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1. What do you call a group of singer singing in the same melody?

2. When two or more groups start singing a song one after the other and end
one after the other, one can hear a mixture of different sounds. This is called
what? __________________
3. What does Partner songs mean? _____________________
4. It is an added melody which mixes and blends with main melody of the
song. _________________
5. Give the two things that makes the texture of music thicker.
_________________, ____________________

Nature of Gateway Drugs

1. ________________ is any substance that changes body functions.

2. It is a psychoactive drug that depresses the central nervous system.
3. A ______________ is contanined in every tobacco.
4. This is the kind of drug that is in coffee, tea and softdrinks.
5. It the drug that is thought to lead to the use of more dangerous
drugs. What is it? __________________
6. These are the drugs that are readily available but only sold to adults.
______________, ________________, _____________

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