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Ken Jetter V. Catarman | CSS-A Eniac

Ms. Alaiza Mae A. Cubico

Abortion is ending a pregnancy before the fetus or the unborn child can live
independently outside the mother. This happens approximately before 24 weeks of
pregnancy. Abortion is a crime. Even if it is a fetus, it is still a process of killing
someone who deserves to live.

It is a painful topic for women and men who find themselves facing moral dilemma
of whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. This decision to have abortion is
extremely personal from individuals to individuals. Women that will undergoes
abortion must think before doing some actions. This includes not just how women
feels but this might affects the future. Abortion has been and always will be a topic of
heated debate. One's upbringing and religious views play major role when comes to
supporting abortion or not.

There are seres of legal moral and ethical issues which may arise about abortion. Most
arguments about abortion are often focused on political insinuations and the legal
aspect of such actions. It's because of the lack of education about abortion that many
people don't know the reality. There are many reasons that woman could be geting an
abortion if a women feels like her life or the child's will not be suitable for survival,
then she should be respected for her decision. Abortion means to kill a new life and to
endanger woman's body. Recently, many people try to have an abodion thus, causes

It's because of the lack of education about abortion. The women who are pregnant
don't know what abortion does to their body. Some people think that abortion is an
easy way to avoid having a baby nevertheless many people strongly disagree with this
idea. Abortion means to kill a new life and to endanger woman's body. Unfortunately,
many people don't know the reality because of the lack of education about abortion.
The baby, whether he/she is born or not, has the right to live.
Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy, which is often achieved through medical
intervention. Use the following sources to learn more about abortion and the medical,
political, legal, social, and religious issues surrounding it. An abortion is a medical
procedure that ends a pregnancy.

It is a basic healthcare need for millions of women, girls and others who can become
pregnant. Worldwide, an estimated 1 in 4 pregnancies end in an abortion every
year.But while the need for abortion is common, access to safe and legal abortion
services is far from guaranteed for those who may need abortion services.

In fact, access to abortion is one of the most hotly contested topics globally, and the
debate is clouded by misinformation about the true ramifications of restricting access
to this basic healthcare service.

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. The kind of abortion that is controversial

is induced abortion, in which the embryo or fetus is prematurely removed or caused to
be expelled. Induced abortions are commonly voluntary (elective). Induced, elective
abortion is in contrast to spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, in which the embryo or
fetus is involuntarily expelled because of accidental trauma or disease.

The two chief positions on the morality of abortion can be called the “pro-life”
position and the “pro-choice” position. The basic pro-life position holds that induced
abortions are morally impermissible (morally wrong, morally prohibited). The basic
pro-choice position holds that induced abortions are morally permissible (morally
allowable, not morally wrong). Variations on these basic pro-life and pro-choice
positions are possible and will be discussed below.
Abortion, as we all know, has been used many times on innocent undeveloped babies.
The main reason why women would do such is first, because they aren't prepared to
be a mother; second, because their partner left them and they have nothing else to
supply the baby's basic needs; and lastly, because they assume that the baby is a
mistake. But what they are missing is that no matter how many problems, trials, and
even mistakes they make, that baby, even if you turn the world upside down, is life. It
is another life.

A blessing and the joy that you would experience upon seeing it. Yet why do some
women, or even young ladies, abort such a beautiful thing? Lust is a word that can be
interconnected with this matter. Some say the baby is just a mistake, but actually the
baby is not the mistake; rather, they are the ones. If they hadn't gone overboard and
done things that they were still not ready for, then why go with the flow? Carrying
and delivering a baby is hard.

All women know that. experiencing pain, sorrow, and everything else. But after you
have a life within you, why not keep it? Even if it's hard at first, in the end, all that
pain and all that suffering are worth it. Joy and laughter would definitely replace those
negative and bad emotions. You just need to endure it, ask for advice too, and most
especially, when carrying it, give that baby all the love you can give it. Don't just
deliver and carry it for the sake of getting rid of the burden; cherish it because sooner
or later, you will really regret it.

Abortion - MU School of Medicine.” Abortion - MU School of Medicine, Accessed 2
Feb. 2023.

“Abortion.” Abortion, 25 Nov. 2021,


“Statement on Abortion.” Statement on Abortion,
tion_statement.html. Accessed 2 Feb. 2023.

“Abortion Is a Human Right.” Amnesty International,

do/sexual-and-reproductive-rights/abortion-facts. Accessed 2 Feb. 2023.

“The Evidence Speaks for Itself: Ten Facts About Abortion - Ipas.” Ipas, 23 June

“5 Conclusions | the Safety and Quality of Abortion Care in the United States |the
National Academies Press.” 5 Conclusions | the Safety and Quality of Abortion Care
in the United States |the National Academies Press, Accessed 2 Feb. 2023.

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