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there's a... / there are some...

Activity 1
1. Are there
2. There aren't
3. There's
4. Is there
5. There isn't
6. There are
7. Is there
8. There are
9. There isn't
10. Are there

there's a... / there are some... Activity 2

1. any
2. some
3. a
4. any
5. a
6. a
7. any
8. some
9. some
10. any

Hotels: Activity 1
1 the bathroom
2 a light
3 a lamp
4 a pillow
5 a bed
6 the floor
7 a remote control
8 a table
Hotels: Activity 2
1 a swimming pool
2 a spa
3 toilets
4 a restaurant
5 a bar
6 a gym
7 a lift
8 a gift shop 

in, on, under

1. on
2. under
3. in
4. under
5. on
6. in

/ɪə/ and /eə/

Sea View Hotel: Activity 1
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. False
8. True

Sea View Hotel: Activity 2

Receptionist  Sea View Hotel. Can I help you?
Mr Roberts  Oh, yes. Hello. I’m looking for a hotel for next weekend. Do you have
any rooms?
Receptionist  Yes, we do. We have two double rooms and a single for next weekend.
How many rooms do you want?
Mr Roberts  Just one . A double room. Um, can I ask you some questions before I book ?
Receptionist  Yes, of course.
Mr Roberts  Um, is there a double bed in the room?
Receptionist  No, there isn’t. There are two single beds.
Mr Roberts  OK. And does the room have a bath or a shower?
Receptionist  There’s a bath and a shower.
Mr Roberts  Great. Um, is there a swimming pool?
Receptionist  Yes, there is. There’s a spa , too.
Mr Roberts  Fantastic! Is there a restaurant in the hotel?
Receptionist  No,there isn’t, but there are some excellent restaurants very near. You
can walk there.
Mr Roberts  That sounds perfect. Um, how much is the room?
Receptionist  It’s £185 per night .
Mr Roberts  Oh. That’s quite expensive.
Receptionist  Well, the price of the room includes breakfast , and use of the car park.
Do you have a car?
Mr Roberts  Yes. Yes, we do. OK then. I’d like to book the room.
Receptionist  Of course. And what’s the name , please?
Mr Roberts  Roberts. Mr and Mrs Roberts.
Receptionist  And how many nights is that?
Mr Roberts  Two nights, Friday and Saturday.
Receptionist  Thank you, Mr Roberts. See you on Friday.
Mr Roberts  Thanks a lot. Goodbye.

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