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Dice Town

Gold Mine Bank Gen Store Saloon Sheriff Town Hall Prairie Dr. Badluck
“Best Poker” Won Nothing
9’s 10’s Jacks Queens Kings Aces
Hand This Turn
Selects that Steal Cows 9-10: Freeze 2
Takes that Takes $$ from Draws that many Becomes Takes Faceup (First from Claim cards
many cards
many nuggets the Bank cards; keeping the new Property Deed Prairie then J-Q: Take 1 Gen
from 1 player;
only 1 Sheriff others) Store card
keeping only 1
K: $2 from each
-or- -or- -or- -or- -or- -or- -or- player
Take $1 from Take top Ace: 1 Nugget
Draw and play a Immediately Hire an Outlaw;
stagecoach for Chase Outlaws Property claim Recruit a Cowboy from each
River card visit Dr. Badluck take top card
each 10 from the pile player
May Give Up
Acquired Deed for
Indian Dice

Rank of Poker Hands in Game: 5 of a kind - 4 of a kind - Full House – Straight - 3 of a kind - 2 pair - One pair – High Card
“Ranch” property cards cannot be stolen by the saloon girls (except with a “whiskey card”) and are played in front of you.
Winning the Game: The players count up their Victory Points (VP) in the following manner:
• 1 VP for each Nugget
• VP for every $2
• VP for whoever is Sheriff at the end of the game
• he equipment cards issued by the General Store (which have a numerical value) award the indicated number of VP
• he Property Claims (from the Town Hall) award the number of VP indicated
The player with the highest total is the winner.

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