Vũ Khí Tối Thượng BL

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Giống và khác của tort vs contract:

- These are all civil laws and to ensure the interests of the parties involved
- The main similarity is that both contract and tort laws are meant to deal with any
breaches of duties by a party. The two laws usually apply if the breaches result in losses
or injuries to any of the parties involved.
- Also, each branch of law seeks to get justice to the victim who suffers the damages in
- A contract means a promise or set of promises that the law can or will enforce if any
eventuality arises while tort means a collection of legal remedies that entitle an affected
party to recover from losses, injuries, or damages

2. Importance elements của tort và contract

- Duty,
- Breach of duty
- Causation (cause in fact; proximate cause)
- Damages
The requirements of a contract:
- Agreement
- Consideration
- Contractual capacity
- Legality
- Offer and acceptance

3. Mua xe mới nma lúc đi bị hư phanh lao xuống vực, kiện ai?
Kiện full từ manufacturer, wholesaler, distributor, retailer đều có thể phải chịu trách nhiệm. Áp
dụng Product liability (trong strict liability), manufacturer defect, market share liability

4. Muốn đổi màu sơn của xe là hồng nma bên sx chỉ sơn màu xanh, đỏ thôi thì
contract có được enforced ko?
Không vì chưa reach đc agreement
5. Các bước quy trình diễn ra khi lên court:

6. Cây thông noel $2000 decor theo yêu cầu của m được giao đến nhà m nma m
từ chối trả tiền, k có contract in writing thì có kiện được m k, toà án có giải
quyết k?
- Có giải quyết vì số tiền lớn và đc custom theo yêu cầu nên oral cũng có thể kiện được
Nếu như nói đến statue of fraud thì ko reliable á.. Do statue of fraud là những loại mà m bắt buộc
phải làm hợp đồng dạng writing mà.
- Cái này m có thể base vào những trường hợp đặc biệt của statue of fraud á… gt là dựa vào
những exceptions to the writing requirements thì có ba yếu tố mà m có thể kiện được dù ko có
writing contract:
➢ Partial performance: one party has already performed based on the oral agreement
➢ Custom goods: vì cây thông noel này dc custom và đặt làm riêng theo ý của m
➢ Court admission: bên làm cây thông có thể kiện m và chứng minh trc tòa rằng there was
a valid oral agreement giữa hai đứa m
➢ Quasi-contract is applied here when entering the court.

7. Đi tắm biển ở resort kia bị cá mập cắn chết thì sao (thầy có nhắc là đã từng có
người bị cắn trc đó rồi). Kiện ai?
- Phải hỏi thầy lại là resort biết như thế rồi thì có để biển và warning khách du lịch chưa. Nếu có
để mà vẫn có người bị cắn thì kiện strict liability do unreasonably dangerous activity.
- Có thể xem xét comparative negligence với khách du lịch khi nó đã thấy bảng mà vẫn nhào vô
tắm. Hoặc assumption of risk (biết risk và voluntarily preceded).
- If the resort knows that, will it let the sign and warn tourists? If no, but still someone is bitten,
then sue for strict liability due to unreasonably dangerous activity.
- Comparative negligence can be considered with a tourist when it has seen the board and still
rushes into the bath. Or assumption of risk (knowing risk and willingly preceded.
- Strict liability, negligence (như dưới) kiện chủ resort, chứng minh cause + damage. TH này có
thể kiện resort negligence vì không có biển cảnh cáo.
- Đã strict r thì ko có negligence dc nữa, mình trả lời áp dụng 1 trong 2 thôi.

8. Contract nào cần được writing (MY LEGS)

(Statute of frauds)
Contract with too much potential for fraud. So they tried to limit the types of fraud. These
contracts need to be in writing to be enforceable.
Liệt kê: contract for sale of good, interest of land, collateral promise.

- Contracts involving the interest of land:

+ Land included anything attached to the soil: building, fence, trees, and soil itself.
+ The land has to be described clearly which included in it for the contract to be
- The one-year rule:
+ From one day after the contract, if the term can not be objectively performed within
one-year, it has to be written.
- Collateral Promises:
+ A collateral promise, or secondary promise is subsidiary to a principal transaction
- Ex: Uncle promises to pay for his niece → primary promise. Uncle promises to pay for his

niece ONLY if her mother cannot pay → secondary promise → MUST have a contract.
- Promises made by consideration of Marriage: Any monetary promise or property promise that
was made in consideration of marriage have to be in writing to be enforceable.
- Ex: if a mother promises to pay a man $20,000 if he marries her daughter, that promise must be
in writing to be enforceable.
- Contracts for Sales of Good: Any Contracts for Sales of Goods that valued more than $500
need to be in written or electronic record.
9. M muốn mua nhà nhưng năm sau m không mua nữa thì kiện được k, tội gì, vì
- Có writing contract thì kiện dc do có statute of frauds.

10.What is the writing requirement? Exception to it? Ex of performance?

- A writing, including an e-mail or other electronic record, will be sufficient to satisfy the UCC’s
Statute of Frauds as long as it:
+ Indicates that the parties intended to form a contract.
+ Is signed by the party (or agent of the party) against whom enforcement is sought.
(Remember that a typed name can qualify as a signature on an electronic record.)

11. Xe đang đi trên cầu, xe m hư, cầu sập, m rớt xún thì kiện ai? =))
- Kiện bên làm cầu.
- Kiện manufacture, seller, distributor của nguyên liệu làm cây cầu.
- Áp dụng Product liability (trong strict liability), manufacturer defect, market share
liability→ xe hư.

12.What is the the statue of fraud, nó bao gồm những contract gì? Exception?
- Statute of fraud is a rule of law requiring certain types of contracts to be made in writing.
Including (MY LEGS): marriage, Year (more than 1 year), Land/ real property, executorship of
will, guarantee the debt of another, Sales of goods $500 and more)
⇒ These exceptions are court admission, partial performance, and promissory


13.Elements of negligence là gì
- Duty: the ability to prove the defendant owed you a duty of care not to cause you or others harm.
- Breach: the ability to prove that a violation of standard care resulted in an injury for you or a
family member.
- Causation:
+ Cause in fact: the ability to prove a correlation between the negligent or harmful action
that took place and the negative consequence you suffered.
+ Proximate cause: the ability to prove a direct link between a negligent act and the injury
that resulted from that action.
- Harm: the ability to prove you suffered injuries, loss, or other expenses because of someone
else’s negligence.

14.Ổng mua mình căn nhà, mà ổng trả ½ tiền xong cái ổng quịt, nma mình chưa
làm hợp đồng trên giấy, m kiện ổng được không?
- Vẫn kiện đc. Do dù chưa kí kết hợp đồng nhma toà án có thể apply quasi contract (hđ giả định).
Và 1 bên đã thực hiẹn nghĩa vụ pay rồi.
- Vì plaintiff có thể prove defendant sở hữu unjust enrichment, nhma cố ý ko pay for it. Thoả đc
requirement of quasi contracts.
- Still suing. Because even though the contract has not been signed, the court can apply a quasi
contract (presumptive contract). And one party has already fulfilled its payment obligation.
Because the defendant can prove the defendant has unjust enrichment, he intentionally did not
pay for it. Negotiate the requirement of quasi contracts.

15.Ổng nuôi con chó mà con chó cắn m thì m kiện ai, tội gì?
- Strict liability - domestic animal. Dog owners are usually responsible when their pets bite
people or hurt them another way (such as by knocking them over or chasing them).
- A legal principle known as the "one-bite rule" that makes owners liable if they knew their dogs
posed a danger.
- "Strict liability" dog-bite laws in most states that make owners responsible even if they didn't
know the dog could be dangerous, and
- Laws or court decisions that make negligent dog owners liable if they were unreasonably
careless in controlling their animals.

16.What is proximate cause, làm sao để khẳng định nó là proximate cause:

- The ability to prove a direct link between a negligent act and the injury that resulted from that
- Xem nó có foreseeable không (trả lời tới chữ foreseeable là đc r, th chuyển sang câu khác luôn á)
It determines if the harm resulting from an action could reasonably have been predicted.

17.M vô hotel, ngồi dưới cây dừa, trái dừa rớt xuống đầu m thì kiện ai :)))))
- SUE: The Duty of Landowners can be applied to sue the hotel owners Because I was the Hotel
business invitee, the hotel owed her a duty of reasonable care to make its premises safe for me.
But the hotel failed to exercise it due to an insufficient warning. Moreover, they have to held
liable for my injury.
- Defenses: Because the hotel owner cannot anticipate this event to happen that way, especially at
what time the coconut falls down and when the victim sits there. Therefore, unforeseeability is
ready to apply in this situation.
The guest should know the risk of being hit by a cô cô nớt if he / she lie under the tree.
=> commonly known danger.

18.Type of Intellectual Property?

- Trademark.
- Copyright.
- Patent.
- Trade Secret.

19.The test of proximate cause

Foreseeability. The most common test of proximate cause under the American legal system is
foreseeability. It determines if the harm resulting from an action could reasonably have
been predicted. The test is used in most cases only in respect to the type of harm.

20. M có một căn nhà bán cho thầy 10,000 đô, thầy đã trả 1,000 đô hôm nay và
hứa sẽ trả the rest vào tomorrow, nhưng tomorrow never comes. Thì m có thể
sue thầy ko?
- Yes t trả lời là base vào statute of fraud thì đáng lẽ nên làm contract in writing form nhưng trong
TH này thì ko cần hợp đồng vẫn kiện đc vì một bên đã partial performed rồi (thầy đã trả
1,000 rồi á) đến đó là good rồi chuyển câu ko cần nói nữa.

21. Có những loại contracts nào? Mục chính?

Có 3 types: Sales of goods, Franchise, partnership. (phần 5 đề cương)

22. Cause in fact là gì?

- Cause in fact: the ability to prove a correlation between the negligent or harmful action that took
place and the negative consequence you suffered.

23. Franchise là gì, kinds of Intellectual property

- Franchise: is an arrangement in which the owner of intellectual property (trademarks, a trade
name, copyright) licences others to use it in the selling goods/services
- Type of Intellectual Property:
+ Trademark
+ Copyright
+ Patent
+ Trade Secret

24.Compare and contrast Sole proprietorship vs partnership vs corporation

In this form, the owner is the business. Thus, anyone who does business without creating a
separate business organization has a sole proprietorship

Advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorship?

Advantages: is that the proprietor owns the entire business and receives all of the profits.
Generally, no documents need to be filed with the government to start a sole proprietorship. A
sole proprietor pays only personal income taxes. A sole proprietorship offers more flexibility
than does a partnership or a corporation.
Major disadvantage of the sole proprietorship is that the proprietor alone bears the burden of
any losses or liabilities incurred by the business enterprise. The sole proprietorship also has the
disadvantage of lacking continuity after the death of the
Proprietor. Another disadvantage is that in raising capital, the proprietor is limited to his or her
personal funds and any loans that he or she can obtain for the business.
25. Differences between UCC, Common Law, CISG

26.What is an arbitration clause?

- An arbitration clause is a clause in a contract that requires the parties to resolve their disputes
through an arbitration process.

27. What is negligence? To prove?

- Definition. A failure to behave with the level of care that someone of ordinary prudence
would have exercised under the same circumstances. The behavior usually consists of
actions, but can also consist of omissions when there is some duty to act (e.g., a duty to help
victims of one's previous conduct).
- Negligence claims must prove four things in court: duty, breach, causation, and
28.When does a copyright begin?
- Your work is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form
that it is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.

29.What is statue? What is the exception in statue?

- A statute is a law decided upon and supported by the federal or state legislature. These
exceptions are admission, performance, and promissory estoppel.

30.Example of negligence
- A driver who runs a stop sign causing an injury crash.
- A store owner who fails to put up a “Caution: Wet Floor” sign after mopping up a spill.
- A property owner who fails to replace rotten steps on a wooden porch that collapses and injures
visiting guests.

31.Định nghĩa arbitration clause. Phân biệt arbitration với mediation

- An arbitration clause is a clause in a contract that requires the parties to resolve their disputes
through an arbitration process.
- The main difference between mediation and arbitration is the process used to solve your conflict.
+ Arbitration đưa ra hướng giải quyết (offer a solution)
+ Mediation propose hướng giải quyết (solution)

32.Đi ngoài đường sắp bão, gió to, mắt kính gãy sue ai =))
=> hỏi kính mới hả => sue nhà sản xuất với chỗ bán kính
- Sue ng bán hàng k warning đủ

33.Types of damages are recognized

- Compensatory, incidental, consequential, nominal, liquidated, and (sometimes) punitive.

34.What is copyright?
- Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to copy and
distribute a creative work, usually for a limited time. The creative work may be in a literary,
artistic, educational, or musical form

35.What is defamation?Ổng nói xấu m m có kiện ổng được không? Nếu ổng nói
xấu m trên facebook thì thì có kiện được ko
- Defamation is the oral or written communication of a false statement about another that
unjustly harms their reputation and usually constitutes a tort or crime.
- Được kiện
- Được luôn vì khi nói xấu m thì ổng đã make false statement of fact, talk about and tend to
harm reputation của m và published nó trên fb (nhìu ng sẽ xem được).

36.Đi ăn trong nhà hàng của m. Ăn cái sandwich trúng cục đá gãy cái răng thì
luật gì kiện ai?
- Negligence, kiện owner, kiện đầu bếp

37.What is mediation?
- Mediation is another of the methods of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) available to parties.
Mediation is essentially a negotiation facilitated by a neutral third party. Unlike arbitration,
which is a process of ADR somewhat similar to trial, mediation doesn't involve decision making
by the neutral third party. ADR procedures can be initiated by the parties or may be compelled
by legislation, the courts, or contractual terms.

38.If I tell a lie about you, can you sue me? If t post a lie on Facebook about you
so can you sue me? What is the difference between 2 cases
- 2TH đều là có kiện được. 1 cái là libel, 1 cái là slander

39.If I go to your restaurant and have a sandwich but it has a rock and it break
my teeth, can you sue me, for what?
-> đầu bếp, owner -> negligence.

40.Difference between libel and slander.

- Libel is is a defamatory statement that is written
- Slander is a defamatory statement that is oral.
- The actual cause is relatively straightforward. It is what actually caused the victim’s injuries or
losses. Proximate cause is the legal cause of an injury. It determines liability.

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