sdn Bhd

Based on the graph in figure 9, the company had different reading because of their process and workflow
are fortunately different. The reading of Eastern Steel sound level higher than Optimistic Organic
because the company known as mechanical plant was handling a lot of mechanical works such as
shaping, boiling, cutting and others. This work is making a noise sound because this work using a lot of
machines. The sound pollution in Eastern Steel reach to the level very noise meanwhile the Optimistic
Organic just have normal sound pollution.

International Conference on Robotic Automation System 2021 (ICORAS 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2319 (2022) 012013 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2319/1/012013

Comparison of Air Pollution

CO concentration (ppm)





8am 10am 12am 2pm 4pm 6pm
Eastern Steel Sdn Bhd Optimistic Organic Sdn Bhd
Figure 10. Comparison of air pollution at Eastern Steel Sdn Bhd and Optimistic Organic Sdn Bhd

Figure 10 shows the reading of air pollution at Optimistic Organic is higher than Eastern steel because
this company running chemical process plant and disperse a lot of dust or smoke had contain of chemical
such as SO2, CO2 and NO2 from incineration and others plant. Moreover, the highest value is 465 ppm
still in the good level of air quality.

4. Conclusion
In this paper, air and sound pollution monitoring system using IoT has been developed. Apart from that,
this system allow user to monitor and analyzed data for air and sound pollution between two different
company. The results show that Eastern Steel Sdn Bhd has higher sound pollution, but lower air
pollution compared to Optimistic Organic Sdn Bhd. The IoT base on Air and Sound Pollution
Monitoring system can be viewed by the admin and the people assigned to analysis the data. The data
from the system display the live updates of the pollution level of the area by using smart phones. This
IoT base on air and sound pollution monitoring system provides effective, low cost system for long term
monitoring surroundings and it is more suitable in nature to monitor the surrounding parameters.

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International Conference on Robotic Automation System 2021 (ICORAS 2021) IOP Publishing
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