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A.) Why are organizations important?

1.) Because organizations can be used to fulfill varying goals and solve problems
necessitated by the demands of people that need the capability of
organizations to integrate many talents in systematized problem-solving
activities. Organizations can adapt to many conditions more so than any
individual no matter the skills and can widely expand and bring in any
materials it needs to efficiently pump out desired results rapidly. They can
also rapidly downsize when keeping bloated workforces, budgets, production,
supply, etc., is no longer necessary for its objectives. Organizations can also
support, analyze, and research for any cause in a wider scale as demanded
while also being able to lead any initiatives whenever it sees a need to.
Organizations can organize many people into one cohesive, effective unit that
coordinates the efforts of many into an initiative of one leviathan amalgamate.
B.) How do we make a dynamic and sound organization?

Dynamic and sound organizations are made through the emphasis of the
organizational structure in such a way that focuses on the constant
improvements to efficiency and effectiveness. Those can be always be made
through the proper outlining of tasks, focusing on results, and getting rid of
factors that reduce the effectiveness and efficiency of your organization.
Streamlining your process and having the entirety your organization be aware
that there is always something to learn and improve about itself will not only
make it adaptable, but also dynamic and ready to respond to any new stimuli
with rapid responses. Reducing organizational chaos by clarifying the chain of
command and areas of responsibility, while having the capabilities to deal
with organizational conflicts also keeps your organization sound. Below are
the steps in designing the structure of your organization.

1.) Make the organization develop a clear vision and mission

2.) Determine the goals and objectives of the organization
3.) Grouping of related work activities and programs together
A.) Start with conventional planning of the functions of the
managers or heads of departments.
B.) Break up the related functions.
C.) Identify what functions could be delegated to lower structural
D.) Determine the duties and responsibilities of the positions
necessary to deliver the expected output and performance.
E.) Write the corresponding job descriptions of each position.
F.) Develop a sound system of accountability and responsibility.
G.) Determine the qualification requirements of the different
H.) Balance the group work program.
I.) Arrange supervision and control system in its management
C.) Provide 2 Internal and External Environments of an organization and explain
1.) External:
The International Community - The international community refers to the
nations of the world and they interact with each other in the constant chaos of
geopolitics which can affect trade policies, social policies, economic growth
and contraction, etc. These factors, in turn, affect the environment of the
organization in how it conducts itself and how it sees outside factors.
International communities can also coordinate to increase prosperity or order
and can thus be a boon for many organizations which need safety or a space
to conduct their work. They themselves can also make varying types of
organizations which can only be limited by how they need to serve the people
they set out to support, arbitrate, research, explore, or even organize for.

The World Economy – Economic situations in foreign countries have proven

to be very impactful on faraway nations that would seem to be unrelated at
first due to distance, but start to make sense if seen through globalization and
world economic systems. Inflation, lower food prices, high oil prices, and
deflating real estate bubbles have all caused a slow-down in the world
economy in just the last year even though their reasons also seem to be
unrelated at first. If the causes and outcomes are unrelated, it is the people
standing to benefit from global transactions that are impacted by those
problems as they enter into global trading for prosperity despite of global
instability. Organizations must take into account the many global possibilities
that could impact the globalization heavily even if they are prepared and
prepare for possible catastrophes to their business.
2.) Internal:
The Source of Materials and Other Production Inputs – This internal
environment refers to the items that supply the needs of organizations in their
sustainment of their operations or the production of the goods they may have
set out to produce. There can be no organization that produces items without
items of their own, and that is not even mentioning the necessary
coordination with the sources even after they agree to lend input items. This
is due to the need for precision with the numbers of items needed for
increased efficiency and also the influence of demands on goods that can
also restrict production and profits. Necessary amounts of inputs that respond
to probable demand after coordinating with suppliers can also become more
complex with the introduction of other factors that mat affect the suppliers

Investors – Investors allow for a more rapid acquisitions of funds that push
organizations to pursue projects and plans that increase their gains in the
long run because those projects can be conducted earlier without waiting for
funds internally. Austerity measures are not required as organizations can
rely on investors to foot parts of bills and use the free money to allocate new
resources to more projects that can bring in more revenue. Organizations,
especially start ups and medium sized companies rely very heavily on
investors if they hope to become successful and not be included in the 80
percent of businesses that fail in the first five years of operations. Though
dividends, promises, concessions, and compromises always come with
investors, it is a worthy exchange for rapid success ahead of competition that
would not have been possible if not for investments.

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