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2, MAY 2005

A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for the

Sizing and Siting of Distributed Generation
Gianni Celli, Member, IEEE, Emilio Ghiani, Susanna Mocci, Member, IEEE, and Fabrizio Pilo, Member, IEEE

Abstract—In the restructured electricity industry, the engi- commodation of DG in a distribution system according to the
neering aspects of planning need to be reformulated even though planner’s point of view. The starting point has been the obser-
the goal to attain remains substantially the same, requiring var- vation that a planning tool should incorporate some of the mul-
ious objectives to be simultaneously accomplished to achieve the
optimality of the power system development and operation. In tiple drivers in current electricity distribution planning practice
many cases, these objectives contradict each other and cannot (e.g., reliability aspects, DG integration, economic and technical
be handled by conventional single optimization techniques. In aspects of competitive electricity markets, etc.). The second im-
this paper, a multiobjective formulation for the siting and sizing portant point is that such a tool should leave the planner the fac-
of DG resources into existing distribution networks is proposed. ulty of choosing which aspects to consider in his search for the
The methodology adopted permits the planner to decide the best
compromise between cost of network upgrading, cost of power optimal solution. This is particularly important in the problem
losses, cost of energy not supplied, and cost of energy required of the optimal siting and sizing of DG, where the distinctive-
by the served customers. The implemented technique is based ness of the planning objectives, which may conflict each other
on a genetic algorithm and an -constrained method that allows (e.g., investments cost vs. the cost of the expected energy not
obtaining a set of noninferior solutions. Application examples supplied), has a tremendous impact on the search for a feasible
are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
procedure. configuration. Therefore, this optimization has been stated as
a multiobjective (MO) planning problem. The MO permits a
Index Terms—Distributed generation, distribution networks, ge-
netic algorithms, multiobjective programming. better simulation of the real world, often characterized by con-
trasting goals, and gives the planner the capability of making the
final decision by selecting, on the basis of his individual point
I. INTRODUCTION of view, the most trade-off solution in a wide range of suitable
N OWADAYS, the need for more flexible electric systems,
the changing in the regulatory and economic scenarios,
the importance of harnessing energy savings and minimizing
The proposed MO optimization procedure makes use of a ge-
netic algorithm (GA) proposed by the authors in [10]–[12] and
environmental impacts have been providing the impetus for the it is constituted by a three steps process that can be described as
development of distributed generation (DG). For these reasons, follows.
DG is predicted to play an increasing role into the electric power 1) Find a global noninferior solution for the MO problem
system of the near future [1]–[6]. with the GA.
Whether DG is properly planned and operated it may pro- 2) Adopt the -constrained technique to create a set of
vide benefits to distribution networks (e.g., reduction of power noninferior solutions with an iterative procedure.
losses and/or deferment of investments for network enforcing, 3) Choose the best compromise solution in a set of fea-
etc.), otherwise it can cause degradation of power quality, reli- sible solutions.
ability, and control of the power system [5]. Thus DG offers an The structure of the paper is the following. In Section II, the
alternative that planners should explore in their search for the evolution of distribution system is delineated as well as the need
best solution to electric supply problems and requires new plan- of new planning and design tools. In Section III, IV, V, and VI
ning paradigms and procedures able to face a more complex and the description, formulation and implementation of the method-
uncertain scenario [4], [7], [8]. Ault et al. in [9] have pointed ology are proposed. In Section VII the results obtained by the
out the dichotomy between the advanced status of academic re- application of the methodology are deeply discussed to high-
searches on planning and the unwillingness of companies to re- light the usefulness of the MO approach.
sort to such algorithms. Indeed, the planners need tools to deal
with uncertainties, risks, and multiple criteria. The final choice II. DISTRIBUTION NETWORK OF THE FUTURE
will be subjectively operated in the set of good solutions [9].
The idea behind the paper is to deal with both questions by Until now, distribution networks have been regarded as a pas-
taking into consideration the need of planning tools for the ac- sive termination of the transmission grid. Their task is to pro-
vide energy reliably and efficiently to the final users connected
Manuscript received May 11, 2004; revised November 14, 2004. This work
was partly supported by the Italian Ministry for Productive Activities (MAP) to the medium and low voltage networks. Distribution networks
under a Public Interest Energy Research Project named “Ricerca di Sistema” are configured according to the radial scheme, with unidirec-
(MAP Decree of February, 28th 2003). Paper no. TPWRS-00251-2004. tional power flows and with simple protection equipment that
The authors are with the University of Cagliari, 09123 Cagliari, Italy (e-mail:; permits the safe and economical operation of the power system.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2005.846219 A greater penetration level of DG into existing systems will
0885-8950/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE

change completely this well consolidated environment into a where represents a decision vector, is the th objective func-
new one, where distribution networks will be no longer passive. tion, is the domain of solutions, and are the equality end
Hence, a gradual but ineluctable changing toward a new kind inequality constraints, respectively.
of active networks has been foreseen, with DG units actively In order to solve an MO optimization problem, three basic
involved in system management and operation [13]–[19]. In ac- steps have to be taken: define the objective functions, find the
tive networks “intentional islanding,” the ability of managing noninferior solutions and finally choose a solution from this set.
an unfaulted portion of the network by using DG to enhance the The decision maker has to consider the relative importance of
service provided thereby, plays a key role. New control algo- the conflicting objectives and the final global noninferior solu-
rithms for rapid network reconfiguration, new communication tion depends on his point of view. Noninferiority means that im-
protocols for data exchange between generators and loads, and provements in one objective (e.g., the cost of power losses) is
reliable communications systems are essential to allow that such attained only at the cost of some sacrifice in the other objective
innovative practice can take place efficiently [15]–[21]. functions (e.g., investment cost or reliability). There are various
Drivers and political decisions are essential to provoke and techniques for generating noninferior solutions. In the paper the
support such a drastic and revolutionary development, which -constrained method has been applied [24], [25].
will take many years to be completed. Anyway, the first political In the -constrained technique, a particular objective function
directives have been recently promulgated to favor the changing is selected as master objective function (e.g., the th function).
[22]. Indeed, if DISCO is allowed to own its generation, DG The other objective functions, the slave ones, are regarded as
may be a valuable option to defer investments and to improve new constraints to be complied with. The resulting problem can
the quality of service. If only private generators are allowed, be formulated as in (2), where represents the upper limit of
DISCO may resort to planning methodologies to evaluate any the th objective
additional credit that might be offered to private investors who
decide to place generators in appropriate locations of the net-
work. By so doing, DISCO may solve some specific problems
(e.g., improving the voltage profile or reducing the frequency (2)
and the duration of sustained interruptions with the intentional
islanding) minimizing the investments to upgrade the network and
[7], [8]. This is the Italian current situation, where some regu-
lated DISCOs purchase energy from the wholesale liberalized can be obtained by adding to the initial noninferior value of
energy market to feed their retail customers at a fixed price all the -th objective, , the trade-off preference assigned by the
over the country. Regardless of the fact that Italian DISCOs are planner, . The trade-off preferences can be seen as the com-
currently not allowed to own generators, DG, as well as other promised value between the conflicting objectives. The decision
distributed resources, is a feasible option that should be con- maker on the basis of his experience and/or system operating
sidered and compared to traditional power supply. According policies can establish them.
to this need, the proposed tool aims at solving DG siting and
sizing problems, allowing the planner to improve a particular IV. OBJECTIVE FUNCTIONS FOR THE MULTIOBJECTIVE
term of the global network cost by taking into account uncer- OPTIMAL DG SITING AND SIZING
tainties in power production [10], [11]. Furthermore, in a lib-
eralized energy market the methodology can be used to assess The main goal of the proposed planning algorithm is to de-
the economically adopted network. Cost and benefits of the real termine good locations for new generators and their optimal
network can be allocated to loads and generators by comparing size by minimizing different functions related to the cost of en-
the effective situation to the reference network [22]. ergy losses, the cost of service interruptions, the cost of network
upgrading, and the cost of energy purchased. Such objectives
should be met subject to the network power flow equations as
III. MULTIOBJECTIVE PROGRAMMING well as to the limits on the bus voltages, steady state current and
The new scenario of power system forces a change in duties short circuit currents (see Appendix A for details on the proba-
and objectives of traditional planning and it compels to take into bilistic load implemented and the technical constraints).
account several objectives that are in mutual conflict. The use of A mathematical expression of the problem is
MO methodologies gives information on the consequences of
the decision with respect to all the objective functions defined. (3)
Whereas traditional optimization procedures result in an unique
solution point, MO methods provide a set of optimal solutions where is a power flow solution calculated as function
(Pareto set). The general formulation of a MO problem is ex- of the vector , which stores data about the position and the
pressed by size of the generators. The optimization problem is constrained,
nonlinear, with mixed integer variables (due to the discrete size
of DG units), and it may be solved with a GA [10], [12].
In the following, each cost function is described in detail
under the hypothesis of a linear growth rate of the power de-
mand during the whole study period.

A. Cost of Network Upgrading Value (NPV) of the power losses cost for the th branch in the
This cost takes into account investments that can be necessary th subperiod can be calculated as follows:
toupgradeadistribution networktofacewith thenaturalgrowthof
energy demand or with the appearance of new loads or generators
connected to the grid. The objective function to be minimized is
thus represented by the total cost of the generic network, with (6)
present value taken at the beginning of the whole planning period
where is the annual power losses cost, and are
of years. The general expression is the following:
the branch current at the beginning and at the end of the th
subperiod, respectively, represents the duration of the th
(4) subperiod, is the beginning year of the th subperiod and
is the actualization rate. The total energy losses cost is
then obtained as the sum of the for each branch and each
where is the number of network nodes, is the number
subperiod [see Appendix B for more details on (6)].
of substations, is the number of branches in the net-
work, is the present cost of the th branch, and is the
D. Cost of Energy Not Supplied
cost of Automatic Sectionalizing Switching Devices (ASSDs)
in the network. The cost of every branch is the sum of con- In order to calculate the cost of energy not supplied the du-
struction, residual, and management costs transferred to the cash ration of a branch fault is usually divided into two phases: fault
value at the beginning of the planning period by using econom- location and fault repair [20]. Automatic sectionalizers and re-
ical expressions based on the inflation rate, the interest rate, and closers can restrict the area of influence of a fault, reducing the
the load growth rate (all of them constant). number of customers affected by long-term interruptions during
the fault location phase. In this stage, intentional islanding may
B. Cost of Purchased Energy be used to supply unfaulted portions of the network automati-
cally separated from the faulted section. The repair stage con-
In order to allow assessing the more convenient penetration
sists of the time required to isolate the faulted branch, connect
level of DG in a given distribution network, the cost of pur-
chasing energy from the transmission grid and from any emergency ties and repair the fault. DG, enabling power to
DG has been considered. be restored to the nodes downstream the sectionalized branch,
can lead to significant reliability improvements [21]. Load flow
In a competitive electricity market, different retail sale rates of
studies should be performed to check that voltages and currents
the energy produced by a DG unit, that depends on the technology
adopted (mini gas turbine, CHP, wind turbine, etc.), and of the are within their operative ranges and that DG units have a suffi-
energy fed by transmission system have to be considered. By as- cient probability to pick up the loads in the islanded network.
Equation (7) gives the contribution of the th network branch
suming a constant power demand growth rate and by calculating
in the th subperiod to the annual cost of energy not supplied
the amount of energy generated per year by each generator on the
basis of its power production probability density function, it is for a generic combination of ASSD
possible to assess the energy that a DISCO may buy from both the
transmission system andthe DG installed in its network duringthe
study period. By resorting to an average value of the energy rate in
the planning period, it is easy to calculate the terms and (7)
,opportunelytransferredto thecash valueatthebegin-
ning of the planning period, so that they can be comparable with where is the branch fault rate (number of faults per year
the other costs of the objective function. The authors are aware and km of feeder), is the branch length (km), is the
that calculating the cost of energy from transmission and DG is not cost of the energy not supplied ($/kWh), and are the
an easy task and that many costs terms cannot be exactly known. number of nodes isolated during the fault location and repair
Anyway, it should be noticed that more complex cost models can stages, respectively, is the node power (kW) at the begin-
be easily introduced without modifying the general approach pro- ning of the th subperiod, and and are the durations of
posed by the authors. the fault location and repair stages (h), respectively. de-
Equation (5) allows assessing the impact of DG on MV dis- pends on the presence of emergency ties, whereas and
tribution networks and the more convenient penetration level. decreases with the number of ASSD, because the fault location
Indeed, this limit will be reached when the benefits, achievable becomes easier and faster. The optimal number and position of
by adding new DG, no longer compensate their relative costs ASSD is determined with the algorithm in [20] and [21].
The NPV of the cost of energy not supplied due to a fault in
(5) the th branch during the th subperiod is calculated with the
following expression:
C. Cost of Energy Losses
This objective attempts to minimize the total cost of the en-
ergy losses arising from line branches. By dividing the whole
planning period of years into subperiods, the Net Present

where is the load growth rate assumed equal for each node.
The cost energy not supplied is then obtained as the
sum of the for each branch and each subperiod [see
Appendix C for more details on (8)].


In this paper, a GA optimization technique developed by the

authors in a previous work [12] has been used for finding the
noninferior solutions of the MO optimization algorithm.
The first important aspect of a correct GA implementation is
the coding of the potential solution. If the network structure is
fixed, all the branches between nodes are known, and the eval- Fig. 1. Block diagram of the optimization algorithm.
uation of the objective functions described above depend only
on the size and location of DG units. For this reason each so-
lution can be coded by using a vector, whose size is equal to VI. MO ALGORITHM IMPLEMENTATION
the number of MV/LV nodes, in which each element contains The block diagram of the described MO optimization algo-
the information on the presence or not of a DG unit. A binary rithm is depicted in Fig. 1.
coding would be sufficient to solve the DG siting problem (1
The starting configuration is achieved by minimizing the
for presence and 0 for no presence of DG unit), but not the DG
weighted sum of all the objective functions.
sizing one. Therefore, a prefixed number (NDG) of generator
Afterwards, the iterative application of the -constrained
sizes have been assumed, and each element of the vector solu-
technique allows to generate the Pareto set, which satisfies the
tion is represented by means of the following alphabet:
decision maker’s requirements [24]. At the beginning of the it-
erative MO procedure, the planner defines the master objective
no DG located in the node
function , whereas the other slave functions are regarded
NDG size index of the DG installed in the node as constraints. Furthermore, the decision maker has also to
choose acceptable trade-off variation levels for each single
The implemented GA starts by randomly generating an ini- objective function . Once the setting of these parameters is
tial population of possible solutions. For each solution a value of completed, the procedure can automatically generate a nondom-
DG penetration is chosen between 0 and a maximum limit, fixed inated solution. The master function is optimized with the same
by the planner on the ground of economical and technical jus- GA used for finding the starting solution. Of course, the GA
tifications; than, a number of DG units of different sizes is ran- objective function must be modified according to the planner’s
domly chosen until the total amount of power installed reaches choice: in this phase, the GA looks for those solutions which
the DG penetration level assigned. At this point, the DG units improve the master function, and simultaneously complies with
are randomly located among the network nodes and the objec- constraints remaining within the allowed variation margin of
tive function is evaluated verifying all the technical constraints; deterioration in one or more objective functions. By so doing,
if one of them is violated, the solution is penalized. Regarding a set of potential nondominated solutions can be achieved
the population size, the best results have been found assuming with a new GA run. The optimization process can be stopped
it equal to the number of network nodes. when the solutions are acceptable or it can be restarted with
Once the initial population is formed, the genetic operators different values of until a satisfactory result is obtained. In
are repeatedly applied in order to produce the new solutions. In particular, the planner can decide that a network characterized
particular, a classical “remainder stochastic sampling without by a lower building and maintenance cost to the detriment of
replacement” scheme has been adopted for the selection oper- energy losses or not supplied energy costs is more suited to his
ator [26], and a “uniform crossover” has been chosen by which needs (provided that such increase remains within the prefixed
each vector’s element is swapped with probability 0.5. For the threshold). Obviously, the final decision, about which solution
mutation operator, all the vector elements are mutated, with a from the Pareto set can be advantageously adopted, relies on
small mutation probability, choosing a different value in the de- the decision maker. This feature of the procedure can be very
fined alphabet. If one technical constraint is violated or the total useful in the present scenario, which requires the planner to
amount of DG exceeds the maximum level of DG penetration, consider several alternatives for different uncertain futures.
the new solution is penalized. The presented optimization procedure permits the definition
Finally, according to the GA “steady-state” typology, the of the optimal size and allocation of DG in a given network as a
new population is formed comparing old and new solutions compromise among different noninferior solutions produced by
and choosing the best among them. The algorithm stops when the application of the MO methodology. This way of proceeding
the maximum number of generations is reached or when the may be very useful because it allows the planner to be aided by
difference between the objective function value of the best and a software tool, able to take into account quickly and precisely
the worst individuals becomes smaller than a specified value. all possible combinations in real size cases, but it does leave to


the decision maker the control on the process to make the final
Very often the planner needs more alternatives to evaluate
and sometimes he can prefer to reduce the cost of losses instead
of improving service quality, depending on strategic decisions,
VII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION regulatory directives regarding the electric service, and budget
In order to show the capability of the proposed methodology to restrictions. As showed in the following examples, the proposed
solve the problem of the optimal DG allocation, a small portion MO optimization process permits of finding out alternative
of a distribution network constituted by 142-MV/LV nodes and configurations, characterized by different costs for each single
two primary substations has been considered. The period taken function constituent of the global cost. In each optimization
into consideration for the planning study is 20 years long, with all stage the MO algorithm looks for alternative solutions, which
nodes existing at the beginning of the period. The annual medium improve the master function to the detriment of the slave
active power delivered to the MV nodes is, at the beginning of the functions.
this period, about 5MW. For each MV/LV node a constant power Two different cases have been investigated. In the first case
demand growth rate of 3% per year has been assumed (this as- study, the power losses cost has been regarded as the
sumption has been made for the sake of clarity but there are no re- master objective function. The value assumed by the cost of
strictions to define a power demand growth rate differentiated for the power losses in the initial network configuration is
each node and for each subperiod). The majority of the branches equal to k$1 076.5. Two consecutive steps of iteration have
are of the overhead type, but some buried cables exist. been run. In the first iteration, a deterioration margin of the
The optimization algorithm can choose different sizes of DG slave functions, necessary to allow the GA a more exhaustive
generators within a discrete number of prefixed sizes. In the pro- exploration in the space of solution, has been admitted. By so
posed application, generator sizes of 200–400–600 kW have been doing, the new optimized configuration permits reducing the
adopted. The price of the energy purchased from the wholesale power losses cost in percentage of the 23% against an
electricity market has been assumed equal to 4.0 /kWh, whereas increase in the global cost. This losses reduction is obtained
the price of the energy supplied by DG has been considered equal resorting to a DG penetration level of 13.64% (DG% is the
to 4.5 /kWh. This low price may be considered acceptable only ratio between the DG capacity and the power of load). In
for the current cheapest energy sources (e.g., large scale wind the second iteration, by admitting a larger variation of ,a
farms) and has been adopted in order to stress the methodology new DG arrangement has been found by the GA. The optimal
on a small example. It should be highlighted that, in presence of a network configuration, corresponding to the last iteration, is
liberalized electricity market, different retail sales rate of the en- shown in Fig. 2. In the new optimal solution the cost of
ergy produced by a DG unit should be considered. These retail decreases from the value of k$829.0 to the value of k$656.5.
sales depend on the technology adopted (mini gas turbine, CHP, The penetration level of DG increases from the value of the
wind turbine, etc.), the regulatory actions and the willingness to 13.64% to the value of 44.34% and consequently the cost of the
harness renewables. purchased energy is higher. This kind of optimization can be
The application of the GA to minimize the generalized cost very useful if the decision maker is committed to reduce losses
of the network (see Section IV) has allowed finding the starting and to improve network performance maintaining investments
configuration. The global cost of the network during the as- to a reasonable low level. This feature may be very useful
signed study period is equal to k$27 008.1 (see Tables I and in case the revenue recovered by DISCO is not based on the
II) without any operating DG. Such a high generalized network asset value but also on network performance (e.g., on the level
cost is due to the significant growth rate of the demand, which of losses or reliability). In this scenario, the objective of the
requires the enforcement of a large number of branches. The distribution planner is not the reduction of global costs but
attempt to minimize the global cost has led to a solution with the individuation of a trade-off solution that allows both cost
many lines close to their maximum capacity and for this reason reduction and performance maximization.
the cost of the energy losses counts for a significant percentage In the second case study, the cost of service interruptions
of the generalized cost of the network. The use of DG as an elec- has been regarded as the master objective function. In this
tric supply option can reduce both costs. case the planner aims at reducing the number and the duration

Fig. 2. DG units as positioned by the GA (Case Study 1, MO iteration #2). Fig. 3. DG units as positioned by the GA (Case Study 2, MO iteration #2).
Light and heavy gray areas identify the intentional islands formed during the
fault location and repair stages, respectively, for the fault indicated with the
black arrow. Each area is accepted if the probability that generation exceeds
TABLE III load demand is greater than 30%.

of service interruptions by positioning DG in suited locations

(Table III reports data used for reliability calculations). Even
though many standards and almost all the distributors do not
during upstream faults. Global benefits on ENS and cost of not
generally allow resorting to “intentional islanding” operation,
supplied energy are clearly recognizable, but benefits are much
in order to emphasize the effect of DG it has been hypothesized
more significant for those customers that suffer for poor quality
that this practice can take place [20], [21]. Indeed, among the
due to their position in the network. For example, nodes 1 and
many new features of new active networks, the possibility of
2 in Fig. 3, due to the coordination between DG and network
using DG to supply loads in self-sustaining islands seems to
automation, drastically reduce their number and duration of
have a real interest for the local distribution companies. In [21]
long interruptions (see Table IV). It can be easily noticed that
Celli et al. have pointed out that the practice of intentional
system indexes cannot capture the importance of intentional
islanding can be really useful for those nodes that suffer for
islanding for customers seeking for premium power contracts.
low service continuity (e.g., nodes that cannot use alternative
Finally, it is prominent to observe that this amelioration can
energy routes during faults in the main feeder), provided that
only be achieved by accepting a major generalized cost of the
DG could feed the island and network automation is optimally
network and this fact justifies the adoption of MO approaches,
located. In the proposed example, the capability of optimizing
that allows the planner to stress some terms of the objective
the location of DG has been advantageously used to find a
function in order to get some specific results (e.g., reliability
network arrangement able to give the customers a much more
improvements under regulatory actions or market pressure).
reliable service avoiding the construction of new emergency
ties. The starting network configuration is equal to the previous
case study, where the cost has the value of k$1 226.6.
With the first optimization step this value is reduced to k$893.5 Nowadays, a number of impediments and barriers still inhibit
(see Table II). A further optimization permits reducing an increased market penetration of DG. The high costs and un-
up to k$801.3 thanks to a new allocation of DG (see Fig. 3) certain performances of many DG technologies, the lack of uni-
and the purchase of more energy from DG. It is worth noticing form standards and communication protocols, the architecture
that in this case generators are located at the end of long and of the distribution system are examples of the most common
heavy loaded lateral edges to serve as back up energy sources barriers to the DG development. Anyway, DG is destined to play

an important role in the distribution system of the future. Distri- Supposing a linear growth of the branch current in the th
bution engineers need new planning tools to maximize benefits subperiod, the current value at the end of each year can be
in the new uncertain scenario. According to these assumptions, easily evaluated by
an algorithm for the optimal allocation of DG in a given net-
work is proposed. The procedure, based on the application of (9)
GA and MO, allows the planner to drive the solution toward his where is the th year of the th subperiod, is the duration
particular requirements. In the context of a liberalized energy in years of the th subperiod, and are the current of
market, it can be used to find the most valuable sites to exploit the th branch evaluated, respectively, at the beginning and at
and evaluate any additional credits DISCO might offer if the DG the end of the th subperiod, by means of adequate load flows.
is placed in the appropriate location to have real benefits for the Equation (9) can be rewritten as follows:
network [7], [8].
Further studies will improve the proposed MO methodology (10)
taking into account the liberalized energy market, the interac-
tion with the transmission grid, the market of ancillary services, By applying the actualization rate , function of the inflation
DSM, etc. In addition, the consideration of the power quality rate and the interest rate, the NPV of the power losses cost for
aspects in the planning of DG siting and sizing is compulsory. the th branch in the th subperiod can be written as


A. Load Flow Calculation and Technical Constraints

In order to consider the random behavior of DG and loads,
a simplified probabilistic load flow (PLF) has been developed
and implemented. This procedure takes into account the pdf of (11)
both loads and generators. Correlation among DG units, be-
tween generators and loads and also among loads have been where is a factor that depends on the unitary cost of the power
considered with the assumption that such correlation is linear losses and the resistance of the th branch, and is the begin-
(no dispatch action at the distribution level) [27], [28]. ning year of the th subperiod.
Once the currents flowing in each branch and the voltage of
each node are calculated as probabilistic quantities, they can C. Actualization Factor for Energy Not Supplied
be used to design the network so that all the technical con- The cost of energy not supplied due to a fault on the th
straints are complied with [29]. In particular, only those config- branch in the th subperiod is evaluated referring to the power
urations having a reasonable probability to verify the constraints of the isolated nodes. Thus, it is necessary to calculate the total
on the maximum and minimum allowable node voltage can be power absorbed by these nodes in the whole subperiod, and to
accepted. Known the pdf of the voltage module in each node, actualize the related disruption cost in order to assess the NPV
the probability to have a voltage drop or an overvoltage greater of the cost of energy not supplied.
than the maximum allowable limit is evaluated. Then, this value Supposing a linear growth of the power absorbed by the th
is compared with an acceptable value of probability defined by node, the power demand growth rate can be treated as the
the planner and, if necessary, actions are taken to bring back angular coefficient of the power growth line, expressed in p.u.
the voltage within its limits (e.g., network enforcement). A sim- of the power node at the beginning of the th subperiod . In
ilar approach has been followed for network sizing. Firstly, the this case the power at the end of the th year of the subperiod
planner defines an acceptable probability of overload occur- can be expressed by
rence . Then, from the pdf of the branch current the (12)
current value that has a probability of occurrence greater than
is derived. By comparing, for each network branch, the The NPV of the cost of the energy not supplied to the th node
current with the corresponding branch capacity, it is straight- in the th subperiod due to a fault in the th branch can be eval-
forward that those conductors whose capacity is smaller than uated as follows:
should be reinforced [29].

B. Actualization Factor for Power Losses

The cost of power losses for the th branch in one year of the
th subperiod is evaluated assuming a constant branch current
during the year, equal to the value of the current at the end of
the year. Then, this cost has to be actualized in order to obtain
its NPV. By summing this costs for each year of the subperiod,
the whole NPV of power losses cost for the th branch in the
th subperiod is assessed.

where is a factor that depends on the unitary cost of the energy [23] G. Strbac and N. Jenkins, “Calculation of cost and benefits to the dis-
not supplied, the fault rate and the length of the th branch. tribution network of embedded generation,” presented at the Inst. Elect.
Eng. Colloq. Econ. Embedded Gen., Oct. 29, 1998, pp. 6/1–6/13. Ref.
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[12] G. Celli and F. Pilo, “Optimal distributed generation allocation in MV power quality. He is an AEI member.
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[13] I. Bouwmans. Distributed Networks—The Grid and the Net Compared.
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[20] G. Celli and F. Pilo, “Optimal sectionalizing switches allocation in Since 2001, he has been an Associate Professor
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[21] F. Pilo, G. Celli, and S. Mocci, “Improvement of reliability in active power systems, network planning and optimization,
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[22] Directive 2003/54/EU (2003, Jun. 26). [Online]. Available: http://eu- sented in various international conferences. He is an AEI member. He is Special Reporter of the CIRED S5 and invited expert at the CIGRE SC6.

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