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Flutter Concept Review

Complete Examples - Code Review

Widget & Flutter Internals

Using packages
Searching for packages
Adding a package dependency to an app
Removing a package dependency
Conflict resolution
Developing new packages"

Function Structure
Creating a Function
Function Return Data Types
Void Function
Function Returning Expression
Functions and Variable Scope
Creating a Class
Adding Methods to Classes
Providing Constructors for Your Classes
Class — Getters and Setters
Class Inheritance
Abstract Class

Displaying List
SliverFixedExtentList and SliverList
Building a Scrollable App Bar
Reusing SliverAppBar
Inserting a Footer to CustomScrollView
Adjusting the Layout
Controlling the SliverGrid Layout
Adding Grids
Implementing SliverPersistentHeaderDelegate
Customizing a Subheader With SliverPersistentHeader
Next Steps

What’s a Cubit?
How to connect a Cubit to the UI?
How to inject a Cubit in the Widget Tree?
Cubit State Management
Testing with Cubits
CRUD with Firebase and Cubit

What Is Bloc?
Adding Bloc to Flutter
Observing Bloc Changes
Adding Cubit to the Application
○ Creating the Repository class
○ Creating the Service class
○ Creating the View class
Adding Bloc to the Application

Using iOS
Getting to know the iOS interface
Multi-touch gestures
Understanding apps
iOS features
○ Notifications
○ Control Center
○ Siri
○ Voice dictation
○ Sharing
○ Syncing
Programming for iOS

Flutter for iOS devs

Updating widgets
Widget Layout
Add/Remove Components from Layout
Widget Animation
Drawing to the screen
Custom Widgets
Threading & asynchronicity
Background Threads
Project Structure

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