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Scenario 2: Only HCNs should be hired

Brunt Hotels should exclusively use HCNs in this circumstance to administer its
recently acquired hotels in France. This strategy offers a number of benefits. First of all,
HCNs are well-versed in French, which will help them interact with employees and clients in
a clear and effective manner. Second, using HCNs will bridge the cultural divide between
Brunt Hotels and the recently purchased French properties. The company's culture,
principles, and procedures will be adjusted to the French market thanks to this strategy.
Thirdly, using HCNs will improve the company's reputation among French employees and
clients. This strategy will guarantee that the business is viewed as an ethical and welcoming

he Brunt Hotels want to hire the best employees in France for them to achieve their
ambitious goals and we think that HCNs (Host Country Nationals) would be the best
solution. Advantages of having HCNs as employees is that they doesn’t need to adapt to the
culture and customs in France because technically, they are born in that country so they grow
up together with the knowledge of the culture and customs. The HCNs iknow that the
behavior of the people in France are all different and therefore the HCNs know how to deal
with these types of people. And also HCNs know the status of the economy in France,
knowing the needs and wants of the people and on how to sustain tose needs and wants
through the services that they will offer. Another is that language barrier is elliminated.
Hiring host country nationals will eliminate the communication barrier between the
employees and the customers. Brunt Hotels will not waste money, time and effort for
educating the employees about French language. They will have better understanding of what
their customer needs and they can guide them properly. Business transactions will become
more effective because they understand each other. Next advantage is that the HCNs have the
learnings about the law and rules in France, in that way they know the things to be provided
and they are accustomed with the existing rules and laws in their country in which they can
avoid disobeying it. They can also avoid conflicts for the existing hotel with the help and
guidance of the host country nationals. Next is less expense and effort to hire the employees.
Hiring of HCNs can help to lessen expenses of the company instead of hiring employees
from other countries that will need visas and will cost more to the company. HCNs also help
the company to spend less time and effort because the employees are already there so it is not
difficult for them to negotiate with the employees. Other advantage is selecting people with
proven loyalty and who are good with their previous job in France because company will be
assured that the loyalty of this person goes to them who belong to the host country where the
Brunt Hotels will be and will work only for them not just to work. If the company have it, the
hotel will have a great atmosphere and will reflect to their good service to the customers. And
also during an interview, they will found out and select the people who had a good
background in his previous company like what they have contributed so that the Brunt Hotels
will also expect that this person will be having a great job if ever they will be hired. Lastly,
HCNs have better understanding on the local businesses in which they can contribute alot to
the company if ever problems arise and also they can give ideas for better improvement of the
hotel. They can also provide strategies for them to have edge to their competitors.

The hotel management in France should hired only HCNs managers because the
advantages of this is that they have a knowledge of the local business scene. This could make
the host country national manager an attractive choice when there is little knowledge about
the subsidiary country. National managers generally have deeper knowledge on how to
operate in the subsidiary as well as already established local connections. There will no
longer problems with the local language or with the adjusment to the subsidiary when a host
country managers is chosen to lead the subsidiary.

However, using HCNs exclusively has some drawbacks. First off, Brunt's culture,
principles, and practices might not be well known to HCNs. This comprehension could result
in inconsistent application of Brunt's rules and practices in France. Second, HCNs might not
have a strong command of the English language, which could make it difficult for them to
communicate with Brunt Hotels and the corporate office successfully. Lastly, just hiring
HCNs can give the impression of reverse ethnocentrism, which might make the UK-based
managers angry.

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