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NO CONDEMNATION by Teresa Seputis

By Teresa Seputis

by Teresa Seputis ( [This word is for those who have someone in their life that is constantly criticizing them and putting them down or speaking other types of condemning words over them.] Child of Mine, I have said in My word that "there is therefore now no condemnation" to those who belong to My Son.* Who are you going to believe-Me or the person who criticizes you on a regular basis? I have made you 'accepted in the Beloved,'** and yet you embrace the rejection of others over My words of life. Child, I know the pain you are in and I want to heal your heart, but you have to cooperate with Me in this. You have to choose to believe that I am telling you the truth in My word. You must accept that the things I say there really do apply to you. Haven't you noticed how important faith is to Me? Faith is the key that opens the door of the supernatural in your life. Faith is the impetus that sets you free from the bondage and torment of your enemy, the devil. You come to Me and ask Me to heal your heart, to break the pain of rejection and condemnation off of you. I would say to you now what My Son said to the blind men who came to Him to receive their sight, "According to your faith let it be to you." Let Me phrase that another way, so that you will understand it better. Dear child of Mine, I am willing to do it. Are you willing to receive this healing and deliverance from Me? You see, I am not the barrier here--you are. You are choosing to believe the lies of the enemy over and over again. You are allowing those lies to define you instead of allowing My words and My truth to define you. I know it is difficult for you to receive this, but I am not angry with you. I am not disappointed in you because of your struggles and I have no intention of disqualifying you or throwing you away. I have a strategy to transform you to be more like My Own dear Son. I will accomplish that through the presence of My indwelling Holy Spirit, Who lives within you. When I look at you, I don't focus on your failures and inadequacies. I see the image of My Son in you. Your acceptance in Me is not based on what you do or what you say or what you struggle with--it is based on what Jesus already did for you on Calvary. It was given to you when you choose to believe in Him--and all of

the devices of the enemy cannot take it away from you. You are fully accepted and you are fully loved. I will transform you to My own image. The more you cooperate with Me in the process, the faster it will go and the greater measures of peace and joy you will obtain in this life. But I promise you that even if you fight and resist, even if you try to run from Me--I will still transform you to be like My Son. You will one day have a glorified body and you will have a transformed spirit. You will be a carrier of My presence and of My glory wherever you go. You will spend all eternity with Me and you will indeed be secure in My great love for you. It would be much better for you to cooperate with Me in this process, so that you might sooner reap the good fruits I have for you. It would be better for you to choose to believe My word over the lies of the enemy. Do not allow yourself to be defined by the words of others--be defined by what I have said about you in My word. I have called you, I have chosen you and I find you desirable. You are precious to Me and of great value, for My Son paid a great price for you. *Romans 8:1 **Ephesians 1:6 ***Matthew 9:29

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