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Aims and Objectives:

1. To conduct a literature review on the role and contribution of small scale industries towards the
development of economy in relation to employment generation and export growth.
2. To conduct field study to study the role and contribution of small scale industries towards the
development of Indian economy in relation to employment generation and export growth.
3. To assess the growth of the small manufacturing sector over time with a view to establishing the
relative importance of government policy and the contribution of macro-economic factors
4. To examine the geographical distribution of small industry in India, so as to be able to assess the
Government's contention that the growth of small industry will help to alleviate both inter-
regional and rural-urban imbalances in levels of development
5. To examine the role of the Government's support system for small scale manufacturing in
creating dynamic industrial districts, in which networks of small firms are able to accumulate and
6. The aim of the proposed research is to study the role and contribution of small scale
industries towards the development of Indian economy, with focus on the question as whether
their potential undermined or exaggerated. The research will have task of accomplishing
following objectives
7. To conduct a literature review on the role and contribution of small scale industries towards the
development of economy in relation to employment generation and export growth
8. To conduct field study to study the role and contribution of small scale industries towards the
development of Indian economy in relation to employment generation and export growth.

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