Q3 Lesson 75-LM

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The Reyes family will visit their cousin, who lives 3 hours
and 10 minutes away. They want to get there at 11:30 am.
What time should they leave ?

How will you solve the problem ?

Use these steps to solve for the problem ?
Steps Answer
1. What is asked in the problem ? The time the Reyes family leave
2. What are given ? 3:10 ( time started )
11: 30 am ( time ended
3. What operation will be used ? Subtraction
4. What is the number sentence ? 11:30 – 3:10 = N
5. How is the solution done 11:30 8:20
-3: 10 3:10

Check and Look Back

6. What will you do to check if your Add the difference to the subtrahend.
answer is correct ? 8:20
11:30 = 8:20
7. What is the number to the problem ? They need to leave at 8:20 am

Get Moving!

Solve the following problem.

1. Alex scored a touchdown at 7:48 pm. Steve intercepted a pass and scored a touchdown
11 minutes later. What time did Steve score the second touchdown ?
What is asked? _________________________________________________________
What are the given facts ? ________________________________________________
What operation is needed ? ________________________________________________
What is the number sentence ? _____________________________________________
How is the solution done ? _________________________________________________
What is the answer ? _____________________________________________________

2. Clara had an appointment at Dr. Calayan’s office yesterday at 11:30 am . the doctor
called her into his office right on time. She was out of there 25 minutes later. What time
did Clara leave the doctor’s office ?
What is asked? _________________________________________________________
What are the given facts ? ________________________________________________
What operation is needed ? ________________________________________________
What is the number sentence ? _____________________________________________
How is the solution done ? _________________________________________________
What is the answer ? _____________________________________________________

3. Jessie and Melchor are going to watch in the big city parade on Monday. They have to
be at the parade an hour before it starts. The parade kicks off at 11:am. If it takes 25
minutes to walk to the starting point of the parade, what time will Jessie and Melchor
have to leave home in order to be there right on time ?
What is asked? _________________________________________________________
What are the given facts ? ________________________________________________
What operation is needed ? ________________________________________________
What is the number sentence ? _____________________________________________
How is the solution done ? _________________________________________________
What is the answer ? _____________________________________________________

4. Nichole stopped at Shaira’s Soup and Salad for lunch. She stayed there until she had to
leave to met her cousin, Emanuel, at the library. They were meeting at 1:30 pm. The
school library is a 20 minute walk from Shaira. What time did Nichole have to leave the
restaurant in order to get to the library right on time ?
What is asked? _________________________________________________________
What are the given facts ? ________________________________________________
What operation is needed ? ________________________________________________
What is the number sentence ? _____________________________________________
How is the solution done ? _________________________________________________
What is the answer ? _____________________________________________________

5. Mario has a busy day planned today. He will meet his friend Alexander , at the archade.
That is a 15 minute walk from home. They will stay at the arcade for an hour. Then they
will take a 10 minute walk over to the park. The first thing they will do there is to grab a
hot dog from Ephrame’s Dogs hot dog truck. If Mario left home at 10:00 am, what time
did he and Alexander get in line for a hot dog ?
What is asked? _________________________________________________________
What are the given facts ? ________________________________________________
What operation is needed ? ________________________________________________
What is the number sentence ? _____________________________________________
How is the solution done ? _________________________________________________
What is the answer ? _____________________________________________________
Keep Moving!

A. Read the problem. Then write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Greg wakes up at 5:20 a.m. so that he will have time to prepare himself for
school. At 6:00 a.m. he is ready to go to school. How long does it take him to
prepare for school ?
What is asked in the problem?
a. The time Greg wakes up
b. The time he is ready to go to school
c. The length of time it takes Greg to prepare
d. The activity he does every morning
What operation will be needed to solve the problem ?
a. Addition
b. Subtraction
c. Multiplication
d. Division
What is the number sentence ?
a. 5:20 – 6:00 = N
b. 6:00 x 5:20 = N
c. 6:00 + 5:20 = N
d. 6:00 - 5:20 = N
What is the answer to the problem ?
a. It takes 40 mins. for Greg to prepare
b. It takes 20 mins. for Greg to prepare
c. John wakes up at 5:30
d. John prepares for school from 5:20 to 6:00

Apply your Skills!

1. Jethro went to the cinema to watch a film at quarter past 3. The film lasted for an hour,
what time did he leave ?

2. Cristy started walking to school at half past 9. She arrived at school 15 minutes later,
What time did Cristy get to school ?

3. You are watching a program at 5:05p.m. It finished 30 minutes later. What time does it
finish ?

4. A cake takes an hour to bake. It needs to be ready by 7:00 p.m. What time does it need
to go in the oven ?

5. I start playing on the xbox at 6:00 a.m. I play for two and half hours. What time do I finish
playing ?

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