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13.1 Scope

The new tanks shall be controlled and monitored from Control Center located in PS at YANBU
city feeder line-3 as described in chapter 5.3 of this document. In addition, the system shall be
monitored from Dispatch Center Riyadh as described in section 13.7.
The dominating overall function of the instrumentation and control equipment is to guarantee a
continuous water flow throughout the water transmission system.
This means that the technological process for operating the pipelines shall be considered each
as an entire unit from the related supply tanks up to the endpoints including the various
stations in-between.
Therefore, the objective of the control system is not reduced to monitoring and control of the
several stations, it has also to handle following overall functions:
• Start-up and shutdown of the pipeline system as a result of start-up and shutdown
according to the operation scenarios.
• Monitoring and control of the pipeline flow rate according to the system conditions
(e.g., levels of tanks and reservoirs).
• Emergency and safety functions.
• Operation optimization (e.g., pump scheduler).
• Monitoring of cathodic protection.
• Monitoring of power consumption.
• Leak detection and leak location detection for pipeline system.
• Time synchronization between all control system equipment (hierarchical principle).
• Continuous alarm management.
The contractor scope of work shall include to modification, upgrading and/or replace the
existing control systems which may be used for the new required system (e.g., DCS/SCADA
software/hardware, LDS, GPS, …etc.).
The control system of the new WTSs shall include the following main components:
a) CC - Control Centre
• Monitoring and control of the main process, the CC itself and all relevant systems
at any station, including monitoring of the communication system
• Pipeline control for monitoring and control of the process of the pipeline (e.g.,
• Optimization, pipeline management and leak detection
• Pipeline Safety Functions
• Central and local components of a third-party intervention system
• Dispatch Center interface


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b) SCS - Station Control System

• Station local control with HMI for monitoring and control of the process within the
station (e.g., STATCON, ESD, UNCONs) at reservoir station.
• Redundant STATCON for monitoring and control of the process within the station
and all relevant UNCON’s
• UNCON’s with HMI for local monitoring and control of related sub-systems
• ESD (with dedicated panels) and Station Safety Functions
• Fire detection system
The basic functions are shown in the respective P&I Diagrams. The main regulation loops and
main control functions are described in more detail in chapter 5 of this document.
All other control functions, regulation loops and sequences for the main process or any
auxiliary system and/or package unit, which are not described in detail, but necessary to fulfill
the overall philosophy of central and station control and monitoring shall be part of the
instrumentation and control works.
Operation and control modes for the pipeline system shall be independent switchable. It shall
further be possible to have particular station on station control level, while the remaining
pipeline is on CC control level. The same shall be possible for individual units.
The monitoring and control system shall give the Operator at any time the correct control level
and status of each unit and each station.
All the required instruments needed for the optimum and safe operation shall be part of the
scope of work.
Instrumentation, connection of the instrumentation to the required controller and control
system itself shall be designed to allow manual and automatic operation mode. All necessary
hardware and software, including related HMI (Human Machine Interface) devices, shall be
part of the scope. For detailed requirements reference is made to the following standard
• “S01 Design and Construction of I & C Systems”, doc. doc. QC10-H-121
• “S04 Distributed Control System”, doc. no. QC10-H-124
• “S05 Central Control Hardware and Standard Software”, doc. no. QC10-H-125
• “S06 SCADA and Process Specific Software”, doc. no. QC10-H-126
• “S11 Cyber Security System “, doc. No. QC10-H-131
The integration of YANBU strategic tanks into the Dispatch Center Riyadh via the existing
Phase 1 communication link shall be considered. All required works, equipment and
accessories are part of scope.
For process data exchange between the station of the water transmission systems and the CC
standard transmission protocol IEC 60870-5-104 or equivalent shall be used. The protocol is
subject to final design and approval by SWCC.
The GPS based time sources installed in the CC shall be used for time synchronization.
The control system shall be secured following common cyber security recommendations and
HCIS security directives listed in SEC-12 (latest version). Security measures shall be
implemented to protect the integrity of networks and end devices, detect malicious activities,
quickly respond to attacks and recover the system to a known good state before any serious
damage can be done to the technological process as specified in S11, “Cyber Security


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The “SWCC Cyber security requirements in projects, agreements and change management
for industrial control systems and its devices” shall be followed (see volume XIII of the tender
documents) as well as HCIS security directives listed in SEC-12 (latest version).
A control and communication system cyber security risk evaluation, as per NCA rules and
regulations, shall be performed in coordination with SWCC during detail design to verify and
validate cyber security requirements/measures at hardware and software levels. All required
work, equipment and accessories as per the risk evaluation and corrective measures are part
of scope.
Software and configuration of all control levels shall be protected against unauthorized
modifications, the possibility of loss of data integrity shall be minimized by sensor protection
against recalibration. Wireless communication in control loop is prohibited.
A verification of the software integrity shall be also included (operation system, control
software packages, engineering tools, etc.), e.g., by using of anti-virus software modules,
whitelisting, hardened operating systems or other methods.
A project related cyber security specification based on measures foreseen to protect the
system shall be prepared by Contractor. The specification is subject to final design and
approval by SWCC.
Furniture (e.g., desks, chairs, tables, cupboard, garbage cans, working place lighting) required
for the operation of the control system is part of the scope.
It is the responsibility of the Contractor to inform himself about the actual situation on site and
to make all necessary checks and investigations in order to verify the actual as-build status
and the configuration of the control systems as well as the available space/system capacity for
extensions and interfaces. Further the Contractor has to obtain and verify all information which
is required to implement the specified functionality and to perform all coordination works for
internal and external interfaces with SWCC (e.g., MEWA), other contractors and authorities.
During modification, extension or replacement works at any station it is mandatory not to
disturb safe operation of existing systems in operation. Necessary shut down period, if
required, must be limited to the absolute minimum and must be coordinated with the
responsible O&M department of SWCC respectively NWC. If necessary, suitable temporary
provisions must be foreseen to allow continuation of operation.

13.2 Central Control

13.2.1 YANBU Strategic Tanks

The Station Control for the YANBU STRATEGIC TANKS shall be fully integrated into the
existing Control Center implemented at PS at YANBU city feeder line-3. The CC shall finally
allow operation and control of YANBU strategic tanks systems, respectively the individual
subsystems thereof.
Hardware shall be shared, as far as possible, and extended/replaced, if required, to suite
common requirements, e.g., database and application server, simulation/familiarization
All required extensions at existing installations (e.g., hardware, software, licenses) are part of
the scope of work. Spare requirements as specified in the standard specifications shall be
available in the system after implementation. Performance parameters as defined are
applicable as well.


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13.3 Station and Unit Control

A station control system shall be installed at reservoir stations. All station control systems shall
be directly linked, via redundant communication system, to the CC.
13.3.1 Reservoirs Station
For details on the proposed reservoirs stations see following drawings:
“P&ID DIAGRAMS” doc. nos. QP20-D-3201 and QP20-D-3202.
The station control system of the Reservoir Station consists at least of:
• Independent networks (switches, cables, etc.) with connection to the pipeline
communication system
• Router to establish a backup communication link (where required)
• Redundant STATCON with LCP (min. 17’’ touch screen) for station overall functions
and station HMI, redundant network interfaces
• Unit control systems of package units or subsystems (station utility systems) linked to
STATCON (if required)
• Several additional plant bus systems (if required)
• Marshalling racks with connections to power supply (LV, UPS, etc.), fire detection,
HVAC, cathodic protection, field I/Os and/or field buses including over voltage protection
• Remote I/O’s (if necessary)
• Interface PLC (where required e.g., for data provision of another pipeline system) as
part of an interface cabinet
• Communication interfaces to third party equipment (e.g., existing station control
systems - if required)
• Third party intervention system – local components (where required)
• All necessary Software and Licenses
At the reservoir station a boundary limit to a downstream distributor shall be realized. The
interface shall be formed by a Custody Metering and Online Monitoring system (refer to
section 13.8). All consumer quantity delivered via pipeline and truck filling (applicable as per
P&ID) shall be metered.
13.4 Leak Detection and Leak Location
Leak detection system (leak detection and leak location detection) shall be provided covering
steady state conditions for all new installed pipeline systems.
The dedicated LDS shall be provided for each segment, pressurized and/or gravity.
For pipeline system a leak study is required, defining the required measurements, the
functionality and the detection accuracy with respect to leak size versus time.
The leak detection system shall provide, via hydraulic profile, the essential data (e.g.,
elevation profile, MAOP, pressure, temperature, flow, velocity, friction, status of pumps) of the
pipeline system, fully integrated into the HMI of operator/engineering workstations at the CC.
YANBU strategic tanks leak detection system shall be integrated in the existing leak detection
system in case suitable system resources are available. The implementation shall operate
also without the existing pipeline system online and vice versa. It shall further support a
dedicate pipeline, segment and method activation for the new implemented pipeline systems.
For technical requirements reference is made to specification S06 “SCADA and Process
Specific Software”, doc. no. QC10-H-126.


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13.5 Field Instrumentation

The field instrumentation required for continuous measurement and monitoring of the main
process and auxiliary equipment, during all possible modes of operation, has to be provided.
Electrical remote transmitters are required with local installed indication. In addition, remote
installed indication shall be foreseen.
The main instrumentation, as minimum requirement, including the basic control and regulation
loops are shown in the relevant P&I Diagrams. Instrumentation, depending on the selected
system equipment and the functional needs, is subject to final detailed design.
Temperature and pressure measurement shall be considered for leak detection at each
beginning and end point of the pipeline systems (even if not explicitly shown in the related
Instruments required for tank level measurement (independent of the ownership of a tank)
shall be provided, installed and considered in the control system. The signal cabling and all
necessary installation auxiliaries shall also be considered as part of the scope of work.
Pressure indicators necessary for proper maintenance of equipment shall be installed where
required, e.g., downstream and upstream of valves to locally check the pressure difference
and to safely manually operate those valves.
Pressure indicators necessary for proper maintenance of equipment shall be installed where
required, e.g., downstream and upstream of valves to locally check the pressure difference
and to safely manually operate those valves.
The contractor is responsible to design and select the field instrumentation depending on the
purpose, application and environmental conditions in line with the following listed
specifications and drawings:
• QC10-H-121 S01 “Design and Construction of I&C Systems”
• QC10-H-122 S02 “Field Instrumentation”
• QC10-H-123 S03 “Installation and Start-up of Field Instrumentation”
The field instrumentation for the main process pipeline equipment is necessary at least for the
following major tasks:
• Pipeline monitoring and control
Flow, Pressure and level measurements are the main parameters used for the pipeline
control and regulation loops as shown in the P&ID’s.
• Leak detection and leak location
The measurements as listed Above shall be used for leak detection. The water
temperature shall be considered for temperature compensation. Instruments not
mentioned in the P&ID’s, but necessary to fulfil the requirements of the leak detection
system (e.g., accuracy), are part of the scope as essential for the provided solution.
• Water quality monitoring
Residual chlorine or chlorine dioxide as applicable, conductivity, pH and temperature shall
be measured, if not defined otherwise in station related P&IDs. Dependent on location of
installation additional safety measures shall be foreseen to avoid damage of measuring
elements by pressure surges.
Water/flood detectors shall be installed Above the floor of all shafts that contain equipment
controlled and/or monitored by the control system for detection of leaks or inundation. This
signal shall be integrated to the control system and transferred to the Control Center.


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13.6 Fire Detection System

The fire detection and alarm system shall be installed in accordance with HCIS SAF
At the stations, fire detection shall be installed only inside buildings, whereas fire alarm
systems shall be installed inside and outside buildings. The fire alarm system of the different
stations shall provide detector specific alarms at the level of the station control system, which
shall be forwarded to the related control center.
The fire detection and alarm system consist mainly of:
• Main and zone related fire alarm control panels
• Automatic fire detectors (smoke, fire, heat)
• Manual call points
• Audio-visual fire alarm
• Necessary cabling, installation and wiring
• Interfaces to the related systems like HVAC, ventilation
• Interface for visualization incl. local control panel
• Interface to station control system
For technical requirements reference is made to the following specification:
• “S10 Fire Alarm System”, Doc. No. QC10-H-130
Main fire alarm control panel per station shall be installed preferably in the instrumentation
room (location of installation is part of detailed design). The control room shall be equipped
with repeater or mimic panel for status monitoring of the fire detection and alarm equipment.
Following interfaces shall be foreseen for signal provision at the station control system
• Hard wired signals:
o Common fire alarm
o Common fault (failure fire alarm system)
• Ethernet/Serial interface (zone specific fire alarm)
o Pre-alarm (one detector).
o Fire alarm (min. two detectors or one manual call point)
o Status of the detectors
o Failure power supply of fire detection system
Zone specific alarms shall be forwarded to the CC.
The fire detection shall be installed at the stations in the respective buildings and shall cover
all areas of buildings as well as suspending ceiling, false floor, cable cellars.
Walkable ducts, containers, shelters shall also be equipped with fire detection system. Any
additional building defined during detail design, that require fire detection based on NFPA,
shall be part of scope.
At locations where existing buildings will be used to install new equipment, no changes in the
existing fire detection and alarm installations are expected. However, if the new installations
require modification/rearrangement or extension of the existing fire detection and alarm
system, this shall be part of the scope of work.


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13.7 SWCC Dispatch Center

SWCC established a Dispatch Center to monitor and manage its fleet of power and
desalination plants, water transmission pipelines and reservoirs in Saudi Arabia.
The solution is based on a data management infrastructure for collecting, archiving,
displaying, analyzing and reporting real-time operational and asset health related information
in which YANBU STRATEGIC TANKS control system shall be integrated.
The connection and integration works required to provide YANBU strategic tanks data at the
Dispatch Center interface hardware, testing of the data provision is part of the scope of work.
This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
• Hardware to establish the communication link (e.g., switches, fire wall)
• Configuration of new tags in existing Dispatch Center interface servers (e.g., OSIsoft
PI) and configure servers for data exchange (e.g., OPC)
• Configuration of existing servers (e.g., OSIsoft PI) to provide new tags to the Dispatch
For technical requirements reference is made to the following:
• “S06 SCADA and Process Specific Software”, doc. no. QC10-H-126
DIAGRAM”, drawing. no. QP20-T-3800
It is the responsibility of the Contractor to inform himself about the actual situation and to make
all necessary checks and investigations in order to verify the current system status of the
dispatch center interface hardware and software at CC. Further the Contractor has to obtain
and verify all information, which is required to implement the specified functionality, and to
perform all coordination works for internal and external interfaces. Coordination with SWCC
Dispatch Center and SWCC IT department for interfacing and modification shall also be part of
scope. The integration works at the dispatch Center in Riyadh is not part of the scope.

13.8 Custody Metering and Online Monitoring

Two (2) independent Water Metering Systems and an (1) Online Monitoring System forms the
boundary limit between water transmission and distribution system. The systems, except
water meters, shall be installed in the Water Metering and Online Monitoring Building.
Water Meter and Online Monitoring Systems and associated communication equipment shall
be located in secured cabinets, dedicate for each system, lockable with dedicated keys and
capable of being sealed to prevent unauthorized access.
The communication system providing data to the central control system at AWTS Control
Center shall be independent of the operational process network to avoid potential conflicts of
interfacing and protocols.
Data provision to downstream water distributor has to be implemented as per “Seawater
Desalination Code”.
It is in the Contractor’s responsibility to obtain and verify all information which is required to
implement the specified functionality and to perform all coordination works for internal and
external interfaces with system owners, other Contractors and authorities.


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13.8.1 Water Metering System

Two (2) Water Metering Systems, main and backup water meter, are required to verify the
water quantity at the point of connection. Battery limits of the Water Metering System are as
shown in the related P&I Diagrams, interface points for implementation indicated in the “Sea
Water Desalination Code” are not applicable for the project.
Each Water Metering System shall include at least the water meter with sensors, calculator
units and required data transmission units.
The more stringent accuracy of instruments e.g., flow meters, as specified in the “Sea Water
Desalination Code” and “S02 Field Instrumentation” (doc. no. QC10-H-122), shall apply.
The Contractor is responsible to design the water metering system in line with the following
listed specification:
“Seawater Desalination Code”, latest edition
13.8.2 Online Monitoring System
One (1) Online Monitoring System is required to verify the water quality at the point of
connection as shown in the P&I Diagrams. Battery limits of the Water Metering System are as
shown in the related P&I Diagrams, interface points for implementation indicated in the “Sea
Water Desalination Code” are not applicable for the project.
The Online Monitoring System shall include at least the equipment capable of measuring,
converter and calculator units and required data transmission units.
The Contractor is responsible to design the online monitoring system in line with the following
listed specification:
“Seawater Desalination Code”, latest edition
Additional safety measures shall be foreseen to avoid damage of measuring elements by
pressure surges.

13.9 Uniformity of Equipment

To reduce maintenance effort and provide uniformity instrument and control system equipment
shall, as far as possible and under consideration of contract requirements, be of same make
and type as already installed at the local station.

13.10 Software Development and Integrated Factory Acceptance Test (IFAT)

The clarification of all software functions shall be supported by a virtual environment. This
virtual software environment shall cover the entire or at least several typical stations. Any
verification/clarification of the individual software functions as well as of the individual screens
shall be based on the approval of the relevant specifications as well as on the presentations of
the control software implementation, using this virtual environment. These presentations shall
be part of the engineering meetings or other regular meetings.
An integrated FAT (IFAT) shall be performed to demonstrate that the implemented control and
communication system functionality is as per project requirements.


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14.1 General
A communication system shall be installed that ensures and secures the reliable
communication between all stations along the pipeline system.
For detailed technical requirements reference is made to the following specifications:
• QC10-H-127 S07 “Fiber Optic Cable for Pipelines”
• QC10-H-128 S08 “Fiber Optic Cable Conduit and FOC Installation”
• QC10-H-129 S09 “Communication System”
• QC10-H-131 S11 “Cyber Security System”
• Volume XIII Item 10 “Network Communication Technical Specification”
It is the responsibility of the Contractor to inform himself about the actual situation on site and
to make all necessary checks and investigations in order to verify the actual as-built status and
the configuration of the communication system as well as the available space/system capacity
for extensions and interfaces. Further the Contractor has to obtain and verify all information
which is required to implement the specified functionality and to perform all coordination works
for internal and external interfaces with SWCC O&M, other Contractors and responsible
During modification, extension or replacement works it is mandatory not to disturb the safe
operation of the existing pipelines. Necessary shut down period, if required, must be limited to
the absolute minimum and must be coordinated with SWCC O&M. If necessary, suitable
temporary provisions must be foreseen to allow continuation of operation.
New FOC shall be installed along the new pipelines to interconnect all stations of the new
systems and arrange interconnection between different systems and selected stations of the
existing system, including the relevant accessories and termination at the optical distribution
Communication includes the following independent networks:
a) Process Networks
• A fully redundant optical communication system, based on industrial Ethernet
switches, and routing functions shall be set-up including interconnections between
the systems for process data exchange in a redundant ring configuration.
• Back-up communication link including necessary routing functions shall ensure
continuous connectivity for process data exchange.
b) Telephone System/ Office WAN Networks
• An optical communication system, based on industrial Ethernet switches, shall be
set up for pipeline system in a single ring configuration in compliance with HCIS
SEC requirements.
c) Security Networks
• A dedicate communication system, based on industrial Ethernet switches, shall be
set up individually for each pipeline system for out-of-band security management.
d) Network Management System
• Monitoring and engineering system for all communication system components
within the three independent networks, including data transfer monitoring to
identify and/or to avoid cyber-attacks.
Final set-up and configuration of communication network is subject to SWCC/Engineer


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If network protocols are required to build a logical loop-free topology for different Ethernet
networks only non-proprietary routing protocols shall be applied. In light of this a Rapid
Spanning Tree Protocol or Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol or equivalent is required. It is
essential that the Spanning Tree for each network or for each VLAN group and blocks are
independent. Also, the usage of MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) or only MPLS-TP will
be acceptable. Shall routing between different networks be required routing protocol like
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) shall be used.
Therefore, security measures shall be implemented to protect the integrity of networks and
end devices, detect malicious activities, quickly respond to attacks and recover the system to
a known good state before any serious damage can be done to the technological process as
specified in S11, “Cyber Security System”.
Contractor shall provide a dedicate cyber security specification document, based on the
measures foreseen to protect the system, for SWCC approval.
A control and communication system cyber security risk evaluation, as per NCA rules and
regulations, shall be performed in coordination with SWCC during detail design to verify and
validate cyber security requirements/measures at hardware and software levels. All required
work, equipment and accessories as per the risk evaluation and corrective measures are part
of scope.
14.2 Network Topology
Existing and new FOCs shall be used to establish the required networks and shall be used for
redundancy and backup purposes as well as to establish the communication link to PSTN.
For process data exchange the control center and the stations along the pipelines shall be
connected with redundant process networks (A and B) – ring topology. Each station, including
the control center shall be equipped with at least two industrial Ethernet switches. One of
these switches is being part of one of the redundant communication networks.
A telephone and office network, independent and non-redundant, shall interconnect all
stations along the pipeline system.
14.3 FOC Network
One (1) FOC with 72 fibers shall be installed along the new laid pipeline for transmission
system from the pumping station till tie-in station. The FOC shall be dedicated to process,
security, telephone and office networks.
The FOC shall be installed inside a protection twin-conduit which shall be laid at 2 or 10
o’clock position within the pipeline trench on the side (not in-between the pipelines). For the
single line sections, the FOC shall be installed inside a protection twin-conduit which shall be
laid at 2 or 10 o’clock position within the pipeline trench.
The conduits shall be laid such as to reach the respective control room, preferably by looping
in and out without increasing the number of pits.
The FOC network shall be terminated at each location at FODFs, which shall be either wall
mounted or standalone. All FODFs shall have LSH connectors only. At stations with existing
installations shall the connectors be used as already in use.
For the interconnections within the various stations or extra connections between buildings,
control rooms, pump stations, old reservoirs with new reservoirs, etc. or any other
interconnections needed inside one site or more, all required FOCs shall be supplied and
installed in compliance with the technical requirements as defined in the Specifications S07.
Cable lying within stations shall be performed within cable cellars on cable trays, in cable
ducts or within cable conduits, depending on location.
All FOCs, FOC related accessories and work required forming a proper communication FOC
network along the pipeline is part of the scope.


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14.4 Process Network

14.4.1 Main Backbone
Dedicated optical communication network are foreseen for process data exchange of the
pipeline. The Control Center and the stations along the pipeline system shall be connected
with redundant process networks (A and B). At each main station at least two industrial
Ethernet switches (one for transmission system A and another one for transmission system B)
shall be installed to enhance the availability of these stations. Redundant equipment shall be
installed in redundant cabinets (standalone or wall mounted, dependent on location of
The communication system equipment shall normally be installed in the instrumentation room
of the Electrical Building.
The minimum link capacity of Ethernet links over one FOC shall be 1 Gbps.
Appropriate priorities and data rate limitations shall be possible.
Additional routing functions shall be used, where necessary, to separate/interconnect (logical)
Ethernet networks. Only non-proprietary routing protocols shall be applied.
The Process Network Block Diagram can be used as basis for offering and assumption of the
quantities required; however, Contractor shall provide its own process network fulfilling the
requirements of process data provision as mentioned in this specification.
In case of a power failure at one station only this station shall become separated from the
communication system, while all other stations shall still be connected in a redundant manner.
All modification/necessary extension to existing installations is also within scope.
14.4.2 Backup Links
Backup links shall be foreseen from pipeline endpoint to the Control Center.
The backup links shall be established via PSTN. Details shall be coordinated with public
telecom service providers during detailed design. It shall be used only in case of complete
separation of the communication systems. Routing function shall be foreseen, if necessary.
The backup links shall provide sufficient data rate to transmit the complete process data traffic
between the stations without packet loss.
The status of backup links shall be made available to the control system operator at Control
The communication link shall be secured via firewall against unauthorized data transmission
and access. The set-up of the firewall and routing functionality shall follow caber security
The backup links required for the proposed process network system solution are part of the
scope. It includes design and implementation of the backup links, all necessary material and
works at related stations.
A risk evaluation report shall be included in the scope to be approved by SWCC / NCA.
14.5 Security Network
The security network shall be designed and installed in accordance with QC10-H-131 S11
“Cyber Security System”
All stations along the pipeline have to be included in the security network.


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14.6 Telephone and Office Network

A dedicated office and telephone network, based on a separate physical network, shall be set
up providing at least service for:
• Telephone and Hotline
• Office WAN
The defined services shall share the telephone and office network which shall be
• Based on dedicate fibers
• Set up non-redundant
• Based on different VLAN’s with a min. required bandwidth per service and shall have
at least 1 Gbps link capacity (Ethernet over FOC).
The telephone & office network, as mentioned, shall be designed for the new pipeline system.
14.6.1 Telephone System
The telephone system shall use a dedicated VLAN. Requirements on the telephone systems
are as follows:
• At pumping station, the telephone system shall be interfaced to the local public
telephone system with a local gateway.
• The telephone system shall be integrated in the existing telephone system, numbering
scheme has to be coordinated with SWCC. Required extensions and modifications of
the existing PABXs to integrate the number of telephones and users foreseen, plus a
spare capacity of 30%, is part of the scope.
• PABX’s and VoIP telephones shall be connected to the station UPS. No additional
batteries shall be provided with the PABX’s to minimize maintenance efforts.
• The VoIP PABX’s including all subsystems shall be dimensioned according to the
number of telephones and users foreseen plus a spare capacity of 30%.
• VoIP telephones of various types shall be installed in all stations.
• In case power supply of VoIP telephones will be implemented with Power over
Ethernet, the applied Ethernet switches need to support this feature or additional
power injectors are required to be provided.
• For field installations analogue telephones are acceptable.
• Telephones installed outdoor shall be suitable to operate at harsh environmental
conditions (e.g., below ground).
Each station shall be equipped with at least one telephone. In addition, the following minimum
number of telephones shall be foreseen:
a) Central control room: 1 per workstation +1 per DAS workstation + 1 additional
b) Station control room: 1 per workstation, at least 2
c) Offices: 1 per working place
d) Instrumentation rooms, electrical switchgear and other rooms of subsystems: 1 per
e) Pumping hall: minimum 2 outdoor phones with acoustic hoods
f) Guard House: 2
g) Security and Safety Building: 1 per room


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The telephone system and the relevant network components system shall be designed such
that maximum half of the telephones in one room fail due to a single component’s failure. In
addition, it shall be ensured also that in case of a single component failure and in rooms with
only a single telephone at least the neighboring room’s telephone is still working.
PABXs shall be able to work in redundant mode and thus manage all telephones in a
redundant primary/secondary call server configuration.
Standard features such as conference call, missed call list, call diversion, group call, calling
party identification, etc. shall be provided.
The central management system for the complete VoIP telephone system shall be located at
Control Center. Alarms shall be forwarded to the control system at the Control Center.
It is the Contractor’s responsibility to gather all as-built documents and to perform the required
site investigations and coordination. All modification/necessary extension to existing
installations is also within scope of the Station Contractor.
14.6.2 Hotline System
A hotline system shall allow a direct connection to Control Center.
The hotline telephone system shall be a part of the telephone system.
Red colored hotline VoIP telephones with audio-visual ringers and alphanumeric display shall
be installed at each pumping station and terminal station. The Control Center shall be
equipped with at least two (2) hotline phones.
Calls initiated from those phones shall have pre-emption rights to standard VoIP phones and
public telephone system gateways. All hotline phones shall have direct dial buttons
preconfigured with the numbers of all other hotline phones of the new system.
14.6.3 Office WAN
The Office WAN shall be implemented as part of the telephone and office network. The
minimum data rate along the pipeline shall be 200 Mbps. No redundancy or backup links shall
be implemented.
Office Ethernet switches with at least 48 ports shall be provided at those stations with offices.
These office Ethernet switches shall be connected to the station UPS as well.
In offices, meeting rooms, instrumentation room and control rooms Office WAN outlets shall
be provided beside each telephone outlet. This is also applicable for workshops, safety and
security buildings and guard houses.
Coordination with SWCC IT department for all stations and interfacing with existing Office
WAN shall be part of scope.

14.7 Network Management System

All active components of the communication system shall be permanently monitored and
controlled via a network management system.
The network management system (NMS) shall be redundant and located at Control Center.
Alarms indicating equipment faults, loss of connectivity or unavailability of e.g., backup links
shall be forwarded to the control system at the Control Center.
The NMS shall also monitor the entire data traffic for online analysis and to detect any
unauthorized data access or unusual data transfer within one of the networks. In case of
identification of an event an appropriate alarm shall be initiated to the operator.


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Doc. - No.: Q A 1 0 - G - 3 0 2 8 Rev. 00

14.8 Security System

14.8.1 Monitoring of Third-Party Intervention

A fiber optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) system shall be installed along water
transmission pipeline in order to detect any potentially harmful activities in the vicinity of the
buried pipelines as early as possible. This shall enable SWCC maintenance and/or security
teams to stop these activities, if necessary, before the pipelines and FOCs can be damaged.
This shall be integrated with existing TTRK system.
The DAS shall use spare fibers of the fiber optic cable which shall be installed along the new
pipelines for communication purposes. The DAS manufacturer shall analyze and approve the
suitability of the fiber optic cable, the conduit and the foreseen cable installation position,
relative to the pipeline, proposed by Contractor as basis for SWCC/Engineer approval if
deviating from the defined positions as per chapter 14.3.
Although the pipelines are routed along and beneath major roads, the DAS shall be able to
detect and classify automatically any indication for construction activities in the vicinity of the
pipeline with a minimum amount of fail alarms up to a distance of at least 10 meters from the
The DAS shall automatically evaluate the measured acoustic signals and create warnings and
alarms with indication and classification of the warning/alarm cause. These warnings/alarms
shall be forwarded as well to the Control Center.
The DAS shall be composed from fiber optic interrogators (which can be installed at stations
along the pipelines - as necessary), redundant servers (located at the Control Center) for
signal processing and storage of acoustic as well as warning/alarm signals (minimum 3
months) and two DAS workstations (each with two LCD monitors of 24’’, mouse, keyboard and
comfort headset) for detailed analysis of sound signals and warnings/alarms.
The DAS shall be provided as a complete system including all accessories and the
adaptation/training/calibration of the DAS to the acoustic conditions along the pipeline routes.
The DAS manufacturer shall propose a list of warnings/alarms including argumentation for
suitability to support Above purpose of DAS system for approval by SWCC/Engineer.
As part of the system acceptance test for each pipeline at least 10 simulated construction
activities shall be arranged. As a minimum for 90% of the simulated activities warnings/alarms
shall be detected within 5 minutes. During a test period of minimum one week a maximum of 2
fail alarms shall be generated per pipeline system.
In addition to third party interference detection, it shall be possible to detect pipeline leaks and
related leak locations. This is part of the scope.
The DAS shall be foreseen for the new pipeline system with provision of information at Control
14.8.2 Door Switches
The buildings at remote locations, which are not permanently manned, shall be equipped with
door and window switches that shall be connected to the local station control system.
Information – open/closed/failure – shall be forwarded to the related control system.
To indicate intrusion an alarm shall be automatically generated in case a key switch, installed
inside the building, will not be used in a defined time frame from entering into the building.

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