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Agrophysics - physics in agriculture and environment

Article  in  Soil Science Annual · September 2013

DOI: 10.2478/ssa-2013-0012


9 41,405

3 authors, including:

J. Lipiec
Polish Academy of Sciences


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Agrophysics – physics in agriculture and environment 67
DOI: 10.2478/ssa-2013-0012 Vol. 64 No 2/2013: 67–80



Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Doœwiadczalna 4, 20-290 Lublin, Poland

Agrophysics – physics in agriculture and environment

Abstract: Agrophysics is one of the branches of natural sciences dealing with the application of physics in agriculture and
environment. It plays an important role in the limitation of hazards to agricultural objects (soils, plants, agricultural products and
foods) and to the environment. Soil physical degradation, gas production in soils and emission to the atmosphere, physical properties
of plant materials influencing their technological and nutritional values and crop losses are examples of such hazards. Agrophysical
knowledge can be helpful in evaluating and improving the quality of soils and agricultural products as well as the technological

Key words: agrophysics, soils, agriculture, environment, physical methods

INTRODUCTION senin, 1986) and food physics (Sahin and Sumnu,

2006) and fills the gap between such disciplines as
Agrophysics is defined as “a science that studies agrochemistry, agrobiology, agroecology and agroc-
physical processes and properties affecting plant pro- limatology. Agrophysical research plays a significant
duction. The fundaments of agrophysical investiga- cognitive and practical role, especially in agronomy,
tions are mass (water, air, nutrients) and energy (li- agricultural engineering, horticulture, food and nu-
ght, heat) transport in the soil-plant-atmosphere and trition technology, and environmental management
soil-plant-machine-agricultural products-foods con- (Fr¹czek and Œlipek, 2009). Application of agrophy-
tinuums and way of their regulation to reach biomass sical research allows mitigating chemical and physi-
of high quantity and quality with the sustainability to cal degradation of soils, decreasing greenhouse ga-
the environment. The knowledge of physical pheno- ses emission to the atmosphere, reducing losses of
mena in agricultural environment allows increasing agricultural products (plant raw materials, vegetables
efficiency of use of water and chemicals in agricultu- and fruits) during harvest and post harvest processes
re and decreasing biomass losses during harvest, trans- and storage, and improving agricultural products and
port, storage and processing” (Gliñski et al., 2011a). food quality.
Agrophysics is an integral part of environmental The development of agrophysics is confirmed by
physics. It deals with the processes in lands in agricul- the quarterly journal International Agrophysics, pu-
tural use, being under intensive human intervention, blished since 1986, and the Encyclopedia of Agro-
e.g. monoculture crops, water management and high physics (Gliñski et al., 2011b).
level of chemical and mechanical treatments. Agro- The aim of this paper is to show role of agrophy-
physics is also concerned with plant raw materials as a sics in the investigation hazards to agricultural ob-
source of high quality agricultural products and food. jects (e.g. physical soil degradation, crop yield los-
It comprises physical processes and properties of so- ses) and of physical properties of plant materials in-
ils, plants, agricultural products and food (Fig. 1, Ta- fluencing their technological and nutritional values
ble), measuring methods, modelling and monitoring. and the environment (soil-plant-atmosphere relations,
Agrophysics has been developing dynamically in soil physical conditions and plant growth, gas pro-
the last decades. It links knowledge in environmental duction in soils and emission to the atmosphere) with
physics (Monteith and Unsworth, 2007), soil physics the use of modern measuring techniques, monitoring
(Scott, 2000; Chesworth, 2008), plant physics (Moh- and modelling methods.

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TABLE. Main agrophysical processes and properties and their impacts on soil, plants, agricultural products and food (after Gliñski
et al., 2011a).

Physical processes Physical properties Impact on soil and plants Impact on agricultural products
and food
Mass transport (water, vapour, Hydraulic conductivity, Water available to plants, Chilling, cooling, drying and
air and chemicals flow; capillary water diffusivity coefficient, seepage, drainage, irrigation, fumigation of products in bulk,
flow, molecular diffusion, osmosis) vapour diffusivity coefficient, flooding, chemical transport, storage respiration, shelf life
air diffusivity coefficient, gas emission from soil, aeration,
chemicals diffusivity coefficient, evaporation, respiration,
permeability transpiration, weathering,
erosion, runoff, soil sealing
and crusting
Mass absorption/adsorption Particle size distribution, Filtration, waste disposal, Drying, hydration, dehydration,
(adhesion, cohesion) porosity, surface area, gas exchange, coagulation, storage respiration
wettability flocculation, peptisation,
Energy transport Thermal conductivity, thermal Thermal condition Drying, processing, cooking
(heat conduction, convection, heat capacity, specific heat,
radiation) permittivity
Energy absorption/emission (heat Reflectance, absorption, Thermal condition, albedo, Drying, heating, processing
conduction, radiation) permittivity, dispersion, colour growing degree- days
composites, spectral vision

(Blum, 2011). Various processes of natural or human

origin such as: erosion, compaction, pans, sealing and
crusting, desertification waterlogging have physical cha-
racter and their mitigation may be done also with the
use of physical treatments (Bia³ousz, 2011; Blum, 2011).

Soil erosion
Soil erosion is a globally significant environmen-
tal process. It degrades soil upon which we rely for
food, fuel, clean water, carbon storage, and as sub-
strate for buildings and infrastructure. Soil erosion
also acts as a mechanism for transferring pollutants
to surface waters and can reduce water availability
for crops and increase flooding (Quinton, 2011).
Part of soil erosion processes is water erosion and
wind erosion in which water and wind are erosive
forces in soil detachment and transport. In consequ-
FIGURE 1. Scheme of the scope of agrophysics (after Gliñski et ence, soil productivity is lowering by decreasing its
al., 2011a) organic carbon content, infiltration capacity and re-
tention of plant-available water. Water erosion is in-
SOIL PHYSICAL DEGRADATION tensive on bare, temporarily unprotected arable land,
overgrazed areas and badlands. In Europe soil loss
Soil physical degradation is involved in the wider due to erosion is estimated at about 20 Mg ha–1; hi-
definition of soil degradation “the general process by gher erosion rates up to 40 Mg ha–1 were noted in
which soil gradually declines in quality and is thus Africa and America (Rejman, 2011).
made less fit for a specific purpose, such as crop pro- Wind erosion is caused by sand and dust storms
duction” (Soil Science Glossary Terms Committee, and movement of shifting sand dunes in deserts or
2008). Soil physical degradation has negative impacts along coastlines (Gromke and Burri, 2011). Its effect
on nearly all soil characteristics and processes, e.g. is soil loss, leading to land degradation and desertifi-
space for plant roots and soil biota, soil temperature, cation. It also affects the global dust particle concen-
transport of water, air and nutrients, as well as natu- tration in the atmosphere. Wind erosion can be con-
ral attenuation of organic and inorganic contaminants trolled by reducing the wind force at the soil surface

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Agrophysics – physics in agriculture and environment 69

by stripe cropping or by wind barriers, e.g. shelter- souline, 2011b). Seals and crusts can induce severe
belts (Kêdziora, 2011). Also production on the soil agricultural, hydrological and environmental effects
surface stable aggregates or clods resistant to wind such as: decreasing infiltration rate, reduced evapo-
force, and the use of chemical surface films are re- ration, increasing runoff and decreasing crop yields.
commended. An example of human induced erosion
is tillage erosion (Birkás, 2011; Zhang, 2011). It re- Pans
fers to soil translocation, especially on the hillslope,
due to tillage operation and is an important process Pans are genetic or induced by tillage operations
of soil degradation on sloping cultivated land. The subsurface soil layers of higher bulk density and lo-
change of tillage technique and farming system (Pa- wer total porosity than soil layers above and below
padopoulos, 2011) mitigate erosion effects. the pan. These layers are slowly permeable. Clay pans,
fragipans, hardpans, tillage pan, pressure pans, plo-
Soil compaction ugh soles and traffic pans are synonyms of pans (An-
derson, 2011; Busscher, 2011; Neyde Fabiola et al.,
Compaction causes soil structure destruction thro- 2011). Therefore pan soils are susceptible to water
ugh the reduction of the volume of voids in a soil by erosion and restrictive for root growth.
packing the soil particles together (Assouline, 2011a).
Soil compaction is an increasingly challenging pro- Desertification
blem for plant root growth, soil quality and the envi-
ronment (Soane and Ouwerkerk, 1994; Horn et al., Desertification is a permanent process of land
2003). Most of soil compaction in modern agricultu- transformation by natural processes, human interven-
re is caused by vehicular traffic of agricultural im- tion or a combination of both that may lead to the
plements, the size of which is progressively incre- change of fertile soil into desert soil (Chesworth,
asing. Soil compaction influences pore size distribu- 2008). Kuderma and Zsolnay (2011) proposed indi-
tion, its geometry, gas and water fluxes and, conse- cators and threshold levels of this process. Indicators
quently, plant growth (Lipiec and Hatano, 2003; Dex- are applied at different spatial (micro-, meso- and
ter et al., 2008). In general, soil compaction decre- macro-) and temporal spaces (from minutes to years)
ases the contribution of large pores, total porosity, which include soil (humus, microbiota, physics, hy-
increases that of fine pores, and affects the pore con- drology), fields and plots (vegetation, fauna, erosion,
tinuity and the anisotropy of fluxes (Wójciga et al., surface waters) and catchments (socio-economics,
2009; Reszkowska et al., 2011). Agricultural machi- ground water, climate). Degradation processes of so-
nery traffic can form an anisotropic soil pore system ils play a significant role in drained organic soils (pe-
due to simultaneous movement of aggregates or par- ats and mucks), drastically changing their volume by
ticles forward and downwards and wheel slippage shrinkage during drying (Jaros, 2010).
(Pagliai et al., 2003; Peng and Horn, 2008; Horn and
Peth, 2011). Moreover, these processes result in an Waterlogging
increased diversity of pore shape and roughness at
the cluster or grain scales (Warkentin, 2000) and a Waterlogging is an effect of the excess of water in
platy structure with elongated pores that are oriented soil, often due to flooding of the soil for varying pe-
parallel to the soil surface (Horn et al., 2003). These riods of time during the year. Prolonged waterlog-
soil structural changes directly affect soil water mo- ging affects anaerobiosis, causing damage of plant
vement, gas exchange and heat transfer. Soil matrix roots and enhancing reduction processes (low reduc-
with a finer pore size will result in excessive mecha- tion potentials). It also affects the soil structure (Ta-
nical impedance encountered by roots, especially in boada et al., 2011).
dry soil, and in insufficient aeration in wet soil (Gliñ- One of the effective means to improve soil physi-
ski and Lipiec, 1990; Whalley et al., 2000; Bengo- cal properties are conditioners (synthetic and waste-
ugh et al., 2011). related structure forming agents) (Dêbicki, 2011).
They improve soil fertility and play an important role
Surface seals or crusts for environmental protection.

Surface seals or crusts are relatively thin and hard

layers on the surface of bare soils as a result of inten-
sive rainstorms, percolation of runoff water rich in
suspended solids, activity of nonvascular plants (As-

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GREENHOUSE GAS EXCHANGE of global gas atmospheric concentration in the last

BETWEEN SOIL AND ATMOSPHERE century, mainly CO2, increases radiative forcing war-
ming the Earth. Another opinion is presented by Ku-
Gases such as CO2, CH4, N2O are produced and tilek (2011) who suggests that the prediction of glo-
consumed in soils mainly by microbial activity which bal warming cannot be based upon the results con-
is influenced by soil environmental factors such as; cerning greenhouse effects. Through the geological
temperature, moisture, available carbon, nutrients, periods, the Earth surface, heated by solar radiation,
acidity and redox potential (Gliñski et al., 2012). emanated to the atmosphere long wave infrared ra-
Gases are naturally sunk in soils (W³odarczyk, 2011), diation containing also human made “greenhouse
which is an important stabilisation of their concen- gases”.
tration in the atmosphere at safety level. Soil is the
major source of gases emission to the atmosphere and
its transport within soil profile occurs by mass flow SOIL PHYSICAL CONDITIONS
and diffusion. Efflux of gases to the atmosphere is AND PLANT GROWTH
influenced by barometric pressure fluctuations cau-
sed by the wind or air turbulence (Gliñski and Stêp- The changes in soil structure due to soil physical
niewski, 1985). The most important gas in the envi- degradation will impose physical conditions influen-
ronment is CO2 which in soil is produced during the cing root growth and fluxes and thereby essential plant
process of soil respiration and evolved to the atmo- requirements such as adequate quantities of water,
sphere (Gliñski et al., 2010). oxygen for aerobic respiration and nutritive elements
Soil respiration is the largest component of ecosys- (Gliñski and Lipiec, 1990; Bengough et al., 2006).
tem respiration and varies with different ecosystem Crop responses to soil physical conditions depend on
types (Luo and Zhou, 2006). The lowest CO2 emission the growing stage.
(about 80 g C m–2 yr–1) was found in tundra, northern
bogs and mires, medium (about 200–300 g C m–2 yr–1) Germination, emergence and crop
was found in desert scrub and boreal forests and wo-
odlands, 400–700 g C m–2 yr–1 – in temperate gras-
slands, croplands, fields, temperate coniferous and The main soil physical requirements for germina-
deciduous forests, Mediterranean woodlands, tropi- tion and emergence include: temperature, water con-
cal savannas and grasslands, tropical dry forests, and tent, oxygen availability, soil strength and structure.
the highest rate (1260 g C m–2 yr–1, on average) was
found in tropical moist forests. In grasslands, soil Temperature
carbon efflux was in the range from 400 to 500 g C
m–2 yr–1 but in some circumstances may reach even In cold climates the rate of germination, emergen-
2100 g C m–2 yr–1. CO2 emissions from fresh water ce and final stand establishment is slowed greatly by
of wetlands to the atmosphere varied widely from 1.2 low seedbed temperatures. The minimum temperatu-
to 7.2 g C m–2 d–1. CO2 effluxes from peatlands had a res for root growth are about 5°C. In hot regions, ho-
very great range from 60 to 2100 g C m–2 yr–1. In wever, emergence can be hindered by adversely high
agriculture land the rate of soil respiration depends seedbed temperatures. The maximum temperatures
on the soil type and kind of crop cover and ranges for root growth are from 35 to 40°C. The temperatu-
from about 400 to 1200 g C m–2 yr–1 (Luo and Zhou, res can be influenced by mulching (Harris, 1996;
2006). It reacts also to the treatments and cultivation Townend et al., 1996).
methods. The increase in respiration rate in soil cau-
sed by the presence of plants amounts usually from Water
40 to 100% of the respiration of the soil alone (Gliñ-
ski and Stêpniewski, 1985). Hatano and Lipiec (2004), The water availability depends on soil characteri-
Hatano (2011) and Moreno et al. (2011) showed that stics which control how tightly water is held, seed-
after tillage CO2 emission is enhanced by physical soil contact areas and evaporation. Finer-textured and
CO2 release from soil due to reduced resistance to well structured soils hold water more tightly than
gas transfer. According to McGuire et al. (2001) los- coarse textured soils with the same water content (Pa-
ses of carbon from cultivated soils reach 0.8 Pg C yr –1 chepsky et al., 2001). Irrespective of soil type, the
(812 g C yr –1) globally. Production of CO2 in soils plant-available water is between in situ field capaci-
and emission to the atmosphere is linked with global ty and the permanent wilting point (water content at
warming. According to Hatano (2011), an increase soil matric potential of – 1.5 MPa).

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Agrophysics – physics in agriculture and environment 71


Insufficient aeration for germination and emergen- RUSRRUURRWVRLOFRQW
ce is usually caused by poor drainage and by a surfa- 3D
ce crust that can prevent gas exchange between the
soil atmosphere and the air above. The effects of soil 
oxygen on seedling emergence differ between plant

species and are better described in terms of oxygen DLU 3RRU

diffusion rate (ODR) than in terms of oxygen con- 
centration in the soil air (Gliñski and Stêpniewski,

Strength FIGURE 2. Relationship between soil strength of 3 MPa and air-

filled porosity 10% (v/v) in relation to degree of compactness
and matric potential of the plough layer. Crop growth in the upper
Soil strength is an important constraint to seedling left corner of the diagram are likely due to mainly low unsaturated
emergence and a cause of crop establishment failure. hydraulic conductivity and/or poor root-to-soil contact (after
Excessive soil strength above developing seedlings Hakansson
° and Lipiec, 2000)
can be induced by soil compaction due to machinery
traffic at seedbed preparation and sowing, the pre- ter content, penetration resistance and aeration. They
sence of large clods and crust (surface hard layer) are largely affected by alterations in soil structure due
° et al., 2002). The risk of poor emergence to soil management practices (e.g. Czy¿, 2004; Birkás,
due to surface layer hardening depends much more 2008; Usowicz and Lipiec, 2009). The penetration re-
on the sowing depth than on the aggregate sizes of sistance of 3 MPa and air-filled porosity of 10% v/v
the seedbed (Hakansson
° et al., 2002). are usually considered as critical for plant growth.
As can be seen from Figure 2, the range of matric
Structure potential in which aeration and mechanical impedan-
ce do not limit root growth becomes narrower when
The influence of seedbed structure on crop esta- the degree of compactness increases (Hakansson
° and
blishment can vary greatly in terms of soil aggrega- Lipiec, 2000).
tion and subsequent pore size distribution that are lar- The range of soil water content in which aeration
gely influenced by cultivation. Optimum structural and mechanical impedance do not limit root growth
conditions for establishment occur between ranges is termed the least limiting water range (LLWR) (Da
for macroporosity of 10–19% and average pore size Silva et al., 1997). A soil matrix with a larger pore
of 8–12 mm2. It is clear that fine seedbed structures size, structural cracks, macropores and worm holes
(<5 mm size) produce the greatest establishment will offer greater potential for undisturbed root growth
° et al., 2002; Atkinson et al., 2009). because the roots can bypass the zones of high me-
chanical impedance (Gliñski and Lipiec, 1990; Li-
Combined effect of soil physical characteristics piec et al., 2003).
on plants
Root-to-shoot signalling
The emergence and early crop growth may be li-
mited by soil physical characteristics acting in com- When the soil physical properties suppress root
bination (Lipiec et al., 2011). For example in the semi- growth and change root distribution, shoot growth and
arid tropics, it can be large mechanical impedance, stomata functioning may also be reduced (Sweeney
high temperature and water stress. However, in the et al. 2006) as an effect of root-to-shoot signalling
cold and wet climate, limited early root and shoot (Lipiec and Hatano, 2003; Dodd, 2005; Novák and
growth can be a resultant of low temperature and Lipiec, 2012). Figure 3 indicates greater stomatal re-
oxygen deficiency. It is often difficult to determine sistance of field-grown spring wheat in compacted
the relative contribution of each characteristic. than in non compacted soil, particularly in drought
periods. The plant stress hormone abscisic acid (ABA)
Growth of established crops has long been recognised to act as a major chemical
root-to-shoot stress signal under different environ-
The main soil physical factors influencing growth mental stresses (Zhang and Davies, 1989; Clark et
of roots and shoots of established crops include wa- al., 2005; Dodd, 2005; Schachtman and Goodger,

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ments: solid soil constituents, water and air which

are dynamic in time and variable in space. Soil plays
the main role because it affects directly the availabi-
Rainfalls (mm)

lity of water and nutrients to plants. Plants in turn

play the role of water transmission from soil to the
atmosphere (Fig. 4).
The processes of mass and energy transfer which
proceed within the soil-plant-atmosphere system are
described with physical equations and modelling in
different scales like leaf scale, canopy scale, land-
scape scale and mesoscale. From the practical point
Stomatal resistance (s cm)

of view the knowledge of the system is helpful in

prediction of yield quantity and quality and is also
indispensable for irrigation system design and mana-


FIGURE 3. Stomatal resistance of spring wheat grown in field in AND NUTRITIONAL VALUES
relation to soil compaction (A) and rainfalls (B) (after Lipiec and
Gliñski, 1997) Raw materials of plant origin (cereals, partly fru-
its and vegetables) are mainly used as foods and food
2008). More work is needed to understand how the products after their processing. The knowledge of
signalling capacity under environmental stresses dif- physical properties of such materials becomes very
fers in various genotypes. useful for the evaluation of their technological and
nutritional values. A lot of papers were published to
Soil-plant-atmosphere relations describe structural (shape, size, volume), mechani-
cal, rheological, optical (colour), electrical and aero-
Soil-plant-atmosphere relations is the near-surfa- dynamic properties of agricultural plant materials.
ce environment in which mass (water, nutrients, air) Examples on the above may be papers published in
and energy (heat, light) transfer occurs from soil thro- the last two years (2010–2011) in the journal Inter-
ugh plants to the atmosphere (S³awiñski and Sobczuk, national Agrophysics and contributions in the Encyc-
2011). The system is composed of three main ele- lopaedia of Agrophysics (Gliñski et al., 2011b) which
present results on physical properties of many plants,
also exotic ones from tropical regions, in relation to
environmental conditions. The plants considered are:
amaranth seeds (Sujak and Dziwulska-Hunek, 2010),
apples (Ozturk et al., 2010; Zdunek et al., 2011), ari-
go (Davies, 2010), beans (Esehaghbeygi, 2010), cas-
sava (Aviara et al., 2010), cucumber (Xinlin Li et al.,
2011), hazelnuts (Ercisli et al., 2011), Jatropha (Fuji-
maki and Kikuchi, 2010), kariya (Ogunsina et al.,
2011), lentil seeds (Bagherpour et al., 2010; Aladja-
djiyan, 2010), maize (Izli and Isik, 2010; Amiri Chay-
jan et al., 2010; Frimpong et al., 2011), oil palm (Aki-
noso and Raji, 2011), pea (Kasprzak and Rzedzicki,
2010), raisin berries (Karimi et al., 2011), rape seed
(Szot et al., 2011; Wi¹cek and Molenda, 2011), rice

FIGURE 4. Water movement in soil-plant-atmosphere system

(after S³awiñski and Sobczuk, 2011)

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Agrophysics – physics in agriculture and environment 73

(Emadzadeh et al., 2010; Askari Asli-Ardeh et al., cal processes, knowledge of which may significantly
2010; Asthiani Araghi et al., 2010), roselle (Bamg- decrease the losses of materials. How fundamental
boye and Adejumo, 2010), persimmon (Altuntas et studies on the physical properties of plants (Rusin
al., 2011), saffron peach (Esehaghbeygi et al., 2010), and Kojs, 2011) can reduce losses during harvest can
tomato fruits (G³adyszewska et al., 2011; Zhiguo et be illustrated by the example of rapeseed which is a
al., 2011) or broader group of plants such as cereals very economically important product (Szot et al.,
(Dziki et al., 2010; Grundas et al., 2011; Khazaei and 2011). Studies concerned with the mechanical pro-
Ghanbari, 2010; Dziki and Laskowski, 2011; Obu- perties of rapeseed pods (cracking force and cracking
chowski et al., 2010). energy), genetic traits, moisture, stage of ripeness,
Physical properties as quality indicators of fruits physical condition of canopy and variability of atmo-
and vegetables (Baiyeri and Ugese, 2011; Nelson and spheric conditions on the day of the harvest (Štekau-
Trabelsi, 2011; Ruiz-Altisent and Moreda, 2011), gra- erová, 2011) resulted in the improving harvest tech-
ins (Kram, 2011) raw materials and agricultural pro- nology with the use of combine harvester and maxi-
ducts (Blahovec, 2011b; Dobrzañski and Rybczyñ- mum limitation of quantitative and qualitative losses
ski, 2011; Lewicki, 2011; Horabik and Molenda, of seeds without any financial outlays (Fig. 5). Me-
2011) and food (Caurie, 2011; Moreda and Ruiz-Al- chanical impacts of machines on crops at harvest and
tisent, 2011; Scarlon, 2011) are also described, inclu- during post-harvest technologies cause their losses.
ding the effects of drying process (Pabis et al., 1998; Crop yield losses reduction needs rational use of
Karimi, 2010; Farkas, 2011b; Jayas and Singh, 2011; machines through appropriate selection and control
Gorjian et al., 2011; Kaleta and Górnicki, 2011a). of their operating parameters and by selecting the best
Hlaváèová (2011) and Pietrzyk and Horyñski (2011) time for performing the technological processes. For
present the electrical properties of agricultural pro- these purposes the knowledge of physical parame-
ducts. The role of plant tissue microstructure in for- ters of plant material is very useful (Fr¹czek and Œli-
ming physical, chemical and biological properties of pek, 2011). Plant lodging has a negative influence on
plants is given by Konstankiewicz (2011). A large the yield and its quality (Blahovec, 2011a; Podolska,
database on physical properties of many plants and 2011). Resistance of plants to lodging depends, apart
agricultural products can be found in an article by from the chemical composition of plants (cellulose
Kaleta and Górnicki (2011b). and lignin content), on their mechanical and structu-
ral properties (length and diameter of stems, thick-
CROP YIELD LOSSES ness of cell walls and sclerenchyma width). The know-
ledge of these properties allows to breed new varie-
During the harvest and after harvest technologies, ties resistant to lodging. Physical phenomena (me-
storage, drying and processing technologies of plant chanical, electrical, thermal, moisture) may be a di-
materials, there occur great losses of these materials rect cause of damage to agricultural products during
which in some cases may exceed the amount of total their storage and may also induce chemical and bio-
yield and decrease the economic effects of plant pro- logical processes that are harmful for the environ-
duction. The abovementioned actions include physi- ment (Molenda and Horabik, 2011). Knowledge of

FIGURE 5. Relations
between rapeseed seed
losses and seed yields
in combine harvest
based on agrophysical
research and effects
of implementations
at rapeseed producing
(after Szot et al., 2011)

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the physical properties of agro-food materials (seeds, models, and phenomenological models (Mazurek et
grains, fruits and vegetables) such as shape and size, al., 1996). Mathematical models: mathematical-phy-
volume, density, porosity, surface area, strength, sical, statistical-physical, and mathematical-statisti-
cal can be used depending on the complexity of inve-
stress, hardness, toughness, elasticity, plasticity, brit-
tleness and ductibility, is needed to protect them aga- stigated processes. Phenomenological models are con-
inst losses (£apko, 2010; Molenda, 2011). Thermal structed when a real process is too complicated for a
processing (ohmic, dielectric, infrared microwave, detailed physical-mathematical description (e.g., eva-
radio-frequency inductive) used in food industry inc- potranspiration, erosion, biomass production). Ma-
ludes the heating of food at defined temperature over thematical modelling may be used for different ap-
certain periods of time (Vicente and Machado, 2011). plications – from pure modelling of transport pheno-
Also improper processes of drying, dehydration and mena in soil to crop growth and yield prediction.
heating of agricultural products, without knowledge Mathematical-physical models are developed to
of their physical properties, may cause their thermal describe soil, atmosphere, and plant processes respon-
damage, loss of mass and poor sensory and nutritio- sible for biomass increase, using constitutional ma-
nal quality of the end-products (Pabis et al., 1998; thematical-physical equations (Van Genuchten, 1980).
Karimi, 2010; Farkas, 2011a,b; Jayas and Singh, 2011; The equations result from the conservation laws, de-
Kaleta and Górnicki, 2011a). scribing a chosen phenomenon in the system, e.g.,
All the above mentioned phenomena of soil, plant transport of water, salt, and heat in the soil, soil de-
material and environment degradation are studied with formation, and stress as a result of agricultural ma-
the use of modern physical measuring techniques, chines and cultivation tools reaction (Pukos, 1994;
monitoring and modelling methods. Walczak et al., 1997; Konstankiewicz and Pytka,
2008). A typical example of widely used mathemati-
MEASURING TECHNIQUES, cal-physical model is the mass and energy transport
MONITORING, AND MODELLING USED through the soil-plant-atmosphere system. It results
IN AGROPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS from a combination of various mechanisms and inc-
ludes molecular liquid diffusion, molecular vapour
Measuring techniques, monitoring, and modelling diffusion, capillary flow, convective transport, eva-
are the main instruments in agrophysical investiga- poration-condensation, pure hydrodynamic flow, and
tions. Many advanced methods and measuring tools movement due to gravity. An example of vital tools
are used in agrophysics, eg. tomography, nuclear to translate data that we have to data that we need in
magnetic resonance (NMR), X-ray methods, ground agrophysical research are pedotransfer functions
penetrating radar (GPR), fractal analysis, image ana- (PTF), being equations or algorithms expressing re-
lysis, neural networks, particle film technology, rela- lationships between soil properties different in the
xometry, remote sensing (Gliñski et al., 2011b), opti- difficulty of their measurement or their availability.
cal technologies (Bieganowski et al., 2010). The col- The PTFs are used to predict soil hydraulic proper-
lection of useful data for decision makers that allow ties (retention curve, hydraulic conductivity) from
to determine temporal and spatial variations of phy- basic soil properties such as particle-size distribution,
sical conditions in agriculture and the environment organic matter, and bulk density (Lamorski et al.,
need monitoring (Skierucha, 2011). These conditions 2008).
concern, among others, renewable resources, crop Post-harvest and processing technologies need
identification, growth rates and yield forecasting, mathematical models and optimization methods (De
determination of erosion and desertification acreage Baerdemaeker and Vandewalle, 1995; Agbashlo et al.,
(area). Rapidly developing remote sensing technolo- 2009). Models using the discrete element method
gies are very useful for such monitoring (Bia³ousz, (DEM) and finite element method (FEM) for model-
2011; Salama, 2011). ling physical processes in biological materials (e.g.,
Application of physical methods, laws and the- plant tissue, Pieczywek et al., 2011; grain silos, Holst
ories to agricultural problems allowed modelling of et al., 1999a,b; Wi¹cek and Molenda, 2011) seem to
various natural processes in the environment or tech- be very promising. Modern food processing techno-
nological processes in agriculture and food produc- logy needs food models with well-characterized mi-
tion. The models used in application to life sciences cro- and macrostructure and composition to facilitate
are based on physics and mathematics. With regard the development of common approaches to risk as-
to the way of description of processes, the physical sessment and nutritional quality for food research and
models can be divided into: real models, analogue industry (Ad Litteram, 2009).

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Agrophysics – physics in agriculture and environment 75

Models which describe properly the physical pro- chitecture which allows better understanding of the
cess in a particular object may not yield accurate re- complex mechanisms controlling water and nutrients
sults when real values of the physical parameters of fluxes in the soil-plant continuum and increase root
modelled object are not known. Uncertainties still uptake efficiency. Advances made in non-invasive
arise when modelling is applied to conditions diffe- measurement techniques can be useful for this.
rent than those for which the model was tested. The- Development of complete and reliable databases
refore, experimental verification of the model is very of agrophysical data is challenging. They are an in-
important (Fernandez et al., 2004). valuable resource for researches, educators, practi-
tioners and policy makers and present great opportu-
A LOOK AHEAD nities to translate the existing data to the data we need
using cost-effective pedotransfer functions (or mo-
Agrophysics has already a strong international del approaches).
position but it needs further research and challenges
to improve knowledge and application. For application

For knowledge Coupling of soil mechanical and conductive (hy-

draulic) processes affecting the time dependent stra-
Capture the dynamics of soil structure effects and in and the alteration of pore functioning: e.g. aera-
improve quantitative description of surface roughness, tion and water fluxes to help the specification of ap-
crusting, bypass flow, infiltration, deformation resi- propriate agricultural machinery to avoid excessive
stance (mechanical impedance, crop establishment). soil and subsoil compaction.
Estimation of the effective soil physical proper- Developing non-invasive soil sensors to alleviate
ties of heterogeneous field soil profiles. Integration the difficulty in researching below-ground processes
of directly measured data and indirectly estimated (e.g. root development, water movement etc.).
information derived from new non-invasive techni- More research is needed in plant breeding to de-
ques such as neutron and X-ray radiography, magne- velop crop varieties for physically stressed environ-
tic resonance imaging, electrical resistivity tomogra- ment, e.g. lodging.
phy, ground penetrating radar. Microwave remote Studies on the co-acting effects of increasing tem-
sensing is promising for this. perature and associated changes in soil moisture and
Quantification of the size, continuity, orientation rising atmospheric CO2 on SOM and plant producti-
and irregularity of pores by means of image analysis vity, due to future climatic change.
for a broad range of agrophysical applications inclu- Management of landscape structure to optimize
ding water movement and solute transport following the use of solar energy, heat and water balance of
human activity. agricultural areas towards increasing potential for
Visualising and quantifying the complex geome- sustainable production of biomass.
try of the pore network and soil structure in 3D on Creation of optimal physical conditions to incre-
various scales is promising to enhance our understan- ase the utility (technological) value during proces-
ding of the multiple interacting soil physical, biolo- sing and storage.
gical and biogeochemical processes, including flux Improvement of technology of harvesting, storing
phenomena. and processing to decrease qualitative and quantita-
Quantification of coupled soil heat and water trans- tive losses using new physical methods and model-
fer (particularly vapour flow components) and asso- ling approaches.
ciated implications at various scales. Deepening of knowledge on physical properties
Studying the combined effects of multiple stres- through description of macroscopic and microscopic
ses such as water stress, oxygen stress, mechanical structures and processes.
stress, salinity, and temperature extremes on plant Saving energy during various technological pro-
performance. cesses used in agriculture.
Further research is needed to explain perception Designing machines and devices (equipped with
of soil physical stress by plants (or plant roots) and electronics) used in agriculture that will be economi-
the conversion of physical phenomena into physiolo- cal in terms of their power (energy) and material re-
gical responses. quirements.
Development of emerging area of 3-D soil-plant
functional interactions modelling based on root ar-

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Received: May 16, 2013

Accepted: August 5, 2013

Streszczenie: Agrofizyka jest integraln¹ czêœci¹ fizyki œrodowiska, o charakterze interdyscyplinarnym, stoj¹c¹ na pograniczu
fizyki i biologii oraz nauk podstawowych i stosowanych. Odgrywa wa¿n¹ rolê w ograniczaniu zagro¿eñ œrodowiskowych w obiek-
tach rolniczych (gleby, roœliny, p³ody rolne, produkty ¿ywnoœciowe) w tym: fizycznej degradacji gleb, produkcji i emisji gazów do
atmosfery oraz strat iloœciowych i jakoœciowych biomasy. Jest pomocna w ocenie i ulepszaniu gleb, produktów rolniczych oraz
procesów technologicznych. Nowoczesne metody pomiarowe, monitoring i modelowanie odgrywaj¹ wa¿n¹ rolê w badaniach agro-

S³owa kluczowe: agrofizyka, metody fizyczne. gleby, rolnictwo, œrodowisko

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