Position Paper - Room 2 - Iran

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Iran 1


Ciolek 240


Aditya Chawla

The Islamic Republic of Iran, as a result of being at the crossroads of major drug

trafficking routes, has become a major transit country for drug trade. These drugs include opium,

heroin, methamphetamine, and more, while having significant drug abuse problems

domestically. Iran faces significant domestic drug abuse problems with rates of addiction

skyrocketing in opiates and other drugs. For opiates specifically, Iran is one of the main

countries of transit. While Iran does work to combat drug trafficking, the situation remains

challenging as drug trafficking organizations continue to adapt and find new ways to smuggle

drugs across borders.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has taken multiple actions to combat drug trafficking and

drug abuse. Domestically, Iran has implemented a number of policies and programs to address

drug abuse and addiction, including drug prevention education programs in schools and in

public, drug treatment and rehabilitation services for those struggling with addiction, and drug

courts to provide alternatives to incarceration for nonviolent drug offenders. Internationally, Iran

has taken strong measures to combat drug trafficking including but not limited to border

controls, drug interdiction efforts, and international cooperation with other nations. Working

closely with many nations, the Iranian government has targeted drug trafficking networks

operating along their shared border. Specifically on International Day, the nation of Iran burned

through 56 tons of illicit drugs1. The nation of Iran has also taken a leading role in the
Iran 2

international fight against drug trafficking through participating in many international initiatives

and organizations – Iran has even hosted several UNODC2 conferences! Lastly on Iran’s past

actions, Iran has participated in joint anti-narcotics operations with other countries like the US

and Russia3. Despite these endeavors, drug trafficking remains a significant challenge in Iran.

Looking for possible solutions to this issue is vital for this committee – even more so for

the Islamic Republic of Iran, with reports suggesting that in 2019, 90% of the world’s opium,

72% or the world’s morphine, and 20% of the world’s heroin were seized at the Iran-Afghanistan

border4. This number is still increasing5! The Islamic Republic of Iran proposes a solution where

international cooperation and drug policies are taken greatly into consideration. This would be

possible through the creation of a specialized subcommittee of the DISEC to set standards for

countries to share information, resources, and expertise, along with standards to address drug

trafficking problems rooted in poverty or inequality. The nation of Iran believes that this

subcommittee should also have standards for drug policies in place, mainly concerning global

strengthening of law enforcement. This, in turn, would allow nations to collectively collaborate

when investigating and prosecuting drug trafficking organizations. All in all, this ‘standards’

subcommittee would be a very prominent solution to the complex world of drug trafficking

issues globally.

1 - "Iran burns 56 tons of Illicit Drugs on the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking." United Nations Office
on Drugs and Crime, www.unodc.org/islamicrepublicofiran/en/iran-burns-56-tons-of-illicit-drugs-on-the-international-
day-against-drug-abuse-and-illicit-trafficking.html. Accessed 5 Mar. 2023.
2 - "Islamic Republic of Iran Hosted the 12th Regoinal Working Group on Precursors." United Nations Office on Drugs and
Crime, www.unodc.org/islamicrepublicofiran/en/islamic-republic-of-iran-hosted-the-12th-regional-working-group-on-
precursors.html. Accessed 5 Mar. 2023.
3 - "Iran, Russia sign anti-drug document." Islamic Republic News Agency, 9 Dec. 2014, en.irna.ir/news/81420409/Iran-Russia-
sign-anti-drug-document. Accessed 5 Mar. 2023.
4 - "UNODC and Iran Cooperation in the Field of Drug Control on the Commemoration of the International Day against Drug
Abuse and Illicit Trafficking." United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime,
commemoration-of-the-international-day-against-drug-abuse-and-illicit-trafficking.html. Accessed 5 Mar. 2023.
5 - "Iran's Achievements on Drug Control and International Cooperation." United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime,
Accessed 5 Mar. 2023.

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