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ICT Application in Everyday Life

ICT has turned this world to a global village. Apart from communication, that is, reaching
people both far and near; it has also made the work easier and better.Better productivity,
salaries, health care and even farming and education.

Sectors where ICT has played a major role

1. Education
2. Banking
3. Industry
4. Commerce


ICT is applied in the education sector in the following ways:

1. Research for teaching materials, online conference etc.

2. ICT or computers are used as a reference tool.
3. ICT or computer is used by the researchers to collect and process data.
4. Computers are used as administrative tools.
5. ICT offers interactive learning.

Banking sector:

1. Banks use computers to control the entire banking system.

2. On-line transactions by customers are possible 24 hours.
3. Accessing company account by businessmen On-line.
4. Supervision of banking activities by bank administrators.


1. Computers are used to facilitate the production planning and control system.
2. Automation in the production of goods.
3. Researchers use computers to analyse and collect data for future reference.
4. Computers are used by administrators to oversee the entire operations in the factory.


1. ICT makes buying and selling easier.

2. Computers are used by customers to connect On-line with Suppliers.
3. Computers are used to keep a record of the transaction.
4. ICT is applied as a means of communication between customers and producers.

Medicine: Almost all processes and practices in the medical field have been impacted by
technology. These improvements can be seen in the improvement of general workflow, greater
patient care, invention of medical machines, digitization of healthcare records, etc.

Entertainment: In the entertainment industry, technology is constantly being used to develop

new ways to improve every aspect. The effects can be seen in music, movies, gaming, etc.
Technology has resulted in huge changes in the world of home entertainment as well, people
can now enjoy all sorts of entertaining activities from the confines of their home.
Military and warfare: Military forces around the world now use ballistic missiles, rocket
launchers, unmanned warships and jets.
Space and undersea exploration: Astronauts in outer space can communicate with their base
stations on earth. Robots are also used for exploration in dangerous terrains.

Teleconference: This is the use of telecommunication devices to hold discussions between

participants in different locations Meetings can now be organized virtually: this is done by
linking all participants together by communication gadgets in such a way that each person can
participate in the meeting.

In general, ICT has been beneficial to the human race; unfortunately, it has also become a tool
in the hands of evil people who use this facility to unleash mayhem and terror to unsuspecting
online users. People also tend to choose online communication rather than real time
conversations and have become more individualistic and introvert. Others include cybercrime,
issuing misleading information, theft, etc.

Impact of ICT on society

1. Faster communication speed.

2. Lower communication cost.
3. Reliable mode of communication.
4. Effective sharing of information.
5. Borderless communication.

Negative effects of ICT

1. Insecurity of data
2. Fraud
3. Unemployment
4. Virus threat
5. Cost of setting up ICT gadgets

Class Work

1. Define the term ICT.

2. Mention some ICT gadgets.

Home Work

1. The following are disadvantages of ICT except for A. fraud B. virus C. faster
communication D. none
2. ICT has turned the whole world into a …… A. global village B. galaxy C. universe
D. none


1. State three uses of ICT.

2. List three ways ICT has assisted in social development.

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