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Programme of study

Animation and video games in cultural context

The never stopping ignorance towards environmental care highly increased in recent
years, which was influenced by political movement of capitalists, denying existence of the
global warming and spreading false arguments to societies like a virus. In parallel with
that people have less and less time leading them to technology and ways to consume
faster whatever it would be entertainment, work or education. Having that in mind and
the neuroscience research about video games it could be served to the table as a tool,
which could be used effectively changing people’s behaviour towards environment through
digital entertainment platforms such as video games. Another matter which would become
important in order the game would function is narrative and there comes Mythology and
Folklore – representation of earth through its elements, that leaned humanity towards
care and respect to surroundings, with the ability to educate without using negative
messages (such as cigarette packages) which end up ignored. This written work will
examine how we can use video games to educate, in this case about environmental care
through the themes of folklore and mythology.
The idea to educate about environment through folklore and mythology can fall into
different context formulating different approaches to it and the most relevant would be
cultural: where we are able to look into history and values it brought into cultures over
the years which were shaped and changed, defining our views towards care of the nature.
A great example of it would be paganism imagining the powers of nature often inhabited
by the human-like gods, almost forcing respect from societies, and that’s what religions
always did created boundaries and sets of rules to be followed assuring the balance.

M.K. Ciurlionis – The Hand of Perkunas Praamžis -Son of Moon and Sun

The purpose of this project becomes trial toward finding a way to communicate with
audience about pollution in a positive and entertaining way which would unconsciously
inform you and shape your views towards what we may call a bright community which
could be argued that were lost in the age of Capitalism, which challenged our
understanding of things. Furthermore, the outcome of the project is imagined as video
game (or animation) which is seen as the effective tool as communication based on the
recent neuroscience studies. One of the examples claims that the gamers of the action
genre games have much better ability to focus, track moving objects and enhance other
abilities trough participation, which is also the preferred activity of the modern people
which 70% percent of it falls into age of 33. In this letting the project to evolve into
something more comnplicated and perhaps philosophical, potentially bringing ideas of
Social anarchism to critique on consumerism.

Video game called Genomics Digital Lab

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