Mother Tongue Reviewer

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Insufficient mastery of basic competencies due

TONGUE to a heavily congested curriculum.
 K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum
In 2005-2006 Mathematics results, only
Curriculum designers need to enhance the 15% of the students acquired mastery of the
recommended curriculum and propose curricular Mathematics competencies while the majority
innovations to respond to the changing landscape in (59.09%) of the high school students belonged
education regionally and globally. In line with this, to the low mastery level. The achievement
Republic Act 10533, otherwise known as the Enhanced results in Science was even more discouraging
Basic Education Act of 2013, is the latest educational since only 3% of the 4th year high school
reform in Philippine Education signed into law by students in 2005-2006 mastered the Science
Former Philippine President Benigno Aquino III last processes and skills. Majority belonged to the
May 15, 2013. It is an act enhancing the Philippine low mastery category and a few were in the near
Basic Education system by strengthening its curriculum mastery level.
and increasing the number of years for basic education,
appropriating funds therefore and for other purposes. In international examinations, the
The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, popularly Philippines performed poorly as revealed in
known as K to 12, includes one (1) year of 2003 TIMSS (Trends in International
kindergarten education, six (6) years of secondary Mathematics and Science) scores. In Grade IV
education. The six-year secondary education includes Science and Math, the Philippines ranked 23 out
four (4) years of junior high school and two (2) years of of 25 participating countries. In High School II,
senior high school. With K to 12, the existing 10 years the Philippines ranked 43 out of 46 and in 34
of basic education is increased to 12 years with out of 38 in Math. Even with only the science
Kindergarten education as a prerequisite to entry in high schools participating in the Advanced
Grade 1. Mathematics category in 2008 TIMMS, the
country’s ranking did not improve. In fact, it
ranked the lowest (10) among ten participating
The Reason for Transitioning to K-12 countries.

K to 12 makes the Philippine education system One factor contributing to the low
at par with the international standard of 12-year basic performance in achievement tests is the
education, thereby contributing to a better educated congested basic education curriculum. What
society capable of pursuing productive employment, other countries teach in twelve (12) years, the
entrepreneurship, or higher education studies. After Philippines teach only in ten (10) years. The ten
going through kindergarten, elementary, junior high, and (10) years would not be enough to master the
a specialized senior high school program, every K to 12 competencies. Adding two years would make
graduate is ready to go into different paths – higher possible the decongestion of the curriculum for
education, middle-level skills development, the comprehensive acquisition of basic
employment, or entrepreneurship. K to 12 graduates are competencies and 21st-century skills.
also expected to be equipped with 21st-century skills like
information, media and technology skills, learning and 2. The Philippines is the only remaining country in
innovation skills, effective communication skills, and Asia with a 10-year basic education program
life and career skills.
The Philippines is the only country in
When K to 12 was launched in 2012, many Asia that has a ten-year basic education
Filipinos were apprehensive because of two (2) more program. The short duration of the basic
years in secondary schooling. Some said the additional education program also puts millions of
two years are added burden for the average Filipino overseas Filipino workers, especially the
family. Others said the K to 12 program is doomed to professionals and those who intend to study
fail since it does not address the basic problems in abroad at a disadvantage. Graduates of
education like lack of classrooms, chairs, books, Philippine schools are not automatically
teachers, quality teaching and many more. Amidst recognized as professionals outside the country
criticisms, the Department of Education pushed for the due to the lack of two years in basic education
implementation of K to 12. to recognize engineering professionals.

The following are the existing realities in the 3. Employability of Filipino High School
Philippine educational system that inspired the Graduates
implementation of K to 12:
The K to 12 Curriculum prepares the
students for the world of work, middle-level
skills development, entrepreneurship, and h. The curriculum shall be flexible
college education. As early as Grade 7 and enough to enable and allow schools
Grade 8, the students are made to explore at to localize, indigenize and enhance
least 8 subjects in the four (4) areas of the same based on their respective
Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE), educational and social contexts. The
namely: Home Economics, ICT, Industrial Arts, production and development of
and Agriculture and Fishery Arts. In Grade 10 locally produced teaching materials
and Grade 12, the student is supposed to have shall be encouraged, and these
obtained a National Certificate (NC) Level I and materials' approval shall devolve to
NC Level II from TESDA. NC I and NC II the regional and division education
make a Grade 12 graduate employable. units.

The short duration of basic education in  MTB-MLE Curriculum Framework

the Philippines resulted to 15-year-old graduates
who are not legally employable. With the Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Framework
implementation of the K to 12, the graduate of (MTB-MLE) is the government’s banner program for
senior high is 18 years old who is legally education as a salient part of the implementation of the
employable. K to 12 Basic Education Program. Its significance is
underscored by the passing of Republic Act 10533,
otherwise known as the Enhanced Basic Education
Act of 2013.

K-12 Curriculum Standards MTB-MLE is education, formal or non-formal

in which the learner’s mother tongue and additional
Section 5 of the Enhanced Basic languages are used in the classroom. Learners begin
Education Act of 2013, stipulates the following their education in the language they understand best –
curricular standards, which the curriculum
their mother tongue – and develop a strong foundation in
developers adhered to in crafting the K to 12
curriculum: their mother language before adding additional
languages. Research stresses the fact that children with a
a. The curriculum shall be learner- solid foundation in their mother tongue develop stronger
centered, inclusive and literacy abilities in the school language. Their
developmentally appropriate; knowledge and skills transfer across languages. This
b. The curriculum shall be relevant, bridge enables the learners to use both or all their
responsive and research-based;
languages for success in school and for lifelong learning.
c. The curriculum shall be culture-
sensitive; In terms of cognitive development, the school activities
d. The curriculum shall be will engage learners to move well beyond the basic WH-
contextualized and global; questions to cover all higher-order thinking skills in L1,
e. The curriculum shall use which they can transfer to the other languages once
pedagogical approaches that are enough Filipino or English has been acquired to use
constructivist, inquiry-based, these skills in thinking and articulating thoughts.
reflective, collaborative and
integrative; With the end goal of making Filipino children
f. The curriculum shall adhere to the
lifelong learners in their L1 (Mother Tongue or MT), L2
principles and framework of
Mother-Tongue-Based (Filipino, the national language), and L3 (English, the
Multilingual Education (MTB- global language), the learners are more than prepared to
MLE) which starts from where the develop the competencies in the different learning areas.
learners are and from what they This will serve as their passport to enter and achieve
already knew proceeding from the well in the mainstream educational system and in the
known to the unknown instructional end, contribute productively to their community and to
materials and capable teachers to
the larger society as well as multilingual, multiliterate,
implement the MTB-MLE
curriculum shall be available.’ and multicultural citizens of the country.
g. The curriculum shall use the spiral
For the effective implementation of the MTB-
progression approach to ensure
mastery of knowledge and skills MLE, it is suggested that the two-track method be used,
after each level and; that is the primer track to focus on accuracy and the
story track to focus on meaning. Learning via the two-
track method to gain proficiency in literacy as well as about ideas in the familiar language. When
comprehend academic content and gain curriculum teaching only in the L2, critical thinking is
mastery, creative and critical thinking skills for decision postponed until L2 is sufficiently developed
making. to support such analysis.

 Strong Bridge

MTB-MLE provides a good bridge to

listening, speaking, reading, and writing the
L2s (L2, L3) of the classroom using sound
educational principles for building fluency
and confidence in using the other languages
The following are the factors targeted to be for lifelong learning. Reading in the L2 is
developed in the implementation of the MTB-MLE only introduced after basic L1 reading
curriculum: fluency and L2 oral proficiency are
developed. Comprehension in reading the
 Literacy
L2 occurs after the development of that
We only learn to read once. Learning to spoken L2. One sufficient oral and written
read in the L1 develops skills that transfer to proficiency in the L2 are developed, a
reading any other languages. gradual transition using the L2 as a medium
Comprehension in reading other languages of instruction can progress without L1
only occurs after oral proficiency has support.
developed such that vocabulary of written
 Scaffolding
L2 text is already part of the learners’
spoken vocabulary. In L2 teaching, the L1 is used to support
learning when the L2 is not sufficiently
 Prior knowledge
developed to be used alone. The L1 is used
for expression and the teacher facilitates the
Engaging learners in a discussion of L2 development for communication.
what is already familiar to them using the
 Teaching for meaning and accuracy
home language and culture enables better
learning of the curriculum through
Decoding text requires accuracy while
integration and application of that
comprehending texts requires decoding
knowledge into current knowledge schemes.
skills within a meaningful context. Both
 Cognitive development and higher-order meaning and accuracy are important, but in
thinking skills (HOTS) classrooms that teach only L2, there is often
primary focus on accuracy until the L2 is
Using the learner’s mother tongue sufficiently learned. This delays actual
provides a strong foundation by developing meaningful learning until the L2 can support
cognitive skills and comprehension of the that learning.
academic content from day one. The
knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values  Confidence building and proficiency
gained through the mother tongue better development for two or more languages
support learning of other languages and along with the following macro skills
learning through other languages later. (listening, speaking, reading, writing, and
viewing) for both meaning and accuracy
As learners articulate their thoughts and
expand ideas, both language and critical
thinking are strengthened. MTB-MLE
 Standards teaching for meaning and accuracy
cultivates critical thinking through talking
The following standards illustrate teaching for the language and culture most familiar to them can call
meaning and accuracy: on a rich array of schemata. In contrast, students who
believe they can only use that knowledge they have
Macro Skills Story Track Primer Track explicitly learned in the second language are limited in
their access.’ (Chamot, 1998, p. 197).
Listening Listen in order to Recognize and
understand, think distinguish Meanwhile, second language learners use what they
critically, and sounds; recognize know in their own language to help develop to other
languages. This positive transfer effect has been found
respond creatively parts of words
to be significant in reading. Therefore, awareness of
Speaking Speak with Use correct how the L1 works must be developed to support learning
L2 and L3.
understanding to vocabulary,
communicate pronunciation, 2. Language and Academic Development
knowledge, ideas, grammar
experiences Students with well-developed skills in their first
language have been shown to acquire additional
Reading Read with Decode by languages more easily and fully, which has a positive
understanding to recognizing parts impact on academic achievement. To apply this, the oral
apply, analyze, of words and development and reading of L1 must be continued to
evaluate, and sentences strengthen L2 and L3 learning as well as academic
achievement across its curriculum.
create new
3. Cognitive Development
Writing Write to Form letters
communicate properly and Students who use their multilingual skills have been
knowledge, ideas, neatly; spell shown to develop both cognitive flexibility and
experiences, and words accurately; divergent thinking. Therefore, learners must continue to
goals use correct develop critical thinking in the L1 as well as in L2 and
grammar L3. In addition, in all subjects, activities must be able to
build understanding and likewise encourage students to
Viewing View in order to Recognize and apply, analyze, and evaluate what they have learned to
understand, think distinguish print create new knowledge i.e. Bloom’s Taxonomy of
critically, and and non-materials Educational Objectives.
respond creatively and be able to
critic the materials
4. Discovery Learning

We learn when something who already understands

 Guiding Principles for Teaching and Learning in the new idea or task helps us to discover the new idea
MTB-MLE and then use it meaningfully. In order to achieve this, as
teachers, we must find out what the students already
1. Known to the unknown know about a topic before we provide activities that let
them use their knowledge to learn the new concept or
Learning requires meaning. We learn when we use
what we already know to help us understand what is task.
new. “The most important single factor influencing
learning is what the learner already knows. Ascertain
this and teach him or her accordingly.” (Ausubel, 1968).
5. Active Learning
Thus, start with what the learners know about a topic
and use that to introduce the new concept. Beginning
Children learn best through peer interaction in
with the learners’ first language and culture will better
facilitate mastery of the curriculum content. which they work together creatively to solve problems.
As a teacher, you must encourage students to talk with
“Nowhere is the role of prior knowledge more each other and compare ideas to solve problems in class,
important than in second language educational contexts. team, or pair activities. Active learning is also present in
Students who can access their prior knowledge through second language teaching and learning. Young children
gain confidence in learning a new language when they are valued in the classroom and their language and
begin with total physical response activities or those that heritage are seen as resources.
enable them to hear, see, and do. You may begin
teaching L2 by focusing on listening and responding to On the other hand, children from ethno-
oral language such as a command or observation on linguistic language groups thrive in a welcoming
someone on how he or she responds to the command environment where teachers and peers value them as a
through actions before words. Last but not the least is positive presence in the classroom and the school,
purposeful talk to allow students to make sense of new encourage their use of their L1; provide books, and
ideas and information. You may ask higher level visualize visual representations, and concrete objects
questions and give your students enough thinking time that reflect their backgrounds and interests.
before they respond. Make sure that questions you give
provide opportunities for students to work in teams by  Learning Standard
sharing and comparing their ideas with their peers.
Use Mother Tongue appropriately and effectively in
6. Meaning and Accuracy oral, visual and written communication in various
situations and for a variety of audiences, contexts, and
Successful language learning involves hearing, purposes including learning of other content subjects
speaking, reading and writing activities that focus on and languages, demonstrating appreciation of various
both meaning and accuracy. forms of literacy genres and take pride in one’s cultural
7. Language Learning/ Language Transfer
 Key Stage Standard
We learn a new language best when the learning
process in non-threatening and meaningful and when we By the end of Grade 3, students will enjoy
can take baby steps that help us gain confidence in our communicating in their first language on familiar topics
ability to use the language meaningfully. You may begin for a variety of purposes and audiences using basic
vocabulary and phrases, read L1 texts with
the L2 language learning time by focusing on total
understanding, and create their own stories and texts in
physical response activities that enable students to build their L1.
up their listening vocabulary before they are expected to
talk. Introduce reading and writing only in L2 when they
have built up a good hearing and speaking vocabulary.

Studies about second language acquisition show that

it takes at least 2 years to learn basic communicative  Grade Level Standards
skills in a second language when society supports that
learning. On the other hand, it takes five or more years GRADE
to learn L2 for learning complex and academic concepts. LEVEL

Lastly, mistakes and errors are a normal part of second The learner demonstrates skills and
language learning. However, an unintentional mistake strategies in phonemic awareness,
when not carefully monitored and corrected may alphabet knowledge, sound-letter
become a fossilized error. Second language learners K correspondences, decoding, vocabulary
benefit from opportunities to receive feedback in a and comprehension as they enjoy listening
respectful and encouraging way. It is helpful when and responding to a variety of texts in
teachers respond first to the content of what the student their Mother Tongue.
is saying or writing, focusing on one or two mistakes at
Grade 1 The learner demonstrates basic
a time.
communication skills in talking about
8. Affective component: valuing the home language/ familiar topics using simple words and
culture both verbal and non-verbal cues to
understand spoken language, shows
Valuing students with talents in their home language understanding of basic vocabulary and
more powerfully enables learning than valuing English language structures, reading process,
learners whose home language is irrelevant to academic writing system and appreciates aspects of
success. Learners are encouraged when they know they
one’s culture. culture

The learner demonstrates communication

skills in talking about variety of topics
using developing vocabulary and simple
phrases and sentences, simple to complex
spoken language using both verbal and
Grade 2 non-verbal cues, understands vocabulary The learner… The learner…
and language structures, appreciates and
understand the cultural aspects of the Uses beginning
language and the writing system used, and oral language
reads and writes simple and short literary Manifests skills to
and informational texts. beginning oral communicate
language skills personal
Oral Language
to communicate experiences,
The learner demonstrates communication
in different ides, and
skills in talking about variety of topics
contexts. feelings in
using expanding vocabulary and phrases,
shows understanding of spoken language
Grade 3 in different contexts using both verbal and
non-verbal cues, vocabulary and language Demonstrates Uses knowledge
structures, cultural aspects of the understanding of phonological
language, reads and writes literary and Phonological that words are skills to
informational texts. Skills made up of discriminate
sounds and and manipulate
syllables. sound patterns

SUBJECT MATTER CONTENT Demonstrates Demonstrates

knowledge of knowledge and
The different grade levels covered by MTB-MLE the alphabet and understanding
consist of specific subject matter content. Each level Book and Print
decoding to of the
consist of a grade level standard which summarizes the Knowledge
read, write and organization
expected skills to be applied and acquired by the
spell words and basic
learners. It also includes the domain with the target
content standard and performance standard. The correctly. features of print
domains are the aspects of language that are expected to
be developed among learners during the period of MTB- demonstrates Applies grade
MLE in basic education. Meanwhile, the content knowledge of level phonics
standard expresses the intended knowledge to be Phonics and the alphabet and and word
manifested. On the other hand, the performance standard Word decoding to analysis skills in
indicates how the level of knowledge during the period Recognition read, write and reading,
of MTB-MLE can be measured in the application. spell words writing, and
correctly spelling words.
Below are the specific grade level standards,
domains, content standards, and performance standards
for Grade 1 to Grade 3:
the ability to Reads with
 Grade 1 read grade one sufficient speed,
level text with accuracy, and
The learner demonstrates Fluency sufficient proper
knowledge and skills in listening accuracy, speed, expression in
GRADE LEVEL and communicating about and expression reading grade
STANDARD familiar topics, uses basic to support level text.
vocabulary, reads and writes comprehension.
independently in meaningful
contexts, appreciates higher Composing Demonstrates Uses basic
knowledge and Listens, reads,
the ability to
skills to write Study Skills and writes for
formulate ideas
clear, coherent specific purpose
into sentences
sentences and
or longer texts
based on a  Grade 2
variety of
conventional The learner demonstrates
spelling communication skills in talking about
variety of topics using expanding
Demonstrates Speaks and/or vocabulary, shows understanding of
awareness of writes correctly spoken language in different context
language for different using both verbal and non-verbal cues,
grammar and purposes using understands and uses correctly
Awareness D
usage when the basic vocabulary and language structures,
speaking and/or grammar of the appreciates the cultural aspects of the
writing language language, and reads and writes literary
and informational texts.
knowledge and
Vocabulary developing
and Concept vocabulary in
appropriate STANDARD CE
Development both oral and
grade level STANDARD
written form.
vocabulary and
concepts. The learner… The learner…

Demonstrates Comprehends Uses developing

understanding and appreciates oral language to
Listening Possesses
of grade level grade level name and
Comprehensio developing
narrative and narrative and describe people,
n language skills
informational informational places, and
and cultural
texts. texts. concrete objects
necessary to
Uses literary Oral Language communicate
Demonstrates and narrative personal
successfully in
positive texts to develop experiences,
Reading attitudes comprehension ideas, thoughts,
Comprehensio towards appreciation of actions, and
in different
n language, grade level feelings in
literacy and appropriate different
literature reading contexts.
Demonstrates knowledge of Applies word
basic and skills in analysis skills in
Values relaxing Phonics and
Attitude knowledge and word analysis to reading, writing
and writing as Word
Towards skills to listen, read, write in in cursive and
communicative Recognition
Reading read, and write cursive and spell spelling words
for specific grade level independently.
purposes. words.

Fluency Demonstrates Reads with

the ability to reading
read grade level sufficient speed, materials.
words with accuracy, and
sufficient proper Demonstrates
accuracy speed, expression in positive attitude Values reading
and expression reading grade towards and writing as
to support level text. language, communicative
comprehension literacy, and activities.
Uses developing
knowledge and Demonstrates
Uses his
Demonstrates skills to write developing
the ability to clear and knowledge and
knowledge and
formulate ideas coherent skills and
Study Skills skills to listen,
into sentences or sentences, strategies to
Composing read and write
longer texts simple listen, read and
for specific
using paragraphs, and write for specific
conventional friendly letters purposes.
spelling from a variety of
 Grade 3
Demonstrates Speaks and
understanding writes correctly
The learner demonstrates
and knowledge and effectively
communication skills in talking about
Grammar of language for different
GRADE variety of topics using expanding
Awareness grammar and purposes using
LEVEL vocabulary and language structures,
usage when the basic
STANDARD cultural aspects of the language, and
speaking and/or grammar of the
reads and writes literary and
writing. language.
informational texts.
expanding Uses expanding
knowledge and vocabulary
use of knowledge and
appropriate skills in both
Development STANDARD
grade level oral and written
vocabulary and forms.
The learner.. The learner..
Oral Language Possesses Has expanding
Demonstrates Comprehends
expanding oral language to
understanding of and appreciates
language skills name and
Listening grade level grade level
and cultural describe people,
Comprehension literary and narrative and
awareness places, and
informational informational
necessary to concrete objects
texts. texts.
participate and
Reading Demonstrates Uses literary and successfully in communicate
Comprehension understanding of narrative texts to oral personal
grade level develop communication experiences,
narrative and comprehension in different ideas, thoughts,
informational and appreciation contexts actions, and
texts. of grade level feelings in
appropriate different
contexts texts. texts.

Demonstrates the Demonstrates Comprehends

ability to red Reds with understanding of and appreciates
grade level sufficient speed, Reading grade level grade level
words with accuracy, and Comprehension literary and narrative and
Fluency sufficient proper informational informational
accuracy speed, expression in texts. texts.
and expression to reading grade
support level text Manifests
Sustains love
comprehension positive attitude
Attitude and appreciation
Towards for language,
Demonstrates language,
Spells grade Reading literacy and
accurate spelling literacy, and
Spelling level words with literature
of grade level literature
Demonstrates Has expanding
Uses expanding expanding knowledge and
knowledge and knowledge skills skills to listen,
Study Skills
Demonstrates the skills to write to listen, read, read, and write
ability to clear coherent and write for for specific
formulate ideas sentences, specific purposes purposes
following the paragraphs,
conventional short stories,
format/patterns letters, and
of written poems from a
language. variety of

expanding Speaks and
knowledge and writes correctly
understanding of and effectively
language for different
grammar and purposes using
usage when the grammar of
speaking and/or the language

extending Uses extending
knowledge and vocabulary
Vocabulary and
use of knowledge and
appropriate skills in both
grade level oral and written
vocabulary form.

Demonstrates Comprehends
Listening understanding of and appreciates
Comprehension grade level grade level
literary and narrative and
informational informational

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