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Seguindo o modelo apresentado no final deste arquivo, nos textos 01 a 02 responda:

1. Qual a tradução dos MODAIS e que ideia transmitem?

2. A que ou a quem os PRONOMES se referem?
3. Qual a tradução dos CONECTIVOS e que ideia transmitem?
4. Copie as frases que estão na VOZ PASSIVA e traduza-as.
5. Copie as frases que estão no PRESENTE PERFEITO e traduza-as.
6. Qual a tradução ou que classe de palavras (substantivos, adjetivos ou verbos) os PREFIXOS E SUFIXOS
7. Copie os VERBOS IRREGULARES e escreva seu passado simples, passado particípio e tradução.


The Brazil nut tree is one of the Amazon's longest living trees. It may live for about 1,000 years. Its flowers
depend on bees for pollination. Once pollinated, a shell containing about 20 tiny seeds develops for over 15
months until it reaches the size of a coconut and falls to the forest floor. The trees are found exclusively in the
Amazon forest. For that reason, harvesting is exhausting, even for the strong. Apart from bees and the Brazil
nut harvesters, the life of many other plants and animals depend on this tree. The empty shells fill with
rainwater and provide breeding grounds for flies, frogs and other animals. The major threat to the trees is
forest clearing. Sustainable harvesting of Brazil nuts is therefore a vital way to provide protection to forests
and save the Amazon. Source:


Blue jeans are casual pants noted for their strength and comfort. Blue jeans in the form we know today didn't
come about until the middle of the nineteenth century. Levi Strauss, an enterprising immigrant who happened
to have a few bolts of blue denim cloth on hand, recognized a need for strong work pants in the mining
communities of California. He first designed and marketed "Levi's" in 1850 and there have been only minor
alterations to the original design since then. Blue jeans started becoming popular among young people in the
1950s. In the year 1957, 150 million pairs were sold worldwide. This growing trend continued until 1981.
Although blue jeans have remained basically the same since they were first designed, ni



Scratchy throats, stuffy noses and body aches all spell misery, but being able to tell if the cause is a cold or flu
may make a difference in how long the flu lasts. That's because the prescription drugs available for the flu
need to be taken soon after the illness sets in although the symptoms can be eased with over-the-counter
medications. As for colds, the sooner a person starts taking over-the-counter remedy, the sooner relief will
come. Cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose and scratchy throat typically develop gradually, and
adults and teens often do not get a fever. On the other hand, fever is one of the characteristic features of the flu
for all ages. And in general, flu symptoms including fever and chills, sore throat and body aches come on
suddenly and are more severe than cold symptoms. (

1. Qual a tradução dos MODAIS e que ideia transmitem?

2. A que ou a quem os PRONOMES se referem?
3. Qual a tradução dos CONECTIVOS e que ideia transmitem?
4. Copie as frases que estão na VOZ PASSIVA e traduza-as.
5. Copie as frases que estão no PRESENTE PERFEITO e traduza-as.
6. Qual a tradução ou que classe de palavras (substantivos, adjetivos ou verbos) os PREFIXOS E SUFIXOS
7. Copie os VERBOS IRREGULARES e escreva seu passado simples, passado particípio e tradução.


... a cold or flu may make a difference ... (expressa uma possibilidade)

... the symptoms can be eased with over-the-counter medications... (expressa probabilidade)

... the sooner relief will come. (futuro)

2. PRONOMES - Não há exemplos no texto.


Adição: And (e) Condição: If (se)

Maneira: How (como) Causa: Because (porque)

Tempo: After (depois) As for: Relação (quanto a)

Comparação: Than (que) Exclusão/ alternância: Or (ou)

Contraste: Although (embora), but (mas), on the other hand (por outro lado)


That's because the prescription drugs available for the flu need to be taken soon after the illness sets in
although the symptoms can be eased with over-the-counter medications.

Isso porque os medicamentos prescritos disponíveis para a gripe precisam ser tomados logo após o início da
doença, embora os sintomas possam ser aliviados com medicamentos de venda livre.

5. PRESENT PERFECT - Não há exemplos no texto.


 Prescription – prescrição (-ion forma substantivos de verbos, significando o processo ou o resultado

 Available – acessível (-able é acrescido a verbos ou substantivos para formar adjetivos, significando
“o que pode ser”)
 Illness (ill significa doente + - ness forma substantivo abstrato de adjetivo) = doença
 Typically - tipicamente (–ly geralmente são acrescidos a substantivos para formar adjetivos,
significando “que tem a qualidade de” ou “a aparência de)
 Gradually – gradualmente
 Scratchy stuffy , runny (_y forma adjetivo)
 Sooner (-er = mais) mais cedo


 Being able to tell if the cause is a cold or flu may make a difference… (Forma substantivo, o sujeito
da frase: “ser capaz de saber a causa... pode fazer a diferença”)
 The sooner a person starts taking over-the-counter remedy, the sooner relief will come… (o verbo
TAKE exige o _ING)
 Flu symptoms including fever and chills… (incluindo)


Infinitivo Passado simples Particípio Tradução

(Simple Past) (Past Participle)
To tell told told contar
To make made made fazer, fabricar
To be was/were been ser, estar
To get got Got / gotten obter
To come came come vir

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