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Business Entrepreneur
o it is defined as an entity engaged in o an individual who undertakes the risk
commerce and trade usually having a profit associated with creating organizing and
motive owning a business

Entrepreneur Successful Entrepreneurs

o it is defined as one who integrates the three o persistent
resources mainly land, labor, and capital in o creative
order to make another good o responsible
o inquisitive
o goal-oriented
Process of Establishing a Business o independent
o self-confident
o Identifying the types of business o risk taker
o getting the initial capitalization
o selecting the place for business
o direct operation and management of the
Skills needed by Successful Entrepreneurs
o getting profits and or losses o communication skills
o human relations skills
o math skills
Initial Capitalization o problem solving and decision-making skills
o technical skills
o sole proprietorship and partnership
o basic business skills

micro business
Communication Skills
o 1,500,001 or a small-scale business with
1,500,001 up to 15 million o effective communication is a vital tool for any
business owner
o can help to foster a good working
Medium scale
- 15 million to 60 million more or less
Forms of Communication
o conserving
Large scale
o body language
- No limit in capitalization o writing
o presenting
o negotiating
o mediating
o debating
o leading
o cross-platforming
o listening
Human Relation skills Basic Business Skills

o empathy
o creativity
o curiosity
o learning
o time management
o adaptability
o strategic thinking
o efficiency
o resilience
Math Skills
o communication
o business math o networking
o reading and interpreting tables o finance
o computing discount o branding
o solving problems related with percentage o sales
o determining unit cost
o budget
o credit
o understand income
o sales tax, utility tax, property tax and o personal savings
miscellaneous taxes - certificate of employment
o insurance programs
o cost of manufacturing o loan
o business performance

Back to back loan

Problem Solving Skills
- depositor saving deposit or time deposit
o evaluate each situation used as collateral to advance the same
amount of money for whatever purpose it
may serve
6 Problem Skills that any Entrepreneur should
o critical thinking
o creativity/lateral thinking
o initiative
o persistence Good place for business
o flexibility/ adaptability - defined as the marketplace with a lot of
o self-discipline buyers on consumers or a place which is
easy to access like a terminal

Technical Skills
o coding
o wireframing
o the cloud
o big data Ii is important that the owner know something about
o online accounting and bookkeeping the product
o graphic design
One should know the material used, how the product
o communication
was produced and how to pack and sell them
o mobile

• There are minimal costs and requirements in

the information
4 TYPES OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATION • There are more funds contributed from the
investments of the partners
• There are infusion of more knowledge
1.Sole Proprietorship experience and skills from two or more
o Is a business owned and managed by only partners
one person • There can be division of labor between or
o Formed by a single individual among partners
o Simplest form under which a business can DISADVANTAGES
o Don not have separate legal existence from • Unlimited liability
the owner • Mutual agency
• Limited life
• Disagreements between or among partners
• There are minimal cost and requirements can lead to the withdrawal of one or more
in the formation partners
• The owner can withdraw the assets and • Partner dissolution
profits of the business anytime at his or
her own discretion
• Decision making is solely in the hands of OTHER FORMS OF PARTNERSHIP
the owner
• Limited partnership
• The duration of the life of the business
➢ at least one partner has an unlimited
solely depend on its owner
liability and at least one partner has a
• Owners can mix personal business
limited liability
• Simple taxation
➢ Limited partners have limited
• Resources are limited as the capital is personal liability for business debts
provided only by the owner as long as they do not participate in
• The liability of the owner is unlimited as he is management
accountable to all creditors of the business ➢ General partner can release cash
• Infusion of knowledge in the management of without involving outside investors in
the business is limited to one person only, management of business
which is the owner
➢ General partners personal liable
for business debts
2. Partnership ➢ More expensive to create than
regular partnership
o is a business organization owned and ➢ Suitable mainly for companies
managed by two or more people who agree that invest in real estate
to contribute money property or industry to a
common fund for the purpose of earning a
profit • Limited liability partnership
➢ type of partnership that aims to
protect innocent from the malpractice
and wrongdoing of other partners
➢ mostly of interest to partners in old • The stakeholders only have a limited liability
line professions such as low • A corporation has continuous existence as
medicine and accounting its life indefinite
➢ owners are not personally liable for • Shares of stocks can be transferred without
the malpractice and accounting the consent off other shareholders
DISADVANTAGE: • Management of the corporations is vested
upon its board of directors
➢ unlike limited liability company
owners remain personally liable DISADVANTAGES
form many types of obligations • A corporation entails may requirements and
owned to business creditors is more costly than a partnership
lenders and landlords • Distribution of net income depends upon the
➢ Often limited to a short list of declaration of dividends by the corporation
professions • in large corporations there is formal or
impersonal relationship between employees
and management due to the big number of
• Limited liability company
➢ have a features of both a corporation
and a partnership 4.Cooperatives
➢ the owner called members and day
and joy limited liability o it is a duly registered association of persons
with a common bond of interest were
voluntarily joined together to achieve a lawful
ADVANTAGES: common, social, or economic and making
➢ owners have limited personal liability equitable contributions to the capital required
for business debts even if they and accepting a fair share of the risk and
participate in management benefits of the undertaking in accordance
with a universally active accepted
DISADVANTAGES: cooperative principle
➢ More expensive to create than
regular partnership

• to encourage thrift and savings mobilization

among the members
3. Corporation • to generate funds and extend credit to the
members for productive and provident
o a form of business organization managed by purposes
an elected board of directors the investors or • to provide goods and services and other
cold stockholders and the unit of ownership requirements to the members
is called share of stock • to develop expertise and skills among its
o is created by operation of law members
o has the right of succession • to acquire lands and provide housing
o the law is the source of the power and benefits for the members
attributes • to ensure against loses of the members
• to promote and advance economic, social
and educational status of the members
CHARACTERISTICS • Service companies
➢ Are firm that generally use their
• It can sue and be sued under its own name
employees to provide intangible
• It has the right of succession products to customers
• Members of a cooperative are subject to ➢ Example is law firm
limited liability ➢ Banks, accounting, hospitals
• It shall exist for a period nor exceeding 50
years from the date of formation
• Income of cooperative belongs to its
• Merchandising companies
➢ It is a type of business engaged in the
buying and selling of goods

ADVANTAGES: • Manufacturing companies

• the prices of products offered to consumers ➢ Production of items to be sold
are lower due to direct for cases of ➢ Purchasing and converting of raw
cooperative members from producers or materials to finished goods
• managed by the members, themselves thus
saving on management costs which leads to BUSINESS PLAN
lower prices of product inuring to the benefit
of the consumer
Internal environment
o consists of elements that have a direct
impact of on the business operations this
• there is limited capital due to underprivileged include the employees the board of directors
members and the managers the elements of the
• the cooperative is strictly for members only internal environment are directly control and
and shares cannot be transferred to non- can be freely modified by the firm itself
External environment
• lack of efficient management as it is
managed only by its members o consists of factors that have indirect but
significant influence on the operations of the
business this factor can be controlled by the


Two types of external environment

o it is an organization that convert input or Microenvironment
resources such as materials, labor and o is also known as the operating environment
overhead into output which are usually either o it consists of the customers, suppliers
goods or services regulatory agencies and competitors
o the factors in this environment of a direct
relevance to the business operations but are
uncontrollable to a certain extent
• Possible growing demand for a product in the
• Possible government policies encouraging
o is also known as the general environment the growth of the business and its certain
o it consists of the economic political social products
legal and technical environment of the
business organization
o the factors in this environment are beyond THREATS
the control of the firm but are important
determinants of the success • Changes in law or regulation which may
prohibit or affect the production of a business
• Growing competition from local companies
Business analysis Models • Increasing competition from foreign
Illustrations for SWOT Analysis Models • New products developed by other
• Marketing activities or strategies which will
STRENGTH be implemented by competitors

• Good brand image

• Well-known name PEST ANALYSIS
• Good reputation
• Cost advantage in production o is an analysis model examining the external
• High market share environment in the global factors that may
• Confidence in the market affect business
• Customer loyalty or repeat business o it can provide a quick and their standing of
external pressures facing a business and
• More advanced technology
their impact and possible constraints on itsit
is usually divided into four external
influences on a business political, economic,
social, and technological
• Ineffective in production
• Falling profit
• Falling sales of the product Illustrations for SWOT Analysis Models
• Declining age of the life cycle of a product
• Poor reputation
• Lack of innovation and change POLITICAL
• Lack of adequate capital or having some
financial problems
• Customers losing confidence or increasing o to find a how political development locally
complaints on the business nationally internationally affect the strategy
• Poor management or inefficient of a business
organizational structure
Areas to be Considered:
1. consumer laws and regulation
OPPORTUNITIES 2. political pressures
3. government use of certain business activities
• Possible development of new products
including local national or international
• Expansion into new markets government political issues affecting a
• Development of a global brand business
• Joint development with other companies
o to find how economic factors may affect on o Also called SWOT matrix
the business o It is a strategic planning and strategic
management technique used to help person
Areas to be Considered
on organizing identity
1. consumer activities, such as spending o It is sometimes called situation assessment
patterns or situational analysis
2. economic conditions such as inflation, o Is an incredibly simple yet powerful tool to
unemployment, growth help you develop your business strategy
3. government policies such as fiscal,
monetary, exchange rates
4. the changes in production and labor market STRENGTH AND WEAKNESSES
o Are internal to your company
o You have some control and can change
o Example: your team, intellectual property
o to find what competitive advantage a
business may gain by social changes
o For external part
Areas to be Considered
o Things that are going on outside of your
1. aging population trend which may increase company and in the larger market
services for old people o You can take advantage of your
2. birth rate increase which may affect baby opportunities and protect against threat but
product markets you can’t change them
3. security condition increasing climate cause a o Example: competitors
business to increase insurance cost
4. pressure groups such as environmental
groups local community groups which may
prevent a business from polluting a river STRENGTH WEAKNESSES

Characteristics of a Characteristics of a
TECHNOLOGICAL business which give its business which make it
advantages over its disadvantageous relative
o to find how new technologies might affect the competitors to competitors
business activities
Areas to be Considered
1. the rate of technological change OPPORTUNITIES THREATS
2. the development of IT
3. the wide use of internet Elements in a company’s Elements in the external
4. the creation of new materials for production external environment environment that could
that allow it to formulate endanger the integrity
and implement strategies and profitability of the
to increase profitability. business
o High sales of domestic products
o Free labor force
o Large number of suppliers
o Own production
What do you do well? What needs improvement? THREATS
What unique resources can What do competitors do
you leverage? better o Increasing competition
What do 3rd parties see as What resources do you o Adverse demographic changes
your strengths? lack? o Changing needs
o Dependence on suppliers
o Company breakdown
o High level of corruption

What market opportunities What is your competition

are present? currently doing?
How can you leverage your Do your weaknesses Mission and Vision
strengths? expose your business?
What trends can you take What threats can hurt your
advantage of? business?
o A statement of the organization
purpose and what to accomplish in
the bigger environment
INTERNAL o It serve as a guiding hand for the
employees of the company
o A Mission Statement defines the
company's business, its objectives
and its approach to reach those
o Long market presence and goodwill objectives.
o Alliance membership o Must be Market oriented must be the
o Very good geographical location defined company purpose to satisfy
o Tourist potential in the place of business customers need
o Customer segments o Product oriented “we”
o Low indebtedness and company assets o Example: “Our mission is to provide
a global online marketplace where
practically anyone can trade
WEAKNESSES practically anything enabling
economic opportunity around the
o Lack of political support world”
o High expenses
o High competition
o Insufficient advertising
o Low number of own stores


o Market expansion
o Extension of assortment
HOTEL We rent We are
rooms exceptional
y four - and
five - star
hotels , and
we create
value in
with our
owners ,
guests , and

We delight
our guests
every time by
from our
FOOD We sell foods We produce
MANUFACTURE and market
R better value
branded food
products for
the greater
mass of
in the country
PERSONAL We make We ensure
CARE lotion, face exceptional
powder , consumer
shampoo , care
and other experiences
personal that
care strengthen
products trust and
loyalty , and
insights that
drive growth
Vision – o Help establish a framework for ethical
o Long term goal of the company
o States how the future will look if the
• Externally (in public)
organization fulfills its mission. It gives
o Enlist external support
company and its employees a common goal
o Create closer linkages and better
that must be achieved through collective
communication with customers,
efforts of everyone in the organization.
supplies and alliance partner
o Vision statement also describes the desired
o Serve as a public relation tool
future position of the company. Elements of
• Microenvironment
mission and vision statements are often
o Company management
combined to provide a statement of the
o Suppliers
company’s purposes, goals and values.
o Intermediaries
However, sometimes the two terms are used
o Customers
o Competitors
How mission and vision statement work: o Publics
• Macroenvironment
o Typically, senior managers will write the
o Demographic
company's overall Mission and Vision
o Economic
Statements. Other managers at different
o Natural
levels may write statements for their
o Technological
particular divisions or business units. The
o Political
development process requires managers to:
o Cultural
▪ Clearly identify the corporate
• Characteristics of Effectively Worded
culture, values , strategy and
Vision and Mission
view of the future by
• Vision:
interviewing employees ,
o Graphic – the vision projects to the
suppliers and customers
market the kind of company that the
▪ Address the commitment the
management wants to create and the
firm has to its key
kind of company it aspires to be.
stakeholders including
▪ (Example: “to make people
customers , employees ,
happy” Walt Disney)
shareholders and
o Directional – describes the path
where the company wants to go and
▪ Ensure that the objectives are
presents specific plans to move
measurable , the approach is
forward in the future
actionable and the vision is
▪ Example: “to bring inspiration
and innovation to every
▪ Communicate the message in
athlete in the world. If you
clear , simple and precise
have a body, you are an
athlete – Nike
▪ Develop buy-in and support
o Focused – the vision is very specific
throughout the organization
so managers are properly guided on
what to do in terms of resources and
• Internally (loob ng company)
o Guide management's thinking on
o Flexible - Although the vision should
strategic issues, especially during
be focused, it allows room for
times of significant change
managers to change based on
o Help define performance standards
market situations, technological
o Inspire employees to work more
advancements, and customer
productively by providing focus and
common goals
o Guide employee decision making
▪ Example: “Toyota will lead be taken to satisfy customers' needs,
the way to the future of Lastly, it should present the
mobility, enriching lives company's unique identity that
around the world with the distinguish itself
safest and most responsible ▪ Example: Apple is committed
ways of moving people. to bringing the best personal
Through our commitment to computing experience to
quality, constant innovation students , educators , creative
and respect for the planet. We professionals , and
aim to exceed expectations consumers around the world
and be rewarded with a smile. through its innovative
We will meet our challenging hardware , software , and
goals by engaging the talent internet offerings
and passion of people , who ▪ Example: Facebook mission
believe there is a better way” is to give people the power to
– Toyota global share and to make the world
o Feasible – vision is achievable and more open and connected.
▪ Example: “ a personal
computer in every home
running Microsoft software” –
o Desirable – the vision is clear on why
the path is practically sensible and
serves the interests of members in o It is another tool that uses five industry forces
the long run. to determine the intensity of competition in an
▪ Example: “McDonald's vision industry in its profitability level
is to be the world's best quick- o Provides a framework for business unit
service restaurant experience competitive actions
being the best means o Is a simple but powerful that you can use to
providing outstanding quality , identify the main sources of competition
service , cleanliness , and o Can help assess industry attractiveness
value so that we make every
customer in every restaurant MICHAEL E. PORTER
smile” o From Harvard University
o Easy to communicate – the vision is o Studied a number of business organizations
easy to understand, articulated and and proposed that business level strategies
can be simplified into a powerful are a result of five competitive forces in an
slogan environment
▪ Example: “our vision is to put
joy in kids’ hearts and a smile
on parent’s faces” – toys r us
• Mission:
o A mission statement describes a 1. New entrants
company's reason for its existence, it 2. Supplier power
answers the question why the 3. Competitive rivalry
company exists. A good mission 4. Substitutes
statement identifies the company's 5. Buyer power
product and services: the customers'
needs that the company seeks to
satisfy: the target markets that it
wants to serve: and the approach to
THREATS OF SUBSTITUE PRODUCTS o goods, services, events, person, places,
organization, ideas, experience
o Buyers ability to substitute your product
substitute that are easy and cheap to make
and reduce profits and eliminate the firm's
competitive advantage
➢ number of substitutes product o is the sum of all values that customers give
available various propensity to a up to be the benefits of having or using a
substitute product
➢ swishing costs

o location of the market and means of
o How easy is it for buyers to drive prices distribution used in reaching it
➢ number of customers
➢ size of each customer order PROMOTION
➢ price elasticity of demand
➢ buyer’s ability to find the substitute o it includes all the ways you felt your customer
and about the product or services and how you
➢ switching costs then market and sell to them
o advertising, public relation, sales promotion,
direct marketing, personal selling
o This is determined by how easy it is for your PEOPLE
suppliers to increase their prices
➢ number and size of suppliers o develop the habit of thinking in terms of the
➢ uniqueness of each supplier’s people inside and outside of your business
products who responsible for every element of your
➢ ability to form to find a substitute sales


MARKETING MIX o the environment in which the service is

delivered and where the firm and customers
interact and any tangible components that
facilitate performance or communications of
o it is a dynamic combination of product price
the service
place and promotion that enable a company
to offer something to the market for
consumers consumption

4 P’s

o it is anything that can be offered to a market
for attention acquisition use or consumption
that might satisfy a want or a need
PRODUCT DECISION & STRATEGIES o Specialty products – Consumer
products with unique characteristics
or brand identification for which a
Product – Anything offered to a market for attention, significant group of buyers is willing to
acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a make a special purchase effort.
need or want. o Unsought products - consumer
products that the consumer either
Service – A form of product that consists of does not know about or knows about
activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered for sale but does not normally think of buying.
that are essentially intangible and do not result in the
ownership of anything. Industrial-Products Classification
➢ Products bought by individuals and
organizations for further processing or for
THREE LEVELS OF PRODUCT use in conducting a business.
➢ The three groups of individual products and
• Augmented Product
services includes:
o Installation
o Materials and parts
o Delivery and credit
o Capital items
o Warranty
o Supplies and services
o After sale service
• Actual Product
o Brand name
o Quality level • Branding
o Design ➢ Identifies and helps differentiate the goods or
o Features services of one seller from those of another.
• Core Product ➢ It consists of a name, sign, symbol, or some
o Core benefit or service combination thereof.
• Brand name
Product Classification ➢ Is the part that can be vocalized.
• Brand mark
Products and services fall into two broad
➢ Is something that cannot be verbalized, such
classes based on the types of consumers that use
as symbol, design, or unique packaging.
them – consumer products and industrial
1. Individual Branding
Consumer-Products Classification
- Requires the company to provide each
➢ Consumer products are products and product or product line with a distinctive
services bought by final consumer for name.
personal consumption - Ex. P&G – Tide and Ariel detergent, Head &
➢ Consumer products include: Shoulders, and Pantene shampoo,
o Convenience products – consumer Safeguard.
product that the customer usually 2. Family Branding
buys frequently, immediately, and - Uses the same brand name to cover a group
with a minimum of comparison and of products or product lines.
buying effort. - There are several variations of family
o Shopping products – are less branding including its use primarily with
frequently purchased consumer related items, its use with all company items
products and services that customers regardless of whether they are use-related
compare carefully on suitability, (General Electric), and the use of a family
quality, price, and style. name combined with individual product
PACKAGING DECISIONS Step 2: Idea Screening

• Packaging ➢ The purpose is to identify good ideas and

➢ The activities of designing and producing the drop poor ones to avoid spending any more
container or wrapper for a product. money on developing them
• A product’s package serves several ➢ Criteria used:
functions: o Is the product truly useful to
➢ Protection consumers & society
➢ Facilitating use o Availability of market
➢ Promoting the product o Does it mesh well with company’s
➢ Providing information about the product objectives & strategies
o Do we have the people, skills &
resources to make it successful
NEW-PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY o Does it deliver more value to
❖ A firm can obtain new products in two ways: customers than competing products
• Through acquisition – by buying a whole o Is it easy to advertise and distribute
company, a patent, or a license to produce o Availability of technology
someone else’s product. o Availability of raw materials
• Through new product development o Risk exposure, profitability,
❖ In business, New Product Development cost/benefit
(NPD) – is the term used to describe the o Government priority
complete process of bringing a new product or o CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTOR
service to market. Step 3: Concept Development and Testing
➢ Product Idea
NEW-PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY o is an idea for a possible product that
the company can see itself offering to
Idea Generation → Idea Screening → Concept the market.
➢ Product concept
Development and Testing → Marketing Strategy →
o Is a detailed version of the idea stated
Business Analysis → Product Development → Test in meaningful consumer terms.
Marketing → Commercialization ➢ Product image
o Is the way consumers perceive an
actual or potential product.
1. Develop Product Ideas
Step 1: Idea Generation
into Alternative Product
➢ Is the systematic search for new product Concepts
ideas obtained internally and from:
C I S 2. Concept Testing – Test
U S U the Product Concepts with
S T Groups of Target
P P Custommers
O O 3. Choose the Best One
Step 4: Marketing Strategy Development • Controlled Test Market – a few stores that
have agreed to carry new products for a fee.
➢ Designing an initial marketing strategy for a
• Simulated Test Market – test in a simulated
new product based on the product concept.
shopping environment to a sample of
➢ Marketing strategy statement Formulation
❖ Part 1 Describes Overall:
o Target Market Step 8: Commercialization
o Planned Product Positioning
o Sales & Profit Goals ➢ Commercialization is the introduction of the
o Market Share new product into the marketplace.
❖ Part 2 Describes Short-Term: ➢ d
o Product’s planned price
o Distribution Where To
When? Whom?
o Marketing Budget ?
❖ Part 3 Describes Long- Term:
o Sales & Profit Goals
o Marketing Mix Strategy
Step 5: Business Analysis PRODUCT LIFE-CYCLE (PLC)
➢ A review of the sales, costs, and profit The course of a product’s sales and profits over its
projections for a new product to find out lifetime. It involves five distinct stages:
whether these factors satisfy the company’s
objectives. 1. Product development
• Begins when the company finds and develops
Step 6: Product Development a new-product idea. During product
development, sales are zero and the
➢ A strategy for company growth by offering
company’s investment costs amount.
modified or new products to current market
2. Introduction
segments. Developing the product concept
• Is a period of slow sales growth as the product
into physical product in order to ensure that
is introduced in t he market. Profits are
the product idea can be turned into a
nonexistent in this stage because of the heavy
workable product.
expenses of product introduction.
Business Analysis 3. Growth
• A period of rapid market acceptance and
Review of Product Sales, Costs, and Profits substantial profit improvement.
Projections to See if They Meet Company 4. Maturity
• A period of slowdown in sales growth because
the product has achieved acceptance by most
potential buyers. Profits stabilize or even
If NO, Eliminate decline because of increased marketing
Product Concept
outlays to defend the product against
If YES, Move to Product 5. Decline
Development • The period when sales show a downward drift
and profits erode.

Step 7: Test Marketing

➢ The product and marketing program are
tested in more realistic market settings.
• Standard Test Market – full marketing • Product – offer a basic product
campaign in a small number of representative • Price – skimming or penetration pricing
cities. • Distribution – build selective distribution
• Advertising – build awareness among early Sales → Peak sales
adopters and dealers/resellers
Costs → Low cost per customer
• Sales Promotion – heavy expenditures to
create trial. Profits → High profits
Marketing Objectives → Maximize profit while
defending market share
Product → Diversify brand and models
• Product – offer product extensions, service,
warranty Price → Price to match or best competitors
• Price – Penetration pricing
Distribution → Build more intensive distribution
• Distribution –Build intensive distribution
• Advertising – build awareness and interest in Advertising → Stress brand differences and
the mass market benefits
• Sales Promotion –reduce expenditures to
take advantage of consumer demand

❖ Maturity Stage Summary of Characteristics, Objectives & Strategies

o Sales of the new product continue to Sales → Declining sales
climb and then peak as the majority
of the target market(s) have tried the Costs → Low cost per customer
product Profits → Declining profits
o Profits continue to grow and stay
positive throughout Marketing Objectives → Reduce expenditure and
o Competition is most intense at this milk the brand
stage; many versions and brands
Product → Phase out weak items
o Strategies to prolong this stage:
▪ Modify the market Price → Cut Price
▪ Modify the product
▪ Modify the marketing mix Distribution → Go selective: phase out unprofitable
❖ Decline outlets
o Sales of the new product drop quickly Advertising → Reduce to level needed to retain
as the target market(s) move on to hard-core loyal customers
other things
o Profits decline as competitive
pressures force lower prices and set
promotional spending at a level that
maintains the share
o Competition has declined as weaker
brands have left the market
o Decisions about the product
▪ Maintain spending levels to
fight it out for what is left
▪ Harvest by cutting spending
and riding it out
▪ Drop the product and move
on to the next thing


Summary of Characteristics, Objectives & Strategies

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