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Identify the contextual research you have been required to carry out for the following projects?
This might include use of images, use of typography, use of sound, existing examples of media products
and roles within the industry itself.

Horror Film Poster (if you started the course in September)

I looked at the synopsis for Psycho and its remake and took inspiration from the existing posters I also
looked at different fonts for my poster and different colour schemes.
I researched how to use photoshop to make the poster.

Lost Short Film

While researching the lost trailer I did lots of Kahoot questionnaires about camera shot types that we
would then use later on.

I used Adobe premiere pro to edit the short

Blair Witch Trailer Project

Whilst making this I had the original trailer to compare it with.

I had to match up the audio from the original trailer with the new trailer audio
As well as trying to match up the visual timestamps.
I researched existing horror websites and took notes on how they marketed their films.
I also typed what camera angles they used in the trailers.
I researched multiple trailers and I researched foley sounds.


How did you use contextual knowledge in one of the following projects;
EG Colours, images and typography in the Horror Film Poster Project?
EG Sound, locations, shot types, props and editing techniques in the Lost Short Film Project?
EG Replicating (and updating) existing footage for the Blair Witch Trailer Project

Horror Film Poster – paste link to this project here

Lost Short Film – paste link to this project here

Blair Witch Trailer Project – paste link to this project here
I created the project by researching what props, costumes, sounds, and locations that would feature in
this trailer.
People filmed different parts of the trailer, also we reshot a lot of the same scene if it was shot wrong.
We recorded audio for the trailer and also re-recorded when needed.


Identify examples within your own work of where your research and application of contextual knowledge
was successful?
I watched over the original trailer to use it as reference for the new trailer. It was useful because I could
match It up to the new trailer.
I could also match up the audio correctly.
It was helpful researching existing websites, for inspiration on how to market the trailer.

What do you feel you have learned from this process that you could carry forward for future projects?
I think I have learned how to market a trailer, as well as learning how to use editing, audio and different
camera methods in my work.
I learned the process of research which helps me to understand what standard I need to reach.

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