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A stands for universal & positive proposition

E = universal & negative proposition
I = particular & positive proposition
O = particular and negative proposition

(e.g. All men are white) (e.g. No man is white)



(e.g. Some men are white,

i.e. at least one man is white) (e.g. Not all men are white)

Contradiction is expressed by the opposition A ↔ O and E ↔ I.

If A is true, then O is necessarily false; and if A is false, then O is necessarily

true. Furthermore, if O is true, then A is necessary false, etc.

Contrariety, in the strict sense, is expressed by the opposition A ↔ E.

If A is true, then E must be false; and if E is true, then A must be false. But
if A is false, E may be either true or false; and if E is false, A may be either
true or false (in other words: A and E may be both false, while they may not
be both true)

Subcontrariety is expressed by the opposition I ↔ O.

I and O may be both true, but they may not be both false at the same time.

Subalternation is expressed by the oppositions A → I (where I is subaltern to

A) and E → O (where O is subaltern to E).

If A is true, then I must also be true; if E is true, then O must be true. But if
A is false, I may be either true or false; if E is false, O may be either true or
false. If I is true, on the other hand, A may be either true or false; and if O is
true, E may be either true or false. But if I is false, then A must be false too;
and if O is false, then E must be false.

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