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English Diagnosis

1. Answer the following questions

a) what is your first name?


b) what is your surname?


c) what is your phone number?


2 Choose the correct words.

Hello. My name's Yasuke Tashita. I'm 26 year/ years old and I'm from / of Japan. I live in / at the city of
Sapporo in the north in / of Japan. I work as / for an electronics company as a / an electrician. I'm not
marry / married. My girlfriend, Mieko, is a / an secretary. She work/works in a bank. In my/the free
time I do/play judo and I go / play basketball. In the winter I go ski / skiing. I like watch / watching
movies and listening at / to rock music, too.

3. Fill the gaps using the following words

a)Think b)prefer c)tend d)common e)majority f)more g) lot h) half

1 Almost half British teenagers have cable or satellite TV at home.

2 Most teenagers ______________ seeing friends to watching TV.

3 Boys____________ to play sport______________ often than girls.

4 A _____________of teenagers ______________that going to the cinema is better than playing sport.

5 On a 'boring day', the _____________of teenagers say

they watch TV or a video.

6 It is quite_______________for teenagers to have a part-time job.

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