Interview Writing

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On 1st March 2021, there was a job interview underway.

The job
interview was to hire a Sales Manager for a tech company.

A candidate named Raj Gupta entered the interview room, he had a

scheduled interview with Mr. Joshi (Hr of the company).

Raj Gupta: May I come in sir?

Mr. Joshi: yes, you may.
Mr. Joshi: please take a seat.
Raj Gupta: thank you very much.
Mr. Joshi: Hi Raj welcome to the interview, how was your journey here
Raj Gupta: yeah it was really good thank you, actually I came last night
before the interview just to make sure where I exactly need to come. I
got early here this morning just in case there was some traffic sat in the
taxi and composed myself so it was a really good journey thank you for
Mr. Joshi: Okay, my name is Aryan Joshi and I will be the one
interviewing with you today and I will be asking you some questions
about your suitability for your role so if you can start with if you can tell
me about yourself that would be great.
Raj Gupta: Yeah sure, so as you know my name is Raj Gupta, over the
years I have built up a diverse range of skills and qualities that I believe
are a match for this job description. I am very positive, I love being at
work. I have goals outside of work which means that I need to perform
to a high standard when I am in my job in order to achieve those goals.
Mr. Joshi: What is Your Greatest Strength?
Raj Gupta: I have a solid work ethic. When I'm working on a project, I
don't just want to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the
project well ahead of schedule.
Mr. Joshi: What is Your Greatest Weakness?
Raj Gupta: I have very strong attention to detail. Sometimes, this can
turn into a tendency to perfectionism. In the past, I found this leading
me to triple-check every item on a spreadsheet, closely proofread
emails to ensure I’d communicated what I was trying to get across in a
clear, concise way, or fiddle with the layout of a presentation to ensure
that it was perfect. I’ve since learned to successfully budget my time
and gauge which tasks require and actually benefit from this level of
Mr. Joshi: What Makes You Unique?
Raj Gupta: Something that distinguishes me from many other
salespeople is my ability to connect with clients on a human level from
the outset, making them feel comfortable and uncovering all their
pressing needs around my product.
Mr. Joshi: Tell Me About Something Not on Your Resume
Raj Gupta: You can see from my resume that my sales team exceeded
its annual goal by 15%. One of the keys to that success was my
willingness to go out on more sales calls with the staff to help close
deals with major clients. It meant more late evenings catching up on my
administrative tasks, but it was well worth it.
Mr. Joshi: How Do You Handle Failure?
Raj Gupta: I look to my professional colleagues in similar jobs and co-
workers at my organization for suggestions on how to improve. I am
aggressive about taking workshops, training seminars, and online
tutorials to upgrade my skills.
Mr. Joshi: Describe Your Work Ethic
Raj Gupta: I know this is a bit of a cliché, but I’m very dedicated to
seeing tasks to completion. At my last review, this was something my
manager took note of and praised me for.
Mr. Joshi: One last question, What Motivates You?
Raj Gupta: I was responsible for several projects where I directed teams
and implemented repeatable processes. The teams achieved 100% on-
time projects. I was motivated both by the challenge of finishing the
projects ahead of schedule and by managing the teams that achieved
our goals.
Mr. Joshi: Thank you Mr. Raj Gupta our interview comes to an end here
I will let you know about any further developments.
Raj Gupta: Thank you very much.

On 4th March 2021 results of the first round were released.

Mr. Raj Gupta was able to successfully pass the first round and was
able to move on to the second round.

On 6th March 2021, the second round of interviews was held.

Raj Gupta: Good morning sir, may I come in?

Mr. Joshi: Yes, you may Mr. Gupta.
Raj Gupta: Thank you, sir.
Mr. Joshi: Today we will be conducting the second round of interviews
and with me, the sales department head Mr. Kartik Parekh will be
asking you some questions. I hope you are well prepared.
Raj Gupta: Yes sir, I am very well prepared.
Mr. Parekh: I see you are very confident so please answer my first
question, What challenges are you looking for in a position?
Raj Gupta: I thrive at the challenge of working on multiple projects
concurrently. At my last job, I often juggled up to three projects at a
time, many with overlapping deadlines. I never missed a deadline. I do
some of my best work when I am able to manage multiple tasks at once.
Mr. Joshi: Why do you want this job?
Raj Gupta: I want this job because it emphasizes sales and marketing,
two of my greatest skill sets. In my previous job, I increased sales by 15
percent in what was at the time considered a flat industry. I know I
could bring my ten years of sales and marketing experience to this
company, and help you continue your years of growth.
Mr. Joshi: Why are you the best person for the job?
Raj Gupta: Based on what you’ve said and from the research I’ve done,
your company is looking for a sales manager who is both strong in
interpersonal skills and communication skills. I believe my experience
aligns and makes me a great fit. I'm an effective communicator who is
skilled in giving oral presentations, speaking on the phone, and
communicating via email. I’d love to bring my diverse skill set to your
Mr. Parekh: What do you know about this company?
Raj Gupta: Volunteerism has always been an important part of my life –
an example set for me by my parents. When I was researching potential
employers, I was impressed by your company’s longstanding dedication
to community service. It was exciting for me to learn that your
personnel can use up to 7 days of paid time to volunteer. It would be
great to know I was working for an organization that actively gives back
to our community!
Mr. Joshi: What applicable experience do you have?
Raj Gupta: I developed extensive skills working with customers even
when they were distressed. I'm excellent at deescalating situations and
finding a way to make the customer happy. Our customer satisfaction
rating rose 10% during my tenure at my previous employer. So I believe
that my experience would be a great asset to your team.
Mr. Joshi: What can you do for this company if we hire you?
Raj Gupta: I can contribute my ability to streamline office processes.
For example, I developed a new method for scheduling client
appointments, which led to an 85% decrease in scheduling errors. I
would love to apply, not only this method but also my other
organizational skills to this job at your company.
Mr. Parekh: How would your colleagues describe you?
Raj Gupta: I’ve been told that I am both a strong leader and a team
player. In fact, one colleague offered to write me a personal letter of
reference at one point because of my strong team leadership.
Mr. Parekh: We have reached the end of the interview and this will be
the final question, Mr. Gupta do you have any short-term or long-term
Raj Gupta: yes, I do have a short-term goal which is to work as a sales
manager for a company such as yours. one with a mission-based on
excellent customer service and care. Working as a sales manager for a
company I believe in will prepare me to take on expanded team
leadership responsibilities in the future, as those become available.
Mr. Parekh: Thank you, Mr. Gupta, it has been a pleasure interviewing
you now you may take your leave we will contact you when the results
are released.
Raj Gupta: Thank you for your time. It was great meeting with you, Mr.
Parekh, and Mr. Joshi I’m looking forward to hearing feedback, and
don’t hesitate to contact me in the meantime if you have any questions
or concerns.

On 8th March 2021, the results came and Raj Gupta was able to
successfully join the company.

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