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CARRERA: Traductorado
ASIGNATURA: Gramática Inglesa I
ALUMNO:..................Brandoni Micaela...........................................................

I. a. Rewrite the sentences that don’t make sense.

b. Mark all the sentences in the exercise S V O to show Subject, Verb, Object.

1. Has set John Bailey a new high-jump record.

2. The passport examined the passport officer.
3. These biscuits don’t like the dogs.
4. The shop assistant is wrapping the parcel.
5. Have seen the visitors the new buildings.
6. My father didn’t wash the dishes.
7. The pipe is going to fix the plumber.
8. Will the goalkeeper catch the ball?
9. Has the meal enjoyed the guest?
10. Can’t play John the game.
1) John Bailey has a new high-jump set record. YES!
2) The passport officer examined the passport.
3) The dog doesn’t like these biscuits. YES!
4) The shop assistant is wrapping the parcel. YES!
5) The visitors have seen the new buildings. YES!
6) My father didn’t wash the dishes. YES!
7) The pipe is going to fix the plumber. YES!
8) Will the goalkeeper catch the ball? YES!
v S V O
9) Has the guest enjoyed the meal?
v S V O
10) John can’t play the game.

II. Read this story and arrange the words in each sentence in the right order. Add capital
letters and (,), (.), (!) or (?) in the right places.

1. my car / I parked / in the centre of the village

2. near a bus stop / an old man / I saw
3. “beautiful village / what a” / I exclaimed
4. “lived here / how many people”
5. “seventeen people / there are” / the old man said
6. “here / have you lived / how long”
7. “all my life / I have lived here”
8. “isn’t it / it’s a quiet place sort of place”
9. “here / a quiet life / we live
10. a cinema / we don’t have / or a theatre
11. our school / five years ago / was closed
12. only one shop / we have
13. calls / a bus / once a day
14. here / in 55 B.C. / came / the Romans
15. since then / has happened / nothing
1) I parked my car in the centre of the village. YES!
2) I saw an old man near a bus stop. YES!
3) I exclaimed “What a beautiful village!” YES!
4) How many people lived here? YES!
5)”There are seventeen people”, the old man said. YES!
6) How long have you lived here? YES!
7)”I have lived here all my life”. YES!
8) “It’s a quiet place sort of place, isn’t it?” YES!
9) “We live a quiet life here”. YES!
10) We don’t have a cinema or a theatre. YES!
11) Our school was closed five years ago. YES!
12) We only have one shop. YES!
13) Once a day, a bus calls. YES!
14) The Romans came here in 55 B.C. YES!
15) Nothing has happened since then. YES!

III. Put a tick () where you think you can change the word order.


 When I was a girl, my parents sent me to a very strict school. They had to buy an
expensive uniform for me (1) ____ and pay school fees for me (2) _______. Our
headmistress, Miss Prim, never smiled. She explained the school rules to us (3)
_______ and expected us to obey them. “I will never say anything to you (4) _____
twice,” she used to say. We had to write a letter to our parents (5) _______ once a week
and show it to Miss Prim (6) _______ before we sent it. I can still remember some of
the school rules. We were not allowed to lend anything to anyone (7) _______. We
were not allowed to give each other help (8) _______ with homework. We had to report
unusual situations to the headmistress (9) _______. One morning, during assembly, a
girl fainted. The next morning, two more fainted. This continued to happen for several
mornings. Mass hysteria had set in! But Miss Prim put an end to it. She announced a new
rule to us (10) _______: “No girl will faint in College!” and after that, no one did! YES
to all!

IV. Underline nine noun clauses in this text.


I suppose you know you can turn into superwoman or superman in an emergency. Mrs Pam Weldon
reported that her baby nearly slipped under the wheels of a car. Mrs Weldon weighs only 50 kilos,
but she said she lifted the car to save her baby. Dr Murray Watson, a zoologist, wrote that he
jumped nearly three metres into the air to grab the lowest branch of a tree when hyenas chased
him in Kenya. Perhaps you wonder if you can perform such feats. The chances are that you can.
Doctors say that we can find great reserves of strength when we are afraid. It’s well-known that
adrenalin can turn us into superwomen or supermen! YES!

V. Put in the conjunctions as, as soon as, as if, before, that, the way (that), when, which.

Mr Boxell was just shutting his shoe shop at the end of the day 1 __when_YES!_____ a man in a
well-cut suit walked in and asked for an expensive pair of shoes. There was something about 2
__the way that___YES!___ the man walked that made Mr Boxell suspicious. He felt 3 __as if____
he had seen him before somewhere, and then remembered that he had - on TV! The man was a
wanted criminal! The man tried on a few pairs of shoes 4 __before______ he bought a pair 5
_that__YES!_____ Mr Boxell strongly recommended. 'They're a bit tight,' the man complained.
'They'll stretch, sir,' Mr Boxell said. 6 __as Mr Boxell had expected, the man limped into the shop
next day to complain about the shoes. 7 __as soon as______ he entered the shop, he was
surrounded by police. Mr Boxell had deliberately sold the man a pair of shoes 8 __which____YES!
__ were a size too small, knowing he would return them the next day!

VI. Put in the conjunctions as, because, even though, since, though, while.


1 _____Even though___YES!_ it's difficult to find work these days, Joe Dobson has just given up
his job. They were surprised when he announced this at the Job Centre 2 ___becauseYES!______,
after a lot of effort, they had found Joe a job at a Hamburger Bar. 3 __Even though_YES!______
Joe wasn't highly-qualified, this hadn't been easy. Yet Joe resigned, 4 ___though______ the job
was easy and quite well-paid. 'What did you have to do for your money?' the young woman at the
Job Centre asked. 'Strange 5 ___as__YES!____ it sounds,' Joe said, 'I had to dress up as a
hamburger and stand outside the restaurant.' 'A sort of humanburger?' she suggested. 'That's right,'
Joe said. 'I had to stand between the two round halves of a bun, 6 _while__YES!______. I was
"disguised" as the hamburger filling, covered in tomato sauce. The uniform was wonderful, 7
__because_____ I looked good enough to eat. The manager was pleased with me, 8
__since____YES!___ I attracted a lot of customers.' 'So why did you give up, Joe?' the young
woman asked kindly. 9 __because___YES!____ ,' Joe said, his voice breaking slightly, 'students
kept turning me on my side and rolling me down hill!'

VII. Use the –ing form to the verbs in brackets and put in after, as, when and who.


While (prepare) 1 __preparing______ a meal for her guests, Mrs Grant got rather worried about
some unusual mushrooms which a kind friend had sent her from the country. (Fee) 2 _
feeing_______ suspicious, she gave a mushroom to her dog. 3 _After_______ the dog ate it with no
ill effects; Mrs Grant decided to cook the mushrooms for her guests. That evening the guests greatly
enjoyed the mushrooms, (comment) 4 _commenting_______ on their unusual flavour. They quickly
changed their minds 5 ___when_____ Mrs Grant's daughter, Jill, burst into the dining-room and
announced that the dog was dead. On (hear) 6 _hearing_______ the news, Mrs Grant, now in a
state of shock, phoned Or Craig, 7 ___who_____ came round immediately and pumped out the
stomachs of all those who had eaten the mushrooms - a very unpleasant experience for them. 8
__When______. Or Craig asked if he could see the dog, he was led out of the house. He soon
discovered that the dog had been killed by a passing car. Not (know) 9 _knowing_______ anything
of her mother's suspicions about the mushrooms, Jill hadn't mentioned this important fact when
(announce) 10 _announcing_______ the death of the dog. YES!

Dear, take a look at the mistakes; you can certainly do much better! Regards, Mariana.

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