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School CABOLUTAN Grade Level GRADE 7

Grades 1 to 12 SCHOOL
Daily Lesson Teacher KIMBERLY G. MANIPOL Learning area MAPEH
Teaching Quarter
Date & Time


A. Content Standard  The learners define the difference of dance and folkdance

B. Performance Standard 

C. Learning Competencies At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
Write the LC code for each. a. To define what is Philippine Folk Dance
b. Identify the different basic step use in folk dance specially in arms and
feet position.
c. Students execute the fundamental position of arms and feet in folk dance.

II. CONTENT Fundamental dance position of arms and feet

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages
2.Learner’s Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials from Laptop, Power Point Presentation .
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources

Before we start our lesson,
let us all stand for a prayer
to be lead by___________.
Preliminary activities

(The student will stand for a prayer)

B. Greetings
Good afternoon class!

Good afternoon ma’am!

C. Checking Attendance
Is there any absent in the class today?

None ma’am!

D. Let’s read the reminders.

Yes, can you please read the reminders before we start.

Student will read the reminders.

1. Wear your facemask
2. Clean your hands often alcohol and sanitizer
3. Avoid touching your eyes nose and mouth
4. Clean and disinfect often your touched objects and
5. Maintain physical distancing

A. Review previous lesson or Before we start with our lesson

presenting the new lesson. Let’s review our previous topic

What folk dance do you know?

Yes, _________

B. Establishing a purpose for Before we proceed to our new lesson let us have an activity. This activity is
the lesson called “ARRANGE ME”
Direction: Arrange the jumbled letter to make the possible answer.

Excellent class! You really read your notes at home.

Student will do the activity.(PUZZLE WORDS)

C. Presenting
examples/instances of the new Who can give any idea about the topic we're going to discuss this afternoon.

I think ma’am its all about the fundamental dance positions

of arms and feet.

Ok very good!

D. Discussing the new concepts Our topic this afternoon is about Fundamental dance position of arms and
and practicing new skill #1. feet.

What is Dance and Folkdance?

Dance is a series of movements set to music where there
emerge organization, structure and pattern.

Folkdance is a type of dance that depict culture, tradition,

and heritage to generation, a cultural art form handed down
from generation to generation, the customs, beliefs,
occupations, and rituals of the people of a certain region or
country. Culture and heritage that every Filipino must give
pride and respect.

So now, we proceed on basic positions of arms and feet in folkdance, are

you ready to listen.

There have a 5 fundamental positions of arms that we are going to execute

after the discussion, so listen carefully.

Yes ma’am

Now we proceed first in arms position from 1st to 5th and followed by the
feet position.

Is that ok class. (Students raising their hands)

(Students will perform the 1st position in arms)

1st position encircle both arms in front of chest with finger tips about an
inch apart.

2nd Position both arms raised sideward with a graceful curve.

3rd position one arm raise sideward the other arm overhead

4th Position one arm in a half circle.

5th Position Both hands raised overhead in front, other arm raised overhead.
Now we, proceed to fundamental position of feet.

1st Position heel together, toes apart with an angle of 45 degrees.

2nd Position A stride sideward of about a pace or 1 foot distance.
3rd Position Heel of one foot close to the in-step of the other foot.
4th Position One foot in front of the other about a pace distance.
5th Position Heel of front foot close to the big toe of rear foot.
Yes Ma’am


(The students will do the activity)
Identify the different basic step use in folk dance specially in arms and feet
position. Answers
1.4th position
2.3rd position
3.1st position
4.5th position
5.2nd position

E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skill #2

proceed our topic about tinikling

Tinikling one of the most popular folk dances in the Philippines is the
tinikling.The traditional dance, which usually involves a pair of two
bamboo poles, is considered to be the oldest in the country and and it's
appeal has spread across the globe particularly to the United State. The
tinikling is said to be named after the long-legged bird called the tikling in


Someone who dances the Tinikling imitate the movements of a tikling bird
(hence, tikling like) as the bird walks over the grass or dodges bamboo traps
set by Filipino farmers on vast rice fields.

Historical Background
The Tinikling dance originated during the Spanish occupation in the
Philippines particularly on the island of Leyte. Rice farmers on the Visayan
Islands usually set up bamboo traps to protect their fields, yet tikling birds
dodged their traps. Locals imitated the birds movement, and supposedly,
that's how this dramatic traditional folk dance was born.
However, according to legend, the dance originated during the Spanish
colonial era when locals were ordered by the king of Spain to work on large
plantations. Those who did not follow his orders or worked to slowly were
given a punishment: to stand in between two bamboo poles.These poles
were then clapped together in an effort to beat the Filipino natives feet. To
escape this punishment, the Filipinos would jump when the two poles were
about to be clapped. This practice of jumping between the poles eventually
transformed from a challenge into an artistic dance.

Dancing the Tinikling

Alongside the Cariñosa dance, the Tinikling is considered a national dance
in the Philippines and almost every Filipino knows how to do it. Since it's a
dramatic dance, it's usually performed on special occasions like traditional
Filipino festivals or at school and theater performances. Some say that this
dance represents most Filipinos two main character traits: they're resilient
and fun-loving.

Activity 1-A
Direction: fill in the blanks with the correct words to complete the
F. Developing mastery 1.______________________is a type of dance that depicts culture, Answers:
tradition, and heritage to generation. 1.Folkdance
2.The______________________dance, imitates the movements of the 2.Tinikling
"Tikling" birds as they walk between grass stems or run tree branches. 3.
3.Two bamboo players sit opposite each other on the ground holding the 4.
ends of the _______________. 5.barong tagalog
4.This dance is a favorite of the Visayan Islands, especially in the province
of __________________.
5.Boys wear ________________and long red trousers with one leg rolled
G. finding practical
applications of concepts and
skills in daily living.
H. Making generalization and
abstractions about the lesson.

Direction: Identify the following fundamental positions by understanding

I. evaluating activities for
the given instructions.
application remediation.
______________1. One arm in a half circle in front, other arm raised
______________2. Heel of front foot close to the big toe of the rear foot.
______________3. Encircle both arms in front of chest with the finger tips
about an inch apart
______________4.A stride sideward of about a pace or 1 foot distance.
______________5. Both arms raised sideward with a graceful curve.
J. additional activities for
application remediation.


A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why did
these works?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovations or localized

materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:


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