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Activity 2.

1 Observing learner characteristics at different stages

Resource Teacher: Teacher's Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work your way through these steps:
Step 1 Observe 3 groups of learners from different levels (preschool, elem., and high school).
Step 2 Describe each of the learners based on my observations.
Step 3 Validate my observation by interviewing the learners.
Step 4 Compare them in terms of their interests and needs.

Use the observation guide and matrices provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for the Learners' Characteristics

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the provided space.
Your teacher may also recommend another observation checklist if a more detailed observation is
1. Observe their gross motor skills how they carry themselves, how they move, walk, run, go up
the stairs, etc.
2. Are gross movements clumsy or deliberate/smooth?
3. How about their fine motors skills? Writing, drawing, etc.
1. Describe how they interact with teachers and other adults.
2. Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about? What are their concerns?
1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners.(happy, sad, easily cries,
2. How do they express their wants/needs? Can they wait?
3. How do they handle frustrations?
4. Describe their level of confidence as shown in their behavior. Are they self-conscious?
1. Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas. Note their language
2. Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily? Look for evidence of their
thinking skills.
3. Were there opportunities for problem solving? Describe how they showed problem solving
Learners' Development Matrix
Record the data you gathered about the learners' characteristics and needs in this matrix. This will
allow you to compare the characteristics and needs of learners at different levels. The items under each
domain arc by no means exhaustive. These are just sample indicators. You may add other aspects which
you may have observed.

Preschooler Elementary High School

Domain Indicate age range of Indicate age range of Indicate age range of
children observed:_____ children observed:______ children observed:____
Physical ,
Gross-motor skills

Fine-motor skills

Self-help skills


Interaction with

Interaction with



Emotional .
Moods and
expression of



Thinking skills


Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you observed. Based on these
characteristics, think of implications for the teacher.

Salient Characteristics
Level Implications to the Teaching-Learning Process
Preschool  Preschoolers like to move  Therefore, the teacher should remember to use
Age range of around a lot music and movement activities not just in PE but
learners in all subject areas.
observed 3-4  Therefore, teachers should not expect
preschoolers to stay seated for a long period of

Salient Characteristics
Level Implications to the Teaching-Learning Process
Age range of

Age range of

High School
Age range of
Which is your favorite theory of development. How can this guide you as a future
teacher? Clip some readings about this theory and paste them here.
EVALUATE Performance Task
Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 2 - Learner Diversity: Developmental
Characteristics, Needs, and Interests
Learning Outcome: Determine the characteristics of a school environment that provides social,
psychological, and physical environment supportive of learning

Name of FS Student: Date Submitted:

Year & Section: Course:

Learning Episode Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement

4 3 2 1

Accomplished All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) observation Four (4) or more
Observation Sheet questions/tasks observation questions/tasks not observation
completely questions/ tasks not answered/ questions/ tasks not
answered/ answered/ accomplished. answered/
accomplished. accomplished. accomplished.
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered answered answered completely; observation
completely; answers completely; answers answers are not clearly questions were not
are with depth and are clearly connected connected to theories; answered; answers
are thoroughly to theories; grammar one (1) to three (3) not connected to
grounded on and spelling are free grammatical/spelling theories; more than
theories; grammar from errors. errors. four (4) grammatical/
and spelling are free spelling errors.
from error.
Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks depth; Not so clear and Unclear and shallow;
supported by what supported by what shallow; somewhat rarely supported by
were observed and were observed and supported by what what were observed
analyzed analyzed were observed and and analyzed
Learning Artifacts Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
on in the context of on in the context of reflected on in the reflected on in the
the learning the learning context of the context of the
outcomes; Complete, outcomes. Complete; outcomes. Complete; learning outcomes;
well-organized, well organized, very not organized, relevant not complete; not
highly relevant to the relevant to the to the learning organized, not
learning outcome learning outcome outcome relevant
Submission Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two (2)
deadline deadline the deadline days or more after
the deadline
(Based on
Over-all Score transmutation)


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 75 71-Below

Signature of FS Teacher Above Printed Name Date

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