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1. QUESTION: State the given name of Joshua.
 ANSWER: Joshua the son of Nun (1:1)
2. QUESTION: What part of the land did God promise to give to Joshua and the
 ANSWER: Every place where you set your foot (1:3)
3. QUESTION: According to Joshua 1:4, what river was to serve as a boundary for the
children of Israel?
 ANSWER: The Euphrates (1:4)
4. QUESTION: In what manner did God promise to be with Joshua?
 ANSWER: As He was with Moses (1:5)
5. QUESTION: God commanded Joshua not to turn in what directions from the law of
 ANSWER: To the right or to the left (1:7)
6. QUESTION: Quote Joshua 1:8.
 ANSWER: “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day
and night, so that you
may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and
successful.” (1:8)
7. QUESTION: According to Joshua 1:8, what three things will guarantee good success?
 ANSWER: A. The Book of the Law is not to depart out of our mouth
B. We are to meditate on the law day and night
C. We are to do what is written in the law (1:8)
8. QUESTION: Finish this quote and give the reference. “Have I not commanded you? Be
strong and
 ANSWER: “ not terrified discouraged; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you
wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
9. QUESTION: What were the children of Israel to prepare three days before they passed
over Jordan?
 ANSWER: Supplies (1:11)
10. QUESTION: What would happen after Israel passed over the river Jordan?
 ANSWER: They would possess the land which the Lord had promised to give them
11. QUESTION: What three tribes did Joshua remind of their commitment to Moses and
the Lord?
 ANSWER: A. The Reubenites B. The Gadites C. The half tribe of Manasseh (1:12)
12. QUESTION: What commitment had the three tribes, who received their inheritance
on the east side of Jordan,
made to Moses and the Lord?
 ANSWER: That they would pass over the Jordan armed, and would fight with their
brothers until Israel took
possession of the land (1:14-15)
 13. QUESTION: What did the three tribes promise Joshua concerning their commitment
to Moses and the Lord?
 ANSWER: All that Joshua commanded they would do, and wherever he sent them they
would go. (1:16)
14. QUESTION: What stipulation did the three tribes make as a condition for following to
Joshua’s leadership?
 ANSWER: That God be with Joshua as He was with Moses (1:17)
15. QUESTION: What was to happen to the man who rebelled against Joshua’s
 ANSWER: He was to be put to death (1:18)
1. QUESTION: The two spies, sent out by Joshua, lodged in whose house?
 ANSWER: Rahab (2:1)
2. QUESTION: (Two part question) Concerning the spies, what did the king of Jericho
demand of Rahab, and
why did he make this demand?
 ANSWER: A. That she bring them out B. Because they had come to spy out the whole
land (2:3)
3. QUESTION: What did Rahab tell the messengers of the king concerning her knowledge
of the origin of the
 ANSWER: She said she did not know where they came from (2:4)
4. QUESTION: Where did Rahab hide the spies who were sent by Joshua?
 ANSWER: Under stalks of flax on her roof top (2:6)
5. QUESTION: What did the people of Jericho do as soon the men who pursued the spies
were gone out of the
 ANSWER: They shut the gate (2:7)
6. QUESTION: According to Joshua 2:9, what three things did Rahab admit concerning
 ANSWER: A. The Lord had given Israel the land
B. The fear of Israel had fallen on the people of the land
C. The inhabitants of the land were melting in fear because of Israel (2:9)
7. QUESTION: What happened to the hearts of the people of Jericho as soon as they had
heard of the great
deeds that God had done for Israel?
 ANSWER: Their hearts melted and everyone’s courage failed (2:11)
8. QUESTION: For whom did Rahab ask kindness in return for her kindness toward the
 ANSWER: Her family (2:12)
9. QUESTION: Quote the promise the two spies made to Rahab.
 ANSWER: “Our life for your lives… If you don’t tell what we are doing, we will treat you
kindly and faithfully
when the Lord gives us the land.” (2:14)
10. QUESTION: How did the spies escape from the city of Jericho?
 ANSWER: Rahab let them down by a cord through the window (2:15)
11. QUESTION: How was it possible for Rahab to let the spies down by a cord through a
 ANSWER: Her house was upon the town wall (2:15)
12. QUESTION: What two things did the spies require of Rahab in order that she benefit
from their oath?
 ANSWER: A. She was to tie a scarlet cord in her window
B. She was to bring her family into her home (2:18)
13. QUESTION: What would happen to the member of Rahab’s family who was found
outside her house when
Israel invaded Jericho?
 ANSWER: His blood would be on his own head (2:19)
14. QUESTION: What would be the consequences if Rahab told of the business of the
two spies?
 ANSWER: Israel would be released from their oath to save her family (2:20)
15. QUESTION: Quote the report the spies gave to Joshua.
 ANSWER: “The Lord has surely given the whole land into our hands; all the people are
melting in fear
because of us.” (2:24)
1. QUESTION: (Fill in the blanks) Before Israel crossed into the land of Canaan, they set
out from __________
and went to the __________.
 ANSWER: A. Shittim B. Jordan (3:1)
2. QUESTION: What was to be the sign for the Israelites to move from their tents and
follow the ark of the
 ANSWER: The priests bearing the ark of the covenant (3:3)
3. QUESTION: What space was to be kept between the ark of the covenant and the
people who followed it into
the Jordan River?
 ANSWER: About one thousand yards (3:4)
4. QUESTION: Finish this quote and give the reference. “Consecrate yourselves, for
 ANSWER: “...the Lord will do amazing things among you.” Joshua 3:5
5. QUESTION: After taking up the ark of the covenant prior to the Jordan crossing, what
were the priests
instructed to do?
 ANSWER: Go ahead of the people (3:6)
6. QUESTION: What did God promise to do for Joshua on the day Israel crossed into
 ANSWER: Exalt him in the sight of all Israel (3:7)
7. QUESTION: At what time were the priests to stand still in Jordan?
 ANSWER: When they reached the edge of the water (3:8)
8. QUESTION: According to Joshua 3:10, what two things did Joshua promise that God
would do for the people?
 ANSWER: A. He would be among them B. He would drive out the inhabitants of the land
before them (3:10)
9. QUESTION: List the seven nations God promised to drive out of the land of Canaan.
 ANSWER: A. Canaanites B. Hittites C. Hivites D. Perizzites E. Girgashites F. Amorites G.
Jebusites (3:10)
10. QUESTION: When were the waters of Jordan to stand in a heap?
ANSWER: As soon as the priests carrying the ark set foot in the waters of Jordan (3:13)
11. QUESTION: What did God promise would happen to the waters of Jordan when Israel
crossed over?
 ANSWER: The waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap (3:13)
12. QUESTION: What was the condition of the Jordan River at the time of Israel’s
 ANSWER: Flood stage (3:15)
13. QUESTION: At what time of year was the Jordan River at flood stage?
 ANSWER: During harvest (3:15)
14. QUESTION: The waters of Jordan piled up in a heap at what city?
 ANSWER: Adam (3:16)
15. QUESTION: What did the priests who bore the ark of the covenant do while the
people of Israel were passing
over on dry ground?
 ANSWER: They stood firm on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan (3:17)
1. QUESTION: What did Joshua command Israel to remove out of the middle of
 ANSWER: Twelve stones (4:3)
2. QUESTION: Where were the twelve stones removed from the Jordan to be left?
 ANSWER: In the place where they stayed the night they crossed over (4:3)
3. QUESTION: The men who were selected to carry the twelve stones from the middle of
Jordan were instructed
to go over before what?
 ANSWER: The Ark of the Lord their God (4:5)
4. QUESTION: Why were the children of Israel to set up the stones on the Canaan side of
the Jordan River?
 ANSWER: To serve as a sign among them (4:6)
5. QUESTION: How were the children of Israel to respond when their children asked
about the twelve stones set
up on the Canaan side of Jordan?
 ANSWER: That the flow of the Jordan was cut off before the ark of the covenant of the
Lord. (4:7)
6. QUESTION: (Two part question) The twelve stones to be set up on the Canaan side of
Jordan were to be
what, and for what period of time?
 ANSWER: A. A memorial unto the people of Israel B. Forever (4:7)
7. QUESTION: At the time of the writing of the book of Joshua, what was the status of
the twelve stone memorial
beside Jordan?
 ANSWER: They were still there at that time (4:9)
8. QUESTION: What three tribes passed over armed before the children of Israel?
 ANSWER: A. Reuben B. Gad C. Half of the tribe of Manasseh (4:12)
9. QUESTION: How many armed men from Reuben, Gad and Manasseh passed over
before Israel?
 ANSWER: About forty thousand (4:13)
10. QUESTION: What did God do for Joshua on the day that Israel passed over Jordan?
 ANSWER: He exalted him in the sight of all Israel (4:14)
11. QUESTION: When did the waters of the Jordan River return unto their place?
 ANSWER: As soon as the feet of the priests were on the dry land (4:18)
12. QUESTION: What was the condition of the Jordan River after the waters were
returned to their place?
 ANSWER: The waters ran at flood stage as they did before (4:18)
13. QUESTION: On what day did Israel cross over the Jordan River into Canaan?
 ANSWER: On the tenth day of the first month (4:19)
14. QUESTION: What was the name given to the place where Israel camped once they
crossed into Canaan?
 ANSWER: Gilgal (4:19)
15. QUESTION: According to Joshua 4:23-24, give two reasons why God dried up the
Jordan River for Israel to
cross over.
 ANSWER: A. That all the people of the earth might know that the hand of the Lord is
B. That Israel might always fear the Lord their God (4:24)
Wednesday Morning Quiz Material Chapters 5 - 7
1. QUESTION: How did the kings of the Amorites and Canaanites feel when they heard
that the Lord had dried
up the waters of Jordan for the Israelites?
 ANSWER: Their hearts melted and they no longer had the courage to face the Israelites
2. QUESTION: What did God command Joshua to do to the children of Israel which
Moses had already done
 ANSWER: Circumcise the Israelites again (5:2)
3. QUESTION: What had happened to the Israelite males that had been circumcised soon
after leaving Egypt?
 ANSWER: They died in the desert (5:4)
4. QUESTION: Why did Joshua circumcise the Israelite males?
 ANSWER: Because the men born in the desert had not been circumcised (5:5)
5. QUESTION: Why had the Israelites moved about in the wilderness until all the men of
military age when they
left Egypt had died?
 ANSWER: Because they had not obeyed the voice of the Lord (5:6)
6. QUESTION: Because Israel had not obeyed God, He determined not to show what
unto them?
 ANSWER: The land which He had promised to give to them (5:6)
7. QUESTION: God had sworn to give the land of Canaan to the children of Israel. How
did He describe this
 ANSWER: A land flowing with milk and honey (5:6)
8. QUESTION: Why was the place of Israel’s first encampment inside Canaan called
 ANSWER: Because on that day God took away the reproach of Egypt from Israel (5:9)
9. QUESTION: While encamped at Gilgal, what did the Israelites keep on the fourteenth
day of the month?
 ANSWER: The Passover (5:10)
10. QUESTION: Where was Gilgal located geographically?
 ANSWER: On the plains of Jericho (5:10)
11. QUESTION: What did Israel begin to eat on the day following their first Passover in
 ANSWER: The produce of the land (5:11)
12. QUESTION: When did the manna cease to appear for the Israelites?
 ANSWER: The day after they ate the produce of the land (5:12)
13. QUESTION: What did Joshua ask the man with a drawn sword whom he met by
 ANSWER: Are you for us, or for our enemies? (5:13)
14. QUESTION: In response to Joshua’s inquiry concerning his identity, what did the man
with the drawn sword
 ANSWER: Neither, but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come (5:14)
15. QUESTION: Quote the command that the captain of the Lord’s army gave to Joshua.
 ANSWER: “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” (5:15)
1. QUESTION: Why did the people of Jericho tightly shut up their city?
 ANSWER: Because of the Israelites (6:1)
2. QUESTION: How many times were the Israelites to circle the city of Jericho during the
first six days?
 ANSWER: Once each day (6:3)
3. QUESTION: (Two part question) As Israel marched around the city of Jericho, how
many priests preceded
the ark and what were they carrying?
 ANSWER: A. Seven priests B. Trumpets of rams’ horns (6:4)
4. QUESTION: How many times were the Israelites to circle the city of Jericho on the
seventh day?
 ANSWER: Seven times (6:4)
5. QUESTION: What three things were to take place immediately after the priests made a
long blast on their
rams’ horns on the seventh day?
 ANSWER: A. The people were to give a loud shout
B. The wall of the city was to collapse
C. The people were to go up, every man straight in (6:5)
6. QUESTION: (Three part question) What three things did Joshua command the people
of Israel not to do as
they marched around Jericho?
 ANSWER: A. Not to give a war cry, B. Not raise their voices, C. Not say a word (6:10)
7. QUESTION: What did the children of Israel do on the first six days after they had
marched around Jericho?
 ANSWER: They came into the camp and spent the night there (6:11 and 14)
8. QUESTION: At what time of day did Israel rise and march around the city of Jericho on
the seventh day?
 ANSWER: About daybreak (6:15)
9. QUESTION: Quote the words Joshua said to the people after the priests had blown
with their trumpets on the
seventh day.
 ANSWER: “Shout; for the Lord has given you the city.” (6:16)
10. QUESTION: Why was Rahab and her family allowed to live?
 ANSWER: Because she hid the spies Israel had sent (6:17)
11. QUESTION: According to Joshua 6:18, what would happen if anyone failed to keep
away from the devoted
 ANSWER: A. They would bring about their own destruction
B. They would make the camp of Israel liable to destruction (6:18)
12. QUESTION: What men were sent to bring Rahab and her family out from the city of
 ANSWER: The two men who had spied out the country (6:22)
13. QUESTION: Where was the family of Rahab taken after they were rescued from
 ANSWER: They put them in a place outside the camp of Israel (6:23)
14. QUESTION: What was saved from the city of Jericho, and what was done with these
 ANSWER: A. The silver, gold, and articles of brass and iron
B. It was put into the treasury of the Lord’s house (6:24)
15. QUESTION: What did Joshua say about the man who rebuilt the city of Jericho?
 ANSWER: He was to be cursed (6:26)
1. QUESTION: Give the exact descent of Achan.
 ANSWER: Achan the son of Carmi, the son of Zimri, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of
Judah (7:1)
2. QUESTION: Where was Ai located?
 ANSWER: Near Bethaven, to the east side of Bethel (7:2)
3. QUESTION: How many Israelites were killed by the men of Ai?
 ANSWER: Thirty-six men (7:5)
4. QUESTION: What was Joshua’s reaction to Israel’s defeat at Ai?
 ANSWER: He tore his clothes and fell facedown before the ark of the Lord until the
evening (7:6)
5. QUESTION: Finish this quote that Joshua made to the Lord in reference to Israel’s
defeat at Ai, and give the
reference. “...what will you do...”
 ANSWER: “...for your own great name?” Joshua 7:9
6. QUESTION: Quote the Lord’s response to Joshua’s prayer concerning Israel’s defeat at
 ANSWER: “Stand up! What are you doing down on your face?” (7:10)
7. QUESTION: According to Joshua 7:11, what four sins did God hold Israel responsible
for in the destruction of
 ANSWER: A. They had taken some of the devoted things B. They had stolen
C. They had lied D. They had put them with their own possessions (7:11)
8. QUESTION: God warned Joshua that He would not be with Israel any longer unless
what took place?
 ANSWER: They destroyed whatever was devoted to destruction (7:12)
9. QUESTION: (Four part) Give the exact details of how God planned to reveal the
individual in Israel.
 ANSWER: A. The tribes were to be brought before the Lord, and He would take one of
these tribes
B. The clans of this tribe would be brought before the Lord, and He would select a clan
C. This families would be brought before the Lord, and He would select a family
D. The men would be brought before the Lord, and He would select a man (7:14)
10. QUESTION: What was to be done to the individual who had taken the devoted thing?
 ANSWER: He and all that he had were to be destroyed by fire (7:15)
11. QUESTION: How was the sin described?
 ANSWER: As a disgraceful thing in Israel (7:15)
12. QUESTION: When did Joshua bring the tribes before the Lord to be examined for sin?
 ANSWER: Early in the morning (7:16)
13. QUESTION: What three things did Achan take from Jericho?
 ANSWER: A. A beautiful Babylon robe B. Two hundred shekels of silver C. A wedge of
gold (7:21)
14. QUESTION: What did Israel do to Achan after they had stoned him and burnt him
with fire?
 ANSWER: They raised a large pile of rocks over him (7:26)
15. QUESTION: What name was given to the valley where Achan was stoned and burnt?
 ANSWER: The Valley of Achor (7:26)
Wednesday Afternoon Quiz Material Chapters 8 - 11
1. QUESTION: What were the Israelites permitted to do in their victory over Ai that they
were not permitted to do
in Jericho?
 ANSWER: Keep the plunder for themselves (8:2)
2. QUESTION: How many fighting men did Joshua chose to ambush the city of Ai?
 ANSWER: Thirty Thousand (8:3-4)
3. QUESTION: What were the thirty thousand men to do after they had taken the city of
 ANSWER: Set the city on fire (8:8)
4. QUESTION: Who preceded the people of Israel into battle against Ai?
 ANSWER: Joshua and the leaders of Israel (8:10)
5. QUESTION: When the army force camped on the north side of Ai, what was located
between them and the
 ANSWER: A valley (8:11)
6. QUESTION: How did Joshua and his people act when the men of Ai came out to battle
against them?
 ANSWER: They fled toward the desert (8:15)
7. QUESTION: During their battle with Israel, how many men were left behind to protect
the cities of Ai and
 ANSWER: There was not a man left behind (8:17)
8. QUESTION: What did the Lord command Joshua to stretch out toward Ai?
 ANSWER: His javelin (8:18)
9. QUESTION: How did the people of Ai react when they saw smoke ascending from their
 ANSWER: They had no chance of escape in any direction (8:20)
10. QUESTION: What man of Ai was taken alive and brought to Joshua?
 ANSWER: The king (8:23)
11. QUESTION: What did Joshua not move until Israel had destroyed all the people of Ai?
 ANSWER: His hand that held his javelin (8:26)
12. QUESTION: How long did the king of Ai hang on a tree?
 ANSWER: Until the evening (8:29)
13. QUESTION: After defeating the city of Ai, where did Joshua build an altar to the Lord
God of Israel?
 ANSWER: In Mount Ebal (8:30)
14. QUESTION: Joshua 8:31 gives a quote from the book of the law of Moses. The quote
was “ altar of uncut
stones, on which no iron toll had been used.” Give the two references from the books of
where this quote can be found.
 ANSWER: A. Exodus 20:25 B. Deuteronomy 27:5 (8:31)
15. QUESTION: Upon the sides of what two mountains did the people stand to hear the
reading of the law of
 ANSWER: A. Mount Ebal B. Mount Gerizim (8:33)
1. QUESTION: Why did the kings of the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites,
and Jebusites come
 ANSWER: To fight against Joshua and Israel (9:1-2)
2. QUESTION: List the five steps the people of Gibeon took to deceive Joshua.
 ANSWER: A. They put worn out sacks on their donkeys        B. They packed old cracked
and mended wineskins
C. They put worn and patched sandals on their feet                 D. They wore old clothes
E. They packed dry and moldy bread (9:4-5)
3. QUESTION: (Two part question) What lie did the men of Gibeon speak before Joshua,
and what was their
purpose in telling this lie?
 ANSWER: A. We are come from a far country
B. They wanted to make a treaty with Israel (9:6)
4. QUESTION: (Two part question) When the Gibeonites requested to make a treaty with
the children of Israel,
what two questions did Joshua ask them?
 ANSWER: A. Who are you? B. Where do you come from? (9:8)
5. QUESTION: Of what “fame of the Lord” had the people of Gibeon heard?
 ANSWER: All that He had done in Egypt, and all that He had done to the two kings of
the Amorites that were
east of the Jordan (9:9-10)
6. QUESTION: How did the Gibeonite men describe their bread?
 ANSWER: It was warm when they packed it on the day they left (9:12)
7. QUESTION: What grave error did Joshua make in dealing with the Gibeonite
 ANSWER: He did not ask counsel of the Lord (9:14)
8. QUESTION: When Joshua made a treaty with the people of Gibeon, how did the
princes of Israel seal this
 ANSWER: They ratified it by oath (9:15)
9. QUESTION: After making a league with the Gibeonites, how long was it before Joshua
and Israel discovered
they were neighbors?
 ANSWER: Three days (9:16)
10. QUESTION: What were the four cities of the Gibeonites?
 ANSWER: A. Gibeon B. Kephirah C. Beeroth D. Kirjath Jearim (9:17)
11. QUESTION: How did the people of Israel react toward the princes of Israel who had
sworn unto the
 ANSWER: They grumbled against them (9:18)
12. QUESTION: What punishment did the princes of Israel place upon the Gibeonites
because of their
 ANSWER: They were made to be woodcutters and water carriers for the Israelites (9:21)
13. QUESTION: What was placed upon the Gibeonites because they had beguiled the
people of Israel?
 ANSWER: A curse (9:23)
14. QUESTION: Complete the response of the Gibeonites to the curse placed upon them.
 “We are now in your hands:...”
 ANSWER: “...Do to us whatever seems good and right to you.” (9:25)
15. QUESTION: Besides the congregation of Israel, for what were the Gibeonites to be
woodcutters and water
 ANSWER: For the altar of the Lord (9:27)
1. QUESTION: Why did Adonizedek, king of Jerusalem, fear when he heard the
inhabitants of Gibeon had made
peace with Israel?
 ANSWER: Because Gibeon was an important city, and all its men were good fighters
2. QUESTION: From what cities did the five kings of the Amorites come?
 ANSWER: A. Jerusalem B. Hebron C. Jarmuth D. Lachish E. Eglon (10:5)
3. QUESTION: How long did the people of Israel journey in order to take the five kings of
the Amorites by
 ANSWER: All night (10:9)
4. QUESTION: Quote the command Joshua gave to the sun and moon as he fought with
the five kings of the
 ANSWER: “O Sun, stand thou still over Gibeon; O Moon, over the valley of Aijalon.”
5. QUESTION: In what book was there a record made of the sun standing still?
 ANSWER: In the book of Jashar (10:13)
6. QUESTION: How long did the sun stop in the middle of the sky?
 ANSWER: About a full day (10:13)
7. QUESTION: Where did the five kings of the Amorites hide themselves?
 ANSWER: In a cave at Makkedah (10:16)
8. QUESTION: How did the Israelites keep the kings of the Amorites in the cave where
they were hiding
 ANSWER: They rolled large rocks up to the mouth of the cave, and posted men to guard
it (10:18)
9. QUESTION: Where did Joshua command the men of Israel to put their feet after the
kings of the Amorites
were brought out of the caves?
 ANSWER: On the necks of the five kings of the Amorites (10:24)
10. QUESTION: How were the five kings of the Amorites killed?
 ANSWER: Joshua struck and killed them and hung them on five trees (10:26)
11. QUESTION: Of the inhabitants of Makkedah, who were destroyed?
 ANSWER: Everyone in the city (10:28)
12. QUESTION: What king came up to help the people of Lachish fight against Israel?
 ANSWER: Horam king of Gezer (10:33)
13. QUESTION: What city did Joshua and his men fight against after they had taken the
city of Eglon?
 ANSWER: Hebron (10:36)
14. QUESTION: According to Joshua 10:41, describe the area of land Joshua smote and
 ANSWER: From Kadesh Barnea to Gaza, and from the whole region of Goshen to Gibeon
15. QUESTION: Why was Joshua successful in taking the cities and land described in
Joshua 10:41?
 ANSWER: Because the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel (10:42)
1. QUESTION: What king heard of Joshua’s defeat of the five kings of the Amorites?
 ANSWER: Jabin king of Hazor (11:1)
 2. QUESTION: Describe the size of the host led by Jabin king of Hazor.
 ANSWER: As numerous as the sand on the sea shore (11:4)
3. QUESTION: Where did the kings camp?
 ANSWER: At the Waters of Merom (11:5)
4. QUESTION: What two things was Joshua to do after the Lord handed the army of
Jabin over to the Israelites?
 ANSWER: A. Hamstring their horses B. Burn their chariots with fire (11:6)
5. QUESTION: In what manner did Joshua come upon the army of Jabin?
 ANSWER: Suddenly (11:7)
6. QUESTION: Unto what three places did the army of Joshua chase the armies of Jabin?
 ANSWER: A. To Greater Zidon B. To Misrephoth-Maim C. To the Valley of Mizpeh (11:8)
7. QUESTION: After utterly destroying the inhabitants of the city, what did Joshua do to
the city of Hazor?
 ANSWER: He burnt it with fire (11:11)
8. QUESTION: According to Joshua 11:12, whose commandment was Joshua following
when he destroyed the
inhabitants of the land?
 ANSWER: Moses (11:12)
9. QUESTION: Hazor was the only city of Jabin’s federation to be burnt with fire. What
happened to the other
cities that were captured?
 ANSWER: The Israelites carried off all the plunder and livestock, but put to the sword all
the people (11:14)
10. QUESTION: From whom did Moses get the command, which he passed on to Joshua,
concerning destroying
the inhabitants of the land?
 ANSWER: From the Lord (11:15)
11. QUESTION: Describe the boundaries of the land that was conquered when Joshua
defeated the host of Jabin.
 ANSWER: From Mount Halak, which rises toward Seir, to Baal Gad in the valley of
Lebanon below Mount
Hermon (11:17)
12. QUESTION: How long did Joshua make war with the kingdom of Jabin?
 ANSWER: A long time (11:18)
13. QUESTION: Why did the Lord harden the hearts of the inhabitants of the land?
 ANSWER: So they would come against Israel in battle, and He could destroy them totally
14. QUESTION: What group of people occupied the mountains around Hebron, Debir,
and Anab?
 ANSWER: The Anakites (11:21)
15. QUESTION: In what three cities outside of Israel were Anakites left alive?
 ANSWER: A. Gaza B. Gath C. Ashdod (11:22)
(There is no quiz material from chapters 12 and 13)
Thursday Morning Quiz Material Chapters 14, 20 &22
1. QUESTION: What men were in charge of the distribution of the land of Canaan?
 ANSWER: A. Eleazar the priest B. Joshua C. The heads of the tribal clans of Israel (14:1)
2. QUESTION: How many tribes received an inheritance within the land of Canaan?
 ANSWER: Nine and a half tribes (14:2)
3. QUESTION: Who had given an inheritance to the two and a half tribes on the east side
of Jordan?
 ANSWER: Moses (14:3)
4. QUESTION: Which of the twelve tribes was not given an inheritance?
 ANSWER: The tribe of Levi (14:3)
5. QUESTION: Whose children were divided into two tribes?
 ANSWER: The children of Joseph (14:4)
6. QUESTION: Name the two children of Joseph that were given an inheritance as a tribe.
 ANSWER: A. Manasseh B. Ephraim (14:4)
7. QUESTION: How old was Caleb when he was sent to spy out the land of Canaan?
 ANSWER: Forty years old (14:7)
8. QUESTION: What effect did the report from the men who went up with Caleb to spy
out the land of Canaan
have on the people of Israel?
 ANSWER: They made their hearts melt with fear (14:8)
9. QUESTION: When the ten spies brought back an evil report, what did Caleb do?
 ANSWER: He followed the Lord his God wholeheartedly (14:8)
10. QUESTION: What did Moses swear to Caleb because he followed the Lord
 ANSWER: That the land he had walked on would be his and his children’s inheritance
forever (14:9)
11. QUESTION: How long had it been since Moses had promised to give the land that
Caleb had walked on as
Caleb’s inheritance?
 ANSWER: Forty-five years (14:10)
12. QUESTION: Quote Joshua 14:12.
 ANSWER: “Now give me this hill country, that the Lord promised me that day. You
yourself heard then that
the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified, but, the Lord helping
me, I will
drive them out just as He said.” (14:12)
13. QUESTION: What was given to Caleb as an inheritance?
 ANSWER: Hebron (14:13)
14. QUESTION: Give the exact lineage of Caleb.
 ANSWER: Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite (14:14)
15. QUESTION: (Three part question) What was the name of Caleb’s inheritance before it
was Hebron; who was
it named after; and who was this man?
 ANSWER: A. Kiriath Arba B. Arba C. The greatest man among the Anakites (14:15)
(There is no quiz material from chapters 15-19)
1. QUESTION: Moses was commanded to appoint cities of refuge. Who were these cities
appointed for?
 ANSWER: The people who killed a person accidently and unintentionally (20:3)
2. QUESTION: From whom could the killer take shelter in the city of refuge?
 ANSWER: The avenger of blood (20:3)
3. QUESTION: When the person seeking shelter in a city of refuge arrived at the city
gate, what was he
supposed to do?
 ANSWER: State his case before the elders of that city (20:4)
4. QUESTION: How long was a slayer required to stay in the city of refuge before the
avenger could no longer
harm him?
 ANSWER: Until the death of the high priest who is serving at that time (20:6)
5. QUESTION: Give the names of the six cities of refuge.
 ANSWER: A. Kedesh B. Shechem C. Kirjath-arba (Hebron) D. Bezer E. Ramoth F. Bashan
6. QUESTION: Anyone seeking shelter in a city of refuge would not be given over to the
avenger of blood until
what had happened?
 ANSWER: Until he stood trial before the assembly (20:9)
(There is no quiz material from chapter 21)
1. QUESTION: The Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh kept the
entirety of whose
 ANSWER: Moses and Joshua (22:1-2 see also Joshua 1:12-15)
2. QUESTION: What had the two and a half tribes kept faithfully?
 ANSWER: They had not deserted their brothers (22:3)
3. QUESTION: After God gave the tribes in Canaan rest from their conquests, what were
the Reubenites,
Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh free to do?
 ANSWER: Return to their homes (22:4)
4. QUESTION: Quote the warning Joshua gave to the two and a half tribes as he sent
them back to their families
and inheritance.
 ANSWER: “But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the
servant of the Lord
gave you, to love the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, to obey His commands, to
hold fast
to Him and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul.” (22:5)
5. QUESTION: According to Joshua 22:8, with what spoils did the people of Israel return
to their tents?
 ANSWER: A. large herd of livestock B. Silver C. Gold D. Bronze E. Iron F. a great
quantity of clothing (22:8)
6. QUESTION: In what land was the possession of the two and a half tribes on the east
side of Jordan?
 ANSWER: Gilead (22:9)
7. QUESTION: When the two and a half tribes came to the Jordan, what did they build?
 ANSWER: An imposing altar (22:10)
8. QUESTION: What did the children of Israel do when they heard that the tribes from
the east side of Jordan
had built an altar at the Jordan River?
 ANSWER: They gathered together to go to war against them (22:12)
 9. QUESTION: Who was chosen to lead the group sent to inquire concerning the great
altar which was built at
 ANSWER: Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest (22:13)
10. QUESTION: Who accompanied Phinehas to inquire about the great altar at Jordan?
 ANSWER: Ten of the chief men, one from each tribe (22:14)
11. QUESTION: For what reason did Phinehas and the princes suspect that the great altar
had been built at
 ANSWER: To rebel against the Lord (22:16)
12. QUESTION: The princes were concerned that what would happen if the great altar at
Jordan were permitted?
 ANSWER: God would be angry with the whole community of Israel (22:18)
13. QUESTION: What did the princes of Israel suggest that their brethren on the east
side of Jordan do if they
found their land defiled?
 ANSWER: Come over and share an inheritance in the land of Canaan (22:19)
14. QUESTION: What happened to the whole congregation of Israel because of Achan’s
 ANSWER: Wrath came on them (22:20)
15. QUESTION: What did the two and a half tribes from the other side of Jordan agree
should be done unto them
if they had rebelled against the Lord in building the great altar?
 ANSWER: They should not be spared that day (22:22)
16. QUESTION: What did the Reubenites, Gadites and the half tribe of Manasseh fear the
other tribes would
someday say to their descendants?
 ANSWER: What do have you have to do with the Lord, the God of Israel? (22:24)
17. QUESTION: According to Joshua 22:25, what could the tribes of Canaan eventually
cause the tribes from
Gilead to do?
 ANSWER: To stop fearing the Lord (22:25)
18. QUESTION: What was the real significance of the great altar built beside Jordan?
 ANSWER: To be a witness between the children of Israel on both sides of Jordan (22:27)
19. QUESTION: When Phinehas and the princes heard the explanation from their
brothers on the east side of
Jordan, how did they feel?
 ANSWER: They were pleased (22:30)
20. QUESTION: What did Phinehas say when he found that no sin had been committed?
 ANSWER: You have rescued the Israelites from the Lord’s hand. (22:31)
21. QUESTION: What did the children of Israel call the great altar beside Jordan?
 ANSWER: A Witness Between Us that the Lord is God (22:34)

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