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SHDH2039 Fundamental Psychology for Health Studies

Understanding Research Methods

A) Which research method seems to be more appropriate in studying the following research questions?

1) Are people’s attitudes about environmental protection related to their educational level?

2) Do people who suffer from social phobia share similar early childhood experiences?

3) Can the feeling of anxiety make people urinate more?

B) What is the meaning of the correlation in the following statement?

Researchers have found a strong positive correlation between people’s stress level and their sickness

Determine if items a, b, & c are a correct interpretations of the research findings.

T/F a) High level of stress causes more sickness.

T/F b) More sickness causes high level of stress

T/F c) People who score high on level of stress tend to have sickness more frequently, and those
who score low on level of stress tend to have fewer sickness.

C) Indicate whether you would expect the following correlation to be positive or negative.

The relationship between exercise and illness

D) Case-analysis – Part I
During the Rio Olympics, some top athletes, such as swimmer Michael Phelps and gymnast Alexander
Naddour, used cupping to reduce soreness, speed healing of overworked muscles, and improve range of
motion. Janet, as an undergraduate student in Sports Psychology, would like to investigate if the use of
cupping can really boost the performance of athletes. So, she decided to find out the answer to her
hypothesis through an experiment.

In her study, she recruited her participants from the school’s swimming team, which was easy because she is
a member of the school team. Janet let team members who are interested in cupping to receive this
treatment, and an equal number of team members who are not interested in cupping to receive no treatment
during the competition season. At the end of the season, she counted the total number of medals won by

1 updated on 12/09/2016
both groups.

After data collection, she found the “cupping” group won more medals than the no treatment group. So, she
concluded and reported her findings at her school journal that the use of cupping can enhance Hong Kong
athletes’ performance.

i) Do you think Janet has conducted a “true” experiment? As someone who is knowledgeable of research
methodology, please evaluate Janet’s study. Do you agree with Janet’s research conclusions? Why?

Case-analysis – Part II
What could you do to help Janet to set up a “true” experiment?

ii) What is the hypothesis of her experiment? Please identify the Independent variable (IV) and Dependent
variable(s) (DV)(s) for Janet’s experiment, and state the operational definitions (OD) of these

iii) How should Janet select her sample? What should be her criteria in selecting her sample?

iv) How should Janet decide who is in the experimental group and who is in the control group? What could
be the manipulations for the experimental group and the control group?

v) What might be the bias in Janet’s experiment? How can we avoid these potential problems in Janet’s

vi) Would there be any practical / ethical concerns in Janet’s experiment? Why?

2 updated on 12/09/2016

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