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Anisa Sapphire . 2023.

Application Finger Painting For Develop Creativity Child

Group B at As- Sunnah IT Kindergarten . ESSAY. Supervisor I: Sry Anita
Rachman , M.Pd . II: Farlina Hardianti , M.Pd. _ Education Teacher Education Study
Program S1 Child Age Early , Institute Global Archipelago Education .

Study this background back by low creativity child age early and activity painting in
Kindergarten still not optimal. Activity paint still use activity paint conventional that
is paint with use pencil colors , markers and crayons. As for Purpose in study this is
know how application Finger Painting For Develop Creativity Child Group B at As-
Sunnah IT Kindergarten . Method study this use study action class (PTK) conducted
conducted in two cycle . Every stages cycle covers planning , implementation ,
observation and reflection . subject on study this consists of 21 children including 10
children woman and 11 children man . Technique data collection used with method
observation , documentation and interview . Results data analysis shows enhancement
from pre-cycle , cycle I and cycle II by consecutive as following . On pre-cycle no
there is successful child _ reach level achievement very good with percentage of 24
% with category start develop and only a number of unborn child _ growing . Next on
cycle I percentage child reached 52.38 % with _ category develop corresponding
hope . Next on cycle II with score development creativity child reached 76.19 % with
_ category develop very ok . From the description on could concluded that through
activity paint with technique Finger Painting could increase Creativity Child Age
Early 5-6 years in kindergarten Islam Integrated Assunnah Suralaga , East Lombok .

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