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Beginner 1

LC2 (2)

What time is it ?
Last lesson
Look at the pictures and talk about the man's day, using the given words.


often sometimes
It’s ….. .


What time is it?

Look at the pictures and examples. Then, choose the correct words.
half 1

We can only say (1) ………………… at the exact hour.


seven o’clock

to The minute + (2) ………………… + the hour

twenty past seven

The minute + (3) ………………… + the coming hour

o’clock twenty to eight

Look at the pictures and examples. Then, choose the correct words.
half 4

(4) ………………… = 30 minutes

half past seven
a (5) ………………… = 15 minutes
a quarter to eight 11.
(6) ………………… = in the morning
seven twenty a.m.

a.m. 7
(7) ………………… = in the evening
o’ clock
seven twenty p.m. 55
New structure

What time is it?

It’s … .

What time is it?

half quarter past to p.m. a.m. o’clock

1 2 3 4

It’s 8:10 …….. . It’s 08:05 …….. . It’s twenty …….. four. It’s twenty-five ....... five.

5 6 7

It’s a …….. past twelve. It’s …….. past ten. It’s six …….. .
Listen and choose the right picture

A 1. ........
A: See you tomorrow, Jane!
B: Oh, it's only 5.30 p.m. You go home early
today! You usually leave work around 7 or 8.
A: Yeah, I have plans tonight. See you!
B: See you!

2. .........
A: What time is it?
B: It's 8 a.m.
A: Oh, no! I'm late. I always leave for work at 7.30 a.m.
B: You're right! You should go to work now. See you
A: Bye, babe.
New structures

What time is it?

It's 8 a.m.

Oh, no! I'm late. I always leave for work at 7.30 a.m.

You're right! You should go to work now. See you tonight!


Bye, babe.

Used when you begin your workday:

leave for work/ go to work

arrive at work
New structures

See you tomorrow, Jane!

Oh, it's only 5.30 p.m. You go home early today!

You usually leave work around 7 or 8.

Yeah, I have plans tonight. See you!


See you!

Used when you finish your workday:

leave work/ go home

get home from work

New structures

What time do you usually leave work/ leave for work/ etc, ?

I usually leave work/ leave for work/ etc, at ... ?


E.g. What time do you usually leave work?

I usually leave work at 6 p.m.

Let’s talk!

What time do you usually ... ?

I usually ... at ... ?

Teacher Student

leave for work/ go to work

arrive at work

leave work/ go home

get home from work

Choose the correct answer A, B or C
1. Look at (1) and choose the suitable sentence.
Michael: What time is it? (A) What time do you usually leave work?
Jane: Oh, it's already 7:30 p.m. (B) What time do you usually leave for work?
Michael: Wow, it's late. (C) What time do you usually arrive at work?
(1) ..............................................................
Jane: (2) .............................................................. 2. Look at (2) and choose the suitable sentence.
But today, I have a report. I need to finish 11. (A) I often leave home around 6 p.m.
it before 9 a.m. tomorrow. (B) I often get back from home around 6 p.m.
Michael: I see. Well, (C) I often go home around 6 p.m.
(3) .............................................................. Don't
work too hard! 3. Look at (3) and choose the suitable sentence.
Jane: OK, thanks. See you tomorrow. (A) I have to leave home now.
Michael: See you tomorrow! (B) I have to get back from work now.
(C) I have to go home now.
Choose the correct answer A, B or C

4. Look at (4) and choose the suitable sentence.

(A) What time it is?
(B) What time is it?
B: (4) .............................................................. (C) What time does it?
A: It's 8:45 a.m.
B: Oh, I'm early today? 5. Look at (5) and choose the suitable sentence.
A: Why? (5) .............................................................. (A) What time do you usually arrive work?
B: My house is far from here, so I often (B) What time do you usually arrive at work?
arrive at the office around 9 a.m. (C) What time do you usually get back from work?
A: Really? (6) ...........................................................
B: Around 6 a.m. 6. Look at (6) and choose the suitable sentence.
A: I see! You live really far from here then. (A) What time do you usually leave work?
(B) What time do you usually arrive at work?
(C) What time do you usually leave for work?
TOEIC Listening
Part 1: You will hear four statements about a picture. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement
that best describes what you see in the picture. The statements will not be shown on the screen and will be spoken only
one time.


TOEIC Listening
Part 2: You will hear a question or a statement about a picture. You will be given three responses spoken in English.
Select the best response to the question or statement. The question or statement will not be shown on the screen and
will be spoken only one time.

A I always go to work with a friend.


I usually arrive at work at
around twenty past eight.

I usually leave work at around

C half past seven.

TOEIC Listening
Part 3: You will hear a conversation between two people. You will be asked to answer two questions. When you hear the
conversation, you must select the best response to each question. The conversation will not be shown on the screen and
will be spoken only one time.

1 2
What time does Josh usually arrive at work? Why does Josh usually go to work early?

(A) He's always late. 11. (A) He lives far from work.

(B) He's always early. (B) He lives near the office.

(C) He usually arrives at work at 7.30 a.m. (C) His boss asks him to.

(D) He usually arrives at work at 7.45 a.m. (D) He wants to go home early.

TOEIC Listening

Part 4: You will hear a talk given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer two questions. When you hear the talk,
you must select the best response to each question. The talk will not be shown on the screen and will be spoken only
one time.

1 2
What time does the woman usually arrive at work? What time does the woman usually leave work?
(A) 12 p.m. (A) 9 p.m.

(B) 12.30 p.m. (B) 9.30 p.m.

(C) 1 p.m. (C) 10 p.m.

(D) 1.30 p.m. (D) 10.30 p.m.

TOEIC Reading

Part 5: A word or a phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Select the best answer to complete each sentence.

1 2
What time do you usually go ________ ? C'mon! We're late! It's already 10 ______ .
(A) home (A) to

(B) house (B) past

(C) work (C) o'clock

(D) to home (D) night

TOEIC Reading
Part 6: Read the text below. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in parts of the text. Select the best answers to
complete the text.

Part-time shopkeeper needed!

Are you free at night and want to make more money? We are hiring a
shopkeeper who can work 1. ________ the evening. To work with us, you
must be able to arrive at11.
5 p.m. and leave 2. _______ at 1 3. _______ .
Contact us to have more information:

1. 2. 3.
(A) in (A) home (A) p.m.
(B) at (B) for work (B) a.m.
(C) on (C) house (C) to
(D) for (D) work (D) past
TOEIC Reading
Part 7: You will read a text message chain. The text has two questions. Select the best answer for each question.

From: 1. How many days in a week does

HR Mr. Russ work?
To: Alex Russ
(A) 2 days
Dear Mr. Russ,
(B) 3 days
This is our work schedule:
(C) 4 days
- Days per week: Five days from Monday to Friday. You can choose
(D) 5 days
any two days in a week to work from home.
- Time: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
2. What time can Mr. Russ go home?
- Lunch break: 12 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
(A) 6 p.m.
Please take notes of the schedule.
(B) 9 a.m.
Best regards,
(C) 12 p.m.
(D) 1:30 p.m.
TOEIC Writing

From: HR

To: New members

Subject: Workshop for new members

Direction: Read the email Welcome! We would like to invite you to the workshop for all new members.
Sign up at the link. 11.
Please send us your questions about the company and your jobs if you have
any. We will answer them in the workshop.

Directions: Respond to the email. Respond as if you were a new member in a

company. In your email, make at least TWO requests for information.

TOEIC Writing

From: HR

To: Alex Russ

Subject: Workshop for new members

Welcome! We would like to invite you to the workshop for all new members. Sign up at the link.
Please send us your questions about the company if you have any. We will answer them in the
From: Alex Russ 11.
To: HR
Subject: Re: Workshop for new members

Dear HR,
Thank you for the invitation. I signed up for the workshop. Here 1. ______ my two questions:

1. What time should I arrive 2. ______ work and leave work? I couldn't find the information about working time in the file.
2. If I need to ask to change my working time (arrive late or go 3. ______ early) for family matters, who should I contact?

I look forward to the workshop.

Yours sincerely,

Sherlock Holmes

In this lesson, I have learnt

☐ learnt vocabulary to tell time.
☐ learnt structures to talk about workday.
☐ practised some parts in a TOEIC test.

I need to have more practice on …


Please remember to do

Speaking Practice 2B

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