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Fingerprint Online Voting

A Project

Presented to the Faculty of the

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Bataan Branch

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Course Requirements in

Diploma in Information and Communication Technology

The Researchers

Karl Allan Peralta

Rhuska Ryle Rubete

Christian Dave Romero

Roxette Maric Adelaide Antonio

Julian Dominic Navaza

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose ……………………………………………………………………………………….

1.2 Intended Audience ……………………………………………………………………………

1.3 Intended Use ………………………………………………………………………………….

1.4 Scope …………………………………………………………………....................................

1.5 Definitions and Acronyms ……………………………………………………………………

2. Overall Description

2.1 User Needs ……………………………………………………………………………………

2.2 Assumptions and Dependencies ………………………………………………………………

3. System Features and Requirements

3.1 Functional Requirements …………………………………………………………………….

3.2 External Interface Requirements ………………………………………………………………

3.3 System Features ……………………………………………………………………………....

3.4 Nonfunctional Requirements ………………………………………………………………….

I. Introduction

The goal of this project is to make the current voting process more precise, transparent, and quick while also

guaranteeing that each voter only casts one vote. All these concerns have been satisfactorily addressed by our

suggested solution. Several organizations that perform preferential elections can afford this product. The prototype

may be used for a wide range of applications. In our nation, the greatest democracy in the world, conducting free

and fair elections is a difficult assignment for the electoral commission.

1.2 Purpose

Voting is a mechanism through which a group, such as an electorate or gathering, can come together for the goal

of reaching a consensus or expressing an opinion, typically after talks, debates, or election campaigns. Voting is

how democracies choose their leaders for high office.

1.2 Intended Audience

The potential end user is the document's intended audience. The paper might also be used by the system's

developers as a reference manual.

1.3 Intended Use

Software validation and verification processes determine if the development products of a particular activity

adhere to the requirements of that activity and whether the software fulfills its intended use and user demands.

1.4 Scope

Voting, electing, or agreeing on something is all referred to as voting. In a situation involving the residents of a

specific country, the fundamental objective of voting is to select the leaders of the people's choice. Vote

manipulation during elections, unsafe or inaccessible polling places, poor polling materials, and untrained staff

are a few issues with the current voting methods.

1.5 Definitions and Acronyms

We employed fingerprints in our project to voter authorization or identification. similar like the thumbprint

because each person is different, it helps to reduce mistake. The images of all the fingerprints are collected in a

database. the voters, as necessary.

1) Fingerprint – The pattern of marks made pressing the tip of a finger on a surface. Especially: a pattern of

marks in inks in inks of the lines on the tips of a finger taken for the purpose of identification.

2) Voting – The activity of choosing someone or something in a vote

3) System – A collection of elements or components that are organized for a common purpose. The word

sometimes describes the organization of plan itself (and is similar in meaning to method, as in “I have my own

little system”) and sometimes describes the parts in the system (as in “computer system).

2. Overall Description

The Fingerprint Voting System is a program that recognizes users based on the patterns on their fingers. Each

person has a unique finger pattern, making it simple to identify a voter. The voting process uses the voter's

fingerprint. The user is uniquely identified by their fingerprint. Every human being has a unique set of minute

traits on their fingerprints.

2.1 User Needs

To reduce the number of assaults on polling places and increase security controls, we suggest an electronic

voting authentication technique, which is a key management mechanism for electronic voting system. The goal is

to vary the security standards for communications sent between polling places. Between polling places, several

communications are transmitted, and each type of transmission has certain security requirements.
2.2 Assumptions and Dependencies

• The final user should be familiar with the principles of using a computer and English.

• The system has already generated an administrator.

• The admin will observe and compute the vote results.

• Tasks and roles are specified.

3. System Features and Requirements

3.1 Functional requirements

1. Mobility: Voters should not be limited to casting their ballots at a single polling location in their local


• Realistic: He will be able to vote from any polling location in the country.

• Impossible/expensive: He will be able to vote from any county-controlled kiosk (located in public locations).

such as banks, retail malls, and so on) around the country. (Unrealistic due to logistical and financial


• Impossible: He will be able to vote from nearly any location with an Internet connection. (Neither is possible

for concerns concerning both technical security and social science).

2. Convenience: The system should allow voters to vote quickly and in one session, and it should not need many

special talents or scare voters (to ensure Equality of Access to Voters).

3. User-Interface: The system must have a simple user interface. It must also not disadvantage any candidate

while showing the options (for example, by asking the user to scroll down to view the final few options).

4. Transparency: Voters should have a general idea and knowledge of the voting process.

5. Flexibility: The system must be customizable, allowing for a range of ballot question styles, including open-

ended inquiries (e.g. Write-in candidates and survey questions).

6. Support for Disabled Voters: The system shall cater to the needs of physically challenged voters(e.g. blind


7. Accuracy: The system must accurately record and summarize every vote.

8. Eligibility: Only registered voters who are permitted to vote should be allowed to vote.

9. Uniqueness: No voter should be allowed to vote more than once.

10. Auditability: It should be possible to verify that all votes in the final election tally have been correctly

accounted for, and there should be reliable and demonstrably authentic election records in the form of a

physical, permanent audit trail (which should not reveal the user's identity in any way).

11. Voter Confirmation: The voter must be able to clearly confirm how his vote is being cast and must be given

the opportunity to change his vote before submitting it.

12. To issue or not to issue a receipt?

• The system may give a receipt to the voter if and only if vote-coercion and vote-selling are avoided.

are avoided, so that he can check his vote at any moment and, if required, contest it.

13. Over-voting is prohibited: The voter may not select more than one candidate or response.

14. Under-voting: While the voter may be warned about not voting, the system must not preclude under-voting.

15. Provisional Ballots: If a voter has any registration issues, he may vote using a provisional (electronic) ballot,

which may be counted if eventually validated by the authorities.

16. Documentation and assurance: The design, implementation, and testing methods must be thoroughly

documented in order to ensure voter trust in the voting process.

17. Cost-effectiveness: Election systems should be affordable and efficient.

Security Requirements

1. Voter Authenticity: Make certain that the voter must identify himself (in relation to the registration database)

in order to be eligible to vote. While voting anywhere other than his home precinct, the voter may be requested

to produce identification some legal identifying document.

2. Registration: Voter registration may only be done in person. The computerized registration database, on the

other hand, would be made available to polling stations around the country.

3. Voter Anonymity: Votes must not be related with a voter's identity.

4. System Integrity: Be certain that the system cannot be reconfigured while in use.

5. Data Integrity: Verify that each vote is recorded as intended and that once recorded, it cannot be tampered

with in any way (i.e., votes should not be modified, forged or deleted without detection).

6. Secrecy / Privacy: No one should be able to determine how any individual voted.

7. Non-coercion and no vote-selling: Voters should not be able to show how they voted to others (which would

facilitate vote selling or coercion)

8. Reliability: Even in the face of severe failures, such as voting machine malfunctions and a complete loss of

network connectivity, election systems should function reliably and without losing any votes. The system must

be created in a way that assures there are no flaws or harmful code.

9. Availability: Make that the system is shielded from both unintentional and intentional denial of service

attacks. Establish additional communication channels as well to guarantee availability.

10. System Disclosability: The system's key components, in particular the voting machinery, must be open

source in order to permit external audits and inspection.

11. Simplicity: Given that complexity is the enemy of security, the system must be built with extreme

12. Testing and Certification: In order for election authorities to be certain that the system satisfies the required

standards, specialists should examine it with regard to all security aspects.

13. System Accountability: Ensure that system operations are logged and audited.

14. Personnel Integrity: People designing and managing the voting system ought to have a track record of

behavior that can't be questioned.

15. Operator Authentication and Control: Ensure that those operating and administering the system are

authenticated and have strictly controlled functional access on the system.

16. Distribution of Authority: The administrative authority shall not rest with a single entity. The

authority shall be distributed among multiple administrators, who are known not to collude among

themselves (e.g., different political parties).

Registration method of SRS (Software Requirements Specification)

Biometric voter registration (BVR)

For voter registration, biometric data for each eligible voter is captured using biometric registration kits. The

resulting voter register contains biometric data such as fingerprints and facial images in addition to biographical

and personal data, such as an individual’s name, date of birth, national ID number, address and assigned polling


Biometric voter ID cards

Once a biometric voter register has been established, some of the captured data can be printed and/or stored

electronically on voter ID cards. A voter’s photo is usually printed on their ID card. Sometimes, cards also

include an image of a fingerprint and the voter’s signature.

When to use biometric voter registration of SRS (Software Requirements Specification) :

• Citizens lack trustworthy identity documents that can be used to register to vote;

• voter ID cards must be issued, or whether voter ID cards must contain the voter's biometric information;

• • when multiple registration is a significant issue and/or cannot be accurately recognized based on high-

quality biographical information in the voter register;

• multiple voting and voter identification at polling stations are major problems;

• Why voter lists at polling places must include photographs or other biometric information since it is

challenging to confirm a citizen's identity using valid identification;

• Voter registration information cannot be retrieved from trustworthy municipal or population records.

Report Generation of SRS: (Software Requirements Specification) :

The Voter's Information Sheet (VIS) or Voters' Information and Instruction Sheet (VIIS) is a set of documents

which contains the voter's personal information, instructions to vote, and a sample ballot with the list of

candidates running in the elections.

Database of SRS: (Software Requirements Specification) :

The Voter Management solution generates robust databases that help authorities confirm voter eligibility on Election Day.

3.2 External Interface Requirements

Hardware Requirements:

Ballot printers

• Ballots

• Biometrics Fingerprint

• Ballot displays

• Voting devices, including ballot marking devices and DRE recording devices

• Voting booths and enclosures

• Ballot boxes and ballot transfer boxes

• Ballot readers

• Computers used to prepare ballots, program elections, consolidate and report

• votes, and perform other elections management activities

• Electronic ballot recorders

• Electronic precinct vote control units

• Removable electronic data storage media

• Servers

• Printers

Software Requirements:

• Operating System: Android OS; Windows

• Xampp (Myphpadmin)

• Internet

3.3 System Features

• Ballot Features

A simple ballot is one of the most important components of a vote. Online ballots that may be

customized to match the needs of your organization should be available from a trustworthy vote

management company. The number of available seats, candidate biographies, and write-in options

should all be listed on these ballots.

• Full-Service Management

Members of your organization should not have to take any action other than to cast a ballot since it is

essential that your online voting service provide a smooth election experience. From the nominations

stage through the final tabulation and analysis process, the firm you collaborate with should organize
and handle the election. In the event that an organization or individual voter has problems accessing the

ballots, the service should also offer round-the-clock technical help. On election day, you should make

sure voters can view their votes from any location at any time.

• Tracking & Tabulation

Organizations may observe results in real time by using tracking and tabulation tools provided by a

comprehensive election vendor. Some software can monitor openings, click rates, and the precise instant

a vote is processed for online elections. While you may check the results as they come in, you won't be

able to know who voted for whom. After the conclusion of the digital election, the agency will, upon

request, offer a tabulation of results with further analysis.

• Security

Security should always come first, along with the ballots. This indicates that you ought to work with a

service provider that provides a variety of protection choices. The program should only permit one vote

per member, and ballots should be kept confidential. The management system should be able to count

the votes, make sure no members are connected to the ballots, and ensure that no information about your

company will be disclosed to outside parties.

3.4 Nonfunctional Requirements

Performance Requirements

The software is expected to respond fairly quickly. It should be able to log in and provide new pages to the voter

upon request with a response time of a few seconds or less.

Safety Requirements

• The results of the votes cast up to that point must be preserved in the database in order for the system to

start counting votes after a reboot, preventing data loss in the event of a system failure.

• To ensure that the election process begins on time, the EA must properly set the time on his system.
• The voting process should be able to continue smoothly after earlier crashes on the system.

Security Requirements

• The system should offer primary security measures like encrypted transactions and password


• To avoid unauthorized usage, all passwords created and distributed to users should only be stored on the

server in encrypted form.

• By maintaining a minimal time gap between repeated unsuccessful log-in attempts, serial attacks should

be prevented.

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