Chem Notes

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---> ATOM = smallest piece of matter.

Atom means cannot be divided.

It can be seen only by special microscopes called scanning and tunneling.
Nanotubes show atoms more clearly. Nanotubes are very small tubes made of carbon
94 occur naturally
24 made in laboratories.

-----> ELEMENTS = made of one kind of atom. Some elements can be

(same color of atoms)

Example: Gold, Silver, Carbon, Sulfur etc.. Some elements can be

idea is made of same atoms gas

-----> MOLECULES = atoms of elements join together to make molecules.

Example: Hydrogen + Hydrogen = Hydrogen Molecule ---> Molecule elements.

-----> COMPOUND = is made up of a combination of a Metal + Non-Metal

Example = Lithium (Metal) + Oxygen (gas) = Lithium Oxide (Compound)

(metal element comes first)

Try these! Remember it must end with (ide)

(a) Lithium + Sulfur ----->

(b) Beryllium + Fluorine ------>

(c) Magnesium + Chlorine ------>

(d) Calcium + Phosphorus ------>

Now what if there are three elements? the third being Oxygen? it must end with (ate)

Example: Aluminum + Fluorine + Oxygen ----> Aluminum Florate

(e) Magnesium + Nitrogen + Oxygen ------>

(f) Berilium + Sulfur + Oxygen ----->

(g) Lithium + Carbon + Oxygen ----->

(h) Potassium + Phosphorus + Oxygen ----->


Sometimes the name of the compound tells you how many atoms of each element are
bounded together to make that compound

Example: CO2 ----> 1 atom pf Carbon + 2 atoms of Oxygen

H20 ----> 2 atoms of Hydrogen + 1 atom of Oxygen


1. Give the symbols for these elements.

(a) Sodium - ............. (b) Magnesium - .............. (c) Baron - .............

(d) Potassium - ............

2. Give the names of the elements with these symbols.

(a) Ar - .................... (b) P - ............................. (c) C - .......................

(d) Cl - ........................ (e) Li - ............................

3. What are atoms? ....................................................................................................................

4. If there are 94 natural occurring atoms? How many are man-made atoms? .................

5. Which element has atoms with the smallest mass? ....................................

6. Which of the elements in the first 20 elements of the periodic table has atoms with the

greatest mass? ................................... and .....................................

7. Give names of two elements in the same period as Magnesium. ................................... and


8. Give symbols not names of two elements in the same group as helium. ..............................

and .....................................

9. In the periodic table all metals are in ............................ colour and non-metals are in

...................... colour.

10. Write TRUE or FALSE next to each of these statements.

(a) Each element is made up of only one atom? ..................

(b) Oxygen is a compound? ......................

(c) Calcium is an element? ......................

(d) Water is an element? ........................

(e) Sulfur particles is made of 8 atoms? ...................

11(a) Which elements are in Potassium Chloride? ....................................................................

(b) Which is the metal in Potassium Chloride? .....................................

(c) Which elements are in Magnesium Chloride? ......................................................................

(d) Suggest the name of the compound that contains Copper and Oxygen? ............................

(e) Suggest the name of the compound that contains Iron and Chlorine? ................................

12. What is the name of these compound formed when these elements are joined?

(a) Sodium + Oxygen -----> ..............................................................................................

(b) Calcium + Carbon + Oxygen -----> .......................................................................................

(c) Potassium + Nitrogen + Oxygen -----> ..................................................................................

(d) Potasium + Nitrogen -----> ..............................................................................................

(e) Hydrogen + Fluorine ------>..............................................................................................

(f) Magnesium + Nitrogen -----> ..............................................................................................

(g) Lithium + oxygen ----->..............................................................................................

(h) Aluminium + Carbon + Oxygen -----> ....................................................................................

(i) Sodium + Nitrogen + Oxygen -----> .......................................................................................

(j) Sulfur + Oxygen + Calcium -----> ..........................................................................................

(k) Carbon + Oxygen ----> ..............................................................................................

13. What elements are found in these compounds?

(a) Carbon dioxide? ..............................................................................................

(b) Copper Sulfate? ..............................................................................................

(c) Aluminium Chloride? ..............................................................................................

(d) Sodium Sulfide? ..............................................................................................

(e) Calcium Chlorate? ..............................................................................................

14. The formula for Potassium Hydroxide is KOH. Which element does H contain?


15. Complete this table.

Chemical Name Formula What the compound contains

1. Magnesium Dioxide

2. SO2 Sulfur + Oxygen

3. ALCL3 Aluminium + Chlorine

4. Calcium Sulfide

16. Which elements are combined in?

(a) Calcium Chloride ----> ..............................................................................................

(b) Hydrogen Sulfide ----> ..............................................................................................

(c) Magnesium Oxide ----> ..............................................................................................

(d) Calcium Nitrate ------> ..............................................................................................

(e) Magnesium Carbonate ----> ..............................................................................................

(f) Lithium Sulfate ----> ..............................................................................................

17. A student wrote this name of a compound made of Potassium and Sulfur

Sulfur Potassium
(a) What is wrong with this name? .............................................................................

(b) Write the correct name of the compound ............................................................

18. State if element or compound

(a) CH4 ---> ............................... (b) H ---> ............................... (c) O 2 ---> ...............................

(d) NaCl ---> ............................... (e) Al ---> ............................... (f) Ca ---> ...............................

(g) CaCl2 ---> ............................... (f) H2 ---> ...............................

19 (a) The formula for Sulfur Dioxide is ---> ...............................

(b) How many different elements are combined in Sulfur Dioxide? ---> ...............................

(c) The compound with formula CO is called Carbon Monoxide, suggest why it is not called

Carbon Oxide? ---> ................................................................................................................

20. Suggest names of these compounds with these formulas

(a) MgO ---> ..................................................................

(b) NaCl ---> ...................................................................

(c) CaSO2 ---> ..................................................................

21. The formula for Sodium Hydroxide is NaOH and the formula for Potassium Hydroxide is

Which 2 elements are contained in Hydroxide? ---> ..................................................................

22 (a) How many different elements are are combined in LiOH? ---> ...............................

(b) What is the name of the compound with the formula LiOH? ---> ........................................

23. State the difference between an element and a compound ...............................................


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