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2020 International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM)

Amity University

Classification of Homogeneous Sites using IRS-

P5 Satellite Imagery
Chethan K S, Sinchana G.S. A L Choodarathnakara
PES University, India GEC, Kushalnagar, India GEC, Kushalnagar, India

Distance. Ajay D. Nagne et al. [4] proposed Mahalanobis

Abstract— Remotely Sensed data is an important component classifier to examine the Land Use Land Cover of
of Land Use/Land Cover (LU/LC) studies. This paper Aurangabad Region on Hyperspectral EO-1 Hyperion
compares the performance of ISODATA classification with imaging Data. The image was classified into Water,
Mahalanobis Distance classification for Arsikere semi-urban vegetation, hill without vegetation, settlement area and bare
study area of Karnataka State, INDIA using IRS-P5 PANF soil, resulting 88.46% accuracy of classifier with Kappa co-
satellite imagery. The Arsikere study area is a homogeneous
efficient 0.84.
region comprised primarily of water features mixed with
impervious features. During the beginning of experiment,
ISODATA unsupervised classification was applied on IRS data. Another study by B.R. Shivakumar et al. [5] analyzed the
Later, Mahalanobis Distance classification was applied on IRS efficiency of three different ancient classifiers upon the
data with 6000 training sites and 100 validation points for present heterogeneous multispectral LANDSAT 8 data. In
water, vegetation, soil and impervious surface features that order to define class separability for principle index the
were randomly generated using a stratified sampling approach. method of normalized Eucledian distance was used. Di Long
The LU/LC data associated with these points were then
compared with Topographic Maps (Survey of India, No.
and Vijay P. Singh [6] have proposed an entropy-based
D43Q3, D43Q7) and Ground Truth Data for performance classification (EC). The results of EC based classification
analysis. Based on the confusion matrices obtained for the are compared with MDC, PC, Min DC, ISODATA, K-means
sample set, the OCA, Kappa statistics were compared with and MLC. Results indicate that EC, MDC and the Min DC
ISODATA. The experimental analysis shows that unsupervised classification out-match the opposite classifiers beneath
ISODATA classification provides accuracy of 89% in Arsikere, investigation, providing overall accuracies of 77.90%,
semi-urban area, however Mahalanobis distance classification
give up 93% OCA with TS = 6000 and VS = 100.
77.11% and 75.55% and Kappa co-efficient of 0.72, 0.71
and 0.69 respectively. Giles M. Foody [7] has discussed
I. INTRODUCTION about different classification on accuracy assessment which
are usually recommended and employed. The author also
Remote sensing is the science associated with the art of describes the dissimilar kind of errors which are met during
getting data concerning an object, geographical or classification of images.
development area, through the analysis of information non- A. L. Choodarathnakara [9] was concerned for analysis work
heritable by a tool that’s not connected with item, area or with the objective of designing an efficient and reliable
development underneath investigation. This Study deals with classification of strategy was an attempt to find answers to
remote sensing knowledge non-heritable earth observation some of the conflicting issues dealt within the existing
satellites. Remote sensing image analysis is completed to literature pertaining to classification of fine resolution RS
extract helpful data concerning the earth surfaces. Machine data. The authors have conducted experiment on the MS
learning techniques are often applied during a supervised and data of IRS LISS-IV sensor of 5m spatial resolution and
unsupervised manner. Supervised classification is done by PAN data of 2.5m spatial resolution. Authors have
characteristic ‘training’ sites of known targets then getting concluded that the hard classification procedure fails to
information of those spectral signatures to different area of classify mixed pixel problem in Arasikere semi-urban area of
targets which are unknown.
Karnataka State, INDIA. To overcome this problem, authors
Robert A. Schowengerdt [1] provided techniques for
proposed Decision Tree technique along with
classification of remote sensing images. Classification of
Mamdani_Fuzzy Inference System (M_FIS) as a hybrid
images based mostly on the remote sensing having thrust
analysis space of the remote sensing community for classifier and concluded that Mamdani_FIS was a powerful
feasibility study on environment is discussed by D. Lu [2]. candidate to classify mixed pixels present in semi-urban
Nur Anis Mahmon et al. have used Landsat 8 satellite image areas. Ashok Kumar T [10] presented the performance and
of certain part of Selangor, Malaysia to classify the image employability of the decision tree classification algorithm in
based on MLC, with an accuracy of 82.5%. The results are respect of varying training dataset size for class hierarchy
compared with Mahalanobis Distance and Minimum levels I and II along with effects of ancillary data on tree
complexity with number of rules induced.


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2020 International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM)
Amity University

A. L. Choodarathnakara et al. [12] proposed PCA method to • Evaluation of Classifiers: The classifier is chosen
detect built-up feature using LANDSAT 7 ETM+ Satellite among completely different classifiers, for example,
Imagery. The method stated in this paper, considers PCA1, fuzzy classifiers and neural network classifier. The
PCA2 and PCA3. These are combined in order to obtain classifier is trained with the training dataset and
98% of 6 different dimensions starting from B1 to B6 and it assessed the classifier using the test dataset. If the
was found that PCA model is most successful with an adequate performance is not met, the classifiers
accuracy of 98%. The objective of this research work was to parameters have to be modified or additional
assess and compare the accuracy of unsupervised ISODATA samples for training and test are added or classifiers
classification with Mahalanobis Distance. This research are modified.
analyzed the study areas with heterogeneous land cover /
land use compositions. The aim of this paper is to study A. Field Test: Here we have to evaluate the classifier
performance using the pre-existing field data.
semi-urban area for urban planning purpose using supervised
Mahalanobis Distance Classification and unsupervised B. Image Classification Approach
ISODATA Classification with IRS Satellite Imagery. • A pattern will belong to only one class during an
exclusive classification method whereas it belongs
The rest of the paper is systematized as follows, Section I to several classes in a nonexclusive classification
includes the introduction concerning remote sensing, Section technique. Fuzzy classification method is a non-
II comprehend the image classification, Section III comprise exclusive classifier.
the study area and the proposed methodology, Section IV • Intrinsic versus Extrinsic: An intrinsic classification
contain results and discussion, Section V concludes the approach can cluster patterns according to the
ultimate comments on the analysis work. information in proximity matrix to perform the
classification. Intrinsic classification method is
II. I MAGE C LASSIFICATION P ROCESS termed unsupervised learning in pattern recognition
The key steps for classifying an images might embrace because no categorical information is employed to
determination of an appropriate selection of training an a priori partition of the objects.
samples, feature, extraction classification system and On the other hand extrinsic classification technique
selection of better classification approaches, image pre- uses category labels on the objects similarly
processing, post-classification processing and accuracy because the proximity matrix. Extrinsic
assessment. classification method is called supervised learning
in pattern recognition literature.
• Feature Determination: Get the whole feature set
• Hierarchical versus Partition: The type of structure
which are considered for classification problem.
obligatory on the information subdivides exclusive,
Because it is comparatively simple to remove
intrinsic classifications into hierarchical and
unnecessary features but hard to enhance required
partition classifier. A hierarchical classifier is a
features and adequate amount of features. nested sequence of partitions; wherever as in
• Data Gathering: Collect the features of all the class partition classifier may be a single partition.
and perform normalization of all the class C. Unsupervised ISODATA Classification
considered , hence the variation of the each feature
is 0 to 1.
The steps for ISODATA clustering are as follows:
• Feature Optimization: Features are often optimized • Enter number of clusters.
by feature choice or feature extraction. While • Initially, cluster centres are first selected arbitrary
extracting the features, the original features are using clustering and then allocates the pixels
condensed into smaller variety by linear or non- between the cluster centres by:
linear transformation. In this process, we tend to
examine the extracted features or gathered samples
whether or not they often classified appropriately.
• Division of Data: Here the samples which are Where ωi and ωj are cluster centres for cluster i and j
considered for data classification are grouped in to respectively and ω(x) is the feature vector at position x.
two, which are training and test dataset. Training • The new cluster centre for class i is evaluated by
dataset must be the demonstration of events. There taking mean of pixels standards assigned to the
should not be many biasing in the training dataset so class:
that the features are related.


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2020 International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM)
Amity University

Where Qi is the total quantities of pixels present in class i

and number of clusters is given by K. Simultaneously the
covariance of the cluster is calculated.
• The categorization of pixels are done to form the new
cluster and to evaluate the nearest cluster covariance
and hence mean will be calculated.
• The process is repeated if the transformation process
in the new cluster and initial cluster is very large
otherwise, the clustering process stops.

D. Supervised Mahalanobis Distance Classification

The calculation for the Supervised Mahalanobis distance

classifier is as trails [8]:
Y = (A-mc) T (Covc-1) (A-mc) (1)
Y = Mahalanobis Distance

A = measurement vector of pixel of a candidate.

mc = the mean vector of the signature of class C

Covc-1 = inverse of covariance matrix

The pixel is assigned to the class c, for which D is the


E. Accuracy Assessment
In a classified image the assessment of accuracy is a
laborious task .the objective of assessment is to allow the
user to describe the map’s “fitness for use”. Kappa Statistic
is originated on the difference among the real agreements in
the chance agreement and the error matrix, which is specified
by the column and row totals.

A. Satellite Data Products and Study Area
The data product used in this study is the Panchromatic RS
image of IRS-P5 Cartosat-I satellite which has been launched
and further supervised by ISRO. This satellite data product
was procured from the NRSC, Hyderabad, India. Table 1
Fig. 1. Study area of Region of Interest
provides the specifications of satellite data utilized for the
purpose of semi-urban study. The paper discuss about the
semi-urban area of Arsikere taluk which is located in Hassan,
Karnataka, India. The geographical are considered in the B. Proposed Methodology
paper lies within the coordinates of 13° 18' 50" North, 76° In order to plan such a semi-urban land, the accurate
15' 22" East and with original name ARASIYA KERE. Fig. classification of land use/ land cover features is necessary.
1 shows the satellite image of Arsikere semi-urban study area In this context, the methodology is proposed which has been
of Hassan district, Karnataka state. depicted in Fig. 2. During the first phase of the work, the RS
data was procured from NRSC Hyderabad. In the second


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2020 International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM)
Amity University

phase, homogeneous sites are identified for generating were defined, supervised Mahalanobis Distance
training site samples of water, vegetation, soil and classification was performed on the study area.
impervious features of about 6000 TS. By employing
A. Mahalanobis Distance Supervised Classification
Mahalanobis distance, supervised classification confusion
matrix was analyzed for four classes with 100 validation Fig. 3 Depicts Heterogeneous training sites of the Arasikere
points for homogeneous sites. The performance comparison semi-urban study area.
of ISODATA versus Mahalanobis distance classification was
dealt with the help of OCA and cross table as well.


Semi-urban Study Area

RS Data Collection

Fig. 3. Homogeneous training sites of the Arasikere semi-urban study area

Training Sites for ISODATA

Unsupervised Fig. 4 shows Supervised Mahalanobis Distance Classified
Area classification Image of Heterogeneous Study Area.

Mahalanobis Distance

Accuracy Assessment

Performance Comparison of
Mahalanobis Distance v/s
Fig. 4. Supervised Mahalanobis Distance Classified Image for
Homogeneous Study Area
In Table 2, out of 50 reference pixels of vegetation, 45 are
classified as vegetation and the rest 10% are misclassified to
impervious surface producing a PA of 90% for vegetation.
In other words out of the total 47 pixels which are correctly
Fig.2. Flow Chart of proposed Methodology classified as vegetation on the image, only 45 pixels
represent vegetation and produce an UA of 95.74%. The
IV. E XPERIMENTAL RESULTS remaining 4.26% of the pixels which are classified as
The classification of geo-coded 2.5m spatial resolution data vegetation are the misclassified pixels from other classes.
has been made using supervised Mahalanobis Distance and Similarly, out of 42 reference pixels of impervious surface
unsupervised ISODATA algorithm. Evaluation of these 40 are classified as impervious surface and the rest 4.58%
classifiers is also dealt with in this section. Assessment of are misclassified to vegetation class producing a PA of
95.42% for impervious surface. In other words out of the
accuracy is performed using ERDAS IMAGINE V 9.2 RS
total 45 pixels which are classified as impervious surface on
image processing software. Once the homogeneous areas
the image, only 40 pixels represent impervious surface and


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2020 International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM)
Amity University

produce an UA of 88.89%. The remaining 11.11% of the PA of 84.62% for water. In other words all the 11 pixels
pixels which are classified as impervious surface are which are correctly classified as water on the image and
misclassified pixels from other classes. produce an UA of 100%.


Classes 1 2 3 4 UA%
Row Total
Classes 1 2 3 4 UA%
1 11 11 100

1 11 11 100 2 2 38 2 42 90.48

2 2 38 2 42 90.48 3 2 27 29 93.10

3 2 27 29 93.10 4 5 13 18 72.22

4 5 13 18 72.22 Column
13 40 34 13 89
Column PA% 84.62 95.00 79.41 100
13 40 34 13 89 89.00%
84.6 OCA: Kappa 1.000 0.841 0.895 0.68
PA% 95.00 79.41 100 0.841
2 89.00%
1.00 OKS:
Kappa 0.841 0.895 0.680 Class Legends: 1: Water; 2: Vegetation; 3: Soil; 4:
0 0.841
Impervious surface
Class Legends: 1: Water; 2: Vegetation; 3: Soil; 4: Table 3 demonstrates Confusion Matrix & Kappa values
Impervious surface obtained for ISODATA Unsupervised Classification for four
Finally Table 2 shows that all the six pixels of water are classes with training sites of 6000 and 100 validation points
classified as water by producing PA and UA of 100%, also for homogeneous areas. In this classification, out of 40
all the two pixels of soil are correctly classified as soil by reference pixels of vegetation 38 are correctly classified as
producing a PA and UA of 100%. vegetation and the rest of 5% are misclassified to soil class
producing a PA of 95% for vegetation. In other words out of
B.ISODATA Unsupervised Classification the total 42 pixels which are classified as vegetation on the
Fig. 5 depicts ISODATA classified Image of the image, only 38 pixels represent vegetation and produce an
Homogeneous Study Area UA of 90.48%. The remaining 9.52% of the pixels which
are classified as vegetation are the misclassified pixels from
water and soil classes.
Out of 34 reference pixels of soil 27 are correctly classified
as soil and the rest of 20.59% are misclassified to vegetation
and impervious surface classes producing a PA of 79.41%
for soil. In other words out of the total 29 pixels which are
classified as soil on the image, only 27 pixels represent soil
and produce an UA of 93.10%. The remaining 6.9% of the
pixels which are classified as soil are the misclassified pixels
from vegetation class.
All the 13 pixels of impervious surface are correctly
classified impervious surface 27 and producing a PA of
100%. In other words out of the total 18 pixels which are
classified as impervious surface on the image, only 13 pixels
Fig. 5. ISODATA Classified Image of the Homogeneous Study Area represent impervious surface and produce an UA of 72.22%.
Table 3 depicts Confusion Matrix & Kappa Values obtained The remaining 27.78% of the pixels which are classified as
for ISODATA unsupervised classification for four classes impervious surface are the misclassified pixels from soil
with training sites of 6000 and 100 validation points for class.
homogeneous area. In this classification, out of 13 reference
C. Comparison of ISODATA and Mahalanobis Distance
pixels of water, 11 are correctly classified as water and the
rest 15.38% are misclassified to vegetation class producing a


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2020 International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM)
Amity University

Fig. 6 presents comparative graph of OCA for homogeneous and hence the classification of more land use/land cover is
training sites of TS = 6000 with VS = 100 pixels using not possible. Therefore the work can be continued by
Mahalanobis Distance and ISODATA classification procuring high spatial and spectral resolution data with more
techniques. number of bands. Since the Arasikere study area is semi-
urban consisting of mixed pixels soft classification
approaches can be performed for better classification

The authors would like to graciously NRSC, Hyderabad,
INDIA for providing the data product for the study. Thanks
to the Survey of India (SOI) for providing the Topographic
Maps for this study and KSRSAC, Bangalore.

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