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Saturday, March 31, 1990
Llf"!!*:. Pages X2G

un^ s£^ things^ik

that with total sincerity.

i 'Trifling incident'

Mill rallm
"V "W 71 i i1
XWvl/ is this thincr
-g -g J Now Marian is suing the federal government

T A W'HI IVp/l^^.
JLk_7 W.AJLLJ £1 vsftsssmstsssr'
appealing to Parliament's Security Intelligence
J Review Committee to reverse the decision on
9 tg her security clearance. The Department of
g g rJ Justice this week sought to block that hearing.

f \J W V i/l/i/1/1T1
'iYCI1/1/I Cffi
i/ L/ l/L/ IfYtfP
l/i 1/ Ls c
V %S
i asxssxssssssssr.
ridiculous. They removed Marian's security
clearance, for example, simply on the grounds
J that she's a lesbian. "They asked me any if
Russians had tried to blackmail me," she told
me, in tones of disbelief.
Later, they tried to bolster their case by
I accusing her of "improperly" looking at a

Your heart pounds. You feel your face flush warmly. You catch
BTORONTODST^n :^-t,r,'ntalonS ,came, baby S siyfciay Ruby^he? l^er'" Shf JeveS
your breath: You can't help it. She looks at you and everything about the ffle except what wasn't in it"
out the fS!
SPRING, and dreamy blurs a little as the pupils of your eyes dilate from the sight of her.
from that
The marriage was doomed
faces are a 1 around. Ro- 'j
checked her companion's
mance is in the very air we V It SlOVe V Judy andtime^
Len were divorced, and file.)
IT'S breathe. No one is too young
or 100 old to fall under its magic
s since mamed Donald.
it was more j
Whv won't the military tolerate hnmnspxuak'J
various incoherent reasons are offered. In 1987,
the Armed Forces claimed
Everything about him is perfect: the exact color of his hair, like a friendship that just grew. It s they weren't in
violation of the Charter of Rights because the
d -.i ,tn.
But wait! What is this powerful
his beautiful eyes and sexy earlobes, the way not that there isn't any passion, it's presence of homosexuals mieht be detrimental
he m0ves> the rich sound of Ws voice" You're l°St it all. Tfl^Zuch
bad' for you, TTome'^keptics in'ou^s. betted J ^hVSed Forces SsT^ed' bSly that
claim, or does it offer life's sweet- much more stable."
really, I four different sets of bathrooms would have to

"ss?S .o m.n,,k,r
astt-STSttKR ssysttrffftss
I tastassssssas^
So,.i>d for tLna.or your HJ* 'SSSy KM'SBL rf' Kg' -WllJI't llil.l|.i 'I on. out, yoa're tent
llf£ ,flf ,f ever-after wedlock," she says. of live
romance out
S 'the fu dominant, H^HbW;
inexpressive, and heterosexual tW am, Gunga Din.

rather contemptuous of women.
â..D?c"L,J°UrS,f g6t l0S!: ^1' "Romantic passion is not the 'Tmnotanonponent of roman- Does anyone really believe that the army J
would have to provide toilets labelled
veLiw TTiS'ts' M^th^ntic p"as only S^mem town. There are other tic love," he sa/cf in an interview. She has to be sweet and passive, "Wom^n/
Hetero and Women/Homo
sfons a book fh^t'win he nuhlifhed games and better ones, like a car- "There are lots of different kinds of innocent and inexperienced, allur-
mg and passionate relationship be- love, and they are all valid. I'm very ing without being aware of it. At Craon'
neS y MrHpl
tween peers." sympathetic towards feminism as a first they are mutually waiy, or
r jm'tsfewart"
in L fcii nn^i.,
people prefer to agree with
Bertrana Russell that romantic love
cause about human equality, but I
don't see that it follows that all
sometimes angry at each other.
Then, without explanation, he de-
I Paranoia dangerous
in love again, said Kreps in an ls "a source of the most intense de- forms of romantic love are liable to clares his love for her. She decides
of homosexuals a;
interview. I
hope I don t.
lights that life has to offer be under attack." she has misunderstood all his threat^how,'s P"£sence
to cohesion? If anything, the
current paranoia is a far worse danger.
Kreps' view is but one approach, something of inestimable value, to Judy, 41, a Toronto administra- negative behavior to her in the When
although a controversial one. be ignorant of which is a great mis- past. They fall into each other's is
homosexuality illegal, a whole simmering
tor, remembers vividly the heady subculture of snooping, innuendo, snitching and
Others who have pondered love re- fortune to any human being." wonder of the romance in her first arms. He becomes the only thing
fuse to give up on romance. Ah, love. But is it a threat to marriage, to Len. that matters in her life. Her work Placa can flourish which is precisely why
Kreps describes herself as "a equality between men and women? "It was very romantic and won- or other commitments fade in I intelligent organizations prefer openness and
heavy-duty radical feminist" and
blames gender stereotypes for ruin-
Irving Singer, a philosophy
professor at the Massachusetts
derful. For seven years we wanted
to be close to each other all the w
Please see IS IT LOVEfoaee G3
s ludicrous, snorted Ruby. "The RCMP
has stopped chasing gays, the Canadian
Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) has stopped

chasing gays. But the army still, spends
incredible amounts of time on this,
I investigating, grilling, giving polygraph tests.
I It's like tracking down witches!"
r 1 And iust about as civilized.

Too baa cousins


O CJ J y corporation, the army Pis going to have a

certain percentage of homosexuals in its midst.
is and unruly, and always a
Sexuality human,
iS that's
Standing i0t d0 s'nce. and each time it's the What's she like?" whfchU^^hyTe have ^mMvra^Sn'

SSs ^1 'lS aCoeptabIe

the^actudly s°elk ftem out^'

igainst the odd foureomMo be^ure"1- ins when we^Tre ^dT
windoppane^tMrs manifelmtions

£iâ.¬3IS1| ""SiSS j


"Whenever I'm waiting for


sadly, how easUy those bonds

for the fou?Xs' aJid rilhte
but we re not friends any

The government
.promised then that it would

lijggs S.SSIH £SS-

owning eliminate discrimination on grounds of sexual
iem to come, time goes so are broken when children that followed He tolerated T- But what seems more lllmhf ?j.u
^,^enthey'rehere,it b^^ddot.t0Drs^; isb^STrqS aP^at^y,taa^rordbU: i sTystrdRot'sr^piT^"

ruths, and emphasize the posi-

ive instead: "They'll be back
age and worrds apart in inter-
ests, they worship their cous-
Wen his 12-vear old sistpr
arrived for her visit six months
seem to f?pt Pnnn£w!f
other when thev're voun? R
Keri Sweetman is a colum-
I womandate" and drag the Canadian Armed
Forces into the 20th cehtury before it's over.
efore you know it, honey, and ins and treat anything they say nistwMhThe Ottawa Citizen. The army has already lost an outstanding
later, my kids knew just what Unfortunatefy cFoesn't officer in Marian X and 136 other
ou can spend the time until and do as pronouncements to expect: her undividedatten- alwavslast
len planning what you'll do from on high. tion. And they got it (although, Most adults I know have lost ^^^s'nee 84. Sooner rather than later.
to be punished by the
Incredibly, the cousins recip- being almost a teenager, she touch with their cousins "Oh
i: Supreme Court

This brings on another ava-
mche of tews and sends her
rocate. You'd think they'd want
nothing to do with a pair of
did sleep in a lot later than mv cousin works at vour new?' f LIFE Popularity of
L [or'fs discnmmatory
the military
actions. Wouldn't
it bo
its irrational i'
they considered appropriate). paper," a man said to me the "\?or ^ive up
fcning to the so ace of her ragtags who are between five /here have beenP several other' day. '2ou^e I hlven "brain spas" grows Shonrn^A^^/5
fcm. I am left alone at the and nine years younger, but famUy visits in between and heard from her in yean;.
Thooting ^8^ disturbinS'<? hiwo'to'


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