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5 Factor that the Filipino was indolence in the time of the Spanish

Polo e Serbisyo

In the time of Rizal, Filipino was forced to work by the Spanish most Filipinos were not motivated
to work because of forced labor and the Spanish cannot give much of benefits for their work their
salary was very low and no incentives. And most of the time Filipino labor forced them to be
placed far from their family to build a galleon boat which is why they were not more interested to
work because of the treat of the Spanish to them.


Filipino was Indolence because the friars told them that "blessed are the poor for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven” many Filipino cannot work harder because of the teaching of the catholic
church. Spanish teach Filipino to believe in miracles and hope that they are blessed more because
they are poor and there is the Kingdom of heaven waiting for them.

Tropical Climate

Most Filipino especially farmers wake early to start their job they wake early because the climate
here in the Philippines was very hot. before the sun gets rises, they finish their job, and for the rest
of the day they relax or rest and work light work. Spanish said Filipinos were Indolence because
most of the Spaniards cannot see Filipino work hard early because they woke up when the sun was

Encouragement and propagating of gambling

Before colonialism begins Filipino knowns gambling as cockfights where two male chickens fight
each other and the chicken wins the bet money became double they call it easy money. And when
colonialism begins many of the gambling games boosts by the colonials like the Spanish, who
tolerate Filipino playing gambling and then they insert gambling into special events like a fiesta.
That’s why many Filipino are addicted to gambling and much of the time Filipino place it on
playing betting game that causes indolence.

System of education depressive

The education system in the time of Spanish was very depressive the school taught more religious
beliefs and not academics that help Filipino to improve their economics and become productive.
In the time of the Spanish, the Spanish dispose of education to Filipino because the Spanish use
the ignorance of Filipino to make money that came from taxes, labor, and, business. Ignorance is
favorable to the Spanish because the Spanish use Filipino for slavery and if the Spanish were not
satisfied with the work of Filipino or Indio they called it indolence.

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