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Name : Uswatun Hasanah

NIM : 20160701030190
Class : TBI-F/6
Subject: Teaching Practice 1


School : MA Mambaul Ulum 2

Lesson : English
Material : News Item Text
Class/Semester : XII/I
Time allocation : 30 minutes
Skill : Reading

A. Main Competence

MC1 : Respect and appreciate the teachings of the religion he adheres to.
MC2 : Respect and appreciate honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring
(tolerance, mutual cooperation), courtesy, confidence, in interacting
effectively with the social and natural environment within the range of
relationships and whereabouts.
MC3 : Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on
his curiosity about science, technology, art, culture related to phenomena and
events that appear to the eye.
MC4 : Try, process, and present in a concrete realm (using, parsing, stringing,
modifying, and making) and abstract domains (writing, reading, counting,
drawing, and making) in accordance with what is learned in school and other
sources that are the same in point of view / theory.

B. Basic Competence and Competence Achievement Indicator

Basic Competence Competence Achievement Indicator

3.4 Differentiate social functions, text 1. Identify general structure of news item text
structure, and language feature and the way to use it, as the example.
from several oral and written news
item texts by giving and requesting
information related to simple news
from newspapers/radio/TV,
according to the context of its use.

4.4 Capture the contextual meaning of 2. Determine general structure of news item
social functions, text structure, and text in an example news.
language feature from several oral
and written news item texts by
giving and requesting information
related to simple news from
newspapers/radio/TV, according to
the context of its use.

C. Purpose
After joining the teaching and learning process, students are supposed to:
1. Identify general structure of news item text and the way to use it, as the example.
2. Determine general structure of news item text in an example news.

D. Material
General structure of news item text, as follows.
1. Headlines
2. Newsworthy events
3. Background events
4. Resource of information
News Item
Parts of the Text Information from the Text
Newsworthy Events

Background Events

Any quote from authorities or people

Resource of Information involved?
5W + 1H
E. Teaching Method and Technique
1. Method : Cooperative Learning
2. Technique : Numbered-Head Together

F. Media, Instrument and Teaching Resources

1. Media
a. Power point slide
2. Instrument
a. Printout text
3. Teaching Resources
a. Buku Pegangan Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk
SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XII Kemendikbud
b. Internet source:
c. Internet source:

G. Procedure

Activities Description of Learning Activities
Pre-teaching 1. Teacher opens the class activity by greeting and leads the 2 minutes
students to pray before starting the teaching and learning
2. Teacher asks some questions related with the material
that will be learned.
Whilst-teaching 1. Teacher shows the power point slide to give a brief 20 minutes
explanation about news item text.
2. After explaining the material, teacher gives students a
chance to ask question related with news item text.
3. Teacher divides students into 4 groups.
4. Teacher gives number 1-5 for each students of each
group (if a group consists of 5 students).
5. After grouping the students, teacher gives news item text
and some questions written in printout text to each
6. Each groups think together (head together) to find the
answer of the questions. Each member of each groups
need to pay attention to their number. Each member must
find the answer of question which is same with their
7. Teacher gives 7 minutes for each groups to think together
(head together).
8. After 7 minutes left, teacher will call a number, for
example number 2. The students who get number 2 in
each group need to raise their hands to answer the
question number 2. The student who is the first raising
hand can answer the question. If the answer is wrong,
teacher passes the number to another number until all
questions finish to be answered.
Post-teaching 1. Teacher gives a feedback for the news item text. 8 minutes
2. Teacher clarifies the students whether they understand or
not about the material.
3. Teacher leads to close the class activity by greeting.

H. Learning Evaluation
Type of Assesment : Work in group
Form of Assessment : News item text
Instrument of Assessment : (Appendix)
Rubric of Assessment :
No. Criteria Description Score
Accurate response 5
Response for answering the
1. Inaccurate response 4
No response 3
Accurate grammar 5
2. Grammar Inaccurate grammar 4
No response 3
Maximum Score: 10
Score Orientation :

Skor Penilaian
No. Huruf Rentang angka
1. Very Good (A) 100 - 80
2. Good (B) 70 - 50
3. Enough (C) 50 - 30
4. Less (D) 20 - 10

Pamekasan, 28 March 2019

Headmaster of MA Mambaul Ulum 2 Student

Haeruddin, M.Pd. Uswatun Hasanah

NIP.- NIM. 20160701030190

Yours Truly,
Lecturer of Teaching Practice 1 Subject

Dr. A. Ghufran Ferdiant, M.Pd.

NIP. 197401071999031004

Work in Group!

Read the following text and answer the questions with your group!

Monday, 25 March 2019 15:03 WIB

Bawaslu finds 4 violations during open campaign day 1

Both of presidential candidates did violations during open campaign on the first day.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) found violations

during open campaign on the first day. According to Bawaslu member, Fritz Edward Siregar,
there were at least four forms of violations on the first day of open campaign on Sunday
(March 24).

“We saw and noted, both of candidate pairs did a number of things that prohibited,” said Fritz
on Monday (March 25).

Fritz explained form of violations for example was brought children during campaign.
According to him, this was not in accordance with the joint commitment between election
committee, election supervisors, and election participants. In addition, there was state
facilities used, in the form of state officials present in the campaign still uses government

“Third, civil apparatus (ASN) involved and attended the campaign and fourth, there are
number of props that are not political party props (included in campaign area),” Fritz

Bawaslu will follow up these incidents. Fritz said related to ASN, there is possibility that
Bawaslu will send a letter to ministry concerned, regarding neutrality during open campaign

Open campaign period has started on March 24 until April13. The open campaign period
lasts for 21 days. KPU has implemented a zoning system in the implementation of the general
meeting method campaign. This system divides 34 provinces in Indonesia into two parts,
which later become a reference for election participants to carry out campaigns.
1. What type of the text above?
2. What is the main idea of the text?
3. Determine the 5W + 1H from the text above!
4. Determine the general structure of the text above!
5. Give the conclusion of the text!

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