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Breast Cancer Research and Treatment (2005) 93: 277–287  Springer 2005

DOI 10.1007/s10549-005-5701-x


Bone mineral density and lipid changes during 5 years of follow-up in a study
of prevention of breast cancer with toremifene in healthy, high-risk pre- and
post-menopausal women

R. Erkkola1, L. Mattila2, T. Powles3, J. Heikkinen4, B. Toivola2, P. Korhonen2, and

M. Mustonen2
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Turku University Central Hospital, Turku, Finland; 2Orion Corporation
Orion Pharma, Espoo, Finland; 3The Royal Marsden Hospital, Breast Unit Downs Road, Sutton, UK; 4Osteoporosis
Clinic, Oulu Deaconess Institute, Oulu, Finland

Key words: anti-oestrogen, bone mineral density, chemoprevention, cholesterol, early termination, toremifene

A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled pilot study was initiated to evaluate the feasibility of chemopre-
vention with toremifene 60 mg/day in healthy women at high risk for breast cancer. Enrolment in the study was
terminated earlier than planned because of slow patient accrual, although 13% of patients continued for 5 years.
The revised efficacy outcomes were change in bone mineral density (BMD) from baseline at four skeletal sites, plus
effects on serum lipids. In premenopausal women there was a trend for sustained increase in BMD during tore-
mifene therapy after year 1 in lumbar spine. In postmenopausal women, toremifene had little or no effect on BMD
trends. Levels of total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol were largely unchanged from baseline in
premenopausal women treated with toremifene but were often slightly lower than in the placebo group during
follow-up. Total and LDL cholesterol levels declined slightly from baseline in the postmenopausal women and were,
at several points during the first 3 years, significantly lower than in the corresponding placebo group (p < 0.01). We
conclude that: (a) assessment of toremifene 60 mg/day in chemoprevention will require further clinical trials; (b)
toremifene 60 mg/day has no substantive negative effects on BMD in pre- or postmenopausal women and may exert
a minor favourable influence (in particular, the effects of toremifene 60 mg/day on BMD in premenopausal women
may make the drug an attractive alternative to tamoxifen 20 mg/day for that patient subset); (c) lipid effects of
toremifene 60 mg/day are, at minimum, neutral and may be modestly favourable for reducing cardiovascular risk.

Introduction The original objective of this study was to evaluate the

acceptability, acute toxicity, compliance and safety of
The selective oestrogen receptor modulator (SERM) toremifene 60 mg/day treatment, in comparison with
toremifene is pharmacologically related to tamoxifen placebo, for the chemoprevention of breast cancer in
and has been shown to be clinically comparable to women at high risk of developing breast cancer. Because
tamoxifen for prolonging remission and increasing sur- of slow accrual and results from the pre-planned 1-year
vival in patients with oestrogen receptor-positive or interim analysis, patient recruitment was ended earlier
receptor-status-unknown breast cancer [1–5]. than scheduled and the follow-up was continued using
Tamoxifen has shown potential in the primary pre- the revised efficacy outcomes of change in bone mineral
vention of breast cancer in categories of receptor-positive density (BMD) from baseline at four skeletal sites and
high-risk patients [6, 7], although its general use for that effects on serum lipids.
purpose is not currently considered a viable strategy [6, 8].
Reasoning by analogy from the comparable mechanisms
of action and clinical effects of toremifene and tamoxifen Study schedule
in other studies in breast cancer suggests that toremifene
may have value as a chemopreventive agent. The study schedule specified a baseline assessment with
We undertook a randomised, double-blind, placebo- subsequent follow-up visits every 6 months for 5 years,
controlled, parallel-group, multicentre feasibility (Phase plus a follow-up visit 1 year after discontinuation of the
I) study at centres in Finland and the UK to investigate study. An additional visit could be scheduled for
the effects of toremifene 60 mg daily in 259 healthy pre- 3 months after initiation of the treatment, at the dis-
postmenopausal women at high risk for breast cancer. cretion of study investigators.
278 R Erkkola et al.

Originally the study included three parallel groups: Finland. The number of patients randomised into the
toremifene 60 mg/day, tamoxifen 20 mg/day and pla- three study groups was balanced within each partici-
cebo. Enrolment in the tamoxifen group ceased on 27 pating study site and further stratified according to the
January 1999 because of slow recruitment arising from menopausal status of the individuals.
difficulties in obtaining satisfactory informed consent All study medications were manufactured, packed
for that therapy. and labelled under conditions that complied with the
requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice for
Medicinal Products (Commission of the European
Patients and eligibility criteria Communities and Pharmaceutical Inspection Conven-
tion) by Orion Pharma, Turku, Finland. Patient com-
Healthy non-pregnant women aged 40–70 years with a pliance was monitored through self-reported tablet
life expectancy of >10 years were eligible to participate consumption.
in the study if they satisfied the following inclusion
• Family history of breast cancer (one first-degree
relative [mother, sister, daughter] plus at least one
The study was conducted in accordance with the current
other relative [mother, sister, daughter, maternal
valid revision of the Declaration of Helsinki of the
aunt or grandmother])
World Medical Assembly, in conformity with the pro-
• Mother, sister or daughter with diagnosis of breast
tocol Guideline for Good Clinical Practice (ICH/135/95)
cancer at age 45 years or less, or bilateral breast
and in conformity with regulations concerning clinical
trials issued by local medical authorities, including
• Use of barrier contraceptive if potential for pregnancy
the National Agency for Medicines in Finland (no. 6/93,
• Psychologically and medically suitable for long-term
1/01) and the UK Medicines Control Agency.
The study protocol and all relevant amendments were
• Written, informed consent from each patient.
reviewed and approved by local Ethics Committees.
Participation in the study was not subject to, or Written informed consent was obtained from every
limited by, particular menstrual status. A patient was participant after a presentation of verbal and written
considered premenopausal if she was menstruating and/ information about the objectives and procedures of the
or her oestrogen, luteinising hormone, and follicle- study and the possible risks and benefits involved. Par-
stimulating hormone levels in serum were within the ticipants were free to withdraw from the study at any
hospital laboratory reference range. time without giving any reason for doing so.
Exclusion criteria included: previous exposure to
study medications, raloxifene or any related anti-oes-
trogen or SERM; previous history of invasive malig- Efficacy variables
nancy (except ductal carcinoma in situ or basalioma) or
thromboembolic disease; clinical or radiological evi- The original objective of this study was to evaluate the
dence of carcinoma; endometrial thickening >8 mm in acceptability, acute toxicity, compliance and safety of
postmenopausal patients identified at baseline by toremifene 60 mg/day treatment, in comparison with
transvaginal ultrasound; concomitant medication with placebo, for the chemoprevention of breast cancer in
significant effect on BMD, serum lipids or calcium and women at high risk of developing breast cancer. The
phosphate metabolism; any pre-existing metabolic or original efficacy variables were revised before the pre-
endocrine abnormality considered to have clinically planned 1-year interim analysis. The revised primary
significant effects on BMD or calcium and phosphate efficacy variable was the per cent change in BMD at the
metabolism; steroidal hormone therapy (including, but lumbar spine (L2–L4) and proximal femur neck from
not limited to, contraception or hormone replacement baseline to 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months. Secondary
therapy [HRT]) during the immediately preceding variables comprised the per cent change in BMD at
6 months; significant liver, renal or cardiac dysfunction; Ward’s triangle and the major trochanter from baseline
expected inability to comply with the requirements of to 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months, plus absolute changes
the protocol. from baseline in serum total cholesterol, low-density
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein
(HDL) cholesterol and triglycerides.
Randomisation procedure and medication BMD at the spine (L2–L4 region) and all three
nominated territories of the hip was measured
Patients satisfying all the eligibility criteria were rando- using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at baseline and
mised to toremifene 60 mg/day, tamoxifen 20 mg/day, at 12-month intervals. All BMD measurements at each
or placebo. All treatments were given orally. The ran- participating centre were performed by the same, skilled
domisation was carried out at the Department of Bio- staff member using the same equipment throughout the
statistics and Data Management, Orion Pharma, Espoo, study.
BMD and lipid changes during toremifene therapy 279

Serum samples of blood for the determination of participating centres (two in the UK and four in
total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and Finland) are provided in Appendix 1.
triglyceride concentrations were drawn at baseline, and In all, 259 patients were enrolled, of whom 116 each
at the 3-, 6- and 12-month visits, and every 6 months were randomised to toremifene and placebo, and 27 to
thereafter or at premature discontinuation (when pos- tamoxifen. Patients’ dispositions are summarised in
sible). The ratio of HDL: total cholesterol was calcu- Figure 1. The main reason for discontinuing study
lated at the Royal Mardsen Hospital, Department of medication prematurely was the decision to terminate
Biochemistry, London, for UK centres, and at a single the trial ahead of schedule because of slow recruitment
site in Finland (Medix Diacor Laboratory Services, and a breach of one of the protocol-specified stopping
Espoo), according to standard laboratory practice. rules in the subgroup of premenopausal women (see
Transvaginal ultrasound measurements and endo- section ‘Bone Mineral Density’, below). The distribution
metrial biopsies were taken from postmenopausal of duration of exposure to study medication arising
individuals at baseline and at the 12-, 24-, 36-, 48- and from that decision is summarised in Table 1. AEs were
60-month visits. Maximal endometrial thickness (dou- the next largest cause of premature discontinuations
ble-layer) was measured in the longitudinal plane. (toremifene n = 35, placebo n = 15, tamoxifen n = 7).
Mammography was performed at baseline and annually Some 75% of patients randomised to toremifene and
thereafter, and supplemented with ultrasound investi- 85% of those randomised to placebo completed at least
gation if abnormalities were detected. 12 months of treatment (Table 1). Mean follow-up was
Clinical assessment of acute toxicity was performed 35.4 months.
at each follow-up visit. Baseline physical examinations All subjects were Caucasian. Other salient demo-
and laboratory assessments were repeated at the 3-, 6- graphic details are shown in Table 2. The treatment
and 12-month visits, and thereafter at intervals of groups were well matched for baseline characteristics
6 months. Adverse events (AEs) were coded according such as prevalence of concomitant diseases.
to the MedDRA dictionary.

Bone mineral density

Statistical methods The results presented were derived from the intent-to-
treat (ITT) cohort.
Statistical analyses were performed under the supervi-
sion of the Department of Biostatistics and Data Man- Lumbar spine
agement of Orion Pharma, Espoo, Finland. The For the subset of premenopausal women, the difference
statistical package SAS release v8.2 was used for all in mean change in BMD from baseline to 12 months
calculations. between the toremifene and placebo groups was statis-
Statistical testing of the revised primary endpoints tically significant (p = 0.0214) and satisfied the condi-
used an analysis of variance model with the effects: tions of one of the study stopping rules. At all
treatment group (placebo vs. toremifene); country (UK subsequent evaluations, premenopausal patients treated
vs. Finland); time (12, 24, 36 and 60 months), and with toremifene had net increases in mean BMD which
menopausal status (pre- versus postmenopausal). Inter- were at all times comparable in magnitude to, and not
actions for treatment group by time, treatment group by statistically different from, the trends in the placebo
menopausal status, and treatment group by menopausal group (Figure 2a).
status and time were also examined. The baseline value of Mean changes in lumbar BMD from baseline in
the relevant BMD was used as a covariate in this model. postmenopausal women were small at all times up to
Hypothesis testing was performed using a two-sided 48 months in both study groups (Figure 2b). There were
significance level of 0.029. This significance level was no statistically significant differences between toremifene
chosen to maintain an overall nominal significance level and placebo in postmenopausal women at any time
of 0.05 after one interim analysis and the final analysis. during the study.
For the analyses of secondary endpoints a two-sided 5% Mean values of lumbar BMD during the study are
significance level and 95% confidence intervals were used. summarised in Table 3.
Analysis of data from patients randomised to tamox-
ifen was confined to safety and tolerability reporting.
Femoral neck
Trends in mean BMD are illustrated in Figure 3a for
premenopausal women and in Figure 3b for postmen-
Results opausal women. There were no statistically significant
differences between toremifene and placebo at any time
Patient characteristics during the study for mean change in femoral neck BMD
from baseline. In the premenopausal women, the end-of-
The first participant was randomised on 11 November study mean BMD increases at the femoral neck were
1996 and the last on 25 November 2002. Details of 15.55% in the toremifene group and 16.10% in the
280 R Erkkola et al.

Subjects allocated
and entered

Tamoxifen Toremifene Placebo

N=27 N=116 N=116

Never started Never started

study treatment. study treatment.
N=1 N=2


N=27 N=115 N=114

Prem ature Prem ature Prem ature

Com pleted Com pleted Com pleted
discontinuation discontinuation discontinuation
N=15 N=13 N=14
N=12 N=103 N=102


lost to follow-up 3 lost to follow-up 2 lost to follow-up 4
non-com pliance 0 non-com pliance 6 non-com pliance 5
protocol violation 7 protocol violation 7
protocol violation 0
prem ature term ination of study prem ature term ination of study
prem ature term ination of study
N=53 N=71

Figure 1. Disposition of patients, showing derivation of the intent-to-treat (ITT) cohort. ‘Premature discontinuations’ includes patients who
never started treatment. AE, adverse event; SAE, serious adverse event.

placebo group. In the postmenopausal women, the Table 2. Demographic. characteristics of patients receiving toremifene
corresponding changes were 20.57 and 16.42%. or placebo (intent to treat cohort)

Variable Toremifene Placebo

(mean ± SD) (n = 115) (n = 114)
Trochanter and Ward’s triangle
In the premenopausal women, mean BMD at the tro- Age (years) 52.9 ± 8.4 53.8 ± 9.1
chanter decreased by 0.98% in the toremifene group Height (cm) 162.7 ± 5.1 162.5 ± 5.8
after 12 months of treatment compared with an increase Weight (kg) 70.3 ± 14.7 70.9 ± 12.2
of 3.28% in the placebo group (Figure 4a). This differ- BMI (kg/m2) 26.6 ± 5.4 26.9 ± 4.5
ential in favour of placebo persisted throughout the Menopause status
Premenopausal 36 38
Postmenopausal 79 76
Prior hormone replacement therapy
Table 1. Patient exposure to study medication (intent to treat cohort)
Yes 54 53
Time Toremifene Tamoxifen Placebo No 61 61
(months) (n = 115*) (n = 27) (n = 114**) Smoking
Yes 23 16
£ 12 27 5 14
No 92 97
£ 24 11 4 7
No data 0 1
£ 36 24 0 21
Relatives with breast cancer
£ 48 28 2 38
Yes 115 114
£ 60 16 9 26
No 0 0
>60 8 7 5
Missing data 1 0 3 Relatives with other cancer
Yes 69 67
*116 patients randomised; 1 received no treatment. No 46 47
**116 patients randomised; 2 received no treatment.
BMD and lipid changes during toremifene therapy 281

Table 3. In-study changes in bone mineral density at the lumbar spine

(a) (premenopausal)
16 (g/cm3) and patient numbers at yearly units
14 Placebo
Treatment n Mean SD

10 Premenopausal
Baseline Toremifene 35 1.11 0.12
Placebo 37 1.11 0.15
6 p=0.0214
12 months Toremifene 26 1.08 0.13
Placebo 27 1.13 0.16
24 months Toremifene 25 1.13 0.17
0 Placebo 21 1.14 0.18
-2 12 months 24 months 36 months 48 months 60 months 36 months Toremifene 18 1.15 0.18
Placebo 19 1.20 0.20
(b) (premenopausal) 48 months Toremifene 14 1.20 0.15
Toremifene Placebo 16 1.22 0.23
14 Placebo 60 months Toremifene 14 1.22 0.14
Placebo 11 1.24 0.18
10 Postmenopausal
8 Baseline Toremifene 79 0.93 0.14
6 Placebo 76 0.92 0.16
12 months Toremifene 59 0.94 0.15
Placebo 69 0.92 0.17
24 months Toremifene 51 0.93 0.14
Placebo 67 0.92 0.16
-2 12 months 24 months 36 months 48 months 60 months
36 months Toremifene 33 0.94 0.14
Figure 2. Mean percentage change in lumbar spine bone mineral den- Placebo 43 0.94 0.20
sity from baseline in (a) pre- and (b) postmenopausal patients who 48 months Toremifene 7 0.97 0.27
received either toremifene or placebo. For patient numbers see Table 3.
Placebo 15 0.99 0.19
60 months Toremifene 1 1.24 N/A
study and was statistically significant at 12 and Placebo 4 1.12 0.03
36 months (p  0.015). Thereafter, the numerical supe-
riority of placebo was still apparent but no longer sta-
tistically significant. 18
(a) (premenopausal)
In postmenopausal women, there was almost no 16 Toremifene
change in mean BMD in either group until the fourth 14

year of the study (Figure 4b), with no indication of a

statistically significant inter-group difference at any time
during the trial.
Trends in mean BMD in Ward’s triangle are illus-
trated in Figure 5a for premenopausal women and in 6

Figure 5b for postmenopausal participants. 4

Lipid profile 0
12 months 24 months 36 months 48 months 60 months
Baseline lipid and lipoprotein values are shown in
Table 4. In-study trends are reported for the ITT co- 25
(b) (postmenopausal)
hort. Assignment to study medication was the only
20 Toremifene
factor shown in analysis of variance to significantly
influence in-study changes in total or lipoprotein cho- 15
lesterol. Triglyceride responses were not associated with
treatment assignment in analysis of variance. 10

Total cholesterol 5

In-study changes in total cholesterol are illustrated in

Figure 6. Throughout the study and regardless of
alterations in cholesterol levels relative to baseline, levels -5 12 months 24 months 36 months 48 months 60 months
in the toremifene group tracked lower than the corre- Figure 3. Mean percentage change in femoral neck bone mineral
sponding level in the placebo group. With the exception density from baseline in (a) pre- and (b) postmenopausal patients who
of the 12-month data (net reduction of 0.45 mmol/l with received either toremifene or placebo. For patient numbers see Table 3.
282 R Erkkola et al.

(a) (premenopausal) toremifene versus placebo; p = 0.035), no significant

intergroup differences were noted in the cohort of pre-
14 Toremifene p=0.0143 menopausal women during the study.
12 Placebo In the subset of postmenopausal women the reduc-
10 tions in total cholesterol seen in the toremifene group
8 were statistically significantly different from the changes
6 p=0.0153
in the placebo group at every annual assessment up to
and including 36 months (but marginally non-significant
at 30 months, p  0.06) (Figure 6). No significant
intergroup differences were evident in the postmeno-
0 pausal women from month 42 to the end of the study.
-2 12 months 24 months 36 months 48 months 60 months
LDL cholesterol
(b) (postmenopausal)
20 Figure 7 depicts in-study changes in LDL cholesterol.
Trends in LDL cholesterol were generally significantly
Placebo lower with toremifene than in the placebo group during
the first 36 months of the trial, in both pre- and post-
menopausal women, with no significant differences
HDL cholesterol
In-study changes in HDL cholesterol were small in both
0 study groups and were not regarded as clinically rele-
-2 12 months 24 months 36 months 48 months 60 months vant. There were, with isolated exceptions in favour of
Figure 4. Mean percentage change in trochanter bone mineral density
toremifene, no significant intergroup differences and no
from baseline in (a) pre- and (b) postmenopausal patients who received substantial differences between pre- and postmeno-
either toremifene or placebo. For patient numbers see Table 3. pausal women.

Net changes in mean triglycerides were general small
(i.e. not exceeding ± 0.5 mmol/l) except in postmeno-
(a) (premenopausal) pausal women at ‡54 months (when N £ 4). There
30 p=0.018
were no significant differences between groups.
25 Placebo
Safety and tolerability
One or more AE was recorded in 103 (89.6%) patients in
15 the toremifene group and 100 (87.7%) patients in the
placebo group. Seventy-seven of the 103 AEs recorded in
the toremifene-treated patients and 47 of the 100 recorded
5 in the placebo group were regarded as probably or pos-
sibly related to the use of study medication. (These cal-
0 culations were based on the selection from each patient of
12 months 24 months 36 months 48 months 60 months
the event with the most probable causality.)
(b) (postmenopausal) The most commonly occurring AEs were weight
35 increase (toremifene 31.3% of patients, placebo 17.5%),
30 Toremifene breast tenderness (12.2% versus 24.6%), hot flushes
Placebo (21.7% versus 10.5%), irregular menstruation (17.4%
versus 14.0%), weight decrease (13.0% versus 17.5%)
20 and menopausal symptoms (20.9% versus 7.9%).
15 Thirty-five patients discontinued toremifene and 15
stopped using placebo because of AEs.
Adverse drug reactions (AEs considered probably or
possibly related to study medication, or not assessable)
0 were recorded in 79 (68.7%) patients treated with toremi-
-5 12 months 24 months 36 months 48 months 60 months fene and 54 (47.4%) of those who received placebo. At least
Figure 5. Mean percentage change in Ward’s triangle bone mineral
one adverse drug reaction was recorded in 23/27 patients
density from baseline in (a) pre- and (b) postmenopausal patients who in the tamoxifen group. A summary of most frequently
received either toremifene or placebo. For patient numbers see Table 3. recorded adverse drug reactions appears in Table 5.
BMD and lipid changes during toremifene therapy 283

Table 4. Baseline lipids and lipoprotein values in the intent to treat cohort

Lipid parameter Toremifene (n = 115) Placebo (n = 114)

Mean SD Mean SD

Total cholesterol Premenopausal 5.09 0.96 5.05 1.12

Postmenopausal 6.22 1.00 6.34 1.09
Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol Premenopausal 3.11 0.84 3.01 1.07
Postmenopausal 3.93 1.00 4.03 0.98
High-density lipoprotein cholesterol Premenopausal 1.37 0.39 1.32 0.39
Postmenopausal 1.66 0.36 1.70 0.48
Triglycerides Premenopausal 1.67 1.93 1.40 0.97
Postmenopausal 1.41 0.73 1.57 1.74

A total of 59 serious AEs (SAEs) were reported in 45 Clinical laboratory observations revealed minor
individuals (17.6% of all randomised patients). Of these, changes considered to be of no clinical relevance.
23 were associated with toremifene use, 33 with placebo Serial mammography disclosed isolated cases of be-
and 3 with tamoxifen. Fifty-three of these SAEs were nign calcification or fibrocystic changes but no instances
considered not to be related to the use of study treat- of newly emergent breast cancer. The incidence of new
ment (19 for toremifene, 31 for placebo and 3 for breast abnormalities (excluding baseline data) among
tamoxifen). Details of the remaining 6 SAEs (4 with women taking tamoxifen was about twice that among
toremifene; 2 with placebo) are provided in Table 6. women taking toremifene (26% versus 11%, p = 0.053
Fisher’s exact test). Toremifene thus had an abnormality
rate similar to that of placebo (11% versus 15%). The
A b so lu te c h n a ge fro m b as e line (m m o l/L )

findings of clinical breast examinations were consistent

1. 5
with the mammography data.

0. 5


-1 This study was initiated as an investigation of the po-

-1.5 tential of toremifene in the chemoprevention in women
-2 considered to be at high risk of developing breast cancer
-2.5 by virtue of their family history. These original goals
12months 24 months 36 months 48 months 60 months
were subsequently modified in response to a combination
Toremefine (Pre) Placebo (Pre) Toremifene (Post) Placebo (Post)
of clinical and logistic factors, namely continued slow
Figure 6. Mean absolute change in total cholesterol from baseline in recruitment and the demonstration of a statistically sig-
pre- (Pre) and postmenopausal (Post) patients who received either
toremifene or placebo; p £ 0.0178 for toremifene versus placebo at 12
nificant intergroup difference in change from baseline of
and 24 months in postmenopausal women and p = 0.0065 at mean lumbar BMD in premenopausal women at
36 months. 12 months. As a result of these circumstances and the
responses to them our research provides no insight for or
against the use of toremifene as a chemopreventive agent
Absolute chnage from baseline (mmol/L)

in women with a risk profile conforming to that origi-

nally planned for this study. An evaluation of toremifene
1 for this application will require further clinical trials.
0.5 Early termination of the study and slow patient
0 enrolment meant that our trial had limited statistical
power, especially in the later years. This limitation needs
to be borne in mind when considering the results of our
revised efficacy assessment. Nevertheless, the opportu-
nity to continue monitoring BMD beyond the period
-2 12months 24 months 36 months 48 months 60 months when the initial relative decline in mean BMD in the
Toremefine (Pre) Placebo (Pre) Toremifene (Post) Placebo (Post) lumbar spine in premenopausal women mandated stop-
Figure 7. Mean absolute change in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol ping the study revealed that this trend was reversed by
from baseline in pre- (Pre) and postmenopausal (Post) patients who 24 months (Figure 2a) and that thereafter toremifene use
received either toremifene or placebo; p £ 0.0123 for toremifene was not associated with any adverse effect on BMD in
versus placebo at 12 and 36 months in premenopausal women;
that territory. The recovery of mean BMD at a point in
p < 0.001; for toremifene versus placebo at 12, 24 and 36 months in
postmenopausal women. follow-up when our study retained reasonable numbers
284 R Erkkola et al.

of patients encourages us to believe that this is a genuine combination HRT [13, 14] and raloxifene [15].
effect and to conclude that longer-term use of toremifene A marked placebo response, rather than a substantive
60 mg/day is unlikely to be associated with substantive decline in BMD with toremifene, is thus the major factor
adverse effects on BMD if used for up to 5 years. This contributing to the overall statistical difference. The
conclusion also appears to be valid for both pre- and statistically significant intergroup differences in tro-
postmenopausal women, despite the qualitative varia- chanter mean BMD change at 1 and 3 years and at
tions in response in these two subsets of patients. Ward’s triangle in the late years of the study (when
The effects of toremifene on BMD at the lumbar patient numbers were small) may be explained in a
spine and trochanter of premenopausal women were similar way.
significantly inferior to those of placebo at 12 and From a clinical rather than a statistical perspective we
36 months, respectively. The first of these findings consider it more informative to examine trends in mean
mandated the premature termination of the trial. BMD change throughout the study, while endeavouring
A bone-wasting effect of tamoxifen has also been to give due consideration to the decline in patient num-
reported in premenopausal women [9, 10]. These data bers in the later course of the study. Figures 2–5a con-
suggest, prima facie, that both tamoxifen and toremifene sistently exhibit a trend for increases in BMD with
cause a reduction in BMD in premenopausal women, increasing duration of toremifene therapy. We therefore
presumably through anti-oestrogenic actions. However, conclude that our data are compatible with the inter-
this apparent similarity of outcome conceals a possibly pretation that premenopausal women continue to accrue
important difference in experience with these two drugs. BMD during toremifene treatment for up to at least
The effects of tamoxifen on BMD in premenopausal 5 years, albeit for the most part at a lesser rate than in the
women were characterised by a significant decline in placebo group. We have made no investigation of the
BMD during anti-oestrogen therapy, whereas BMD in possible impact of hormonal contraceptives on these
the placebo group remained stable [10]. In our experi- results, beyond confirming that none of the exclusions
ence, by contrast, the inferiority of toremifene was the for protocol violations were due to the use of such
product of 0.54% mean reduction from baseline in the agents. It is not known whether contraceptive agents
toremifene-treated patients compared with 3.32% in- affect BMD, but it has been reported that HRT may lead
crease in BMD in the placebo group. The mean BMD to acceleration of bone loss [16, 17]. A similar effect of
response with placebo during the first year of our hormonal contraceptives (assuming unbalanced use of
investigation compares favourably with the response to these agents in the toremifene and placebo groups) might
various forms of osteoporosis therapy in postmeno- have contributed to difference in the Year 1 BMD
pausal women [11, 12], including some experiences with responses at the lumbar spine.
The BMD response seen in premenopausal women
treated with toremifene may be attributed to the net
effect of the natural response to endogenous oestrogens
Table 5. Most frequently reported adverse drug reactions
versus an anti-oestrogenic effect of toremifene that was
Toremifene Placebo of lesser potency than is seen with tamoxifen 20 mg/day
(n = 115) (n = 114) [10]. We do not believe it plausible that the increase in
BMD seen with continued treatment with toremifene is
n (%) n (%) due to some kind of time-dependent emergence of pro-
Weight increase 22 (19.1) 14 (12.3)
oestrogenic pharmacology. In particular, examination
Hot flushes 20 (17.4) 9 (7.9)
of mean BMD data in Figures 2–5a and 2–5b provides,
Menopausal symptoms 21 (18.3) 6 (5.3)
in our opinion, no reason to think that recovery of
Weight decrease 11 (9.6) 10 (8.8)
BMD in premenopausal women with continued therapy
Irregular menstruation 12 (10.4) 8 (7.0)
was attributable to unmonitored transitions from pre- to
postmenopausal status.

Table 6. Description of serious adverse events (SAEs) considered related to use of study medication

Group Background information Duration of treatment SAE Continuation of the study

before SAE

Toremifene Liver function tests increased 2 months Icterus; Liver function tests increased Discontinued
Toremifene Endometrial thickening 32 months Endometrial disorder (normal findings) Discontinued
Toremifene Not reported 38 months Drug overdose; Depression Continued
Toremifene Endometrial hypertrophy 57 months Persistently thickened endometrium Discontinued
Placebo Headache in left side 4 months Cerebrovascular disorder Continued
Placebo Intermenstrual bleeding 42 months Intermenstrual bleeding; Bilateral Continued
ovarian cysts
BMD and lipid changes during toremifene therapy 285

The effect of toremifene on BMD in the premeno- Tamoxifen was associated with about twice the
pausal participants in our study contrasts sufficiently with incidence of new breast abnormalities when compared
the previously reported data for tamoxifen 20 mg/day to toremifene and placebo. Interestingly, the percentage
[10] for us to conjecture that toremifene 60 mg/day may of patients reporting breast-related pain or tenderness in
be preferred to tamoxifen 20 mg/day in premenopausal the toremifene group was about half that recorded with
women, especially those identified as being at risk for the either tamoxifen or placebo (data not shown). Such
development of osteopenia or osteoporosis. This sugges- breast-related events may be indicative of premalignant
tion requires further clinical evaluation, however, and change, as may oestrogen-independent increases in
even if proven would probably not supersede the use of breast density [33, 34].
potent antiresorptive therapies in that subset of patients. In conclusion, this final analysis of data from a
In postmenopausal women, toremifene was associ- 5-year feasibility study of toremifene (60 mg/day) in
ated with preservation or modest accrual of BMD at all the prevention of breast cancer in high-risk women has
four of the skeletal sites monitored. We consider the provided indications that use of this anti-oestrogen
sharp increase in BMD in these patients in the later therapy is associated with either preservation or an
years of the trial to be a statistical artefact attributable increase in BMD during medium-term use and with
to the very low numbers of postmenopausal women changes to the lipoprotein profile consistent with a
contributing to the analysis at those times (e.g. toremi- possible modest reduction in cardiovascular risk. The
fene n = 7 at 48 months, n = 1 at 60 months; placebo overall safety and tolerability profile of toremifene was
n = 15 and 4, respectively; Table 3). This comparison of acceptable and is consistent with earlier experience.
BMD data across sites (Figures 2–5b) provides little if The fact that there were fewer breast events in the
any indication of site-specific differences in the effect of toremifene group is outwardly supportive of the notion
toremifene on BMD during this study. that toremifene may have chemopreventive effects in
We have not analysed our BMD data from post- this high-risk patient group, but a separate, adequately
menopausal women according to HRT. Some powered study is necessary to substantiate any such
researchers [16–18] but not others [19] have reported claim.
that prior use of HRT (followed by discontinuation) is
associated with accelerated bone loss in postmenopausal
women. Similarly, we have not investigated any impact
from the use of agents such as antiresorptive bis- Acknowledgements
phosphonates. These limitations notwithstanding, how-
ever, we consider that these data indicate, at a minimum, We express our appreciation to all patients who volun-
that toremifene 60 mg/day has no obvious bone- teered to take part into this study. We also like to thank
depleting effect in postmenopausal women. This con- the whole study group, Mr Juha Ellmen (Orion Pharma,
clusion, which is broadly in conformity with studies of Finland) and Ms Päivi Nevala (Orion Pharma, Finland)
tamoxifen [20–22], is supported by the observation that for their invaluable knowledge and expertise on breast
BMD in women randomised to toremifene was either cancer field, and their help in reviewing this manuscript,
stable or slightly increased during the first 3 years of the and Mr Peter Hughes and Dr Gillian Gummer of
study (when patient numbers were relatively large), Hughes associates, Oxford, UK, for assistance with
whereas in other studies a spontaneous reduction in manuscript preparation.
BMD has been seen in postmenopausal women not
using HRT [19].
Toremifene had modest but essentially favourable
effects on the lipoprotein profile of the patients who Appendix I. Summary details of study centres and
participated in this study. Among postmenopausal wo- principal investigators
men, the trends in total and LDL cholesterol might
confer some reduction in cardiovascular risk if sustained Finland:
long-term. It would, however, be premature to interpret Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Turku
our data as a clear promise of such a benefit. Longer- University Central Hospital, Turku (Risto Erkkola,
term clinical outcome data on this subject for tamoxifen, M.D.)
which is assumed to exert its effects on lipids through Bulevardin lääkäriasema, Helsinki (Erkki Hirvonen,
similar mechanisms [21, 23–28], are not consistent or M.D., Ph.D.) Oulu Deaconess Institute, Osteoporosis
conclusive. Moreover, to the extent that these effects are Clinic, Oulu & Kemin Röntgen, Kemi (Jorma Heikki-
attributable to oestrogenic actions, experience with nen, M.D.)
HRT in postmenopausal women emphasises the need UK:
for caution in the interpretation of surrogate endpoints The Royal Marsden Hospital, Breast Unit, Downs
[29–32]. Overall, however, these data reveal no obvious Road, Sutton, Surrey SM2PT & Royal Marsden Hos-
adverse effect of toremifene 60 mg/day on lipid/lipo- pital NHS Trust, Fulham Road, London SW3 6JJ
protein risk factors for cardiovascular disease in either (Trevor Powles, B.Sc., Ph.D., FRCP and Ian Smith,
pre- or postmenopausal women. B.Sc., M.D., FRCP)
286 R Erkkola et al.

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