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Autoimmune Disease

o It refers to the failure of the human body's immune system

to recognize its cells and tissues as "self”

o It refers to an immune reaction that is directed against an

individual's own tissue that may cause tissue damage and
cause disease
Localized autoimmune Systemic autoimmune
Haemolytic autoimmune disorder (organ specific disorder (Non- organ specific
disorders autoimmune disorders) autoimmune disorders)
• It is a clinical disorder as a result of the destruction of blood
components. Auto Antibodies are formed against one’s own Red
blood cells, Platelets or Leukocytes.

• Haemolytic anemia
• Leukopenia
• Thrombocytopenia
• Mainly affect a single organ or tissue, the effects frequently
extend to other body systems and organs.
• Managed by organ-specific medical specialists

• Addison’s disease (adrenal)

• Autoimmune hepatitis (liver)
• Crohn’s disease (gastrointestinal tract)
• Diabetes Mellitis Type 1a (pancreas)
• Immune complexes accumulate in many tissues and cause
inflammation and damage
• classified into rheumatological disease and vasculitis disorders
• often managed by clinical immunology/allergy specialists
and/or rheumatologists.

• Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (anti-nuclear Ab.): Harms kidneys, heart, brain, lungs,
• Rheumatoid Arthritis (anti-IgG antibodies): Joints, hearts, lungs, nervous system
• Rheumatic fever: cross-reaction between antibodies to streptococcus and auto-
• Feeling more thirsty
than usual.
• Urinating a lot. Taking insulin.
Localized Autoimmune • Bed-wetting in children Counting
Type 1 diabetes Disorder (organ carbohydrates, fats
who have never wet the
specific autoimmune bed during the night. and protein.
disorders) • Feeling very hungry. Monitoring blood
• Losing weight without sugar often.

• Pain or aching in • methotrexate

more than one
Systemic joint. • leflunomide
Autoimmune Disorder • Stiffness in more • hydroxychloroquine
Rheumatoid Arthritis (non-organ specific than one joint.
autoimmune • sulfasalazine
• Tenderness and
disorders) swelling in more
than one joint.
Systemic methotrexate (Trexall,
Autoimmune Disorder Otrexup, others).
Psoriasis/psoriatic (non-organ specific Joint pain, stiffness Others include
arthritis and swelling
autoimmune leflunomide (Arava)
disorders) and sulfasalazine

Systemic loss of vision in an

Autoimmune Disorder eye, loss of power in
Multiple sclerosis (non-organ specific an arm or leg or a Interferon beta
autoimmune rising sense of medications
disorders) numbness in the legs
Systemic Lupus Systemic autoimmune fatigue, skin rashes, Hydroxychloroquine
Erythematosus disease or Non-organ fevers, and pain or and corticosteroids
specific autoimmune swelling in the joints

Diarrhea and Fever

Fatigue and Abdominal pain and
Localized cramping.

Inflammatory bowel Autoimmune Disorder Blood in your stool and Mouth Aminosalicylates
sores. Corticosteroids
disease (organ specific
1.Crohn's disease autoimmune Reduced appetite and weight loss. Immunomodulators
disorders) Pain or drainage near or around Biologic therapies
the anus due to inflammation from
a tunnel into the skin (fistula)
Diarrhea and Rectal bleeding medication therapy or
Abdominal pain and surgery
cramping. Azathioprine (Azasan,
Localized Imuran)
Autoimmune Disorder Rectal pain.
b. Ulcerative colitis (organ specific mercaptopurine
Urgency to defecate.
(Purinethol, Purixan).
autoimmune Inability to defecate despite
disorders) urgency. Cyclosporine (Gengraf,
Neoral, Sandimmune).
Weight loss and Fatigue.

Darkening areas of skin and

Severe fatigue
Hydrocortisone ,
Localized Unintentional weight loss prednisone or
Autoimmune Disorder methylprednisolone
Gastrointestinal problems, such
Addison’s disease (organ specific as nausea, vomiting and
autoimmune abdominal pain Fludrocortisone
disorders) Lightheadedness or fainting
Salt cravings and Muscle or joint
Enlargement of the thyroid
gland and Erectile dysfunction
Radioactive iodine
Localized Autoimmune Frequent bowel movements therapy
Graves’ disease Disorder (organ Bulging eyes aand Fatigue
specific autoimmune Thick, red skin usually on the medications
disorders) shins or tops of the feet
Rapid or irregular heartbeat and
Sleep disturbance

Dry eyes and mouth

Medications like:
Systemic Joint pain, swelling and
stiffness Decrease eye
Autoimmune Disorder inflammation
Sjögren’s syndrome (non-organ specific Swollen salivary glands
autoimmune Increase production
disorders) Skin rashes or dry skin of saliva
Persistent dry cough Surgery
Prolonged fatigue
•Weight gain. The main treatment
•Feeling cold.
•Joint stiffness and muscle pain.
for Hashimoto’s
Localized •Constipation (trouble having a thyroiditis is thyroid
Autoimmune Disorder bowel movement). hormone replacement
Hashimoto’s (organ specific •Depression therapy, most
thyroiditis autoimmune •Puffy eyes/face.
•Dry skin. commonly with a
disorders) •Thinning hair/hair loss. synthetic form of T4
•Heavy or irregular periods. (thyroxine) called
•Difficulty becoming pregnant
•weakness of the eye muscles
(called ocular myasthenia)
•drooping of one or both
Localized eyelids (ptosis) Cholinesterase
Autoimmune Disorder •blurred or double vision inhibitors
Myasthenia gravis (organ specific (diplopia) Corticosteroids
•a change in facial expression.
autoimmune •difficulty swallowing. Immunosuppressants
disorders) •shortness of breath.
•impaired speech (dysarthria)
•Fever corticosteroids such as
•Headache prednisone. For more
Autoimmune Disorder
•Fatigue serious types of
Autoimmune (non-organ specific
•Weight loss vasculitis, other
vasculitis autoimmune
•General aches medications that
and pains suppress the immune
system are also used.
•waxy pallor
•shortness of breath
•rapid heartbeat
Pernicious anemia Haemolytic •unsteady gait
autoimmune diseases •smooth tongue injection of vitamin
•gastrointestinal B12
•neurological problems
•Vomiting and Poor appetite
•Bloating and Flatulence
Systemic •Abdominal pain and Diarrhea •Gluten-free diet
Autoimmune Disorder •Constipation and Weight loss
•Tingling numbness in the
•Lactose-free diet
Celiac disease (non-organ specific
hands and feet •Daily multivitamin
•Seizures and calcium
disorders) •Canker sores inside The
•Thinning hair and dull skin
•excessive fatigue and weakness
•pale skin
•a fast heart rate
•shortness of breath •corticosteroids or
Autoimmune •jaundice (yellow skin) cortisone-like drugs
haemolytic Haemolytic •dark-colored urine
autoimmune diseases •discomfort or fullness in your •immunosuppressive
anemia abdomen therapy.
•muscle pain
•diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting
•easy bruising •watching and waiting, as
•abnormal bleeding (nose thrombocytopenia often
bleeds, bleeding gums, gets better by itself
•steroids to boost
heavy periods)
Thrombocytopenia Haemolytic platelet numbers
•blood in the poo or urine In more severe cases,
autoimmune diseases •petechiae you may need:
•cuts that keep bleeding •platelet transfusion
•feeling tired •intravenous

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