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Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

First of all, good morning to all judges and audience. How's it going for the judges and
audience here? I hope everyone is healthy and on good condition today. Before that, I would
like to say thanks a lot for giving me the opportunity to present my speech on this occasion.
Also please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Balqis Ghaliya Zafirah and I am a
student from Kerabat Kita Bumiayu vocational high school. And the theme that i will
present in today's speech is "A Big Decision".

Yes, a big decision.

Everyone must have made a big decision, isn't right? Well, just like most people, I also have
made a big decision too even when I was quite young at that time.

At that time, I was just 12 years old or in the 1st grade of junior high school. Then, what is
the big decision? The big decision at that time was where I decided is to continue my studies
in a big city, Jakarta, alone. Even though at that time I lived with my uncle from my mother,
but living with or without parents is different. Everything is taken care of by myself although
occasionally still assisted.

Once at that time I feel down alone. Where there were no days when I didn't cry because of
some bad things that I experienced. Either because of the bullying from my friends, also the
various pressures that I had to accept and I live it alone too. But at some point I started to
control those feelings until I can become who I am now. Then, I go about my day as usual
and also I took part to returning home for the New Year's holiday. But unfortunately, when I
was about to return there it's ran into the Covid-19 pandemic and also because of the fear of
the bad things that I have experienced. Which makes me inevitably to continue my studies by
homeschooling here. But it's fine, because now i'm not feel regret or sad about that at all.
And now, I'm standing here, as a student from SMKS Kerabat Kita Bumiayu and I'm proud
of myself. Although at the first I didn't think that there were so many miracles or the best
experiences I had while studying here. One of them was when I made a big decision to be
active again in karate to prove if that I am more than what people think, and finally I was able
to become the first winner in a row in that karate competition at least up to the district level
yesterday. But at the district level, I lost and only won the second place. But it's okay,
because this is my first time after a long time I’m not active in karate. And also another best
experience that i had was where it turned out that I am capable and could be ranked first in
my class.

From here, I hope I can continue to maintain what I have achieved. And I also hope that I'm
not the only one who has big and strong determination, not just for the sake of attracting other
people's attention. But for ourself and our future. So, let's all get cheer up from now, fight
from now, appreciate and love what you achieved also what you have including your family.
They are valuable and you are valuable too.

So that's all speeches from me, I also apologize if there are any wrong words and others.
Thanks for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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