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Pilot (needs Vehicle Operation Space Vehicle)

Captain (needs Leadership-Command)

First Officer (Needs Tactics-Space)

Co-Pilot (Needs Vehicle Operations-Space and/or System Operation- Weapons)

Navigator (Needs Navigation_System and usually Navigation Drivespace)

Sensor Officer (Needs System Operations- Sensors)

Communications Officer (Needs system Operations-Sensors)

Engineering Officer (Needs System Operations-Engineering and usually helps to have Technical Science-
Repair depending on what he is doing in or out of combat)

Damage Control Team (needs Technical Science- Juryrig)

Defensive Officer (Needs System Operations-Defenses)

Weapons Officer (Needs System Operations-Weapons)

Spaceship combat steps:

1. Highest Pilot Skill STARTS with Advantage (chooses who moves first in phases he has actions). Forfeit
Advantage when a piloting check is failed.

2. Action Checks are made for each Crewman. Surprise is possible with Tactics-Space, though unlikely.

3. Actions are announced for bridge crew with actions this phase. PILOT declares one of these 4:
Open, Close, Hold, Break). NOTE: All assistance and other modifiers created by Skill Checks occur
AFTER the phase in which they are caused. Each choice costs an Action to execute.

3a. Captain can do three things:

Use Tactics-Space to creative penalties for the opposing pilot Vehicle Operations checks, +2/0/-1/-1/-3

Use Tactics- Space to increase their own Crew Action Checks +2/0/-1/-1/-3,


Use leadership- Command to give Skill check bonus’s to crew this AND next round as follows: Crit Fail +1
to all, ordinary -1 for two crew, Good -1 for four crew, Amazing -1 for six crew.

3b.Pilot can do two things.

use Vehicle Operations to do routine (roll/drift/turn/bank/veer), moderate (Turn and fire main weapon
only) or extreme (Hard Bank/Hard Veer/Hard Skid/Loop/Turn) maneuvers.


Use System Operations-Weapons to just fire weapons without penalty, in which case the sheep simply
continues to follow its last instruction, whatever that may have been.

3c. Co-Pilot can use Vehicle Operations OR Weapons Systems to assist the Pilots efforts: +2/0/-1/-2/-3

3d. Sensors Officers can do three things:

Use System Operations-Sensors to lock on for a weapon operator: +2/0/-1/-2/-3 steps


Use System Operations-Sensors to modify the hit LOCATION die roll: Miss/Random as usual/-+1/-+2/-+3


Use System Operations-Sensors to modify the Defense Officers Skill checks this and next round by
feeding incoming hostile data to him. +2/0/-1/-2/-3

3e. Communications Officer can do three things

Use System operation-Communication to Encode messages (penalty to enemy decode) -2/0/+1/+2/+3


Use Complex System Operations-Communication to decode languages/Cyphers/etc… Code difficulty

step modifiers: Marginal -1, Good +1/Amazing +2


Use System Operation-Communication to confuse Guided Systems (such as missiles): -2/0/+1/+2/+3

3f. Engineering Officer can do two things:

Use System Operations- Engineering to remotely repair Stun damage. Can be modified by ranks in
Technical Science-Repair as follows: Rank 1 -1, Rank 4 – 2, Rank 7 -3. Repair results are as follows:
D4s inflicted/No reair/+1s/+2s/+3s


Use System Operations-Engineering to give Damage Control teams a step modifier: +2/0/-1/-2/-3
3g. Damage Control Team can do one thing, but it can be incredibly critical.
Use Technical Science-Juryrig to temporarily repair ship systems that go down. Critical Failure: item is
useless without full repair, Ordinary: Damage repaired for D6+1 time units but adds 3 to the Complex
Skill to fully repair later; Good: 2D4+2 time units and add 2 to the Complex Skill check to fully repair it
later; and Amazing: 3D4+2 time units and adds 1 to the Complex Skill check to fully repair it later.

3h. Defensive Officers can do one thing:

Use System Operation- Defenses to apply step modifiers to enemy attacks through a miriad of defensive
measures available on a starship. -2/0/+1/+2/+3 See the descriptions of the various defenses available
to allow this.

3i. Weapons Officer can do one thing

Use System Operations-Weapons to target an enemy. If you do this while also piloting it becomes a
Moderate Maneuver with a +1 step which is why a dedicated weapons specialist is usually better.

4. Calculate distance and any movement penalties that occur before engagement based on Intentions
of the pilot with Advantage (Step 2).

5. Calculate Range for Weapons, apply relevant Modifiers and blast away.

6. Calculate Damage, and Secondary Damage. Then apply Armor to damage (not secondary Damage)
as usual

7. Start over by going to Steps 1 and 2 which again are: Declaring Intentions, followed by the next
Action checks!

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