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22025010123 / AGROTEKNOLOGI

Task 1
1. True
2. False
This statement is false because the neighbour head is cut 400.0000 from a whole that recived 600.000
3. True
4. True
5. True

Task 3
1. Finland
Finland taxes residents on their worldwide income. Earned income received by residents is taxed at
progressive tax rates for national tax purposes and at a flat tax rate for municipal tax purposes. A non-
resident individual (e.g. occasionally working in Finland) is taxed on Finnish-source income only. Unless
lower rates are provided in a tax treaty, tax rates are 35% on employment income and 30% on
dividends, interest (however, interest income is normally not taxable for a non-resident) and royalties.
In principle, no itemised deductions are allowed against the aforementioned income. However, a
standard deduction of EUR 510 per month or, if the income is accrued from a time period of less than
one month, EUR 17 per day is deducted from the income subject to the 35% tax at source (not
applicable to director's fees). Finnish-source pension income is taxed at the progressive tax rate (if a tax
treaty does not prevent Finland to tax the pension).
2. India
The authority of the government to levy tax in India is derived from the Constitution of India, which
allocates the power to levy taxes to the Central and State governments. All taxes levied within India
need to be backed by an accompanying law passed by the Parliament or the State Legislature. Taxes are
of two distinct types, direct and indirect taxes. But, besides these two conventional taxes, there are also
other taxes that have been brought into effect by the Central Government to serve a particular agenda.
Direct tax are levied directly on an entity or an individual and cannot be transferred onto anyone else.
Some of the direct taxes that them pay are income tax, capital gains tax, securities transaction tax,
perquisite tax, and corporate tax. Indirect taxes are those taxes that are levied on goods or services.
Inderect taxes are not levied on a person who pays them directly to the government, they are instead
levied on products and are collected by an intermediary, the person selling the product. The most
common examples of indirect tax Indirect tax can be VAT (Value Added Tax), Taxes on Imported Goods,
Sales Tax, etc. These taxes are levied by adding them to the price of the service or product which tends
to push the cost of the product up. There are also these small cess taxes that are also seen in the
country. These taxes help the government fund several initiatives that concentrate on the improving the
basic infrastructure and maintain general well being of the country. The taxes in this category are
primarily referred to as a cess, which are taxes levied by the government and the funds generated
through this are used for specific purposes as per the Finance Minister’s discretions.
3. New Zealand
Everyone who earns money in New Zealand must pay income tax, including businesses, contractors and
the self-employed. Taxable income can come from a variety of sources, including wages, salary, profit,
interest payments and dividends. Income tax and provisional tax are the same tax, provisional tax is just
a way of pre-paying your annual tax bill in several instalments. Goods and services tax (GST) is added to
the price of most products and services. If you’re GST registered, you can claim back the GST you pay on
goods or services you buy for your business. You need to also charge GST (15%) on what you sell, this is
collecting it on the government’s behalf.

Task 4
1. Because at an urgent time, many people take the opportunity to benefit themselves. This happens
due to abuse of duties and is usually based because on income that is not sufficient for life's necessities
or not commensurate with the duties or positions carried out, which encourages a person to did illegal
2. The firm action that the government can impose is the penalty for dismissal of the extortioners. It was
time to increase the racketeering of roots and surveillance. Additionally, it would be necessary to
evaluate the quality of human resources through education and training, improve service systems more
quickly, build good control systems and use electronic services. For this activity to run well requires
cooperation between local communities, labor units, and infrastructure.
3. If I were a law enforcer, I will give firm action that will be given by the government if it is proven that
they have committed illegal fees so that they are legally processed and that action will be dismissed if
the perpetrators are from the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), is the most appropriate action considering
that the practice of extortion has caused a lot of harm to society. This sanction for dismissal for
extortionists is important to give a deterrent effect to extortionists.

Task 5
Law of Indonesia is based on a civil law system, intermixed with customary law and the Roman
Dutch law. Before the Dutch colonisation in the sixteenth century, indigenous kingdoms ruled the
archipelago independently with their own custom laws, known as adat. Foreign influences from India,
China and Arabia have not only affected the culture, but also weighed in the customary adat laws. Aceh
in Sumatra, for instances, observes their own sharia law, while Toraja ethnic group in Sulawesi are still
following their animistic customary law.
Dutch presence and subsequent occupation of Indonesia for 350 years has left a legacy of Dutch
colonial law, largely in the Indonesia civil code. Following the independence in 1945, Indonesia began to
form its own modern Indonesian law, not developing it from scratch, but modifying precepts of existing
laws. Dutch legal decisions maintain some authority in Indonesia through application of the concordance

Task 6
1. while
2. and also
3. and
4. because
5. when
6. that, but
7. even
8. and
9. so
10. If

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