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(With re fe re nc e to Advt. No.01/2022-FCI Cate gory-III publishe d in Em ploym e nt Ne ws on 03.09.2022)

Po st ap p lie d f o r :  ASSISTANT GRADE-III (DEPOT ) Z o ne ap p lie d f o r :  SOUT H Z ONE
REGIST RAT ION NO.: 2180829300 VENUE CODE :  12093
  KRISHNAGIRI Scrib e assist ance o p t e d f ro m FCI as p e r Ap p licat io n :  NO
  T AMILNAD U   635109 Own Scrib e Assist ance Op t e d as Pe r Ap p licat io n :  NO

Login ID : 1621000268
Password :32155935
DATE O F EXAMINATIO N : 05/03/23   Sunday
Category :  O BC

Madam / Sir,
With reference to your Application for the above recruitment, you are hereby admitted provis ionally to appear for the online examination (Phas e-II) on the date
and time at the venue mentioned above. Pleas e bring this c all letter with your rec ent photograph affixed thereon, c urrently valid Photo identity proof in
original (bearing exac tly the s ame name as it appears on this c all letter) and a photoc opy of the s ame ID proof whic h you bring in original, s tapled
with c all letter - T HIS IS ES S ENT IAL. Pleas e hand over this c all-letter alongwith photoc opy of photo identity proof duly s tapled together to the
invigilator. Currently valid photo identity proof may be PAN Card/ Pas s port/Permanent Driving Lic enc e / Voter’s Card with photograph / Bank
Pas s book with photograph / Photo Identity proof is s ued by a Gaz etted Offic er on offic ial letterhead alongwith photograph / Photo Identity proof
is s ued by a People’s Repres entative on offic ial letter head alongwith photograph / Valid rec ent Identity Card is s ued by a rec ogniz ed College /
Univers ity / Aadhaar Card / E-Aadhaar Card with a photograph / Employee ID (in original) / Bar Counc il Identity c ard with photograph. Pleas e Note -
Ration Card and Learner’s Driving Lic ens e will NOT be ac c epted as valid ID proof for this purpos e. You mus t repor t at the examination venue 30
minutes before the Repor ting time as printed on this call-letter. Candidates repor ting later than the time mentioned above will not be allowed to appear for the
online examination. The candidates will not be allowed to leave the examination hall without the permis s ion of the tes t adminis trator. The s ignature of the
candidate on this Call Letter will als o s ignify that the candidate has read the ins tructions on the Call Letter and Information Handout and agrees & accepts the
Terms and Conditions thereof.

Ha ndwrit ing Sa mple (t o be c opied f rom sc reen a s inst ruc t ed)


Left Thumb Impression (should be clearly affixed Candidate’s Signature Invigilator’s Signature (Candidate’s signature and
in the presence of the invigilator at the time of (To be signed in the presence of the invigilator at left thumb impression obtained in my presence
examination) the time of examination) and photograph verified by me)

IMPO RT ANT : Yo ur pho t o graph affixe d o n t he call le t t e r sho uld mat ch t he o ne uplo ade d in t he o nline applicat io n f o rm, f ailing which yo u
may no t be allo we d t o appe ar f o r t he e xaminat io n. Re gist rat io n at t he e xam ve nue will be do ne by pho t o and bio me t ric capt ure . Pho t o
capt ure d will be mat che d wit h t he pho t o uplo ade d by yo u in t he applicat io n (as print e d in t he call le t t e r). Yo u must NOT change yo ur
appe arance f ro m t he pho t o uplo ade d by yo u. Yo ur signat ure sho uld t ally wit h t he signat ure uplo ade d. In case o f discre pancy, yo u will no t
be allo we d t o appe ar f o r t he e xaminat io n. Lat e co me rs will no t allo we d t o t ake t he t e st .
Candidat e s co ming wit ho ut st ipulat e d curre nt ly valid pho t o ID card in o riginal (be aring e xact ly same name as give n abo ve ) and pho t o co py
o f t he same ID pro o f st aple d wit h t he call le t t e r will no t be allo we d t o t ake t he t e st . Pho t o ID sho uld be valid as o n t he day o f e xam.
Ple ase no t e t hat yo ur name as appe aring o n t he call le t t e r (pro vide d by yo u during t he pro ce ss o f re gist rat io n) sho uld e xact ly mat ch t he
name as appe aring o n t he pho t o ide nt it y pro o f . If t he re is any mismat ch be t we e n t he name indicat e d in t he Call Le t t e r and Pho t o Ide nt it y
Pro o f yo u will no t be allo we d t o appe ar f o r t he e xam.

T he examination will be c onduc ted online. You will be required to enter US ER ID and Pas s word to enter the On-Line exam s ite. Pleas e ens ure that
your name and other details whic h will s ubs equently appear on the s c reen are c orrec t. Dis c los ure of Us er ID & Pas s word to third party s hall be at
the ris k & res pons ibility of the c andidate. In c as e of dis c repanc y, pleas e inform the Invigilator.

Ple ase print & re ad t he at t ache d inst ruct io ns f ro m ne xt page care f ully. T his (Call-Le t t e r) is a co mput e r ge ne rat e d do cume nt & do e s
no t re quire signat ure .
1. The examination will be conducted online. You will be required to enter Login ID and Password to enter the On-Line exam site. Please ensure
that your Name and other details which will subsequently appear on the screen are correct. In case of any discrepancy, please inform the
2. Yo u are re quire d t o b ring t his call le t t e r alo ng wit h p ho t o affi xe d t he re o n and curre nt ly valid p ho t o ide nt it y p ro o f in o riginal and
p ho t o co p y o f t he p ho t o ide nt it y p ro o f . Ple ase no t e t hat yo ur name as ap p e aring o n t his call le t t e r (p rovide d b y yo u during t he
p ro ce ss o f re gist rat io n) sho uld e xact ly mat ch t he name as ap p e aring o n t he p ho t o ide nt it y p ro o f . Fe male candidat e s who have
change d first /last /middle name p o st marriage must t ake sp e cial no t e o f t his. If t he re is any mismat ch b e t we e n t he name
indicat e d in t he Call Le t t e r and Pho t o Ide nt it y Pro o f yo u will no t b e allo we d t o ap p e ar f o r t he e xam. In case o f candidat e s who
have change d t he ir name will b e allo we d o nly if t he y p ro duce o riginal Gaze t t e no t ificat io n/t he ir o riginal marriage
ce rt ificat e /affi davit in o riginal.
3. An Inf o rmat io n Hando ut giving inf o rmat io n ab o ut t he t yp e o f e xaminat io n is availab le o n t he we b sit e o f FCI ht t t p ://f
Ple ase do wnlo ad t he Inf o rmat io n Hando ut and st udy it care f ully.
4. In order to save time on frisking (Metal Detectors will be used), the candidates are advised to follow the below mentioned dress code:
Light c lothe s whic h c annot be use d for hiding any instrum e nts or c om m unic ation devic e s.
Half sle eve s but not having big buttons or any badge , brooc he s e tc . whic h c ould be use d to hide the c om m unic ation
devic e , Blue tooth, c am e ra e tc .
S lippe rs, sandals and not the shoe s/soc ks.
Light Clothe s without any m e tal ite m s like zippe rs, button e tc .
However, candidates coming in customary/religious dresses PwBD should report at the centre well in advance prior to reporting time for proper
5. Candidates should put their Left Thumb Impression cle arly and sign in the respective space provided on the call-letter in the presence of the
6. Ball point pen, stamp pad and rough sheets will be provided at the venue. Candidates should not bring any stationary items such as pens,
pencils, erasers, sharpeners etc. to the exam venue.
7. The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility conditions for admission to the examination. The
admission at all stages of the examination for which he/she is admitted viz online test will be purely provisional, subject to his/her satisfying the
eligibility conditions. If on verification at any time before or after the online test, it is found that the candidate does not fulfill any of the eligibility
condition, his/her candidature for the examination shall stand cancelled without any notice or further reference. Hence, the candidate is
provisionally permitted to appear for the online test. Issue of this call letter for the online test neither constitutes an offer of employment with FCI
nor does it confer any right of Acceptance of candidature and should not be construed as an acknowledgement of fulfilling the eligibility criteria.
8. Biometric data (thumb impression) and photograph will be captured before the start of the examination at the examination venue. Decision of the
Biometric data verification authority with regard to its status (matched or mismatched) shall be final and binding upon the candidates. Re f usal
t o p art icip at e in t he p ro ce ss o f b io me t ric dat a cap t uring / ve rificat io n o n any o ccasio n may le ad t o cance llat io n o f candidat ure .
With regards to the same, please note the following :
(a) If fingers are coated (stamped ink/mehndi/coloured...etc.), ensure to thoroughly wash them so that coating is completely removed before the
examination day.
(b) If fingers are dirty or dusty, ensure to wash them and dry them before the thumb impression (biometric) is captured.
(c) Ensure fingers of both hands are dry. If fingers are moist, wipe each finger to dry them.
(d) If the primary finger (thumb) to be captured is injured/damaged, immediately notify the concerned authority in the test centre.
(Any failure to observe these points will result in non-admittance for the examination).
9. Candidat e s will have t o ap p e ar f o r t he o nline e xaminat io n at t he ir o wn co st .
10. Yo ur re sp o nse s (answe rs) will b e analyse d wit h re sp o nse s o f o t he r candidat e s t o de t e ct p at t e rns o f similarit y o f right and
wro ng answe rs. If in t he analyt ical p ro ce dure ado p t e d in t his re gard, it is inf e rre d/co nclude d t hat t he re sp o nse s have b e e n
share d and sco re s o b t aine d are no t ge nuine /valid, yo ur candidat ure may b e cance lle d and/o r t he re sult wit hhe ld.
11. Yo u sho uld re ach t he e xaminat io n ve nue 30 minut e s b e f o re t he re p o rt ing t ime as p rint e d o n t his call-le t t e r. Candidat e s arriving
lat e will no t b e p e rmit t e d t o ap p e ar f o r t he o n-line e xaminat io n.
12. Use of books, notebooks, calculators, scales, watch calculators, pagers, algorithm tables, mobile phones, scanning devices, any electronic gadget
etc. is not permitted in this examination. Candidates are advised not to bring any of the banned items including pagers to the venue of
examination as safety arrangement cannot be assured. Any candidate found resorting to any unfair means or malpractice or any misconduct
while appearing for the examination including giving/receiving help to/from any candidate during the examination will be disqualified. T he
candidat e sho uld b e vigilant t o e nsure t hat no o t he r candidat e is ab le t o co p y f ro m his/he r answe rs.
13. Any request for change of post/date/session/centre/venue will not be entertained.
14. It is mandatory for the candidates to write his/her Name, Roll Number, Registration Number, System Number on every page of Rough Sheets
provided at the exam venue. Every page of Rough sheets should be stapled and handed over to the Invigilator or as instructed by the
Invigilator/Test Administrator/Exam Officials.
15. You may please note that this call-letter does not constitute an offer of employment with FCI.
16. Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidates or to bring political or other outside influence with regard to their selection/recruitment shall
be considered as DISQUALIFICATION.
17. Please note that a candidate is allowed to appear only once in the online examination. Multiple appearance in online examination will result in
cancellation of candidature. In case more than one call letter has been generated, candidates are advised to appear only once on the date and at
the time mentioned on the respective call letter. All other call letters are to be surrendered.
18. The possibility for occurrences of some problem in the administration of the examination cannot be ruled out completely which may impact test
delivery and/or result from being generated. In that event, every effort will be made to rectify such problem, which may include the conduct of
another examination if considered necessary. Decision of the test conducting body in this regard shall be final. Candidates not willing to accept
such change shall lose his/her candidature for this exam.
19. Anyone found to be disclosing, publishing reproducing, transmitting, storing or facilitating transmission and storage of test contents in any form
or any information therein in whole or part thereof or by any means verbal or written, electronic or mechanical or taking away the papers
supplied in the examination hall or found to be in unauthorised possession of test content is likely to be prosecuted.
20. Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) should contact the Test Centre Administrator of the test venue at least 30 minutes before the time
of examination for assistance in seating, if needed.
21. The Govt. of India, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment OM F. No. 34-02/2015-DD-III, dated: 29th August, 2018 provides that “In case the
candidate is allowed to bring his own scribe, the qualification of the scribe should be one step below the qualification of the candidate taking
examination.” Accordingly, the PwBD candidates using the assistance of their own Scribe must ensure that the qualification of Scribe is one step
below their qualification. In case it is f o und t hat t he qualificat io n o f t he Scrib e is e quivale nt t o o r highe r t han t he qualificat io n o f
t he candidat e , his/he r candidat ure shall b e summarily re je ct e d. Eligib le PwBD candidat e s using t he ir o wn Scrib e in t he
e xaminat io n are re quire d t o sub mit ” Scrib e De clarat io n Fo rm’ as p e r Anne xure -H give n in t he de t aile d adve rt ise me nt , o n t he day
o f e xaminat io n at Examinat io n Ve nue .
22. Scrib e shall b e p rovide d t o o nly t ho se candidat e s who have o p t e d f o r t he same in t he Ap p licat io n f o rm. PwBD candidates
appearing in the examination who are eligible for scribe and have opted for assistance of Scribe from FCI in their application form, may contact
the FCI Regional Office of the State well in advance, in which their Examination Centre is situated, so as to meet the scribe t wo days before the
examination to check and verify whether the scribe is suitable or not. The address & email ids of FCI Regional Offices are available on FCI
website i.e.
23. All the candidates with benchmark disabilities who are eligible for availing the facility of scribe will be allowed additional time of 20 minutes
per hour as compensatory time whether they use the facility of scribe or not.
24. In case discre p ancie s, if any, re garding t he candidat e’s p art iculars in t his Call le t t e r sho uld b e re p o rt e d at ht t p ://cgrs.ib p
lat e st b y o ne we e k b e f o re t he sche dule d e xam dat e .
25. Ple ase re ad inst ruct io ns re lat e d t o So cial Dist ancing give n b e lo w.
1 Candidat e is re quire d t o re p o rt at t he e xam ve nue st rict ly as p e r t he t ime slo t me nt io ne d in t he Call Le t t e r. Lat e co me rs will
no t b e allo we d t o t ake t he t e st .
2 Map p ing o f ‘Candidat e Ro ll Numb e r and t he Lab Numb e r’ will NOT b e disp laye d o ut side t he e xam ve nue , b ut t he same will b e
int imat e d t o t he candidat e s individually at t he t ime o f e nt ry o f t he candidat e t o t he e xam ve nue .
3 Items permitted into the venue for Candidates
Candidat e s will b e p e rmit t e d t o carry o nly ce rt ain it e ms wit h t he m int o t he ve nue .
a. Mask
b. Pe rso nal hand sanit ize r (50 ml)
c. Exam re lat e d do cume nt s (Call Le t t e r and Pho t o co p y o f t he ID card st ap le d wit h it , ID Card in Original.)
d. Call Le t t e r sho uld b e b ro ught wit h t he Pho t o co p y o f t he Pho t o ID st ap le d wit h it . Original ID (same as Pho t o co p y) is also
t o b e b ro ught f o r ve rificat io n. T he name o n t he ID and o n t he Call Le t t e r sho uld b e e xact ly t he same .
e. In case o f Scrib e Candidat e s - Scrib e f o rm duly fille d and signe d wit h Pho t o grap h affi xe d.
No o t he r It e ms are p e rmit t e d inside t he ve nue .
4 Candidat e sho uld no t share any o f t he ir p e rso nal b e lo nging/mat e rial wit h anyo ne
5 Candidat e sho uld maint ain saf e so cial dist ance wit h o ne ano t he r.
6 Candidat e sho uld st and in t he ro w as p e r t he inst ruct io ns p rovide d at ve nue .
7 If candidat e is availing se rvice s o f a scrib e , t he n scrib e also sho uld b ring t he ir o wn Mask.
8 On co mp le t io n o f e xaminat io n, t he candidat e s sho uld move o ut in an o rde rly manne r wit ho ut cro wding as inst ruct e d b y t he
ve nue st af f .

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