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Biostatistics :

Bio - Life and statistics mean The study of the collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation of DATA.
Biostatistics is define as a basic science of collection,analysis,quantification and interpretation of data in relation to vital events.

Types of statistics
Descriptive Statistics: Inferential statistics :
Consists of the collection , organization , summarization, and consists of generalizing from samples to populations ,performing
presentation of data. estimations and hypothesis tests, determining relationships
among variables and making predictions.
It uses probability i,e., the chance of event occuring
Uses of Biostatistics:
#1. In Epidemiology
#2. In demography
#3. Morbidity and mortality rates and ratios.
#4. Collection and registration of vital events.(Births ,Deaths , Marriages and divorces)
# 5. Sampling for different statistical procedures.
#6. To know the frequency of different diseases and biological problems.
# 7. For interpretation of data.
# 8.To know about association and causation of diseases.

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