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Principal’s Message ................................................................................................................................. 3

College Vision, Mission, Values and Motto…………………………………………………………………………………………4
College Operation Hours during the School Term .................................................................................. 6
2023 College Calendar ............................................................................................................................ 6
Important Events ................................................................................................................................ 6
Assessment Dates ............................................................................................................................... 7
Self-Directed Learning (SDL) Days ........................................................................................................... 8
Student Safety ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Subject Information .............................................................................................................................. 11
H1 General Paper .............................................................................................................................. 11
H1 Project Work ................................................................................................................................ 13
H1 Mother Tongue Language (MTL) / Basic Mother Tongue Language (MTLB) .............................. 14
H2 Computing ................................................................................................................................... 16
H2 Mother Tongue Language and Literature (H2 MTLL) .................................................................. 19
Economics ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Humanities ........................................................................................................................................ 24
Literature in English .......................................................................................................................... 27
Mathematics ..................................................................................................................................... 29
Sciences ............................................................................................................................................. 32
Physical Education (PE) ..................................................................................................................... 34
Assessment Information ....................................................................................................................... 36
Semestral Report .............................................................................................................................. 36
Holistic Progress Card ....................................................................................................................... 36
Weightage for Milestone Assessments............................................................................................. 36
Marks and Grading Scheme .............................................................................................................. 36
Promotional Criteria ......................................................................................................................... 37
Rank Points ....................................................................................................................................... 37
School-Home Partnership ..................................................................................................................... 38
Parent Engagement Sessions (PES) ................................................................................................... 38
Parents Support Group ..................................................................................................................... 38
ASRJC Parents’ Portal ....................................................................................................................... 38
Supporting Your Child ........................................................................................................................... 39
Communicating with Adolescents .................................................................................................... 39
Counselling and Career Guidance Support ....................................................................................... 40
College Contact Information ................................................................................................................. 41

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Welcome to Anderson Serangoon JC.

I am pleased to receive your child/ward at ASRJC. He or she has entered a significant phase of life in
transiting to junior college. Indeed, it represents a major step towards higher education and the
workplace. The journey ahead will be an exciting one, and it is my hope that your child/ward settles
in quickly and comes to see ASRJC as home.

ASRJC is an inclusive and diverse college community, embracing students from more than 100
secondary schools. We are also dynamic and enterprising, being one of the first colleges to offer a
unique blend of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics) education to help
prepare our students for a fast-changing world. This year, we have also built into the timetable a
fortnightly Self-Directed Learning (SDL) Day and introduced SMART habits for students to shape their
own learning experience and direction.

Our vision for students is that they become “Imaginative Thinkers, Caring Leaders” who are ready to
learn, lead and serve. I believe all students who qualify for ASRJC have the attributes and potential to
do well in their studies and in their future careers. We have been successful in preparing our students
holistically, and have especially done well academically with more than 90% of our students qualifying
for a place in our local autonomous universities. More than just academic achievements, our goal is
to nurture leaders for the nation, serving in various capacities in the public and private sectors. The
world is complex, and we believe strongly in equipping our students to face challenges with purpose,
courage and passion, guided by a strong moral compass.

To provide a holistic learning experience, ASRJC has a wide range of CCAs, signature enrichment
programmes, and opportunities for leadership and talent development. I would encourage students
to participate actively in the range of CCAs and enrichment programmes offered, and to take
advantage of the opportunities presented to them to develop their passion and reach their potential.

Your support for your child’s/ward’s endeavours and aspirations will be crucial and I look forward to
partnering you closely. My teachers also stand ready to offer the care and support your child/ward
may need to meet their goals and to make the time in ASRJC memorable and meaningful.

Have a great year ahead!

Heng Yew Seng (Mr)

Anderson Serangoon Junior College

The college operation hours were planned in view of the Civil Service-wide implementation of the 5-
Day Work Week to encourage work-life harmony of staff and protect students’ time.

Mondays to Fridays Saturdays & Public

College Open from 6.30am to

Open from 7.30am to 12.45pm Closed
Opening hours 8pm

General Office Open from 7.30am to

Closed Closed
opening hours 6pm

Normal academic CCA activities (subject to approval by

Activities held No
lessons, CCA activities HOD/CCA) and other activities (subject
in college activities
and college events to approval by School Leaders)

For security reasons, students are to

sign in at the guard house on Saturdays.
Entry to college Open to students Closed
Outsiders are strictly prohibited from
entering the college.

Dates of School Term for JC1 2023

Semester Term Dates

1 Friday (3 February) to Friday (10 March)

2 Monday (20 March) to Friday (26 May)

3 Monday (26 June) to Friday (1 September)

4 Monday (11 September) to Friday (24 November)

Date Event

3 Feb to 10 Feb JC1 Orientation

13 Feb Start of JC1 Timetable

24 Feb College Dialogue with Parents

6 Mar Release of Project Work Question Paper

3 to 13 Apr Mother Tongue Languages Fortnight

18 to 20 Apr S.T.E.A.M Conference

Date Event

25 to 28 April English Week (with Literature Night on 28 Apr) & Art Fest

28 Apr JC2 Parent Engagement Session

6 May Homecoming

12 May JC1 Parent Engagement Session

22 May JC1 & JC2 Revision Day

31 May to 1 Jun Lead ASR Camp (for JC1 Student Leaders)

19 Aug Student Leaders’ Investiture

8 Aug National Day Celebrations/ ASR Friendship Games

25 Aug Last CCA Session before Promotional Examination

31 Aug Teachers’ Day Celebrations

19 to 21 Sep JC1 Revision Days

8 to 10 Nov Industry Learning Journeys

14 Nov to 1 Dec Industry Attachments

23 Nov JC1 Bonding and Commendation

Date Event

23 May, 26 to 30 Jun JC1 Mid-Year Common Tests

4 Jul ‘A’ Level H1 MTL/ MTL B Listening Comprehension

5 Jul ‘A’ Level MTLB Oral Examination

6 to 18 Jul ‘A’ Level H1 MTL Oral Examination

18, 22 to 29 Sep JC1 Promotional Examinations

9 Sep Submission Deadline for Written Report

30 Oct ‘A’ Level H1 MTL Written Examination

1 to 7 Nov Project Work Oral Presentation Examination

9 Nov Project Work Insights & Reflections Submission

Mid-Nov (TBC) ‘A’ Level MTLB Written Examination

Our College is committed to nurturing our students to be self-directed learners.

To facilitate this, your child’s timetable in 2023 will reflect a two-week cycle, with one day per fortnight
set aside as SDL Day. SDL Days are meant for students to follow up on their learning goals and to hone
their habits of monitoring, consolidating and reflecting on their learning.

Students are not expected to report back to college except for co-curricular activities or special
programmes on SDL Days. The campus will remain open for students who wish to do their SDL in the

• Encourage your child to plan their schedule on SDL days & to seek help from teachers if they are
unsure of how to do so.

• Encourage your child to stay curious and focused as they learn.

• Discuss with your child how the home environment could be more conducive for his/ her

• Talk to your child about their learning on SDL Days, e.g., asking them questions like "What was
something you enjoyed and want to learn more about?” or “How could you get help with that
difficult topic?”.

Does the SDL Day mean there is less teaching (and thus learning) happening?

SDL days are not meant for your child to take a break from learning, but instead to take a different
approach to learning.

Learning activities will be planned so that students will learn the curriculum using less structured
approaches than a typical school day, to provide flexibility for students to practice self-directedness
in planning and managing their learning.

Can my child return to College on SDL Days for a more conducive learning environment?

Yes, students are welcome to return to College for self-directed learning at the common study areas.
The College will remain open on SDL Days.

Can I plan for tuition/ enrichment classes for my child on SDL Day since there is no structured

SDL days are not meant for more enrichment or tuition classes, but for your child to exercise self-
directedness and self-discipline in his/her learning.

Students have the flexibility to engage in different learning activities to learn the curriculum.

What can I do if my child doesn’t seem to be coping on SDL Days?

Do check if with your child on what he/ she is finding difficult and encourage them to speak with
their teachers. You may also like to share your observations with your child’s teachers.

As a student of ASRJC, your child/ward will be participating in a number of activities and excursions
organised by the college designed to develop him/her holistically. The college closely follows the
Ministry of Education guidelines for safety in sports and student activities. Before a sport or an activity
is introduced to the student, a Risk Analysis is done by the teacher in-charge to determine if it is low-
risk or high-risk.

Many of the activities your child/ward will participate in are low-risk activities which require minimal
or no supervision by teachers. Here is a list of typical low-risk activities:
• Visits to exhibitions, museums and art galleries
• Attendance at public performances, concerts and plays
• Community service such as visits to old folks' homes or selling of flags
• Learning Journeys such as visits to religious institutions and government/public institutions
• Seminars, workshops and other external academic competitions
• Support for college teams at sports and games competitions

When it comes to higher-risk activities, your written consent will be obtained before your child/ward
will be allowed to participate. Such activities include:
• CCA camps
• Fieldwork at outdoor sites
• Outdoor Adventure Club (ODAC) activities

To ensure a safe environment for our students, we also seek your help in following the directions given
by the traffic wardens when you drive into college for events or when dropping off/picking up your
child/ward. This is especially important during wet mornings when there could be traffic jams and
visibility is poor.

For GCE ‘A’ Level syllabuses examined in 2024 and information on the GCE ‘A’ Level examinations, please visit









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For all students, most of the Mid-Year Common Tests (MYCTs) are held after the school holidays in
June. Your supporting of your child/ward during the June holidays is instrumental in ensuring that they
make good use of the mid-year break to revise for the MYCTs.

To provide holistic feedback to our students in the academic and non-academic domains, students will
receive feedback from all their teachers in the form of a Semestral Report after the JC1 MYCTs, JC1
Promotional Examinations and JC2 MYCTs. The Semestral Report reflects the examination results of
your child/ward.

In addition, the Holistic Progress Card (HPC) will also be made available to student and parents
annually in Term 3 of the academic year. The HPC is based on subject-specific indicators as well as
how the students have demonstrated the College Values, based on qualitative feedback from various
subject tutors. You are encouraged to use the Holistic Report Card to recognise strengths, as well as
to set targets on areas of improvements with your child/ward.

Level Milestone Assessment Weightage (%)

Promotional Examinations 75
JC1 Mid-Year Common Tests 15
Engagement Score 10
Preliminary Examinations Each result will be recorded
Mid-Year Common Tests separately

H2 Rank H1 Rank
Grade Marks H3 Grade Marks (%)
Points Points
A 70-100 20 10 Distinction 70-100
B 60-69 17.5 8.75 Merit 55-69
C 55-59 15 7.5 Pass 45-54
D 50-54 12.5 6.25 Ungraded 0-44
E 45-49 10 5
S 40-44 5 2.5
U 0-39 0 0

National examinations for all H1 subjects will be taken at the end of JC2. The exceptions are Project
Work (PW) and H1 Mother Tongue Language (MTL), which will be taken in JC1.

To be promoted to JC2, a student must meet the following promotional criteria:

• At least a pass (“A”-“E”) in two H2 subjects and one H1 subject

• At least a sub-pass (“S”) in General Paper
• At least a “Good” for Conduct Grade

• An “S” grade in H2 is considered a H1 pass
• A H1 subject pass can refer to a H1 content subject or H1 MTL/MTLB
• Final marks = Engagement Score (10%) + CTs (15%) + Promotional Examinations (75%)

The maximum number of rank points (RP) for admissions to university a student can achieve is 90. A
higher score (out of 90) would place a student in a better position for admissions to university.

Computation of Rank Points without H1 MTL

A student’s rank points are calculated by adding the rank points the student has achieved for three H2
content subjects, one H1 content subject, General Paper, and Project Work.

Assuming the student achieves an ‘A’ for all subjects, the calculation of rank points is as follows:

A. Rank Points = 3 H2 + 1 H1 + GP + PW
= 20 + 20 + 20 + 10 + 10 + 10
= 90 RP

Computation of Rank Points with H1 MTL

H1 MTL may be included in the computation of the rank points. In such an event, the rank points
inclusive of H1 MTL will be rebased from /100 to /90.

Assuming the student achieves an ‘A’ for all subjects, the calculation of rank points inclusive of H1 MTL
is as follows:

B. Rank Points = [(3 H2 + 1 H1 + GP + PW + H1 MTL) / 100] x 90

= [(20 + 20 + 20 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10) / 100] x 90
= (100 / 100) x 90
= 1 x 90
= 90 RP

In the event of the inclusion of H1 MTL in the computation of rank points, the better of the two
computed rank points (i.e. A vs B) will be considered by the universities for admissions.

Every year, the college organises the Parent Engagement Sessions (Parent-Teacher Meetings) to
provide an opportunity to engage you to discuss your child’s/ward’s progress. The PES enables you to
meet your child’s/ward’s Class Mentors, subject tutors, and CCA teachers. With your partnership, we
believe that we can better support your child’s/ward’s holistic development. The invitation letter and
detailed programme will be sent to you through your child/ward nearer to the date of each PES.

ASRJC's Parent Support Group (PSG) is a volunteer group comprising parents who wish to support the
holistic growth of our students. Your participation in ASRJC PSG will certainly make a positive
difference. Should you be keen to be part of the PSG, please indicate your interest at

To log on to the ASRJC Parents’ Portal, access it online at

User ID
Your User ID is “P”, followed by the first 5 characters of the name of your child, followed by the last 5
characters of your child’s NRIC, e.g.:
• If your child’s name and NRIC are ANG SOON RONG and T1234567A, your User ID is

Your password upon your first login is your child’s NRIC all in small caps. Eg. t1234567a

ASRJC Portal Resources

You will be able to access the same information that your child has access to on the ASRJC Portal.
The resources available on the Parents’ Portal include:
• College announcements
• Your child’s timetable
• Your child’s daily attendance
• View/edit personal particulars
• Your child’s tutors’ email addresses

Adolescence is a time of big social and emotional development for your child. It helps to know what
to expect and how to support your child through the changes. During adolescence, you’ll notice
changes in the way your child interacts with family, friends and peers. Every teen’s social and
emotional development is different. Your child’s unique combination of genes, brain development,
environment, experiences with family and friends, and community and culture shape development.

You might notice that your child is going through social and emotional changes, as well as change in
the way they deal with relationships. Social changes and emotional changes show that your child is
forming an independent identity and learning to be an adult.

The key principle in communicating with your child is to journey together and let them take the lead.

Some ways in which you can support your child would be to:
• Support his/her study efforts.
o Provide a conducive home environment, good nutrition, and emotional support
o The way you show approval, disappointment or anger towards your child’s academic
results can affect their sense of self-worth
o Encourage your child – your words mean a lot!
• Show interest in your child’s life beyond their academic grades
o Lead by example to show that there is more than just studies and work by doing
activities and enjoying time together
o Engage your child on topics or things that are of interest to him/her
o Listen to and not just hear what he/she is saying
• Respect your child’s need to be independent – do not exercise your authority all the time
o Have open communication with your child. When you are open and encouraging, your
child is more likely to share his/her problems and difficulties with you.
o Accept that they may not do what they say they will do at times

Have confidence that in time your child will be okay! Maintaining a good balance of studies, self-care,
and social interactions are key to doing well. Having an open mind and an adventurous spirit is useful
for their development.

If your child needs counselling or advice in career guidance, you can encourage them to approach the
following personnel respectively for an appointment:

School Counsellor
Venue: Room 1326
Hours: Mondays to Fridays, 9.00am to 5.00pm

Education & Career Guidance Counsellor

Venue: Room 1328
Hours: Mondays to Fridays, 9.00am to 5.00pm
Appointment Booking:

Address: 4500 Ang Mo Kio Ave 6 Singapore 569843
Phone: 6459 6822


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